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File: 13 KB, 607x244, life on ez mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50309341 No.50309341 [Reply] [Original]

would you rather date a jobless 10/10 or a working women thats 6/10?

>> No.50309383

I would take a jobless 6/10 over a working 10/10

>> No.50309397

> working women thats 6/10
this woman thinks she's a 10/10

>> No.50309400

anon there is no downside to a jobless woman.

>> No.50309415
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>> No.50309449

pro-electricity users:
>i want a partner who buys me every consumer product I want. uber eats? I got it. cooked food? I got it. bills? I got it. MAKE IT EASIER FOR ME SIMP.
>i sure hope he is happy I have no experience in bed

>> No.50309493
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This i make plenty of money and I want her devoted to me and my family

>> No.50309502

I'll take the girl that doesn't know who batman is

>> No.50309522

Only a faggot wouldn’t want a 10/10 gf

>> No.50309531

i want one like this that isn't a single mother, impossible here

>> No.50309551


>> No.50309587

10/10 definitely. I dont work so why should she? Give me the hottie

>> No.50309588

true a working 10/10 is working onlyfans

>> No.50309591

Fucking idiots. A jobless woman in 2022 doesn't mean she will be a stay at home mother that keeps the home clean, cools food and raises the kids.
It means a 20-something bitch with a 100+ body count that while you work will spend your money to go to expensive brunch with her friends, then go to yoga class where Emilio will pretty much dry hump her and then maybe even fuck s guy or two behind your back.
When you come back to your uncleaned home tired from work she will complain that you haven't bought her favorite takeout food and then make you order something from Uber eats where you pay 50 bucks for a 10 dollar meal.
>Inb4 but my waifu will be different!
Of course she will.

>> No.50309613

Part time working 8/10

>> No.50309680

wow a non incel post on here for once

>> No.50309719
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Imagine coping this hard over a hypothetical question

>> No.50309725

that's funny because it's only true for you

>> No.50309726

Kek that is a seething incel/mgtowcel post if I've ever seen one

>> No.50309730

all the jobless women my age are total losers, lol.

>> No.50309748

You dont really understand what an incel is, do you?

>> No.50309850

At first I agree. but when shit gets real. She can't get food. She can't pay for heat. She can't get a job. Women we quickly go into two directions
>get with a guy who can provide those things
I would say with the current stuck of women 75% will go with the 2nd option.

>> No.50309857

jobless 10/10 for a while, then settle with the working one.

>> No.50309941
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Based. This man know how it really do.

>> No.50309994
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>> No.50310153

jobless 10/10 aslong as she doesnt cheat

>> No.50310221

>Ass long

>> No.50310243

>husbant, yuo spend arr our muny on internet coin now we arr homerres

>> No.50310303

you don't know what coping means

>> No.50310340

husband pls eat my poosy i am so a cold

>> No.50310405

>h-husbando san, you spendo arru our money on shitto coinzu~, now we arr homeress

>> No.50310426
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>> No.50310463


>> No.50310465

Depends on how much the working woman makes, her career, education, personality, things like that. If the 10/10 is jobless but she plays piano, paints, reads and writes poetry, cooks, can take care of the house, she's loyal, personable, and is all around just this phenomenal human being, the job isn't necessary.

>> No.50310719

Define working. A 6/10 with a job at retail or a the arts beats a 10/10 white collar "career woman" who's been brainwashed to think you're beneath her and can always do better, even though she almost or over 30

>> No.50310842

Obviously, I'd only date a jobless woman.

I'm not going to go to work everyday just for my wife to go into the office and get pounded by Tyrone and Chad and suck Mr shekelsteins circumcised cock for a promotion.

You're truly a cuck if you'd let your woman go to a job full of men instead of paying for her to stay home.

>> No.50310884

This is the only truth

>> No.50310909

Neither, women cost money.

>> No.50310930

keep coping keep seething
You are surely going to meet your qt virgin wife that cooks and raises your children meanwhile you are obese fags that make less than 50k/year

>> No.50310946
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This you brain on being American.

