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File: 78 KB, 393x863, 1657476999505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50270644 No.50270644 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone fully explain how Hitler’s economic model worked? Did he really peg the german mark to german labor?

>> No.50270660
File: 525 KB, 728x1589, 1656421388945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partial explanation.

>> No.50270699

Holy fuck hitler was kinda based no cap

>> No.50270716

what book is this from?

>> No.50270738


what? that's ridiculous.

in any case, it was schact who was the architect of the mefo bills and super tight exchanges of marks to foreign currencies in order to avoid the exact situation sri lanka is in now. going by adam tooze's wages of destruction, the german economy underwent a huge reorganization through increasing regulation to stop the economy from flatlining due to a tidal wave of problems ranging from lack of exports/imports to stabiziling shift of agriculture to industry and maintaining power supply of coal.

>> No.50270740

So basically communism.

>> No.50270777
File: 94 KB, 750x1000, 46v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50270802

What did you expect? Communism, socialism , nazism, fascism, they are all the same. The only reasons your average commie hates Nazis are muh Jews and the fact soviets ended up fighting against Hitler (infighting is common in socialism). If these didn't happen, pretty sure your average commie nowadays would say they'd be happy with being a nazj.

>> No.50270808

so you are basically a gorilla

>> No.50270813

that is nothing like communism mouth breather. How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.50270826

Also requesting book title

>> No.50270828


>> No.50270840 [DELETED] 

>if I am not getting rammed up my asshole with a big jewish bankers cock that is gobbuism and unaemrican son
posting a meme doesnt make either of you look less stupid

>> No.50270857


>> No.50270875

Imagine not even knowing what communism is. What's described there is literally the foundation of communism.

Read a fucking book.

>> No.50270900 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 498x277, HitlerOnSocialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly what communism is imbecile but you clearly dont. My minor was business you stupid nigger. How about you explain to us ole wise one what exactly you think was communist about it.


I will make you look so fucking stupid you will never want to post here again you will be so embarrassed kid

>> No.50270932

in what way?

>> No.50270941

Why is a bartering system communist?

>> No.50270950

I can sit here all day telling anyone interested the differences between communism, fascism and capitalism and a fucking hick like you wont have the first clue wtf I am even talking about. Your stupid ass cant even tell anyone the first thing about how banking or anything else works. Sit the fuck down mouth breather

>> No.50270962

I know the chuds among you will hate me for putting it this way, but it's simple: he basically engaged in Keynesian deficit spending by building up Germany's army and other infrastructure projects (Autobahn system, etc.). Good old debt funded deficit spending. At least he got something out of it (the strongest army in Europe). When we do deficit spending these days it's mostly just give away gibs which generate nofthing but inflation.

>> No.50271005 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 670x377, gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the University of Pittsburgh’s Katz School, and I've been involved in numerous secret studies on communism, and I have over 300 confirmed citations. I am trained in gorilla ecomonics and I'm the top MBA student in the entire US banking sector. You are nothing to me but just another retard. I will wipe you the fuck out with knowledge the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my postgraduates across the USA and your argument is being torn to shreds so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can disintegrate your posts in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with less than 5 words. Not only am I extensively trained in macroeconomy, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Communist Studies of the Kellog's University and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.50271006
File: 385 KB, 667x498, EndTheFed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a book for you you stupid mother fucker. Start with these 2. Until you finish them stfu

>> No.50271038 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 353x549, babylon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the 3rd one read this one next. You dont have the first clue how any of this shit works and likely dont even possess the IQ to when it is spoonfed to you

>> No.50271063

central planning is central planning cuck, no matter what flavor of genocide you choose

>> No.50271069

please do sirs

>> No.50271074

dang, dare I say it was Hitler based?

>> No.50271079

btw I not only understand I teach stupid little shits like you how to understand by explaining it like I am talking to a child because you are morons. I wrote these articles and have been teaching anons here how the scam works since at least 2017. Now how about you suck shit out of my asshole mouthy little fucktard


>> No.50271094
File: 57 KB, 480x270, smug rin classic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol imagine being this buttmad, schizophrenic and wrong at the same time.

