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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50281364 No.50281364 [Reply] [Original]

Eurobros... not like this...

>> No.50281372

yes, regular maintenance

>> No.50281381

This was warned since May, and is not a regular maintenance, it has blackmailing intentions. So you both are wrong

>> No.50281395
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>Oh no bros, we'll have to wear clothes at home to not freeze! Crazy! We're all gonna die!!

>> No.50281396

nice esl
shut up pajeet

>> No.50281399
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The EU actually thought they were going to come out on top.

>> No.50281407
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>Be Russia
>Be a shadow of your former glory
>start War against tiny country to show off but unable to finish the job after 5 months
Superpower topkek

>> No.50281409

dont russia realise they need money

>> No.50281410

>No one could have seen this coming

>> No.50281414

It's all about industry you dumb ape

>> No.50281419

>naughty russia we will sanction you!
>but keep sending us oil gas and food.. or else!

>> No.50281424

You don't need cash when your people feed on lead and explosives

>> No.50281425

They have China and India now. 3bn+ consumers of energy. Fuck europe.

>> No.50281430

>be america
>spend 5 years in the middle east getting your 1 million dollar humvees blown up by goat fuckers
>achieve nothing
Superpower top kek

>> No.50281438

It's over

>> No.50281449

Great reset it's all a fucking circus organised by all these elites. Only a revolution can help the world right now
>no gaz
>no electricity
>no food
Get ready these people are sick

>> No.50281451

They will just ship the gas to the south/east. Why do yuropoors and burgers often forget that they are not the only continents in the world?

>> No.50281453

>kill atomic sector
>kill petro, kill car sector, kill energy sector
>muuhhh greeen
danke merkel

>> No.50281459

>/pol/ thread
it's scheduled maintenance

>> No.50281462

>>achieve nothing
The oil

>> No.50281489
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We would have been fine here in aus if our government didn't royally fuck itself over fuel supply.

We'll still probably come out better than anyone else though.. pic related

>> No.50281506

germanys energy policy has been max retarded this past few decades.
>they were warned to stay away from russian gas
>they were warned to not turn off nuclear
>they were warned to not go full green retard
you reap what you sow

>> No.50281515

>This was warned since May, and is not a regular maintenance, it has blackmailing intentions. So you both are wrong

what? it is the regular scheduled maintenance.

>> No.50281537

And this is a good thing, now Germany and the rest of Europe can invest more in green energy sources, reduce their carbon footprint, have cheaper energy, and we wont be giving millions to third world dictators.

>> No.50281540

Oil companies were some of the biggest opponents of the Iraq and Afghan wars

>> No.50281560


>> No.50281565

>And this is a good thing, now Germany and the rest of Europe can invest more in green energy sources, reduce their carbon footprint, have cheaper energy, and we wont be giving millions to third world dictators.

lol wind turbines and solar panels? do you realise it takes a lot of fossil fuels to make them?

and that the chemical industry in Germany cant function without gas?

that without the chemical industry's inputs many other industries can't function?

>> No.50281566

>second largest country in Europe

Sounds like Germany is the third world country atm

>> No.50281570

>reduce their carbon footprint
lel keko baito

>> No.50281597

lower price tho if you cut customers, simple math

china wont just take more for same price, china/india have nego power

>> No.50281603

So you are saying fomo into natgas???
they are so pathetic it's unreal. Putin hast to be secretly a jew

>> No.50281613


serves fucking europe right! there is a pipeline called tanap which is connection the sandniggers gas with the sandalwearing fags in greece but none of your politicians wanted to take care of putting the fucking gas in there

>> No.50282575

>tiny country
Larger than France btw

>> No.50283190

>tfw there are people who actually think like this
>they can vote

>> No.50283389

>meanwhile burn more coal

>> No.50283656
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as an austrian i have no idea why that should concern me lol

>> No.50283756
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>Shuts down for maintenance
>happens every year

not like this bros..... why do dis.....

>> No.50284201

If you followed this situation at all you'd know India has been selling Russian petrol to Germany at 10x markup since this whole thing started.

>> No.50284232

Europeans are even more delusional than fatass, Americans which is saying a lot.

>> No.50284242

the reality is that the more europoors that are cold and hungry this winter, the better the world is. its a simple equation. they are arrogant and retarded. fuck europoors.

>> No.50284262

Germany dominated France in 3 days

>> No.50284279

Yeah because nothing special happened this year

>> No.50284423

It's time for American and Russia to team up
Kill all eurocuck men
Eurocuck women become sex slaves
Everything Poland and west for USA
Everything East of Poland RUS

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.50284509
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>Spend 30 years losing in Afghanistan
>Walk away with nothing and give birth to a new non-liberal Islamist state
>Spend 5 years worth of Afghanistan funds in 5 months in Ukraine
>Still lose

Does the ZOG Empire only know how to lose?

>> No.50284581

>Spend 5 years worth of Afghanistan funds in 5 months in Ukraine

>> No.50284608

seethe more then kek, you shouldnt have fucked with Russia

>> No.50284618


>> No.50284630

They intentionally drag wars out over many years to make more money

>> No.50284641

europoor bros are we going to make i- AAK

>> No.50284647

let them revert to the stone age. it will be better when liberal dictators dimnish themselves to political midgets

>> No.50284653

How many years was the US in the middle east again?