>> No.50310961

I wouldn't date a modern woman.

>> No.50310966
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>You are surely going to meet your qt virgin
I fuck hookers and cooks the meth.
Buddy you need to stop making assumptions like a typical kike ameri mutt.

>> No.50310970
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6/10 who is smart and is working qny day over some worthless 10/10 who doesn’t do jack shit and just posts on indta /tiktok. Been there, done that.

>> No.50311025

nice larp bro

>> No.50311050

Modern love won’t get me to the church on time.
Been true since 1983.

>> No.50311088

>That pic
Me too, now get on only fans and do what the simp says

>> No.50311096

This is why you don't date the white ones bruh. Incel logic is truth when it comes to most of them

>> No.50311137
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I date jobless 6s because it's all I can afford

>> No.50311155

>Crystalizing ephedrine is a live action role play.
You're like a child at the adults table.
Google search uncle fester.

>> No.50311162

Of the 75% going option 2, they'll quickly hop onto option 1 once their body counts too high

>> No.50311185

if she's jobless, she's going to be fucking annoying. Constantly calling and wanting your attention. She might also resent the fact that you have a job and try to sabotage you in different ways.

I'll take the 6/10 with big tits. But Ideally 8/10 wageslave.

>> No.50311212

Common brands: Sudafed, SudoGest.
Imagine being a fucking retard and not knowing how to extract ephedrine from cactus and crystallizing the result.
There's also the shake and bake method MOOT got arrest for doing.

>> No.50311290
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Everyone who types this word is usually the most ugly mother fucker ever.
I'm sick of Americans and kikes and I hope there's more school shootings.

>> No.50311331

cocaine is hundreds times better + you can actually sleep after

>> No.50311336


>> No.50311361

so the same as woman with a job but without having money to spend on worthless trash?

>> No.50311467
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Here here

>> No.50311483

That's still a dude.

>> No.50311540

Jobless. I am the provider.

>> No.50311565

worse, she has tatoos

>> No.50311606

Based. Probably the only anon who had sex in here.

>> No.50311610

Imagine choosing a 6/10 (not ugly per se but unattractive) working woman (you will have to listen to her constant bitching about her job).

No thanks.

>> No.50311735

I went on a date with a 10/10 who was in the process of breaking up with a lawyer. I asked her what she did for a living and she said she was a "stay at home girlfriend". She later cried about the relationship and said she was going to a jewelry store to cheer herself up

>> No.50311771

Working 6/10 all day. These fags think it's the 1950s where she'll be waiting at the door to give you a kiss and doing nothing but gaining weight.
I want a woman with actual interests and dreams, one whom we can help make each other better people and achieve our dreams.

>> No.50311818

Dating s homeless 6/10 is where it’s at, she’ll be happy just to get a hot meal

>> No.50311859

I would date a jobless 10/10 and then make her get a job

>> No.50312001
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No refunds.

>> No.50312013

Kill the woman and cannibalize her to make sure there is no evidence.
it's the only way to be sure

also, look at the fat on that bitch
probably gonna cook well

>> No.50312037

I'd rather marry a girl still in highschool.

>> No.50312074

uhh based department?

>> No.50312083

Slobs can never cook

>> No.50312086

jajajaja me gusto

>> No.50312091

his wife is the ghost loli on the back
the fat sheboon is a CIA agent

>> No.50312095

sounds like a (you) problem

>> No.50312108

Most couples the wife eases back from work or doesnt work in her childrens first few years. With 3 kids and pregnancy leave that could be a LONG time your wife is in the house cooking and cleaning. Probably 25 to 35 or 30 to 40.

Do you really want a 40 year old woman around all the time once she is no longer looking that great?

>> No.50312151

So many fucking losers ITT lol. You do realize that rating women on a scale of attractiveness is dysgenic as fuck, right? If you want faggot ass pansy sons then go for le 10/10s. Even the tall bitches won't yield strong sons, you'll just have tall tranny sons who see their mom as a goddess.