>> No.50271118 [DELETED] 

oh you mean like medicare and medicaid? social security? farm subsidies and grants? Shit like that? You are just some fucking hick who doesnt know his asshole from his elbow. There is economy in the world today anyone with a triple digit IQ would call purely capitalistic. We have been using socialist policies exactly the same as what the Nazis did, since the 50's knuckle dragging mook

start with the articles and video I posted. I wills tick around and answer questions as long as the thread is active

>> No.50271171

Japan liked him

>> No.50271235

Tell me why hitler was so based and why the holocaust never happened

>> No.50271254 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 850x400, hitlerwasright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50271278

he was a vegan the last years of his life
I can't respect a vegan

>> No.50271306


>> No.50271327 [DELETED] 

He could've beat them if he didn't invade the USSR.

>> No.50271383 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 739x823, shoulda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50271393

veganism wasn't a thing until 30 years ago dumbass

>> No.50271396

dude you're retarded. Stop talking and let the grownups have the thread
you are staggeringly retarded. Read even the most basic summaries of marxism

>> No.50271402

this is an astroturf thread where offboarders ignore everything about history to post this revisionism >>50270660
and then have a fake thread where they talk back and forth and softball each other to simulate a conversation. they've been doing this on 4chan for at least a decade for reasons that are obscure to me

hitler wasn't even involved in monetary policy, that was hjalmar schacht's job for almost the entirety of the nsdap's prewar tenure. just read schacht's book the magic of money if you want a primary source of how germany recovered financially from WW1

>> No.50271424


>> No.50271447 [DELETED] 

Not an argument

Tell him why he’s wrong

>> No.50271456 [DELETED] 

>11 posts by this ID
Lol, imagine being so butthurt, kys

>> No.50271467 [DELETED] 

Only a few minutes in and it's quite fantastic.

What if Soviet planned an invasion of the Reich?

>> No.50271477 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 631x575, tranny1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50271479

yeah? the capitalism vs communism argument is so goyish
focus on having non corrupt leaders and hold them accountable

>> No.50271489

really need to read the full thing to get a full understanding

>> No.50271499

Fundamentally different worldviews. Economy is secondary at best, more of a evil necessity that should serve the people.

>> No.50271501 [DELETED] 

schacht was a Rothschild's agent free mason who was removed very early after NSDAP took power you fucking pleb retard. I think was even imprisoned for a time

>> No.50271508 [DELETED] 

>Not an argument
No shit nigger
"Work" being exchanged is pretty much the foundation of communism
>Inb4 you're wrong because <insert some retarded opinion here>
No I'm right, kys

>> No.50271527

Didn't argue about "worldviews" but the specific view about exchanging work

>> No.50271536

Kys nigger

>> No.50271550 [DELETED] 

>"Work" being exchanged is pretty much the foundation of communism
wtf do you think money you massively retarded nigger? wtf is the value of any currency? Only the labor and goods you can purchase with it. Are you trying to argue that piecss of green paper are a commodity with intrinsic value? Holy fuck you people are so stupid it is absolutely astounding. No wonder you are all so poor and "invest" in digital tulips

>> No.50271558

>Exactly the same policies
Where are the pro-natal policies? I can take out a loan in the US and pay it off by having children?

>> No.50271559 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50271568 [DELETED] 
File: 642 KB, 480x459, NotTheJews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gas yourself kike

>> No.50271584 [DELETED] 
File: 235 KB, 700x687, retarded_children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"Work" being exchanged is pretty much the foundation of communism
>wtf do you think money [is]
I didn't want to post anymore, but holio fuck, you really are retarded, aren't you.

>> No.50271593 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, 1631844609458.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, this is a good reply >>50270660 but you also should watch this documentary -- it's pretty honest and accurate, despite it using "mainstream" sources (the documentary is pro-Natsoc): https://seed150.bitchute.com/65ztOo4t23NB/Ld8fxzEXZ2Qz.mp4

>> No.50271629 [DELETED] 

he's right though. you are clueless hicks >>50271424

and you are a slimy kike >>50271536

>> No.50271660

>What is horseshoe theory

>> No.50271661

Bullish for garloids?

