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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50307792 No.50307792 [Reply] [Original]

Why are alts holding up so well ?
We haven't had another leg down for a month and a half now... do people really still have this much faith in their shitcoins ?
>Bank runs from Three Arrows Kikepital, Celsius, Bancor, etc more to cum
>monthly interest hikes to (((combat))) inflation
>btc only fell -75% when historically we've fallen between 80% - 90%
>kikeole saylor yet to be liquidated
>normies are still slurping and not even close to despair
political happenings:
>abe assassinated
>sri lanka riots
>chinks froze bank accounts, grand scale chink-outs
>kikes probably gonna attempt something similar to NA
how do you cunts not realize we aren't anywhere close to the bottom

>> No.50307814

Today is your last chance to buy back in.

>> No.50307865
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eleven thousand united states dollarinos / btc and not a penny more.

>> No.50308353
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you dumb fuckin retard
btc is going to a million as soon as thr globohomo crashes all of fiat and tries implementing ubi / cbdcs

>> No.50308481


Are the bigger alts that will never recover


Will reach new ATHs and survive the bear. 99% of smaller shitcoin alts will not make it

>> No.50308577

You have to take MATIC and FTM off that list, both will recover and will do very well in the next bull run.

Also add AXL to list of those that will survive the bear market and reach new ath

>> No.50308632
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can you pajeets shut the fuck up and go to another thread to shid up dirty bloody bastard panjot bitch

>> No.50308673

Well, you see, there's only so much they can go down.

>> No.50308688

>Why are alts holding up so well ?
Paralytic Fear.
That is all.

>> No.50308799
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>it's down 90% so it can only go down 10% from here haha xdxd

>> No.50308819

Complete scam. Makes the VC shit on your list look like a respectable investment.
The only ones making money off link is Sir Gay dumping millions of tokens on baggies every week
Worst project in the space. Centralised, no developers, no quicker than ETH on smart contracts, abysmal tokenomics, founders dumping millions of tokens every month on baggies just like link, same for VCs (who were bribed not to dump but have resumed doing so). Lost to sol in regards to being the glolbohomo chain which cbdcs will be ran on.
The only worthwhile project in your "will reach new ATH list
Just like Hbar lost to SOL in the race to be the golobohomo chain. Just like HBAR still has dogshit tokenomics. Foundation dumping billions of tokens on baggies to enrich themselves and their team while having next to no adoption. Even fucking NEAR has more devs, apps and users after only being out for a year.

>> No.50309004

Because defi protocols are the only ones who had their loans paid back after the dust had all settled. Aave, maker, alchemix, compound, synthetix, curve pools, etc although got absolutely fucking hammered in price, are all still standing, still solvent, still fucking breathing unlike the cefi entities that were using their protocols like drunken sailors with other people's money.

>They all got paid back or still have the collateral
>No legal ruling can change this or force them to give anything back to pay other people first
>This shows immense strength

It's really that simple, this event really did expose who was swimming naked, and overcollateralized lenders are reigning supreme. We're on the cusp of an epic alt rally, but I'm pretty sure the only ones who will make it are those who are capable of generating revenue

>> No.50309048
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The one good thing about the bear market is that it helps filter useless projects off the space and take them on extinction completely.
So unless they're building through the bear market, there's no way they're surviving especially for smaller projects.

>> No.50309398

You seem to know so much anon.
Thoughts on XTZ?

>> No.50309426

Kek you mean last chance to sell high

>> No.50309475
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a nice summary on why the abnormal sell pressure is easing up
shouldnt have sold the bottom
why do bears always have to get their opinion confirmed by other retards?

>> No.50309483

These ones are actually building which is why I believe it'll get through strong.
They rolled out plans to build a metaverse ecosystem with GameFi and web3 at the center of it.

>> No.50309635

>web3 at the center of it.

i am anticipating for the web 3 tech to be very honest

>> No.50309661


>> No.50309760

He’s a SOL baggie don’t listen to him. Tezos is also shit

>> No.50309813

Web3 is the future, don't let no mofos tell you otherwise.
The opportunities it offers will be life changing for many.

>> No.50309876

Can you give us some recommendations anon?

>> No.50310035
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>> No.50310054

You just can’t keep a good Doge down.

>> No.50310157

this is why you will never make it you retarded incel

>> No.50310826

I can tell, I know for sure lots of web 2 users will be ready to migrate to the new web where there are existing protocols that will make the migration happen seamlessly

>> No.50312215
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why are you interested in his opinion, he clearly has down syndrome. fudding link sir gay hasn't dumped for months, fudding qnt when we have yet to see guaranteed adoption. ofc he gargles the cosmos chinks cawk, tendermint consensus isn't revolutionary and was created with the help of Emin Gun Sirer (building a superior protocol)
incel isn't an insult and it's only used by women and trannies, please be more creative in my thread

>> No.50314000

really, what protocol is that?

>> No.50314351 [DELETED] 

it is the Ore Network, apart from the its involvement in migrating web 2 users, it also gives access to multi-chains and multi-sig for businesses

>> No.50314400

it is the Ore Network, apart from the its involvement in migrating web 2 users, it also gives access to multi-chains and multi-sig for businesses

>> No.50314513

Might be decent, i saw that decentralize 4chan on it.

>> No.50314549

I agree with you but I recently changed my bias towards ICP, might be worth buying later since people can actually build stuff on it. It sucks but it works which is much better than 99% of the shit. Also this is financial advice.

>> No.50314863

do people still buy into icp?

>> No.50315380
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yea, the mentally ill retards who get fooled by dominic and his vc clowns
they have no product and the use the guise of "web3 infrastructure" jargon that they're just decades ahead of a product that is le essential. It's not, it's centralized garbage, they oversee every single node operator and you even need permission, it is worse than ADA and that's saying a lot.
Every fucking thread is still plagued with pajeets, you'd think bear market would make them lose confidence but i guess it doesn't take too many rupees to feed villaj

>> No.50315609
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Three Arrows
It’s a good thing that everyone in crypto got rich enough to buy their own islands because they’ll need places to flee to:

>The founders of bankrupt crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital haven’t been cooperating in the firm’s liquidation process and their whereabouts were unknown as of Friday, according to court papers.

>Representatives tapped to liquidate Three Arrows by a British Virgin Islands judge had “not yet received any meaningful cooperation” from Kyle Davies and Zhu Su, lawyers said in US bankruptcy court filings. Advisory firm Teneo is attempting to round up and preserve the assets of the hedge fund. …

>The liquidators spoke with lawyers for Davies and Zhu via videoconference last week, according to court papers, but did not speak to the founders directly.

>“While persons identifying themselves as “Su Zhu” and “Kyle” were present on the Zoom call, their video was turned off and they were on mute at all times with neither of them speaking despite questions being posed to them directly,” Teneo’s Crumpler said in his court declaration.

Zhu responded by tweeting about this from an undisclosed location and, incredibly, telling the liquidators that to preserve value at Three Arrows they need to make sure to buy another crypto token called StarkWare. Just absolutely legendary behavior. It’s all a misunderstanding, see, everything will be fixed if you put some more money into this crypto token, trust me, have I ever steered you wrong before?


>> No.50315837

>you'd think bear market would make them lose confidence
Panic is the butter on their toast Anon. Desperation is the sweet jam.