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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5020819 No.5020819 [Reply] [Original]

What are your morning routines like?

Do you have any habits?

How disciplined are you?

Self Improvement thread?

>> No.5020915


I wake up. Still alive. Do my morning 300 situps. Make coffe. Open my mac book pro and i work my daily job until i get hungry like Ethiopian. I eat a bit.

>> No.5020990

Open blockfolio.
Go back to sleep like a Chad.

>> No.5021007


Wake up, make coffee, check folio, made $450 today but I better get ready to head to my cubicle for my $120 a day wage.

The end of working is in sight..

>> No.5021041
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I'm a fucking mess, boys.

>> No.5021045
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wage cuck job for $55 p/hr 3 days per week.
ride to and from work (10km round trip)
calisthenics when i get home.
wait til americanburgers begin waking up and start trading crypto

also has a fiance that i regularly intercourse with, and shes happy that im earning solid side cash, so life is pretty good.

intent is to cash out once i get enough for a solid house deposit (250k+, and a nice holiday somewhere to celebrate with primo rack, and 400$ bottles of red)

>> No.5021136

What's wrong?

Also had a nightmare today where I was bitten by one of those, high dose melatonin is nothing to mess with.

>> No.5021163

Mindless internet browsing all day

>> No.5021418


In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.5022067

American psycho.

>> No.5022115


Spinach and Danish feta 3 egg omelette.
Kafka/Node/Kotlin/AWS online course (whichever one I feel like that morning)

>> No.5022227

Just feeling like shit lately. Not eating much, not really getting out of bed much, don't have a regular sleep schedule, hardly getting any sleep. I don't have any motivation anymore

>> No.5022258
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Forgot snek

>> No.5022315


I had depression which was triggered by lack of sleep. Not even kidding. Lack of sleep causes cortisol buildup in your brain. If you want to feel better try something for me anon. Go to bed early 3 nights in a row. Leave your phone in another room. Just 3 nights. You can do 3 little nights can't you anon?

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.5022417

You're in a depression slump, happens to me to.

Advice :

> Get liquid melatonin from amazon
> Take 0.3 mcg 30 minutes before sleep
> Go to sleep before 11pm (Important)
> Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep
> Try and cut blue light/electronics 10 minutes before taking melatonin

Try this for 5 days.

And make a plan the day before, you have to get something to wake up to that excites you.

I eat nutella with eggs and spinach everyday for breakfast, it's the only sugar I eat but I get happy from that suggary kick.

>> No.5022456


>Make sure your vitamin D levels are in the optimal levels, google kris kesser vitamin D levels and read that
>Get a good multivitamin, lifeextension two per day capsules is the best I've found for the price

>> No.5022488


day 1: thinking of the purpose of life
day 2: set goals to get a purpose
day 3: reminding, at the end its death
day 4: set goals, just to use the time i have for fun
day 5: begin work hard on goals
day 6: reach some goals
day 7: hate all the useless shit, getting depressed

new weekly cycle

>> No.5022519

Oh and also

habitica.com I use this to build habits, although OI'm thinking of switching to pen and paper.

>> No.5022524
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>wake up
>check Blackfolia
>feelsgoodman.avi.jpg 6% up
>pop out my 1940's Italian brogues and begin to polish them
>head to my local park reading Mein Kampf
>feelsgodman being a rich neet

>> No.5022531

dam, post fit

>> No.5022633
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Thanks guys, I just gotta get my sleep shit figured out. I'll try the multivitamin thing for sure, melatonin gives me freaky ass dreams though.

It's cool you guys took the time to care about some fuckin' randy on 4channel

>> No.5022656

Morning routine:
>Wake up at 5 am, check crypto on my phone for 2 hours.
>Fall asleep, wake up at 10 am.
>Drag myself out of bed - hungover from the 8-12 beers last night
>Take a shit
>Drink 1 litre of diet coke and vape whilst checking crypto
>Shit again
>Prepare more cola and vape, pop a ritalin, put on pants.
>Drink cola, vape and check crypto. Wait for drugs to kick in, maybe trade a little.

I do this until about 5pm and then I start drinking again.

I'm going to kms intentionally or unintentionally, either way - I win.

>> No.5022658

1. Wake up
2. Feel shitty, say to myself i'm not going to drink beer or smoke weed today
3. Check crypto earnings
4. Go wagecuck
5. Drink beer, smoke weed

>> No.5022702
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>melatonin gives me freaky ass dreams though.

