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File: 397 KB, 785x442, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50299359 No.50299359 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else noticed this? I just realised it.
Find anything, and you will see a trail back to Youtube for the biggest retards.
Crypto information? How many retards follow all those retarded youtubers
Finance in general? Noticed there is a little cottage industry of finance/investing youtubers now leading these people.

Hell even programming. I'm self taught, and not to discredit other self taught devs but i have noticed all the shit ones have one thing in common: they learned from Youtube and praise it.

What is it about Youtube?

>> No.50299434

Bump. I think the problem is they start their learning (w/e it is) with yt instead of only using it for very specific searches. They fuck themselfs from the getgo because now theyre algolocked into the most braindead content and they dont even know it.

>> No.50299552


I’ve never learned anything crypto related/finance/programming from YouTube outside of specific items like if a podcast happens to be on there (or if chainlink upload their presentation etc).

I only even know of these things because they get posted to biz eventually.
The devs i know who learned from youtube are typically unable to produce anything by themselves and their “portfolio” always consists of some copy past projects with some basics changed from the tutorial

>> No.50299571

It's the definition of "those who cannot do, teach"
There are zero legitimately successful investors that run YouTube channels because if they were successful, they wouldn't need the channel.
The ones that are on the use their ad revenue to appear successful from their investments. It's all just a big circle jerk

>> No.50299611


Thats obvious imo, im talking about the people who use their resources mostly but i guess it feeds itself.

>> No.50299628

>One thing all retards and medicore have in common: Youtube
true of all thinks indeed except for the following
the critical drinker
sky news live

>> No.50299640
File: 80 KB, 600x400, HolocaustAIRDROPP10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is it about Youtube?
It draws the middest of wits towards it. Also those who need the visual and auditory stimulation to learn/discuss a topic.

>> No.50299665
File: 333 KB, 1810x1218, lmaoooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started going to the gym again because I basically fell into a deep depression after losing my job to vaccine mandates and not giving in. I still hate the world and was living out of a bottle for several months, but finally snapped out of it. I hate libshits like you wouldn't believe. At least I low end made it.

Anyway, back to your point--I was at the gym today and saw a bunch of zoomers and younger watching full youtube videos in between sets. They were mesmerized by the content. They can't even work out with staring at the dopamine machine. Listening to them talk was also unbearable, thinking they know so much about the world but knowing so little truth. Many can't notice that all of social media feeds you things to keep you engaged on their platforms. The likes and comment replies hit their dopamine receptors, making the platform even more addictive. Not unlike Yous here.

Society is sick. It is not well. The covid hoax has shown that. I'm not sure how we wake everyone up. But something came over me today--most people are not ready to wake up. Just like the Matrix, if you red pill someone who doesn't want to be woken up, they reject it. You can show normies how CNN and Google straight up lie to you with objective facts, yet they stick to their worldview without questioning it. The "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black" that Biden verbatim said was another linchpin for me. I showed the interview with "Charlamayne da God" where Biden verbatim says this, and they said Snopes and Politico said he never did. I don't understand when you present them with facts they deny it because another website said otherwise. Delusional clown world shit.

The only way to live with this is to learn how to exploit these people (if you can even call them human since they clearly do not have the qualifications to exercise free will, or have an inner voice). We must exploit them on their own platforms in order to live happily in this world.

>> No.50299674
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>> No.50299682

Youtube is geared to destroy people with ADHDs lives, I can fall into a youtube void forever. I think i was primed by WoW when i was younger and then youtube just ate my life. I can sit in front of it for 16 hours and feel nothing. I had to come to the conclusion that mentally i can't handle the majority social media, it destroys my goal orientation. I had years in my twenties where i would talk to 2 people through out the entire year and wouldn't think about friends or relationships at all. I got a job and i would just wait to come home to play games and watch youtube instead of going to parties or dinners.
I'm a programmer now and learned everything from textbooks, it's mainly tax deductible and at least i can work without googling every step i take like my coworkers. I disconnected myself from the internet exc. my universities website/slack for 6 months during school and i slowly became human again for the first time in years i actually felt the desire to talk to people and achieve. Im happy i was able to pull myself out by 25 and not at 30 or whatever especially with all the rage bait going around.

>> No.50299697

Invest it in some godamn matic and just fucking wait. It's so damn simple I don't fucking understand. That's it bruv.

