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50297063 No.50297063 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from the fact that I will probably never have my own cute tomboy-ish trad wife waiting at home for me to play vidya, watch movies, exercise and go on dates with, bros?

>> No.50297079

what the fuck is wrong with your eyes pepe

>> No.50297112

>tomboy-ish trad wife
Nigger, are you out of your fucking mind? Tomboys are inherently non-trad wife material simply because they're usually sporty "women" (if you can call them that, they unironically look more like men). I suggest you reconsider your taste in members of the opposite sex.

>> No.50297120
File: 47 KB, 660x589, 1650926080243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you even want that tho

>> No.50297142

Become a volcel. Stop simping for women and you'll finally achieve economic freedom.

Trust me Op - it's for the best

>> No.50297145

You can do whatever you want with your money. If you live with someone, you have to think well what can you do with your money, in other words, you have to think in other necessities that will need of your economical attention

>> No.50297165

>what is the basic human need of not wanting to feel completely alone

an incel chud like (you) would never understand

>> No.50297172

>wife waiting at home for me to play vidya, watch movies
lazy faggot if you do this you will end up divorced

>> No.50297178


>> No.50297182

That's a based advice, being honest kek

>> No.50297188
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>my own cute tomboy-ish trad wife

>> No.50297194

your kidney must be in shit

>> No.50297203

The rest is absolute garbage because you're a fucking drunk

>drinking alcohol on a normal basis every weekend

what a piece of shit, for real

>> No.50297214
File: 785 KB, 1055x1639, tomboys straight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50297227
File: 429 KB, 499x462, 1609482738492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want anything fancy, just a woman to go running with me every morning. Make some money together with GMT and be able to buy us a beer before we go home to fuck furiously for the rest of the afternoon.

>> No.50297235

Unfathomably based tomboy enjoyer.

>> No.50297236

Give nothing back to society.

Pay as little in taxes as possible, never volunteer, never donate, never help someone out without charging more than what the work is worth.

>> No.50297237


>> No.50297241

Toradora? You're going to get her pregnant, do you really want that?

>> No.50297244

>your kidney must be in shit
ask me how i know your asian?

>> No.50297248

So basically you just want yet another tomboy, right? Get in line.

>> No.50297249

Running alone is always better, running with other people will only disrupt your pace.

>> No.50297259

>the faggotry of the female


>> No.50297270


>> No.50297296
File: 7 KB, 237x212, s+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: virgins and incels competing for who's the most miserable people in the world

>> No.50297674
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1635422687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy, you go to kucoin, buy some QOM and start accumulating figs. Once you get to 7 figs buy clothes, go to a nutritionist, start working out. If you're so broken that you can't even make friends, go to a psychologist/life coach (i've found that the second works better for making friends). With said friends, start going out to pubs. Start asking out girls, the first "no's" will help you build up confidence and start handling rejection. Once you've spotted that tomboy-ish girl, start hitting on her, with your newfound confidence im sure you'll get her. You can also install tinder to speed up the process, tho you can't be sure that it will help considering tinder is made for casual hookups
There we go, you made it and have a wife, thank me later

>> No.50297709

Why do I keep having to hear about all of your dry dicks? Do you think I give a fuck?