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50281457 No.50281457 [Reply] [Original]

How much of getting a degree is IQ vs work ethic?

>> No.50281468

Just practice past exam questions a lot. You'll pass among top percentile.

>> No.50281473

100% work ethic. IQ just makes it easier and, depending on the study, there is a bottom. Probably 110+ for easy stuff, 120+ for stem.

>> No.50281476

0% IQ, 100% being some kind of dumb shitskin parasite or a w*man

>> No.50281485

IQ doesn't mean shit if you aren't motivated to do anything.

Someone with 4 IQ and the work ethic of Hephaestus can and will win everytime

>> No.50281501

Iq is largely a meme when it comes to real world success. There are tons of 130+ iqs working as janitors, I know someone like that actually.

>> No.50281505

>Hustlin Somali vs lazy Chinese
Who wins out in academia?

>> No.50281534

20% IQ
80% work ethic

IQ only matters if you're literally in the retarded range so like 50-80 IQ but then it matters a lot as in you literally can't even read properly.

>> No.50281545

>t. 95 IQ midwit poorfag corporate slaves

>> No.50281548
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Im somali and almost everyone I know has a stem degree, subsidized by the government of course.

>> No.50281550

iq helps achieve the end of your goal.
less iq = more time to get there
more iq = you get there faster with less effort.
that is all.
iq can not make you motivated if you are lazy

>> No.50281557


First link lmao, rugpulled millions.

>> No.50281572

>demeaning meme arrow quote

>> No.50281637

You can finnish almost any college degree by working ALOT. There are some STEM stuff that is difficult to do if you are full-blown retard but most stuff you can brute force.

>> No.50281643


>> No.50281651
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IQ helped me get a degree with minimal studying, but my work ethic sucks.

>> No.50281658

Work ethic >>>> IQ as long as it's over 80. There are a lot of dumbasses with degrees.

>> No.50281701

I went to engineering school and barely graduated, but I'm kinda dumb. I think it depends on what you study. Like psychology or something is easier than physics.

>> No.50281742
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It's quite literally 100% "I have enough spare time to do this" ethic. Any moron or "hard worker" can get a degree. The problem has never been an issue of work ethic or IQ. The problem is time and money. It's similar to the military, if you stay in long enough you'll make rank. If you stay in Uni long enough, you'll get a degree. Work ethic and intelligence plays zero role in the equation.

Being smart does make it a bit cheaper though. Use your damn grants/scholarships, they're there for a fucking reason.

>S. Computer Science degree holder.

>> No.50281761

I’m probably poorer than you for never asking for help

>> No.50281762

Effort is more important.
The people I see called academically unintelligent give up at the first difficulty. They don’t work to get to where it becomes easy for them.
Passing uni, even in stem is so easy now, the real challenge is getting into a good uni and developing connections.
But once there, at a classical uni, you can save yourself a lot of time by finding out what the gut courses are outside your major. That way you avoid the teachers whose m.o. is just to assign a lot of time consuming stuff. The “most academically successful student” at the uni I did my undergrad at took around twelve courses a semester by ferreting out all the gut courses.

>> No.50281849

Try again nigger
I'm a uni dropout with 125+ smart boy points. Shit work ethic, but I was wise enough to realise that what I wanted to do would require being too close to academia, which is rotten and not worth the effort dealing with.

Now I drive a forklift.

>> No.50281876
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Depends highly on the major. Some majors (like sociology) are easier than middle school. In that case even a retard (literally) could do it. STEM on the other hand (or hard skills in general) need high IQ (technically IQ is a shit metric since it always averages to 100 instead of being independent to the average intelligence of the population, but you know what I mean).

>> No.50281959
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most anons here are correct. IQ is not a fixed level of intelligence, its a ratio based on relative population. 100 IQ in 1850 is not 100 IQ today. So intelligence matters yes, but not nearly as much as work ethic and grit. 80\20 grit to IQ is about right. So do what you want, but always bust your ass on the one or two things you actually care about being good at.

>> No.50282013

they're related of course, if you are very high IQ, you need not put in much effort to get by, very low IQ and you need a lot of effort, a lot of both and you'll be very successful

>> No.50282242

This is fine, don't let any of these faggots tell you that you're wrong for doing what you enjoy. Most degrees are worthless and serve no purpose outside bragging that you wasted x amount of years of your life.

>> No.50282301

False, I'm sub 90 IQ and have a Masters in Electrical Engineering.

>> No.50282429

>"i'm high IQ but i dropped out of college because i'm too smart fot that. Now i'm a poorfag wagie!"
cope lol

>> No.50282784

Nice false narrative you just created there. How insecure are you that you have to make up stories about other anons like a schizo?