>> No.50271679 [DELETED] 

calling someone names isnt an argument once you are over 9yo. How about you explain what "money" is.

>> No.50271699 [DELETED] 

I mean we already know you cant explain what communism is which is why you waited an hour after being called out to simply jump back in and name call again on a new topic you know nothing about

>> No.50271707

what do you think 'nazi' means

>> No.50271715 [DELETED] 

It's called shitposting sweaty, you guys are clearly not really worth the effort.

>> No.50271723 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1024x512, 1645854123637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alternative link: https://seed305.bitchute.com/65ztOo4t23NB/Ld8fxzEXZ2Qz.mp4


>> No.50271737 [DELETED] 

um hummm. what books did you read exactly to acquire this vast cache of sage knowledge you are blessing us with today? he posted his, where is yours? I mean you said read a book. Now tell us which one(s)

>> No.50271742

This is fake. Hitler hated workers. He would have had you working 90 hour weeks and dying from preventable illness. He hated you. He was not your friend. Do you understand what a luxury it is that you can go to your local bank and get a loan for practically anything right this minute? I just think it's sad that people choose to believe such revisionist history.

>> No.50271746 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 574x720, 1638420711464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Nazis" are a Hollywood fantasy and "historical" Nazis exist only in Hollywood films and in fiction-based documentaries and fiction-based websites like Wikipedia. The only physically real "Nazis" to ever exist are people in the United States who refer to themselves as such, and controlled opposition organizations like Azov.

The word "Nazi" is a political epithet invented by the jew Konrad Heiden during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and Nationalsocialism as a whole. The jew Konrad Heiden was a journalist and member of the jewish Social Democratic Party of Germany. His mother was ethnically jewish.

The jew Konrad Heiden coined the word "Nazi" for its negative sound and connection, as the word "Sozi" was used to refer to Marxists in Germany, particularly those of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. It was also a political pun because it sounded similar to an Austro-Bavarian word for "simpleton". It was then popularized among the jewish media groups in Germany and abroad by various jewish individuals. The jew Konrad Heiden later fled the country after the NSDAP succeeded in their election.

>> No.50271748 [DELETED] 
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1647073958013.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't even imagine being this absolutely fucking retarded
/pol/ is leaking again
america needs to be atlantis'd asap

>> No.50271762

yes, the bankers are our dear friends

>> No.50271801

Barter economy - no loans

>disrespectful trade methods right under our nose! Oy vey!

>> No.50271803

Hitler himslf was a day labourer in Vienna and dedicated chapters in Mein Kampf to their plight. You retard.

>> No.50271828

Labour isn't fungible, that doesn't make sense.

>> No.50271851

Thanks, will take out s second mortgage (death grip) on the house and go all in on that high yield pension fund my bank man recommend so I can enjoy an early retirement.

>> No.50271853 [DELETED] 

Ok, nuclear bomb hits from russia, the power has been out for weeks. The grocery stores are empty, people are rationing water and produce. You have an entire garage filled with green paper and I have an entire garage filled bottles of water.

Who is likely to get goods and services you or me? Guess what your green paper and shit but fire kindling now and my bottled water is money mouth breather

>> No.50271879

This. People get so caught up in red team/blue team faggotry (or communism vs capitalism etc) that they overlook shit politicians on "their side" and hate decent leaders just for being on the "wrong side". Politics is a retarded tribalist shitshow and hypocrites accusing each other of being hypocrites somehow endlessly entertains the plebs

>> No.50271917 [DELETED] 

>ok but what commodities would be valuable in a nuclear apocalypse
Are you retarded or something

>> No.50271964 [DELETED] 

Commodities are always valuable as long as there is demand. Fiat is only valuable if you can use it to buy goods and services.

To argue fiat has inherent worth is retarded.

>> No.50272004
File: 361 KB, 1567x1253, 1656609603262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally what that AI bot proposed for "laborcoin" Hitler was so fucking ahead of the game he was making crypto in the 1930's. What an absolute mad lad

>> No.50272049
File: 376 KB, 1012x498, workercoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this one? I had a good chuckle out of those GPT-3 coins.

