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50274545 No.50274545 [Reply] [Original]

How stupid is it to quit my job before I have something else lined up? I hate it so much and it makes me miserable

>> No.50274559

Working sucks but not having income is even worse

>> No.50274569

I quit my job without a plan because I hated it. Best thing I ever did. I felt amazing and I finally had time to improve my application packages. After a month I landed a dream job.

>> No.50274617

Start using LinkedIn and then find a career job you like OP.

>> No.50274619

I literally can't sleep (especially on Sunday nights) because of stress
Customers complain about my performance even though I fucking work my ass off. I've literally been called shit and a retard by demanding clients
Never taken a day off, usually skip lunch
I've just about had it.

>> No.50274627

Do it, Bezos created Amazon in his garage

>> No.50274633

Sounds incredible, any advice? Congrats

>> No.50274634

Do you have savings to last a couple months? Another source of income? If you have either or hopefully both go ahead and quit if you hate it. I did what you’re thinking a little over week ago and it’s been awesome. But I have 6 months of bills in just cash, other investments, zero debt, and my side business has really started picking up recently. It all depends if you can afford it.

>> No.50274639

I did it and now I'm sitting in a powerless apartment and haven't ate in 4 days, don't do it.

>> No.50274642

I dropped out of the workforce.

Working in the modern world for anyone other than yourself is the equivalent of doing "busy work" on days when you had a substitute in school.

It's all a scam to keep tax money flowing, nothing of purpose or meaning gets done and if you try to do purposeful interesting meaningful things you will be ostracized or destroyed.

Work for yourself is the only logical choice.

>> No.50274666

That sucks man. Try moving internally to a different position. If not just quit. No amount of money is worth your mental well being.

>> No.50274684

Yeah I'd say I have about 5-6 months in the bank. I have a little freelance thing that's not giving me a substantial amount but it's something. I'm just scared about how much that will affect my resume and finding another job.

>> No.50274711

I'm not nearly as smart or driven. I'm just an average joe desu
Fuck dude
Yeah thanks for the reply anon you're right, I'm just very indecisive

>> No.50274782

Same dilemma. I want to quit so badly, but I won't survive without my monthly check.

Modern slavery.

>> No.50274790

Yup it's stupid I got injured on my job too and was told if I resigned I'd get my last paycheck and any vacation saved up which would have been enough to survive but they decided to fire my boss who promised that and didn't pay me out on anything literally didn't even pay my hourly wage for the week I was last working, and I tried the labor board there's a week wait and that's just the burner plate response on the website been trying for two weeks now.

I seriously just wanna blow my brains out but I can't even do that, I do have some extension cord and some trees near my house.

>> No.50274793

If you end up with a large gap on your resume, just write in some bar or restaurant that closed down around you recently and say you were a bartender during that period. It’s what I did to explain a 6 month gap where I tried to get my business going solo, learned a few lessons, and realized I needed to wage a bit longer to get where I wanted to be. I’m fact I still have it written on n my Resume, I’ve gotten a few jobs since and never had anyone investigate further.

>> No.50274804

Even when you work for yourself, you will still have answer to "clients", no? That's where I'm at right now, at least at a large corporation there is a chain of command and other people to help you out. At a small company where you're dealing directly with clients, they can kick you around and there's nothing you can do because they're giving you money.

>> No.50274852

thems the breaks

guess it depends on how well you fit into your hierarchy and how comfortable you are in a hierarchical system.

I find bosses difficult to deal with, but maybe you have cool ones who get you and respect you as an individual.

>> No.50274859

Do it anon. Living under a bridge is the real freedom. Don't let the jews that control the world tell you otherwise. They just want to enslave you and do all the hard work for them.

>> No.50274994

I feel you brother
Yeah man that really sucks. Small business owners and government programs are literally the devil. I sometimes do work with local government, labor boards and the like. The incompetency and carelessness of the people that work there makes my skin crawl.

I think about suicide a lot too. I literally don't have a life because I'm at work all of the time, or I'm too stressed to learn anything new or do anything other than post. I'm just a drone.

>> No.50275024

That is actually good advice anon. I've heard the same from a few people now.

>> No.50275031

Damn bro, you in a call center or something?

