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50296227 No.50296227 [Reply] [Original]

I've been tipped off that people are questioning the relationship between Sergey and Alex. Let me be perfectly clear, Alex did nothing that Sergey didn't want him to do. From the very beginning, ChainLInk used Celsius to keep the price locked in a range



>A huge portion of Chainlink’s Bitcoin and Ether will be deposited right in the Celsius Network to earn interest at a much higher rate. The rate for BTC and ETH is standing at 3.92 percent and 2.33 percent.

This is the origin. All i know is, this is where Alex was instructed to start dumping ChainLink on the open market. I can't go into further detail, other than to say this entire operation was funded and started by Sergey and co. Much of the assets were dumped at specific times, e.g. the SWIFT interview at SIBOS or the Associated Press launch.

If you don't believe me, fine. just know that it's not just celsius that Nazarov wantEd, think of the neXt custOdian that did the same thing. There are 2-3 more, and all of this was planned since two years ago to prevent the price from reaching $100-300 before the institutions were ready. They were not launching with ChainLink already in triple figures

>> No.50296356

> capital letters spell NEXO

OP, are you insinuating what I think you are? Why is he doing all this? Does he not know people are angry? Does he not realize how many he’s fuckdd over?

>> No.50296504

Also are you saying that Sergey dumped his own eth and btc merely to fuck us over? He’s unironically asking for an ari contract himself

>> No.50296632

Are you fudders really this dumb? It is public knowledge that chainlink did not have any assets with celsius. Anytime a fudder associates chainlink with celsius in any way, at all, everything you say is completely invalidated and makes you look like a retard

>> No.50296640

This shit only even gets to exist today because we relentlessly supported it and he stabbed us all in the back. Letting it run to just $100 would have probably made all OG supporters feel vindicated and he just couldn’t even let that happen. I honestly don’t even know what to say.

Sergey betray, but really.

>> No.50296657

Interesting find

It wasn't "his own eth and btc" it was proceeds from the ICO. This has the potential to bring down this entire project if the SEC gets involved. Selling user deposits with the goal of crashing the asset price down? Purposely shorting on multiple CEX's and DEX's using a group of middle men that customers trust? This is a deep deep fucking onion and I am imploring anons to think twice about holding ChainLink and by way of association, any other major cryptocurrency other than USDC

>> No.50296691

Agreed my fellow ChainLinkers. OP is correct... Sergey is bad. Let us sell our $LINK tokens together in retaliation! We have to fucking sell and stop this project at all costs.

>> No.50296692

>It is public knowledge that chainlink did not have any assets with celsius



>The news follows an announcement in April that Celsius would hold several million dollars worth of Chainlink’s crypto assets in its interest-bearing wallets. This meant that Celsius was providing a secure treasury service to Chainlink, which is able to earn interest on its assets, as well as being able to borrow dollars if needed, without the need to sell assets

>> No.50296694

one of the worst fud larps of late, and that's saying something. there's been a series of them recently in the lead in to staking.

>> No.50296825
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>> No.50296839


Anything else?

>> No.50296905

Your desperation is palpable. Please continue.

>> No.50297021

> Anything else?
Nope, currently will do fine, thanks. Don’t worry, you can try again tomorrow, there are still anons you can fool.

>> No.50297080

I've already laid out in plain sight where this is headed. Follow the money


Sergey built all of these platforms as temporary shops to suppress ChainLink during the bull run. Partnerships were just the tip of what Sergey did to ensure there's little excitement or price action. These shops will be rebuilt (via 50,000,000 treasury dumps coming in 2.5 weeks and on) and continue shorting ChainLink. We don't know the end date or when it stops

>> No.50297088

personal opinion: Sergey would only take this risk, the risk of one of us murdering him in Minecraft, if he was eventually going to deliver on his promises

>> No.50297266

I don't understand why these two anons think Sergey moving the link treasury out of celsius somehow absolves him in the least
if they'd told us when they did it, that would be one thing
to let Rory tell us after the whole thing has crashed and burned is not enough
there's simply too much fuckery to believe Sergey wasn't involved somehow
nevertheless, I honestly still believe chainlink will make me insanely rich
there's a reason he had to slow the price increase of the token
my only fear is that this is far from over

>> No.50297324

>he's beginning to believe

Yes, think about why the team told everyone after and not before, that they removed assets "from treasury". The two events are linked.

>> No.50297382


Was Celsius & Nexo going insolvent part of the plan. I can't imagine it was.

>> No.50297422

Literally in >>>>50297080

>> No.50297572

large if factual

>> No.50297615

it’s a larp idiot

>> No.50297746

This LARP is fake and gay. might had believed it if the board hadn't already been theorizing this shit for 2 weeks already

>> No.50297930
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>prevent the price from reaching $100-300

okay, but.. i mean its at $6.. so isn't that a bit over the mark.................................

>> No.50297963

There is some truth here I believe regarding Celsius, not so much Nexo tho.

Chainlink has had even said in their white paper that "a lower price will be more attractive" at least in the beginning.

>> No.50298055 [DELETED] 

What does it say about judgement of storing massive amounts of your company’s funds and letting a porn whore handle them.

>> No.50298089

where do discord trannies get the energy to write these subtle fud posts five years later kek

>> No.50298602

No. They want to absolutely bury this project into the Earth's core. CNBC offered to interview Sergey on Tech Check for 1.5 years and he keeps declining. He also politely asked them to refrain from mentioning the project until he's ready to go on