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50283646 No.50283646 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of prolonging THAT stupid war? We all know ruskie will win in the end.

The people of shitkraina will keep suffering
The price will keep climbing
The international stability will keep crumbing


>> No.50283673


>> No.50283710

Winter is coming.

>> No.50283720


you can't win a war with no clear objectives
they already lost in fact

>> No.50283735
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thanks for your contribution, goy

>> No.50283767
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>he still thinks the war is the reason for high prices

>> No.50283803

russia lost the moment nato decided to care about it, if you think otherwise you are delusional

>> No.50283814

50 rubles have been deposited into your account.

Thank you for your service, тoвapищ.

>> No.50283848

why does this webm trigger me? I just want to bash her head with a stone.

>> No.50283931
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Fa-all of the EU is co-minggg

>> No.50284003

>youth in russia are all mentally ill
Winning the war isn't the point. Fixing the mental health crisis without reforming laws is the aim.

>> No.50284032

You give Shartmerica far too much credit.

>> No.50284034

Me too.

>> No.50284044


>> No.50284062

Pole's law

>> No.50284064

And stop all the money that's being made by insider contractors selling and shipping weapons and supplies? What are you, some kinda antisemite?

>> No.50284081

I wouldnt worry about it

>> No.50284126

The point is to squeeze the goys

>> No.50284137

did you post this because the stock market is down

>> No.50284176

of course, chud. Fucking zelensky's messing with my fucking money

>> No.50284631

haha you're bad at trading

>> No.50284777
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>> No.50284797

How long until Russia win?

>> No.50284827

>I just want to bash her vagoo with my penor


>> No.50285586
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>> No.50286211

All western nations are undergoing a controlled collapse. Ukraine is a tool for our leaders to funnel money out before the ship sinks. Welcome to the great reset.

>> No.50286260

To make money.
That was the only goal.
Long defense contractors.

>> No.50287321
File: 462 KB, 1080x1650, Screenshot_20220711-102005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TPTB have already started prepping the public for the inevitable loss. Putin is going to take his new territory and the west will look like a weak bitch.
Media will do their best to cope but a loss on this scale is going to hurt. There are a lot of children in the west who cannot conceive of loosing. Imagine a cocky fighter who looses his first fight. It should be fun to watch.

>> No.50287338

I’m so mad at Putin right now I’m literally shaking and it’s not because I can’t afford central heating.

>> No.50287596

russia's clear objective is taking all the good land from ukraine
and they are succeeding.

>> No.50287674

>We all know ruskie will win in the end.
You would't have to scream about it on image board if that was the case

>> No.50287728

The problem is not in the result (you're delusional if you think ukraine has a chance in the first place).
The problem is in how the war is prolonged, longer war = longer recession around the world.

Learn to read between the lines retard

>> No.50287894

Post portfolio

>> No.50289115

Once Putler achieves 100% warscore, they'll just find another excuse to tank the world economy. Maybe they'll invent yet another pandemic, who knows.

>> No.50289166

based and cavepilled

>> No.50289205

To kill more white people
To kill the bravest men in ukraine while fags dance in their streets

>> No.50290876

I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys, I'm mad at her because I can't just spontaneously dance like that

>> No.50290961

Its the face, there is something about it that makes her look super old

>> No.50291043

>1 million freshly trained men about to counterattack to the south
>Russians can't take a couple major towns in a timely manner with 20:1 artillery superiority
>he still thinks they're winning

I implore you to do some real research.

>> No.50291095

Ja, steiner’s counteroffensive will win us the war for sure! Just two more weeks!!

>> No.50291121
File: 76 KB, 1024x929, FBE97B0E-6DC4-4981-B6C2-1611008FD8EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and kek'd, but you're still a chudcel (involuntarily chudibate)

>> No.50291131

>We all know ruskie will win in the end.
hello ivan!

