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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5030108 No.5030108 [Reply] [Original]

Github has been updated
Looks like the contracts have been deployed to Rinkeby - some tests for the main contract: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0xb1e8dc9fe1244c881ac23732f871e0c89f3eb1d5


>> No.5030191

I dont understand anything on that link, can you tell us (me) a bit.

>> No.5030653


> he only thought it was a payment gateway
> he didn't realise it's the financial PLATFORM of the fucking future where developer network effects will bring in devs from across the world to develop everything finance on it with an apple-like UI/UX

>> No.5030874

I got over 300 REqests

>> No.5031122
File: 111 KB, 1280x670, 96e75c62a88e22fbd395df4922d0b97f069818846c1c62c2eac238117e512810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having 1000+ REQ gets you into the official REQ club

Having 5000+ REQ gets you gold REQ membership, here you are awarded priviliges. Get assigned a big tiddied seamondeamon gf that will scream "fuck my in my little nocoiner ass daddy!"

Having 10.000+ REQ gets you platinum REQ membership, comes with greater privilieges such as your own technospire to live in in the future cryptofuture. From which you can smugly look down on the buttmad buttcoiner merchant class and the forsaken nocoiner underclass.

>> No.5031230

No I mean those links in particular. They just have gibberish

>> No.5031270
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>5000 REQ's get you in
>20k gets you a premium membership
>100k you're the REQ leader of your area
>500k You're a big guy

>> No.5031389

For you

>> No.5031464

Poor Canadianhere , thank you req marines I'm up 700 USD already !

>> No.5031535
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>> No.5031800

0 -> 2k : Novice
2k -> 5k : Apprentice
5k -> 10k : Captain
10k -> 20k : Instructor
20k ->50k : Officer
50k -> 100k : Colonel
100k -> 200k : Marshal
200k + -> : Emperor

Who are you ?

>> No.5031828


I was an emperor with 310k but I sold my stack yesterday at 17 cents like a retard to ride the eth gains. I made some gains alright but REQ is up 50% and now my stack is down by like 10% Fuck this

>> No.5031871


im 300k+ holding since 6 cents because im not a brainlet

what do I win?

>> No.5031896


Serves you right, you fucking pump chasing pajeet.

>> No.5032081

started off as an instructor and have since accumulated enough to become an officer from selling the peaks and buying back in

>> No.5032147

I want to be a Captain but Daddy CoinBase won't accept my damn ID so I can only spend $100 right now on REQ

>> No.5032940

I'm a captain. Bought in at 7c. I like free money.

>> No.5033103

Marshal since day one.

>> No.5033164
File: 54 KB, 400x526, 1513006558100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

199.991 IAmA

>> No.5033183
File: 362 KB, 808x805, 1512930042859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no, not yet my fucking bank transfer hasn't cleared yet FUCK

>> No.5033294

lmao what are you doing???

>> No.5033395

Gotta start somewhere bruh
But you're right, this waiting shit is the problem with fiat

>> No.5034646