It's because you are taking way to much, it's what I do when I want to have crazy fucking nightmares, in the past 4 days I've had :

>Getting bitten by a snake
>Having childhood friends meet me again and make fun of me
>Getting stuck in a house with my mom and a zombie

It's really fun if you understand it's essentially your subconscious displaying all these feeling you really have deep down, it's a great tool for self reflection if you won't do meditation.

Take pic related, 3 to 5 drops, you will sleep without dreams, full dropper drops for a subconscious trip.

It's all about the dosage, high dose can also make you depressed.

>> No.5022724

Wake up to GF jumping on me as she leaves for work
Make coffee
Put in contacts, and shave
Check orders
Drink coffee, shit
Check worldstar
Watch AWS videos while stretching
Get dressed
Grab a BANG outta the fridge and go to work

>> No.5022812 [DELETED] 

Wake up at 7 PM
Do nothing
Go to store before it closes for the night to get food
Play vidya or watch anime or some shit
Almost reflect on life but realize it's better not to
Browse aimlessly
Relieve creeping anxiety by going for a walk use music so I don't have to think
Drink alcohol
Pass out

>> No.5023002

>Self Improvement thread?
This belongs in \Robots. r9k

>> No.5023008

Tell me your routine then, and no, this is a regular in /fit.

>> No.5023205

I come on here, see people that got lucky investing into this random shit years ago now richer than I'll ever be then fuck up something that day like I do every day and look at my shitty blockfolio that has gone from $900 to $1200 since I started a month ago.

I hate my life.

>> No.5023247
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Check delta, then go back to sleep unless I need to make a trade. Browse /biz/ all day and HODL making more than wagecucks do a day. I also message girls to try and lure them into allowing me to make sex on them.

Also today is my last day of college as I'm far too lazy to study / do homework.

>> No.5023278
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I buy some sky every morning

>> No.5023327

This is a powerful question, op.
One that I've been trying to find myself .

I don't have routine, the only routine is by my friends messages. Too bad most of them are across the world. I expat'd for a year and my entire friendlist changed.

Cardio in the morning is best, 2 hours.

A breakfast, high fiber and good in carbs, energy is good. I like banana and granola.
Setting up proper sleep/being awake times.

For me I usually sleep 8pm-2-3AM so I can be up trading on the markets, like the dip to 310 today in litecoin and it's now $335. I caught that.

Retraining your diet and food, don't keep unhealthy food near you.

Don't stay in bed, read and be productive,


I can go on but my ADHD kicked in

>> No.5023379

Honestly i wish i wasn't a wagecuck

>> No.5023391

>get up 5:30
>eat porridge
>run with doge for an hour
>take a shower
>drink coffee
>socialize with wife and kids
>drive to work

>> No.5023411

Stop drinking alcohol anon, please.

>> No.5023412

>tfw I have adhd and still haven't been diagnosed.

I know medication can change your life..

Also there's no adderall in europe, those fucks have a ban on it.

>> No.5023436

Wagecuck detected.

>> No.5023906

I just woke up at 1pm, had 2 wanks, didn't shower, ate 10 slices of bacon, and watched video game streams for 3 hours.

>> No.5024080


>> No.5024178

believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.5024264

gym at least 3 days/week, I aim for 5 but I haven't stuck to it for all 5 days for a few months now. Just been lazy

But it legitimately changes my outlook, mood, level of productivity, etc.

Also health shakes with a bunch of shit
and supplements

I'm convinced a cup of blueberries every day is making me smarter

>> No.5024278


>> No.5024291

No shit, stupid nigger.

>> No.5024318

sort yourself out.

>> No.5024367

>wake up
>check blockfolio
>consider disabling stop limit connected to a device that literally stops my heart
>decide not to

>> No.5024369

Wake up
oshit I'm late
Don't eat
Go to college

>> No.5024378
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>Do you have any habits?
browse /biz/
>How disciplined are you?
Very disciplined. I always browse /biz/ even when I'm bored, I do it despite the difficulty of seeing constant shitpost and deluded linkies.

>> No.5024424

This is me. I'm only 22 but I already drink 3-8 beers every single night. Most days are spent waiting until I feel like cracking a beer. I'm starting to feel really old and unhealthy lately.

>> No.5024438

lmao, you are delusional and your 30's are gonna hit you like a train

>> No.5024446

Go back to /fit/ retard

>> No.5024511

>wake up
>rip a bowl
>check crypto prices
>maybe shower
>eat some cereal
life's good mayne

>> No.5024634

>try to wake up
>oh, i have class in a couple of hours
>nevermind, don't go anywhere
>surf the web in bed until hungry
>eat sandwich, drink coffee
>surf the web until hungry
>eat pasta
>go to bed, trade, surf web
>fall asleep

i'm supposed to study for a master's degree at some shitty specialty

>> No.5024719

Ambien is a miracle drug.
Also, get a sleep study.
singularsleep.com ... this is the doc I used. Mails the sleep study to you and everything. Then he conferences in with you over a skype type program. He got me a cpap machine and it was fucking life changing.