P.S. go back

>> No.50284659

cringe ''meme'' did the Cia made this holy shit reddit

>> No.50284702

well getting trustworthy suppliers for a change is a net positive - short term pain for long term gain as they say...

>> No.50284717

there's normies that actually believe this

>> No.50284719

>w-w-w-we tots w-w-wwanted to l-l-lose!!
What a massive cope lmao

>> No.50284735

Trustworthy suppliers like Algeria, Dubai, Amerikikes, solar and wind power?

>> No.50284748

Yeah, good thing gas is only used to heat homes or else the euros would be in big trouble haha

>> No.50284760
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>They intentionally drag wars out over many years to make more money

So fleeing in panic, with your Afghan collaborators literally clinging to the landing gear of your aircraft, while your puppet government collapses, and leaving billions of dollars of military equipment in infrastructure behind to the Islamist regime you vowed to eradicate was all part of the plan?

You sound like a low IQ /k/oper. Did you get lost on your way to /k/ope?

>> No.50284770

It was actually 20 years
And we didn't actually get oil from it
It was all to weaken muslim countries for the glory of israel

>> No.50284798

>compares modern war to nearly 100 years old war

>> No.50284800
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>well getting trustworthy suppliers

There is no replacement for the volume of Russian oil and gas available to the Eurocucks at least for the next 10 years.
There simply is no infrastructure to deliver enough oil and gas to replace Russian imports.

And obviously the costs will be substantially higher.

What the idiotic Eurocucks did was effectively sanction THEMSELVES, from the cheapest energy and materials available to them.

>> No.50284833

is it really blackmailing when your 'victim' is trying to kill you economically and financially? How about a dose of their own medicine?

>> No.50284884

fun fact, from Feb 22 until today the US spent as much on the war in Ukraine as in the first five years of the war in Afghanistan.

>> No.50284980

10 years is a bit extreme - if needed nuclear reactors could be built in next few years to phase out coal power used as a short term stopgap...
Germany has both biggest problem and easy solution in the form of vast reserves of lignite that was used to power east until recently. And that was mothballed instead of dismantled - from what ive heard they are doing just that...

>> No.50285030

when Russia bleeds in proxy war printing more dollars is not a problem obviously...

>> No.50285171
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>10 years is a bit extreme - if needed nuclear reactors could be built in next few years

I can only refer you the the construction of Berlin's "new" airport. Check out this project timeline:

>The airport was originally planned to open in October 2011, five years after starting construction in 2006. However, the project encountered a series of successive delays due to poor construction planning, execution, management, and corruption. Berlin Brandenburg Airport finally received its operational licence in May 2020,[2] and opened for commercial traffic on 31 October 2020, 14 years after construction started and 29 years after official planning was begun.[1] Schönefeld's refurbished passenger facilities were incorporated as Terminal 5 on 25 October 2020[8][9][10] while all other airlines completed the transition from Tegel to Berlin Brandenburg Airport by 8 November 2020.[11]

It will take FORTY YEARS, to complete a new nuclear plant in Germany.

>> No.50285251

Should have called in N-word Stream

>> No.50285257

>Russia bleeds

Except Russian casualties have been reduced to a trickle.
Ukraine has 80,000 KIA and unknown number of wounded, missing, POW, compared to Russia's 4,000 and another 4,000 from the rebel militias.

>> No.50285294

It will probably go much faster because it will be planned and constructed by an energy company and not the state, they dont have money to waste

Tesla factory took like half a year, and intel plans to be finished in 3 or so years for their nee factory

>> No.50285305

>It will take FORTY YEARS, to complete a new nuclear plant in Germany.
well at any rate - they will simply use brown coal mines and power plants they are restarting now for that much longer...

>> No.50285340
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>> No.50285372

eastern europe here
i hope germans loose houses and rope over this
imagine being so fucking retarded
muh eu superpower

>> No.50285408

as some meme stated:

US is ready to fight for Ukraine freedom to the last Ukrainian....

This proxy war is perfect for US - they can procure and produce tons of new weapons as half of Europe woken up and buys everything that is for sale not even asking for a price...

>> No.50285446

they're only leaving behind the white countries retard
if you can't see the writing on the wall by now you're ngmi, China is the future as we've been telling you for years - this only accelerated what was an obvious global power transition

>> No.50285463

muh emissions were important when Germany had cheap gas - which also produces vast amounts of CO2 by the way...

its all about industry and its competitiveness..

no cheap gas? cheaper labor and crying polar bears will have to suffice for now

>> No.50285495

The stove is boiling.......

>> No.50285498

>If you followed this situation at all you'd know India has been selling Russian petrol to Germany at 10x markup since this whole thing started.

i doubt this is true. India would be far better off using the fuel themselves.

>> No.50285650

Corpses are kinda sorta green so they could end up being the leader of the corpse market, if about 90% of europeans could transition into being corpses they could declare a resounding victory, this is super bullish m8.