If you want strong sons, you want a big hulk of a bitch, ugly as shit but built like a mac truck. Nothing makes my dick harder than thinking about busting fat loads into a giant ugly shebeast as she heaves and moans. You knock up a bitch like that and you'll have a son who could play linebacker for the fucking Cowboys, nigga. Seriously. But yeah if you want tranny sons or whore daughters then go fuck le 10/10s xD faggots

>> No.50312262

Women that have the willpower to not just eat and eat until they are fat and ugly produce sons that can set their minds to accomplishing goals.

>> No.50312353

all this cope for justifying to yourself that the best you can do is scoop up shrek and nut into some bottom barrel grug genetics

>> No.50312426

Wrong. You're dumb and you're wrong. Skinny, so-called "fit" women are actually unhealthy as fuck. Most of them are infertile too.

On top of that, you're misrepresenting my stance. I didn't even say fuck fat or obese bitches. I said BIG bitches. A big frame with a bit of a gut is perfect. You want a naturally big bitch with an appetite who doesn't care about vanity like most of the pathetic whores you see these days.

If you want insecure faggy sons, go knock up a woman who stares in the mirror and cries about a couple pounds. Faggot.

I wish I could Tbh. I'd happily fuck a 6ft colossus of a woman with a square jaw and wide shoulders. But they're hard to find.

You must be a real pathetic piece of shit if you think wifing up "le beautiful" women is a good idea lol. That's called a depreciating asset who's gonna steal half your wealth when she has a mid-life crisis. Just hire an escort for a few hours if you care about that shit so much, coomer retard. You like to show off your lamborghini because you think like a woman trying to flaunt your wealth. but nobody tells you about the maintenance costs. fucking loser lol

>> No.50312513

Based and breeder pilled.

>> No.50312662

Women shouldn't work outside the home. So jobless anything.

>> No.50312751
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True, Schwarzenegger's beaner kid he had with that goblin of a maid vs his kids with the Kennedy lady is proof enough.

>> No.50312839

He genuinely looks happier with the beaner kid than his fake ass real family.

>> No.50312964

It means what I want it to mean faggot

>> No.50313109

Of course, his Mexican kid is a chad. I hope Arnold wills him everything and leaves nothing for his weird, dysgenic children.

>> No.50313490
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>who makes my life easier
>I want someone to do everything for me, to stop getting on my ass about basic shit I should already know, and to stop snooping through my messages.

>> No.50313718

He fell for the thicc meme....

Don't marry a woman that isn't borderline anorexic and into fitness. They will put on a lot of weight after they settle down generally.

>> No.50313823

My GF is jobless. Shit can be annoying OP.

She literally gets outta bed 2pm every day whilst I'm working my 9-5. We don't live together so week days we probably speak at odd hours for what I'd like. She takes a bath most nights for like 1-2 hours at like 10pm and then wants to chat when I'm ready to sleep for work. Also I end up paying for more than she does by quite a bit.

But she's hot as fuck so I let it slide. For now.

>> No.50313850

this isn't even a question, I don't date working women at all

>> No.50313872

holy shit based

>> No.50313891

doesn't matter, a jobless women will still have less chances to cheat

>> No.50313918

the gals to used themselves up and try pivoting being a wife are only getting basedboy husbands. That is what is going to be left for them.

>> No.50313928
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>> No.50313987
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bros i unironically met a qt church going virgin girl that would make a great housewife, but she says she was molested as a child and is afraid of physical touch. i would have never guessed if she didnt tell me, red flag or did i hit the jackpot?

>> No.50314037

>dating white womyn

>> No.50314109
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t. the Architect

>> No.50314127

You are literally a faggot

>> No.50314650

Find out if it's true. If yes, then take it super slowly and you've hit it big. If it's not true then run

>> No.50314865

Or you keep negging them until they get off there ass and workout.

>> No.50314903

Why fuck would you even bother? If she’s not even attractive 8/10, why even slave away for hole in your wallet?

>> No.50314943

You can see the ghosts of all of her abortions in the back.

>> No.50314950


>> No.50314956

Imagine taking in a parasite that is treading the line of being unattractive.

