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50277167 No.50277167 [Reply] [Original]

The jews dump bitcoin whenever I've run out of income to buy the dip, then pump it again when I get my paycheck.

>> No.50277196


>> No.50277216

>my imaginary boogeyman is working against me
what a low IQ take, just save your paycheck and buy when it's down

>> No.50277247

Stop blaming Jews for everything. They are very nice people when you get to know them. They aren’t some evil boogeymen running the world

>> No.50277253
File: 33 KB, 612x501, 1657327210388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The jews

>> No.50277276


t.secret semitic synagoug of swindlers

>> No.50277293

Yeah the world revolves around you Anon

>> No.50277308

Same fucking thing happens to me. How do they know?

>> No.50277394
File: 15 KB, 239x211, 74A9535F-F034-4DB0-BA01-73D5EE7CEB68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feeling more than anyone.
I got a 100k inheritance that I put into BTC at $40k and Link at $20.
It makes me suicidal how much I could’ve bought if I’d have waited.
Now I only have a couple hundred bucks a month to put into crypto.
Fucking sucks

>> No.50277412
File: 171 KB, 599x740, 2E0DBC58-7605-43D0-9349-51046C7F551D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the joos fault im not succesful wahhhh

>> No.50277417
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>> No.50277487

It's actually the chinese doing the manipulation

you'd think people would realize this shit by now...

>> No.50277497

Seethe faggot. I just bought more, you should be dumping now.

>> No.50277517

go back to pol nazis. reminder that nazis killed more white people than any others. common L

>> No.50277522

Holy fuck you pussies get triggered by the word "jews". Bunch of faggot zoomers. Just read it as a stand-in term for vast financial powers who conspire to ruin you. There are yellow jews, the Anglo jew, the woke jew, and the semitic jew.

>> No.50277534

Yes, the nazis were also jews. Babby's first redpill, congrats you neutered broccoli headed faggot.

>> No.50277549
File: 355 KB, 1022x672, 1632225274287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behind me