>> No.50282828

Work ethic. IQ can only carry you to freshman year

>> No.50282875

>tions a lot. You'll pass among top percentile.
i am semi-retarded and lazy af. I legit should have gotten a degree in street fighter give hours played in college vs studying.
I got 2 degrees, comp sci and comp engineering at a famous uni. If I can do it anyone can.

>> No.50283220
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phd is just mensa for dumber people

>> No.50283370 [DELETED] 

this is false i have 130 something IQs and had a blast procrastinating and skipping class and procrastinating through an entire engineering program and im not even that smart objectively. Knew people way smarter than me doing the same thing

>> No.50284068

Wtf is that thing on the background

>> No.50284130

>academia, which is rotten and not worth the effort dealing with.
Totally this. All you have to do is be an obedient, bootlicking faggot and you can get as many degrees as you like.

>> No.50284173

I work with degree holders, lot of them don't have an ability to problem solve.

>> No.50284218

marry fuck fuck kill

>> No.50284220

>get a PhD with something
>do absolutely nothing with it
>go get a normal wagie job like everyone else

Many such cases! Literally one massive ego stroking scam at this point, as evidenced by the huge % of women who get them.

>> No.50284266

Depends on the degree really. And the program. Some are literally just social welfare programs. Some degrees only require an IQ up to a point, then after that work ethic matters more, but more IQ helps a lot. Some degrees can make more IQ go further.

>> No.50284280
File: 21 KB, 593x517, F2EE1473-2FD2-4FA4-BA48-7EDB3CFBA5DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>134 IQ
>always felt like a retard
>couldn’t believe my IQ for years
>dropped out of college CS course
>worked as janitor then sales/landscaping
>invested everything in crypto
>semi made it
>felt insecure forever about being a drop out, like a retard
>always assumed it was too hard and i wasnt motivated enough
>eventually attend a language school and learn Japanese in 1 year to business level
>barely tried, just did minimum and enjoyed it
>decide to give university another go
>realise its fucking braindead. A monkey could do this as long as they just show up and put some hours in
>get incredibly frustrated with the pace of learning and tedium
>drop out again and continue teaching myself CS/software development
>get a job 1 year later no problem

Moral of this gay story is that Degrees require no IQ, just motivation. The only useful thing about university is networking otherwise you are a retard for doing it

>> No.50284286


That's why they spent 6 more years in "learning on the rails" rather than venturing into the economic wilderness to make their fortune

>> No.50284332

Degrees require 0 IQ but you're fucked without one

Without a degree you require 180 hustler IQ, which very few 4channelers have

>> No.50284376

>tfw high enough IQ so I coasted through college and was not at all ready for the sheer number of hours wagie life would steal from me
I want to go back

>> No.50284467

Its neither. There isnt much work in getting a college degree because they give them out like hot cakes, and the majority of degrees are useless. Higher IQ people do tend to get better degrees (STEM, agriculture etc.) that have actual use in society but the smartest people in the world, dont go to college, they find a specialization and build something unique or build a business without taking on the massive debt of student loans.

>> No.50284483

the one you would marry is fucking ugly. poor taste of women you got

>> No.50284531

nice try but no amount of self teaching will get you jobs compared to degrees. you must have already had connections with someone who alreadtly had a degree which is another story

>> No.50284534

>the one you would marry is fucking ugly
Yes, the middle one is 100% a retarded roastie. I would rather live my days with an 'ugly' trad woman than with a bimbo turbo roastie. Nigger.

>> No.50284564

fuck, marry, kill.

>> No.50284594


No. For a doctor or something you need a degree. I just applied for jobs no help at all. It’s worthless for computer science at least

>> No.50284671

All work ethic as it is in the real world. Your IQ only needs to be high enough to realize that you need to work hard to make it and have the self discipline to follow through.

>> No.50284677

Under 100 IQ, you're fucked whatever. Over 100 IQ it's mostly work ethic until you get to 140 where your raw intelligence can make life easier. However once you get into the corporate world playing politics and luck also come into play.

>> No.50284687

Unless you’re an actual retard or going for something extremely niche and esoteric like theoretical particle quantum physics or some shit then IQ doesn’t really account for that much. If you’re smarter then naturally you’ll likely have an easier time dealing with subjects, but a lot of college is really just getting the discipline to get your shit done on time. And besides, just look at a lot of people coming out now with advanced degrees. Awful lot of dumbasses who still happen to have an above average brain score. Sure there may have been a time where colleges were just a daycare for the rich to learn, but that time has long passed post industrial revolution and died with the boomers.
t. Professionally tested 130 IQ and Socrates “I know nothing” pilled

>> No.50284703

would shag them all and marry none!

>> No.50284741
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>> No.50284756

Yeah nice mobile post. Continue coping from your forklift.

>> No.50284789

20% work
30% iq
30% social int.
20% luck