>> No.5024726


before /biz/:
>hit by truck
>out of school for a year
>opioid addiction
>don't sleep
>get fat
>depressed about medical/student loan debt
>desperately waiting for settlement money to come in
>life is basically trolling and playing vidya while I feel bad about myself

not all /biz/ related but recently:
>kick opioids
>start doing yoga watching youtube videos
>start walking without pain again
>start lifting again
>pity party over
>switch from trolling /b/,/pol/, /x/ to self help via /fit/, /biz/, /sci/
>>>yes, I am still autistc, REEEEE
>lifting/yoga alternating days at the gym now (still do my own thing in the mornings, but its good to get out the house)
>lost 30lb
>started paper trading, buying dips
>making about 3% a day
>settlement coming in, will have enough to dip my toes in after I pay off medical debt
>student loans don't seem as bad
>cautiously optimistic for the first time since I woke up in the hospital, desu

Idk if I'm going to make it, but thats a lot better than feeling like I am definitely not going to make it.

>> No.5024873

:) I'm listening to kid a right now and this made me comfy.

Well done

>> No.5025817
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thanks anon

>> No.5025909

are the alerts on delta any good? I've been looking for a not complete shit app that can notify me on price movement without having to open the damn thing every 5 minutes

>> No.5025929

We need more of these threads

>> No.5026091

wake up
smoke a dab
check on plants,
smoak moar
smoke more

>> No.5026132

wake up, vitamins, eat, sit down and shitpost a bit, head to gym
gym, meth

>> No.5026571

you're depressed

>> No.5026661
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>> No.5026868

Happy to see a non-crypto thread on biz. Let's make this board great again

>> No.5027612

Fucking hell

>> No.5027871

I wake up and fuck around all day and check crypto prices in between. I also go to the gym.

Such is the life of a NEET.

>> No.5027962

wake up 12pm
gf texted me 7 times, go back to sleep
get out of bed 3pm eat shit diet
check blockfolio +220k since june
go to gf's house for fuck
take her out for sushi
watch tv
go to bed 2am

>> No.5028114
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I am the master of capital.

>> No.5028178

Wake up
Take profits from any of my altcoins that have gained 30% overnight and put it into Bitcoin
Eat breakfast my wife made
Do the dishes
Take out the garbage or recycling
Brew a cup of tea
Settle in for some /biz/ posting

>> No.5028274


>> No.5028560

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA This is like national geographic for humans.

>> No.5028637

I love how the third column was added by someone who is barely literate.

>> No.5028645

>sleep at least 8 hours every day
>still tired
>still depressed

>> No.5028838

Get a shrink.

>> No.5028963

I like being tall. can you even shrink people anyway?

>> No.5029214
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Seriously, what's wrong? I can help you.

>> No.5029261

Nofap is for you.

>> No.5029282

Wake up at 0500
Take dog out
Run 1.5km
100 push ups, sit ups, burpees
Make tea
Eat oats
Read bible
Kiss wife goodbye
Go wage slave as electrician
Check folio at first coffee.

>> No.5029459
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I already started seeing a CBT specialist and I'm getting into mindfulness. It's basically a combo of

>extreme insecurity
>sense of urgency for having wasted teenage years playing vidya
>no prospects for future
>no goals
>difficulty looking people in the eye and making friends
>emotional problems steming from bad relationship with father
>usually get very jealous and possessive with girlfriends
>compare myself to others constantly and obsessively

I haven't fapped for months and I think the anxiety has finally taken its toll: I no longer have the same sexual apetite as I used to. I went soft most of the times I tried to have sex in the last month, which only frustrates me more to the point of feeling useless.

Does anyone else think of suicide only in the long term? Like "if I don't fix this until I'm 35, I'll off myself"

>> No.5029532

>high dose melatonin is nothing to mess with
So true, I have such vivid dreams on it.

>> No.5029629
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>Check (sometimes)

Meditation will literally be the best thing for you, at least 80% of what you have can be fixed by simply observing your thoughts 10 to 30 minutes per day.

Do it, here's a chart.

>> No.5029660

I have mostly nightmares, but they are useful.

>> No.5029872


I hope it works, because everytime I try to distance myself from my thoughts I just feel like a huge fuck up for thinking those things.