>> No.50314980

the secret here is to be jobless as well, that way you can not-wagecuck together all day long :)

>> No.50314981

>incel fingers created this post

>> No.50314991

Jesus Christ bro, we get it you like fat chicks, doesn’t make you superior or nothing.

>> No.50315032

I’m gonna be real boss man, I don’t give a fuck about any of that. If I can’t look her in the face without cringing than I’m not gonna bother with her.

>> No.50315045

You retard, this why don’t date church women, too much baggage for low pay back.

>> No.50315067
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>> No.50315123

>I want a woman with actual interests and dreams
And she needs to wageslave for a meaningless job to have actual interests and dreams?

>> No.50315138

no. dont try to change people, they will never do it consistently. it must come from within, hence, why choosing a skinny chick from the start is important

>> No.50315166

For sure, the whole architect meme is meant weed out dumbasses out of the dating pool.

>> No.50315172

What does she do late into the night?

>> No.50315173

Lol so true. Thick is great fun but DECADES are a long fucking time and it's easy to get fat, you need to start them with a handicap otherwise they get obese fast....... I see pictures of my girlfriend's mother as a young girl and she was hot as fuck, now she's a gout ridden pig I'm fucking terrified.

>> No.50315467

Family must learn

>> No.50315664

A loyal and modest one

>> No.50316988

What part of
>I didn't even say fuck fat or obese bitches
don't you understand, chief? Learn to read you fucking retard.

You can't even look in the mirror without cringing lol. Work on that before you try approaching a female, chief. Nobody wants you to traumadump your neuroses all over them you freak.

>> No.50317073


Hes happy one of his kids is following in his footsteps

>> No.50317119

Imagine taking in Stacy who's fucking her boss.

>> No.50317174

>church girl
born again roasties or weirdo cultesque members
>e girl
full of neuroses and BPD, narcissism
>just go to le bar
alcoholics and one night standers

where did all the good women go?

>> No.50317191


>> No.50317371

The working gf will not be using a single cent to make your life easier and will gladly tell you that it's *her* money, so the outcome is redundant.

>> No.50317455

I kneel

>> No.50317525
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I would rather have a homeless 6/10 tomboy gf

>> No.50317540

>wanting it to be easy

>> No.50317564
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>would you rather date a jobless 10/10 or a working women thats 6/10?
A jobless 10/10. I couldn't respect her but I would came so hard that my prostate would hurt.

>> No.50317579

My wife makes 200k a year. I'll stick with it!

>> No.50317622


A living breathing sexdoll

>> No.50317835

Jobless 10/10 teen. Anything above 20 is too old and you are to late.

>> No.50317964

>dont try to change people
This is the best advise itt. If you try to make them change they will take it as a challenge to do their bidding to prove they are free, more intelligent than you and all that bullshit like a child just to make you angry. Leave the whore out

>> No.50318013

you have to set the example yourself first, then you'll have the upper hand

if you're a fat slob as a man you will never command respect from a woman and she'll laugh in your face if you ask her to lose weight

be the example

>> No.50319068

I'm a 3/10 bald manlet so wifeing a 6 would be like winning the lottery for me. But then again we all know that marriage in this society is a rigged game where you will likely lose more than half your shit and have to be 'weekend dad' to your kids.

>> No.50320184


>> No.50320193

wait i missread that

>> No.50320339

you're not supposed to respect women anyways

>> No.50320537

>t. beta who lives with a "life partner"
most of the shit you mentioned has nothing to do with whether she has a job. you're coping because you live with a "strong independent woman" who acts like a man

>> No.50320616
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My wife needs to be jobless, and a stay at home wife baking me tasty treats for when I get home from work.

