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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50269844 No.50269844 [Reply] [Original]

are you happy?

>> No.50270197

I am freshly unemployed. Thinking of end it

>> No.50270210

wearing a suit is the gayest shit ever

>> No.50270417
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I want to blow my brains out every day.

>> No.50270445

i work as a bartender at night and i study engineering during the day. i went back to school at 23 years old after working as a line cook for 4 years.

i like it

>> No.50270457

>I am freshly unemployed. Thinking of end it
You'll come to love it soon enough. Once the habit induced fear of the alarm clock wears off and you realise you're in nice comfy town where your time and day is your own. Imaging going to back to shelf stacking now creates a sense of physical panic and dread in me.

>> No.50270495

I work at usps, make 30 an hour. I have been dialing in on my finances the past year and am much happier with my job with a goal. Use to live paycheck to paycheck. Now I save and sign up for overtime

>> No.50270506

kek. i'm an accountant, no cpa. i dont mind it. then again i wfh. when i worked in an office i was ragemaxxxed from the daily commute.

>> No.50270508

How do you survive with no income? I have six months emergency fund and stocks but using/selling would kill me

>> No.50270534

Nothing. I've been sick for the past 20 years with a chronic illness. Got surgery for it and might be able to work after I recover.
Not too happy, I'd like to be able to work. I want to start a business if I get better but I don't know where to start

>> No.50270545
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Data engineer/back-end dev.
I love it. Have been doing it for over 5 years now, I couldn't be happier.

>> No.50270555

>How do you survive with no income?
Reduce none essential bills to the absolute bare minimum

I'm currently cruising on savings but may need to do some form of work eventually soon.

Personally, I am well beyond worrying too much about people's opinions of welfare now and will happily sign up for it until I absolutely have to work. I vil not jog for anyone anymore.

Energy bills are going to be the next decade prime problem. So, wherever possible, insulate.

>> No.50270746


Modafinil is a hell of drug.

>> No.50270781
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NEET on disabilitybux
> Are you happy?
Yes. Freedom is unironically amazing

>> No.50270782

How did you get into it? Is it possible to self teach yourself enough to get an entry level job in a few months, assuming you have a semi related degree?

>> No.50270827

IT fag. APIs and other middleware.

I'm not saying I want to kill myself but if a runaway truck was heading right for me, I sure wouldn't bother stepping out of the way.

>> No.50271203
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I have a CS degree and some experience so I wouldn't really know... I suppose you could get in if you have something to show, like on GitHub or whatever, but the kinds of big data problems I solve, I wouldn't be able to even prototype on a budget.
I wouldn't know anything about that.

>> No.50271206

Tech Contractor (Self employed). Technically I run my own business, but its really just me taking on contracts with local government agencies to do "tech stuff" their supposedly educated staff cant handle. Usually this is just bulk data entry, most of the time I can cut a six month project in half by shitting out some powershell script. Above average pay for work that rarely eats up more and hour of my day. The rest of my work time is spent on side hustles, been dabbling with android development.

>> No.50272639
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Entry software engineer. Pay could be better, but I'm alright. Shouldnt have wasted money in crypto, I would be able to buy a nice car by now.

You can do it wagie bros.


>> No.50272718

law, nope, just tired

>> No.50272740

USA? shitlaw or biglaw?