>> No.50299732


Im not a book fag. I just realise how shot mediocre people always seem to use Youtube

>> No.50299746

>What is it about Youtube?
Monkey see, monkey do.

People can't think ahead, people can't imagine, people don't understand tact, foresight or prediction.

They are just monkey see, monkey do.

>> No.50299834

Can confirm I am algo fucked

>> No.50299855

Good thing I'm high IQ and that's why I learn everything from 4chan

>> No.50299886

What were they talking about?

>> No.50299910

Youtube and podcasts. Quick and easy 'knowledge' (more like mundane information) to consume while doing other things.
Sometimes I'll overhear people talking about a subject and acting as if they were experts on the matter. Pay closer attention and they are doing a delicate dance to reference as much as possible from a certain youtube video or podcast stream without actually referencing said youtube video or podcast stream. Both parties know they are repeating information ad verbatim from the same source but are too cowardly to bring up the source out of fear that their mask of intelligence will be lost.

>> No.50299997

>those who need the visual and auditory stimulation to learn/discuss a topic
As it turns out "learning styles" is a bullshit category they later found out to be irreplicable, but I've always needed to read and hear material I'm trying to learn
Maybe it's adhd and my shit attention span but that's why I often go to youtube
I'd say there are some great videos out there, like the MIT lectures explaining Bitcoin and the lightning network, but of course the problem is you can only learn stuff somebody else has learned AND then put into a video
It creates a very midwit knowledge ceiling, except for a few long autistic deepdives by some guy with 400 views per video on some niche topic, but a lot of stuff is missing

>> No.50300020

>you can only learn stuff somebody else has learned AND then put into a video
true, because you write a book instead of making a video the knowledge is actually conjured from the cosmos

>> No.50300050

This is when my younger brother is explaining some new cool thing to me and halfway through I say a nicer version of "yup, saw the same video"
But he's just starting out in life so I don't blame him

>> No.50300059
File: 639 KB, 1732x700, lol QYLD 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YouTube is not bad it's that most people suck at searching for information or even knowing what information they need to research in the first place.Most of the Finance people who use YT aren't looking for the
>difference between a Bond's Maturity, Modified Duration and Macaulay duration
>A stocks IV, Historical IV, Implied IV, IV Range and IV Percentile

They are there watching at best people like BitBoy Crypto or at worse influencersand retards. This is how people end up investing in GME AMC Doge or QYLD...

>> No.50300077

Yes parroting facts is not in the same league as understanding. This doesn't mean that all content on YouTube is 'mundane information'. People like YouTube because they're familiar with the websites layout, it's also the second largest website so there's a pretty good chance someone has made an well constructed educational video on your chosen topic.

>> No.50300260

Well yeah, but two things:
1. Making a video is usually a lot easier and more accessible than writing a book (and no one reads books)
2. A book suffers from the same problem, but due to the barrier to entry the information is often more thought out

Real, new, and valuable knowledge is often scattered out there in the world
Smart or insightful people already know it because they can figure it out and they swim in the circles where that information is and they don't need a book to be written about it

It's like the gnostic idea of the 3 kinds of souls: pneumatics (or "of breath/spirit") tend to figure out spiritual knowledge themselves, psychics (or "soulish") can gain spiritual knowledge if taught or shown, and then hylics (or "matterish") who can never reach enlightenment

>> No.50300328

Not like any of that shit you mentioned matters in actually predicting whether the number will go up or down LOL
it could save a lot of people a lot of time to just accept that the stock market is a bounded chaotic system and you're not going to predict it any better than you can tell me what the weather's going to be this day next month
>I bet it's gonna be hot
>yeah, could be, but no one'll bet against you that it will snow

>> No.50300426

>Not like any of that shit you mentioned matters in actually predicting whether the number will go up or down
Implied Volatility is hugely important if you trade Options so are the "Greeks". If you trade Bonds Duration is also very important as you'll need to avoid bag holding longer dated Bonds if interest rates rise.

I know people put way to much faith in shit like RSI SMA EMA MACD but some technicals are mandatory knowledge.

>> No.50300910

Did you learn that from a book?

>> No.50301717


Most of that shit is onky good for a local entry/exit Not even to say it cant go lower/higher but it just may help you not enter and immediately lose money. Small edge that people treat as the be all end all

>> No.50301739

>the critical drinker
the fact you think this isn't complete trash is amazing