>> No.5030022

That's exactly what mindfulness is, I remember not being able to sleep without some background noise because silence would make me start thinking fucked up things about myself, can you imagine?

Doing meditation once or twice per day you will see those thoughts and let them go away, the first times it's going to be hard but you will get used to it as long as you maintain it, i find that If i drink some green tea like the zen monks before doing it I manage to keep at it.

If the habit doesn't stick consider going to a meditation retreat, it's liking trowing yourself into a pool to learn how to swim, very effective if you're not retarded.

Mindfulness is like defragmenting your brain, everytime I sit I go through all thoughts possible but I just observe them for a second and start focusing on breathing again.

It's not always a superpower, some people get even more depressed if they have bipolar disorders or other psychological malaise, but give it a try.

Good luck.

>> No.5030254

This and fapping

>> No.5030304

I used to wake up and lift. Now it's margin trading, taking drugs and ordering pizza. life's good.

>> No.5030328

Record dreams, make coffee, read (about crypto usually).

Piano practice, work out a bit.

Study (math, physics, programming).


Mycology (the day job), study more relaxed stuff (like Liberal Arts), draw, vidya, etc

Cook, eat, /film/ and sleep

>> No.5030364


what do you think of those Lion's Mane supplements? Are they any good?

>> No.5030541
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Fuck I love Tim Ferriss.

Read/listen to his shit for the real lifestyle gains. He can even be kind of a cuck but learning to think in the way that he tends to is the best goddamn thing I ever did for myself. Basically cut out the bullshit and ignore people that think they know what’s best for you.

Also I think the importance he puts on morning routines is kind of bullshit.

>> No.5030549

Wake up at 8. Shower. Eat some cereal. Drive to the trainstation. Take train to work. Check email while shit posting on /biz/ and my gains 9 hours passby. Get home shower eat fap repeat.

>> No.5030565

Lion's Mane is pretty tasty and I've been meaning do a good grow of them, but as far supplementation goes, I imagine you could get all the benefits from simply incorporating more mushies in your diet (I've never actually heard anything of their medical benefits, I'll check that out though so thx). I'm pretty interested in these for their medical potential: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grifola_frondosa#Medical_research_and_use , and their also great if you bake them stuffed with crab meat and cheese

>> No.5030646
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If you wanna go down this introspective dream route you should read Man And His Symbols. I've got a first edition hardback from 1964, its pretty fucking sweet.

>> No.5030648


the dude looks loco, but he talks about those mushrooms and neurogenesis like it's the answer to humanity. I just got curious, but I'm scared to take it.

>> No.5030660

Reminder that most of you wont make it.
Might as well start fapping/drinking/browsing internet all day.

>> No.5030677
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>He can even be kind of a cuck
He destroyed San Francisco cucks in his latest AMA, it was fucking hilarious.

Tough bloke he is, I like him.

He has an evening routine to, but.. you know he is bipolar right? Routine and detailing everything is a trait among high IQ manic depressives.

For you, see pic.

>> No.5030707

see >>5030677

>> No.5030959

Really interesting, there was a little bit on Wikipedia about this but it was kind of dismissive (lack of rigorous studies).

At any rate I'm hoping psilocybes are legalized by2020. There's a lot of extraordinary medical / physiological benefits (you can just search "psilocybin" on google scholar for examples). And microdosing is /comfy/

>> No.5031019

wake up
hate myself and my wageslave job for 15 min
check blockfolio
take a shower
get dressed
go wageslave

>> No.5031115

ITT: people without kids

>> No.5031179

So should I just get some of the lions mane capsules off amazon and start taking this stuff? I've had some pretty bizarre health problems at a young age despite having an extremely healthy lifestyle (bells palsy). my face has returned to 97% normal functioning to the point where people cant notice, but i still see the little bit of nerves that are still paralyzed. maybe this shit can help..

>> No.5031287

I certainly don't see it having any possible downsides, I'd go for it.

>> No.5031351


>> No.5031561
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Wake up
Smoke cig
Drink coffee
Eat omelette my mom made
Trade crypto, play games or watch porn til night

>> No.5032028

Most of you are scum and or idiots.

>wake up
>make cup of coffee while talking puppy doges for walk
>get home, drink coffee, check Crypto
>donate five hours a day to help my friend who was in a motorcycle accident last year
>can only do this because of crypto/ether
>come home from “work” and play with my puppy doges
>never even need to trade unless I see something huge in the wind

>so many dabs, no greedy females, so much self worth, soon to be seen by society

Yeah I’m an autist but I’m a good dude and if you’re lucky enough to be in crypto in 2014/2015... you shouldn’t be living like a piece of shit anymore. Time is the most precious commodity