>> No.50275038

It sucks but be happy you're a drone, I miss food I didn't think I would be here, I was number one in my company with customer service out of the entire country, and they lied to me and step me up to fail and fall behind, they fucked me over once before when I had worked for them but I had hoped they were different and I needed a job, now they literally put me on suicide watch all they needed to do was pay me my final check and things would be fine but they wanted to fuck me and drag me into a new quagmire in life when I'm done with this shit, every god damn job or doctor I go to or person it's just the same shit over and over, everyone so focused on themselves they don't see someone in desperate need of help and just done with life, oh I'm sure I'll be "I didn't know anything was wrong"
or "He seemed so happy"
from the same people who did me wrong.

>> No.50275048

Not necessarily, I work in IT but I end up having to deal with customers a lot, even though that's not really what I signed up for.

>> No.50275053

>Even when you work for yourself, you will still have answer to "clients", no?
No, not if you don't have any clients. Take the trader pill, read Richard Wyckoff and go from there

>> No.50275068

Set me up* Sorry my head is pounding from stress, hard to think straight right now.

>> No.50275075

That'd be nice, but I don't think I'll ever be smart enough for that.
Glad it works for you though, if it does.

>> No.50275133

It's more about being disciplined than being smart which is actually very hard but at least you are less limited by genetics. I sense that you underestimate yourself which is normal in your situation but you should aim high to know your limits at least

>> No.50275165

My advice is just do nothing until you get fired, atleast you can go on unemployment and it'll give you time to look

>> No.50275240

Stop worrying so much. Your health is more important. Unless the temporary lack of income is going to make your health worse, then do it.

>> No.50275294

I quit my job in 2016 and I couldnt find another relatable one. They all asked what happened at last job I said quit. Employers dont like quitters. If you have a year then do another relatable job apply and do that. Or ask your boss to find you another job

>> No.50275374

>if you have a year
what do you mean?

>> No.50275507

Just take the leap. It's ballsy but if you have the right attitude getting your mind out of a depressing dead end gig can sometimes be exactly what you need to succeed.

>> No.50275535

>being honest to employers
Just say you had to leave to take care of an elderly parent

>> No.50275628

Are you a fulltime trader? About to quit my job to do that. Even if I only make a survival wage doing it I'm pretty sure I'll be happier than I am right now. I want that "Saturday" feeling everyday, only work when I want. I'm feeling that Sunday dread right now.

>> No.50276019


If it's really making you miserable and you have some emergency funds... I would quit. But be prepared to lose a bargain chip when finding the next job.

>> No.50277810

>lose a bargain chip when finding the next job
yeah I'm pretty much still entry level so that's what's causing my indecision. This job is the one thing keeping me from being a complete NEET loser.

>> No.50277852

I would stay and I say this as a person who just one day decided to get up and quit an office job 5 years ago to daytrade crypto. Let them fire you while you try to learn everything you can from it while you still have the opportunity and i dont just mean work bullshit but also personable and business skills.

>> No.50277864

holy fuck are you me?
>6 months into entry level IT slave work
>want to blow my brains out but trying to stay for at least another 6 months

>> No.50277875

thanks anon, I'm thinking this is the way to go unfortunately. I am just a complete ball of anxiety and stress at this point. And that may be partly my own fault, mindset and perspective and whatnot...

>> No.50277885

>Yeah I'd say I have about 5-6 months in the bank. I have a little freelance thing that's not giving me a substantial amount but it's something. I'm just scared about how much that will affect my resume and finding another job.
The gap will hurt the bigger it gets and succeeding on your own may push your mindset to a place thats not compatible with what an employer needs out of a wagie.

>> No.50277886

haha yeah that's exactly where I'm at except I've gotten to a year and a half without killing myself so far

>> No.50277898

Dont cheat yourself. Don't sweat it. If felons can get jobs, you will find one.

>> No.50277913

Sounds healthy to me. Its really hard to step out and do what your looking to do when everything leading up to that point was to prepare you for waging instead.

>> No.50277914

I did the same. One of the only good decisions I've ever made.

>> No.50277942

i'd say depending on your job duties, having 1 year experience of X is long enough. if you have a sizeable cushion go and study some more anon. homelab, certs, whatever you think you can achieve in a reasonably short timeframe

>> No.50278588

Thanks anons

>> No.50278686

how long do you have until you will be forced to take a mcdonalds job?