>> No.50291195
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Cope retard. by 1945 Germany was scraping the barrel with old men and 14 year old soldiers. Imagine trying to compare that to a war of 4 months, where one side has JUST finished training 1mil reservists. Mathmatically if Russia doesn't mobilize they'll be at a massive numerical disadvantage with no true air superiority.

Let's try to face reality here, shall we? :)

>> No.50291206

My dad works for NATO. He says a billion well-hung Ukrainians are storming the Kremlin as we speak to give Putin a bukkake gangbang.

>> No.50291216

>they believe the propaganda

>> No.50291644

Even Western media doesn't pretend that Ukraine is winning anymore.

>> No.50291689

It’s a special operation, not a war

>> No.50291816

We gotta win this war because otherwise people will have doubts about installing blatan jewish blatant comedian presidents and cabinets. And we don’t want to go there.

>> No.50292000
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Thing is, you have to trust the mighty eagle QOM and getting rich to fucking buy World's Peace!!!
It's that easy

>> No.50292188

the point is to obliterate their army and thus disarm their ability to project force for at least another 5-10 years

>> No.50292206

you are specially retarded, kys Vlad

>> No.50292288

When tigers fight
The jungle trembles

>> No.50292385
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Sirs, I volunteer to host a butifel White Ukrainian womans in my village. She will be taken very good care of, yes.

>> No.50292488
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Wtf the left really can't meme. How is that even funny?

>> No.50292494

Slavs get triggered so easily. They're little whiny pissypants babies.

>> No.50292542


>> No.50293130

>1 million retards
>150k trained soldiers with a defenders advantage

>> No.50293211

>1 million retards
>150k retards being forced to hold the line at gunpoint while their women fuck foreign men in refugee camps

>> No.50293214
File: 293 KB, 644x332, 1064E1D1-DBD0-4489-84C2-54349D5E3128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point of prolonging THAT stupid war?
West is trying to bleed Putin dry. They dont realize they will only bleed themselves.

>> No.50293348
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>i have no idea what im talking about, the post

maybe check more than one source before parroting your choice of brainwashing

>> No.50293362


care= boots on the ground

nato doesnt care

>> No.50293383

>The price will keep climbing
That is literally the point. its all just theatre to create a reason for inflation besides (accurately) blaming the fed for bad monetary policy.

>> No.50293407

Stupid fucking politicians (on both sides) support the war unequivocally without realizing that inflation, energy, and supply chain issues caused by years of rolling lockdowns is being made unnecessarily worse by sanctions. Part of the problem is that it's such a meme issue infused with such outrage that politicians are forced to support involvement or they personally support it without understanding the consequences to average people. If politicians and normies generally had more than a few brain cells, they would push for negotiations and compromise so that this worldwide economic disaster which is gaining momentum can be mitigated

>negotiate end of conflict and ease sanctions
>critical supply lines (particularly of oil and gas) reopen
>energy and food prices lessen significantly, which is turn lessens costs of manufacture/transport/sale of all other goods
>inflation measures lessen as consumer costs go down
>Central banks are given excuse to stop tightening measures and cut rates, maybe restart QE
>markets recover significantly on news that Fed will be providing much-needed liquidity
>investor sentiment and risk appetite pull 180 and stocks/crypto have massive rally

>> No.50293534
File: 236 KB, 1184x1500, 193205F4-57CD-4085-8746-DA80B0BD78AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless if you support ruskies or ukraine, can we agree that this war wouldnt happen if this nigga is still in office?

>> No.50294416

Russia will not win lol, what the fuck are you smoking commie

>> No.50295000

The point is to degoy Ukraine so jews can come in and take over.

>> No.50295054

Russia has won. It's just mop up now.

>> No.50295133


its amazing how much money the russian government spends trolling 4chan boards. go back to pol

>> No.50295135



>> No.50295167

If there was a betting site I'd seriously consider putting a lot of money on Russia winning.

>> No.50295197

So if thats true why is the Ukraine burning their own wheat fields? Why haven't the successfully stopped them?