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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 298 KB, 1080x1622, 20220712_082711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50306113 No.50306113 [Reply] [Original]

How many fucking times are we going to backtest 20k before these retards run out of money and I can sleep

>> No.50306192

We're gonna keep edging you until you break down

>> No.50306221

2 weeks to flatten the curve OP

>> No.50306228

I wish you a very pleasant lose everything

>> No.50306250

You just made that shit up because you're losing everything

>> No.50306282

yeah, backtest, because 20k and 19.9 have already been roundly rejected with high volume several times, and some autistic fucktards scam pumped it at 4am on zero volume and keep trying to cause sudden spikes that aren't going to last anyway

20k is gone you absolute triple niggers, deal with it

>> No.50306322

Bull trap needs to bait enough mumus in before the rug. There's not enough positive mumu sentiment yet.

>> No.50306328

That $100m conditional dump at 19999 was me and I'm gonna keep doing it until every last one of you fucktards is liquidated into a cascade for the record books

and then im going to fucking sleep for the first time in three days, fuck

>> No.50306329

this. Fuck my asshole. We all know it's going down. Bitches can stop paying games now. This is annoying

>> No.50306407

It is the most obvious dump in crypto. If you aren't shorting, you hate money.

>> No.50306465
File: 131 KB, 666x359, 20220712_084725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuck

>> No.50306571

Like there's no point bitching about ordinary price action, but this is so clearly the work of incompetent newly-not-poorfags throwing an autistic fit about their precious 20k and manipulating the fuck out of it until they lose everything.

It's sad and irritating and not gonna work, you can't beat market forces, and I want to sleep you absolute cockmunchers and I can't do that until we're comfortably out of range of a liq cascade that spikes significantly over 20k.

I hate all of you, I'm nearly at 8 figures and you niggers are not keeping me from it this time

>> No.50306694




>> No.50306722

>comfortably out of range of a liq cascade that spikes significantly over 20k.
So you're staying up until it drops to what? 18.5?

>> No.50306737

King shitcoin belongs in the trash heap of history and today is the fucking day we put it there

Fuck bitcoin

Someone tell that faggot Craig to sell his OG wallet

>> No.50306757

18.x with a giant unrecoverable dump on the way, or until I pass out

>> No.50306870

It should tell you something. It's going down

>> No.50306894

I haven't slept since the morning of the dump from 20.5k, I'm delirious

>> No.50306941

Maybe this is fucking finally the last time we'll see 20k in the rear view

Should i give it another 10m market short for a good kick in the ass or just let it play out, I'm already overleveraged

>> No.50306977

Did I miss some good news or something? How the fuck did we go from extreme panic to frantic market buys at 4am?

>> No.50306994
File: 82 KB, 750x626, 1626984782241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow a crybaby richfag throwing a temper tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants, pathetic. Hope you lose it all you greedy fat fucking kike piece of shit nobody on this planet needs 8 figs you're a greedy fat fucking retard who will lose it all in the upcoming collapse and I will celebrate it.
>boo hoo muh price action I'm an entitled spoiled richfag waaah
kill yourself, even if this is a LARP
>in all fields

>> No.50307070

I saw that on the NASDAQ futures this morning when btc jumped from 19.4 headed straight for 19.9
No clue why

>> No.50307072

Proof or larp.

>> No.50307094

So never? You can keep BTC at this price? I'm trying to get back into dope dealing so if you can please keep BTC at this price till I flip my first brick into crack, I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.50307118

I dunno how to short, I'm on mobile.>>50306329

>> No.50307147
File: 79 KB, 1346x408, 1657100337072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.50307160

>nobody on this planet needs 8 figs
I do but I want to help kill poverty once and for all.
Unlike New money mutt muricans the rest of the planet doesn't want to dirge this earth.

>> No.50307219
File: 420 KB, 1073x736, Screenshot_20220712-122511_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry op. This just how it be.
Crab range forever until it randomly giganukes for maximum altruism.

>> No.50307738

Is it happening?

>> No.50307871

Don't worry, it'll be at 17k within a day or two