>> No.50279155

peak stupid

>> No.50281231

Legit about to take the same leap of faith. I can't stand working for these autists any longer and I'm too miserable (and desu lazy) to upskill in my free time. Grats on your chad move paying off anon, here's hoping OP and I can manage the same.

Which industry are you looking to move into OP?

>> No.50281470

>works his ass off for globohomo corps

Just quiet quit bro, look for a new job but just dont give a shit and do the bare minimum until they fire you and collect unemployment. Jobs today are not worth going above and beyond.

>> No.50281681

Don't quit, I did it and I feel like a NEET loser now. Time is not going to help you in any way. Just get a long vacation to have some rest and find a better job.

>> No.50281753

amerigoys lmao

>> No.50281831

>muh gap
do amerikikes really bitch about amerigoys not being in the wage cage for a couple of months? lmao, americans are literal cattle

>> No.50281924

The trick is to stop giving a shit about customers etc they are just people like you and me, nothing makes them special. You just got to view them as NPC retards plain and simple. What are you stressing for, in the grand scheme of things our lives are meaningless and those faggot are meaningless.

>> No.50281935
File: 533 KB, 657x1030, 9c8t1nil1ia81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop caring

Do the bare minimum, show up late, take a long lunch, leave early. Collect your cheque while sending out applications (on company time of course)

There's literally nothing to lose if you already hate your job. "b-b-b-but what if they wont give me good reference!!!" nobody fucking cares, all recruiters want to know is that you didn't try to burn the place down. Your performance dropping near the end because you were looking for another job is completely normal

Plus if you quit you have no chance of getting unemployment incase you can't find a job as fast as you'd like

Learn the power of not caring

>> No.50281941

i think if you had some shitty job then a gap year then it looks bad
i've been with my employer for ages and have risen up the ranks well, so i think if there was a year gap in my resume it'd be fine, i would just say i took a career break which I think they would be cool with, as my resume already proves i've been loyal and repeatedly promoted

>> No.50281960

I'm planning on growing weed, harvesting it and just bailing to a republican state.
I literally don't even want to work because my paychecks get smaller and my bills get more expensive.

>> No.50281978

>Plus if you quit you have no chance of getting unemployment
My fuck I hate Americans.

>> No.50281984

Except alot of them can't.

>> No.50281994

Bezos has rich parents too, fucking moronic nigger.

>> No.50282001

>Work for yourself is
Childish thinking.

>> No.50282003

>Yup it's stupid I got injured on my job too and was told if I resigned I'd get my last paycheck and any vacation saved up which would have been enough to survive but they decided to fire my boss who promised that and didn't pay me out on anything literally didn't even pay my hourly wage for the week I was last working, and I tried the labor board there's a week wait and that's just the burner plate response on the website been trying for two weeks now

>> No.50282009

Yes, don't move here if you have less than ten million in the bank.
It sucks in America and Canada, don't come here.

>> No.50282023

I might just move to California and steal and sell drugs.

>> No.50282035

Can we just grab out guns and fucking mutiny now? Are we real talk gonna live this way?

>> No.50282044

So capitalism isnt voluntary?

>> No.50282049 [DELETED] 

touch grass, retard

>> No.50282063 [DELETED] 

touch grass, retard

>> No.50282075 [DELETED] 

touch grass, retard

>> No.50282080

Yeah, I got fired and it’s great getting out of that toxicity. He had to pay me a week for free also.

>> No.50282089 [DELETED] 

touch grass, retard

>> No.50282529

>. I have a little freelance thing that's not giving me a substantial amount but it's something
I mean, you could tell them you wanted to try freeancing or sth but didn't llike it or whatever

>> No.50282587

>a year and a half
time to look for new jobs. ask for a significant pay rise this time. but don't leave just yet.

>> No.50282671

Cu4rently in IT but want to move into development. Although I'm not a complete autist, I'm not a people person and I hate talking to customers, zoom meetings, tech support etc.

>> No.50282693

You're right although I'm not at a globohomo corp, it's a small startup, which may be worse...

>> No.50283518
File: 176 KB, 1984x1708, 7cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am starting to get better at doing this, not great but better. maybe i should print out a pepe.