>> No.50321052
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Ill stay with my GF. She's perfect, smart and witty enough to keep up with any discussion and talk we could have, clever but not too much that it makes her a bitch and all around a really bright person to be around. She's strong willed, but knows im the man and actually respects that she gets to be feminine while also having an opinion, even if we always end up doing what i say. She invests like me (we actually bought changpump together), makes half as much but i've found the joy of teaching someone your own profession and watching them grow to make money, it also benefits me since we're planning to make a family.
Real talk tho, i've dated stupid women, brainless idiots and jobless 20yo girls that acted like kids, i couldn't bear with it, it was the most unpleasant, uninteresting shit ever, the conversations were dull and bland, and only the sex made it bearable. I've come to the conclusion that men that want stupid women have a thing for inferior humans because they are just as pathetic and need to date stupid and weak women just to feel more like a man themselves. When did the left ruin your perception of what a woman was so much that you think that strong/smart means less femininity or womanhood?

>> No.50321067

holy mother of based

>> No.50321082
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>When did the left ruin your perception of what a woman was so much that you think that strong/smart means less femininity or womanhood?
i like them smart, makes dominating them in bed feel more rewarding

>> No.50321108

>When did the left ruin your perception of what a woman was so much that you think that strong/smart means less femininity or womanhood?
well, its not their fault that nowadays a girl in a skirt is seen as a "weak willed slave to the patriarch that conforms to gender norms", somehow all girls dont want to be girls anymore and feel like the smartest they are, the less feminine they should act like, as if those were polar opposites

>> No.50321318

An attractive girl is a penis magnet, unless you knock her up immediately and make her bear 3 children right after each other, men will be flocking to her and you cannot trust an attractive woman in this age to not cheat.

>> No.50321337

nobody gives a shit about your career, roastie

>> No.50321743

Working every time. DINK for a few years building capital for a house/business then marry and start a family once stable and comfortable. If you do it right you should have enough left over to hire a few house niggers to keep the place and watch after the little shits.

>> No.50321776

>alcoholics and one night standers
go to a better bar

>> No.50321805

watches youtube/netflix, reads.

>> No.50321814

where can i find these social outcasts?

>> No.50321818


>> No.50321825

Time machine back to when I was 16 and the girls acted like they never saw a penis before.

>> No.50322133

A lot of projection is going on in this thread.
People say women can't be trusted, because they are untrustworthy themselves. They simply cannot comprehend why a woman wouldn't cheat if given the opportunity, as they would behave the same way in her position
Thus, they are unable to form a trust-based relationship with another human being. They only feel at ease when they can completely dominate and control the other person

>> No.50322446

I can tell you from 6 years of trying,it doesn't work.

>> No.50323311

holy shit you're right I caught 2, how many do you see?

>> No.50323335

Working 7 yes. 6? Hmm, maybe

>> No.50323340
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All I want is a wife that is loyal. Nothing more.

>> No.50323364



>> No.50323598

I'd rather date a 6/10 who's dedicated to the relationship to the point of not being dependent from me financially, rather than some stupid c*nt who stays at home, sucks my account dry, watches TV and bitches all the time.
Also, this >>50309591

>> No.50323618

Not based. Dilate, faggot

>> No.50323683

imagine the smell

>> No.50323703

Having a decent job adds to your score, you can't be a neet 10/10. Unless you're talking purely looks. If you date someone purely on looks then you'll grow to hate them and they'll become ugly to you eventually.

>> No.50324006

Wdym if she's a whore she'll be a whore at work too

>> No.50324026

Wrong. Work desensitizes people and changes then for the worst. It kills sex drive due to the stress that takes its tole. You fell for the propaganda. A wifey that stays at home and takes care of kids is superior than some career oriented person.

>> No.50324168
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I fucking died from this

>> No.50324178

No man gives a shit about what a woman does for work or even if she does work. Anyone who says otherwise is a bug man or a liar.

>> No.50325610

Beauty will pass, as certain as the river flows. Having someone at your side for the rest of your life is another thing.

>> No.50325775
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Virginity is 100% the most important thing when choosing a woman. Church attendance is the second most important. Well done my friend.

