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50275648 No.50275648 [Reply] [Original]

what investment tip would you give to someone who is just starting to invest?

>> No.50275657

stay the fuck away from leverage trading

>> No.50275695

whatever you do, don't buy lunc

>> No.50275708


>> No.50275738

Just don't start

>> No.50275741


>> No.50275746

just save yourself the trouble and kys now

>> No.50275759

sell everything and buy weed

>> No.50275769

Enjoying losing all your money to crooks/jews

>> No.50275801

invest percentages of your paycheck over time, instead of lump sums. buy red sell green

>> No.50275890 [DELETED] 

Buy DUCK. Money is there. 10x easily. It's like pure gold. Launch soon at 600 members. t/duckbinance

>> No.50275945

Buy stock in companies that you personally pay money to so when you buy something you are investing in a company you own. Fill up gas at Exxon, buy Exxon. Buy printer ink from HP? Buy HP. Cellphone service from Verizon? Buy Verizon. Your whole financial ecosystem can be re-investing in companies you own.

>> No.50275958

The #1 factor in investment success is luck

The fact is there is no way to capture high returns without risk, all the fundamentals research and TA in the world can't take the risk go away, there will always be key variables you cannot possibly predict, you can easily make a pittance from the market as a low risk bonds trader but if you want to make it, you're going to need to get lucky and have your risky investments pay off

Don't get a big head, never ever have a sense of ego while trading, if you allow yourself to believe your models will predict the future you will sooner or later be proven wrong

Remember this always, give fortune her due, when you are blessed be sure to pass on her blessings to someone else, and she'll be sure to smile on you again, when you become miserly, self crediting and ungracious she'll turn her face to someone else

>> No.50275993

>The #1 factor in investment success is luck

>> No.50276011
File: 501 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220602-191813686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy GNS right now and then stake it when staking releases in the next few weeks.

>> No.50276201

If you are 18-20 buying even 100$ a check will put you leagues a head of every person you know in your 30s. 30. By 30 if you only do 100 a check, you will have 50k buying sp500 etf.

You starting at 18 are already pretty fucking smart so let’s say you put 1k in an account and opened one. You added 120 every paycheck. You got a new job at 22 and bumped it to 200 every check. At 25 you bumped it to 250.

18 start with 1k
22 16k
25 37k
30 95k.

This is all easily doable and with an 8 percent return which is conservative. Throw more money at a young age and watch it fly. Instead of moving out at 22 paying 1600 in rent imagine stacking that into the market. You can be rich if you sacrifice

>> No.50276222

wageslave for a year, spend as little as possible and dump all of your dollars into spy weeklies. whatever you gain, put aside or into stable investments, keep going until you have adequate wealth

>> No.50276248

Don't waste the time and money
Start small you retard
Take out your initial always asap
Governance tokens are worthless

>> No.50276265


dont listen to these pussies i made $90 000 at 18 in gamestop and bitcoin calls. anyone telling you take it slow is ngmi

>> No.50276294

>do this past six months
>lose everything you have put in
>quit investing

>> No.50276564


>> No.50276599

Buy the top so your token/stock has a higher value

>> No.50276603

>investment tip
DUCK. It's like pure gold, OP. Launch soon at 600 members. t/duckbinance

>> No.50276650

what is duck nigger

>> No.50276756

Stay away from futures. accumulate good gems that are cheap now like ETH BNB and good low caps like AxlToken and wait patiently.

>> No.50278684

Don't trade with your emotions ans go for long-term investments till you know your way around.

>> No.50278698


>> No.50278857

Pay attention to your savings rate (money you can put away / job income after taxes)
Start with guaranteed investments like paying off high interest debt, then move on to investments with a good track record, then have a good chunk in risky investments.
I personally have a 80/20 split where the 80 is in boring stocks and 20 is in fun crypto. Out of my crypto, 80% is in the boring ones of that etc.
An emergency fund is generally good advice, but I think it is overblown when you are getting started. If you can live with a 66% savings rate, you can simply not buy stocks for a month or two and you can pay for emergencies.
In my definition of savings rate, I only count your job income when calculating savings rate. That is to allow a savings rate of more than 100%. Let's say you make 100k a year and cost of living is kept at 25k. You have a savings rate of 75%. Then you spend that money on things that generate an income of 25k/year. I would consider that to mean a savings rate of 100%, not 80%.
The reason I do this is to illustrate that above 100% is when you make it. You could quit your job and live frugally or you could stay and work and make sure your investments are big enough to cover the life you want.

>> No.50278902

Come to /pmg/, almost everything is worthless now. Also read Rich dad poor dad. I read it a bit too late.

>> No.50278945

And stay away from those nft gamings which are worthless. Shout out to illuvium that doesnt have any product bahahahaha

>> No.50278983

The only thing worth investing in these days is weapons, non perishable food, water filters, tools, etc. Invest in yourself and lastly a good set of antisemitic Litrature.