>> No.50326106
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>wife doesn't work
>she gets all the groceries during the day so I don't have to deal with normgroids at rush hour
>she deals with the home so I can focus on my job
>single income filing married makes my gains tax free
>save tons of money on daycare and my kids bond to their parents instead of strangers

>> No.50326186

Mhmm depends on your needs. Gotta accept that there will not be fuki fuki all the time, but as an anon you are actually in truth probably also rather afraid of physical contact and so it’s all good. Important thing so to find ANY way of being with each other that is comfortable to both of you. Don’t let the movies and porn get to you; if you touch only 1% of the time people in romantic movies do, but THEN do enjoy it: You have found your way. And there is no need to ramp it up to 2%. (Though it may happen by itself!) Get what I’m saying? Being molested as a child is inherently tied to feeling a shitton of pressure (as a child you are not allowed to resist) -- eliminating this feeling of pressure is the most important thing. It’s not about the outcome, but about: Whatever the outcome is (1% touch or total normality or buttrape roleplay), it must not come from pressure.

( I mean, if you are really sweet with her, she (and you) might pressure herself into being super intimate and all, but that will in the long run only worsen her condition; endured pressure always tears one apart sooner or later. And then she just hates your guts forever. )

>> No.50326655


>> No.50326667
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anything below an 8 is a useless waste of space
literally no reason for them to exist at all

>> No.50326919

God bless.

>> No.50327009

I have a tradewife. She cooks, cleans, takes care of the kids and takes care of her vegetable garden. You just go after dumb thots. That's a you problem.

>> No.50327311

based and true

>> No.50327347

cope harder

>> No.50327415

They hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.50327443

The point of this tweet is correct. Partners should make life feel easier for each other, unless one gets sick or something and the other has to pick up the slack.


>> No.50327637

i have a stay at home wife who has only ever been with me and cooks and cleans for me. shes 23 and wants my babies. you sound like some highschooler faggot who spends all their time on the internet reading incel shit

>> No.50327802

The one I love

>> No.50327992

a gf's physique is one of the most important aspect in male happiness in a relationship

>> No.50328469

or just marry asian

>> No.50329220
File: 46 KB, 679x452, images - 2022-07-14T012426.072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50329224

envision the odor

>> No.50329302

this would be based if you actually made the leap to pay 0 tax you can do it anon

>> No.50329930

holy shid that wojak lmfao

>> No.50330043

Women are followers. They put in exactly as much effort as it takes to be accepted, nothing more.
This dude didn't take a pic of himself.
I would bet my entire portfolio that he is a fat slob that is too lazy and hedonistic to ever be a desirable mate, constantly spewing out weak beta male fat slob energy that this person has internalized

>> No.50330135

this is one of the shittiest memes I have seen and I have seen a lot of shitty memes over the past

>> No.50330261

Why is a kid this big still in those baby chair? This lazy ass fuck should be walking already

>> No.50330593

Always forget im talking finance with literal incels till these threads pop up

>> No.50330610

This. If you want a classic family you're in the wrong century. Not saying it wouldn't be better, but if a today a woman is jobless there'll be a reason... and probably not a good one

>> No.50330647

>reach 39
>all women are either unfuckable or hot with 1 or more kids

>unfuckable ones are femcels
>hot with kids wouldn't touch you before but now they need a man with a job so they'll pretend to love you so you feed her and her kids

Good thing i don't mind being single and dying alone.

>> No.50330707
File: 3.98 MB, 6000x6735, 1650279307911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stick with 20 year olds
t. 40 yo anon

>> No.50332471

dating is degenerate but the only job women should have is cooking and cleaning
and gynecology

>> No.50332518

not him but is it possible to land an eary-20s gf your age? i'm 27, been in only one (failed) relationship in my life and don't know jack shit about dating and its not looking too good for me

>> No.50332612


>> No.50332739

Jobless 10/10

If there’s a chance of me reproducing with her and combining her 10/10 beauty and health genes with mine then I have to take it

I don’t care if I live destitute like a beggar as long as I can have 3+ children with her.

Even if I only managed to knock her up once before she leaves me, it would still be worth it since I could have other children with some other woman.

Even if it was very very likely that she’d break up with me after a few months or abort any child I impregnated her with unless I became very high status and successful, I’d still go for it.

There’s nothing more important than having as many kids as you can with the most beautiful woman possible.
Second most important thing is her being a good mother and wife. Even then if she has lots of your children and not someone else’s, as long as she doesn’t kill your kids it’s still worthwhile to pick a 10/10 with a shit personality who cheats on you over a6 or 7 out of 10 who has everything else.

Choosing the most desirable genes is more important

>> No.50333048
File: 391 KB, 420x798, fat fat fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35+ && Want [children] "someday"
>looking for my Ryan Reynolds
>Ivy League Graduate degree
>Animals are better than people
>especially pitbulls
>"biz lady at my company"
>36 and ready to SETTLE
>Jewish-Buddhist Professor seeking Jew
>btw I have a KID

...and people wonder why the kids are turning gay these days.

>> No.50333124

as someone who lives close to other people (top 1% of this board) this is accurate

>> No.50333197
File: 359 KB, 761x1200, Pump_And_Dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Date. 10/10 "pump and pump and pump and pump and then dump"
Marry. 6/10 who makes money

>> No.50333879

desu most females in reality are jobless, they are just filling in "babysitting" positions that require no skill. Its same thing, so yes I agree, a 6/10 who is trad and looking to raise kids is far preferable to the 9 or 10 that just sees you as one of many chads to fuck.

In that respect, i am currently dating a jobless 6/10 for the first time, and i can say, its fucking great. interests, hobbies and values are fucking synced to the max. I'd like to think girls with less natural beauty make up for it in raw intelligence such as us anons on 4ch who were not necessarily alphas from the beginning but collectively we molded ourselves into the ultimate sigmas.

Not to mention makeup tutorials these days can turn even the ugliest bitch into a solid 7 or 8.

>> No.50333924

jobless 10/10 and make them work in the kitchen 24/7

>> No.50334121
File: 133 KB, 800x600, big_kat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my friends is like this. Incredibly rude and an arsehole to his fiancée, and every time he's not with her he's scared as shit that she's cheating on him, because he's fucked around a million times.

>> No.50334138

this is a dangerous fact

>> No.50334234

This story is unfortunately fairly common.

Give her time, take it slow. Once you finally secure her trust and love, it'll be worth- You'll get a co-dependent loyal church going girl who will NOT trust any other man to be with

>> No.50334296

jobless as long as she is willing to have my children and be a housewife.

Otherwise stay single and fuck hookers.

>> No.50334628

there was this one gigaslut she was very whore she was leeching off everyone her fuckboys, her "friends" her acquaintances, now all of a sudden the parasitic leech has found a man who is very well off has a house and land and now she pretends to be a saint fuck i hate femoids like her so much

>> No.50334821

>roastie seethes over the truth
she's a former whore stupid normalfaggot cumstain

>> No.50335793

jesus fuck this one hits hard. So many bad memories of my 20s. Fucking White women were a mistake lads.

>> No.50336809

Who hurt you bro? Women are angels

>> No.50336924

She told you that so you don't bother her again, kek. That's the Christian version of the "i can't, I've already have a boyfriend"

>> No.50336972

6/10 unless the 10/10 agrees to have 10 kids and homeschool them all

>> No.50337008


>> No.50337037

post tits or gtfo

>> No.50338024
File: 102 KB, 437x287, 1607376865459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surgery removes segment of legs
>cooks and eats it gourmet live

>> No.50338087

Imagine paying for an overgrown child, not to mention no one can afford a fucking leech of a woman anymore. And unless you're over 60 years old odds are a woman is making more money than you anyway thanks to 'diversity'. 'Trad' retards here are still stuck in the 1800s.

>> No.50338220

Based for making the incels and femoids seethe also everyone will cheat the moment they get the chance , if your partner hasn’t cheated yet its because theyre buttugly to others

>> No.50338424
File: 46 KB, 509x480, 1619398020412_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one daughter girlfriend
>four girls with penises
>the horror

>> No.50339143

I would date the 10/10 over the 6/10. In the end marry someone whom I find compatible.