>> No.50279169
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>what investment tip would you give to someone who is just starting to invest?

Max out your matching 401K, max out your contributions to Roth IRA.
Make sure you are well insured; health, car, house, etc.
DO NOT fail to insure these things!
Keep 2 -3 months income in a checking account and arrange all your bills to be auto paid (over time this will give a godly credit rating)

Unless you know better, put your investment money in an index fund.

>> No.50279429

Illuvium is designed for long term and they're starting recruiting scholars, don't you dare saying that trash. Honeyland is also built for long term and so with splinterlands. I don't want debating nonsense FUD

>> No.50279559

Read The Intelligent Investor and try to decide which is the 80% safe bet, the 15% risk bet, the 5% your own dumbass bet between today's choice of assets. Try to translate that book into today's world cause it's old as fuck but it still makes sense for feeling out your own risk tolerance. DCA a little each week/month and increase your amounts on dips. Set it and forget it like that old rotisserie chicken infomercial. Don't trade, don't leverage. Don't be swayed by trends on jewtube or this board.

>> No.50279698

Why long term? People likes money on games only

>> No.50280102

Rewards are locked and slowly will be unlocked for a long term basis. The community is star-struck on their latest developments. Don't need to explain to the pajeet like you.

>> No.50280113

I have car insurance

>> No.50280209

Devs are too much promise the same with other games

>> No.50280219

Health is cooler.

>> No.50280230

Suck your 2 inch dick

>> No.50280346
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Do not overthink anon. Not every devs are greedy and vice versa. You should DYOR before saying a damn.
Lol, how do you know their size?

>> No.50280405

Don't be confident

>> No.50280412


>> No.50280419

All in on XRP.

>> No.50280421


2 + 2 = 5

>> No.50280452

Make sure the asset has long term potential and a relevant use case. One of the reasons I'm in on Railgun as privacy protocols would always be needed to secure user assets and prevent targeted scams.

>> No.50280459
File: 107 KB, 1080x1053, FSo-_PMXwAAwQDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't trade! Just buy stuff with good fundamentals and don't touch it for at least a 1-2 years.
If you want to buy crypto buy Ethereum monthly from your income and don't watch the price movements.
Your worst enemy is yourself! If you panic and start to chase price movements you will lose all your money like 90% of the people here.

>> No.50280472

I'm confident because I did it with back up research before buying those nft bee eggs. Admit it that you don't have SOL coins to buy fuckjet

>> No.50280478

What is the connection between the picture?

>> No.50280483

Learn to identify shills like >>50280452 and stay away from whatever shit they're peddling
this whole board in general is 99% brainlets, but if you can filter stuff you'll be ok

>> No.50280489

This advise would give -75-95% if followed in 2021 and most of 2022

>> No.50280504

Stop talking with yourselves useless rats

>> No.50280514

Yeah but Ethereum is at 1150. It will be 5000-10000 in 2-3 years.
Next bull market will be about Ethereum rollups. Also Ether supply will be deflationary after merge.

>> No.50280516

I'm guessing you're too retarded to differentiate shit from based assets. That's a you problem anon, don't try to drag people down with you.

>> No.50280532

'based assets' right buddy keep working on it and maybe one day you can pass as a not-pajeet-peddling-shit

>> No.50281199

Everything is red and now is a good time to start buying. ETH, ATOM, SCRT are some good picks but it's advisable to DCA since the market keeps going down in this bear market.

>> No.50281216

Don't invest more than you're willing to lose, always keep fresh as it alleviate anxiety of dips to know that if it crash you're ready to buy more.
Only invest in assets you're willing to hold for a long time.

>> No.50281262


>> No.50281355

Diversification doesn't work. Instead of diversifying, pick your best investment idea and go all in on it. When you go all in, go all in all at once and try to time the bottom. Yes I'm serious. Think about it why would you waste money on your second and third best investment ideas? Why would you put a little bit of money into something expecting the price to go down just so you can buy more?
>but the risk
Listen, anyone who is afraid of risk should just do passive investing. If you want to make the best returns in the LONG run and you have the brains to pull it off then trust your instincts and trust your dd. You'll sink or swim and even if you are terrible and want to quit at least you find out early and can stop wasting time and just move to passive investing. I wanted to give you this advice but I'm not going to play 20 questions and defend this strategy against all of the retards. Just think about it.

>> No.50281375

When you buy a certain stock/crypto, ask yourself "What is the timeline here?". For example, I have some oil stock, I will likely sell them in a few months, before the ukraine war stops. I also have Hydrogen fuel cell stock, these I will keep for a few years, as it is an emerging technology. Even if you do not "trade", you still have to sell someday to make a bit of cash.

>> No.50281627

Right. You're still talking out your ass without proof. Enjoy your made up feeling.