>> No.50272132 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 850x400, 1656247299556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> About Capitalism

> "It's NOT Capitalism!"

> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux

> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"

> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.50272134

National socialism you fucking retard

>> No.50272137

>Who determines the value of a given piece of work?
For things like mowing the lawn it should be obvious, but what about something like creating a more efficient solar panel? You could do what some torrent sites do where users put forward coins to a request and whoever fulfills the request receives all of the coins.

>> No.50272150 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 769x645, 1643764014921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((( >>50271742 )))
Chutzpah in action.

>> No.50272172

>Who determines the value of a given piece of work?
I guess some form of barter? But you have to be careful to not let people trade with or amass a lot of these 'work certificates', or else you just get back to regular cash, but worse.

>> No.50272179
File: 6 KB, 200x207, b0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I determine the value, and I determine the value of me taking a big poopy in the morning is worth 10 bajillion, but only for me.

>> No.50272346 [DELETED] 
File: 3.80 MB, 1296x8600, 1635044961613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always written as Nationalsocialism in German. As one word. It's better to keep it that way. Putting a space in there separates the words and subconsciously puts the suggestion into the mind of the modern man that it was just "nationalism" + jewish "socialism", which is completely wrong. Nationalsocialism is its very own unique thing. It's neither about Nationalism (except on the surface) nor about the jewish concept of "Socialism". The NATIONAL part refers much more to the people itself (in an ethnic sense, and in the sense of the flesh and blood individuals, not as mere citizens) and to the people's native culture and native worldview and so on, than to a country/nation, and the SOCIALISM part refers to taking care of said people and said culture, protecting it and maintaining the health of it.

In "Das Parteiprogramm" it is written that:
> "The ancient folkish worldview based on the German community spirit, which had only been buried in the past, is the only idea which can unite all the classes and beliefs of the German people. This idea today is called Nationalsocialism."

>> No.50272720


>> No.50272831
File: 465 KB, 624x576, 234323626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barter system
he went full hyperborean, didn't he?

>> No.50272857 [DELETED] 

nation (n.)
c. 1300, nacioun, "a race of people, large group of people with common ancestry and language," from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe," literally "that which has been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci), from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

>> No.50274141

forex anon was a nazi this whole time!?

>> No.50274235

churchill was evil

>> No.50274258
File: 6 KB, 194x259, 1585503036174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50276181 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, 1627108843033.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, this is a good reply >>50270660 but you also should watch this documentary -- it's pretty honest and accurate, despite it using "mainstream" sources (the documentary is pro-Natsoc): https://seed150.bitchute.com/65ztOo4t23NB/Ld8fxzEXZ2Qz.mp4

>> No.50276192 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1024x512, 1641620807890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alternative link: https://seed305.bitchute.com/65ztOo4t23NB/Ld8fxzEXZ2Qz.mp4


>> No.50276425 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 574x720, 1630259651301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Nazis" are a Hollywood fantasy and "historical" Nazis exist only in Hollywood films and in fiction-based documentaries and fiction-based websites like Wikipedia. The only physically real "Nazis" to ever exist are people in the United States who refer to themselves as such, and controlled opposition organizations like Azov.

The word "Nazi" is a political epithet invented by the jew Konrad Heiden during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and Nationalsocialism as a whole. The jew Konrad Heiden was a journalist and member of the jewish Social Democratic Party of Germany. His mother was ethnically jewish.

The jew Konrad Heiden coined the word "Nazi" for its negative sound and connection, as the word "Sozi" was used to refer to Marxists in Germany, particularly those of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. It was also a political pun because it sounded similar to an Austro-Bavarian word for "simpleton". It was then popularized among the jewish media groups in Germany and abroad by various jewish individuals. The jew Konrad Heiden later fled the country after the NSDAP succeeded in their election.

>> No.50276432 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 850x400, 1648357060024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> About Capitalism

> "It's NOT Capitalism!"

> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux

> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"

> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.50276719

Awesome quote. Which "Mein Kampf" translation is the best?

>> No.50276758 [DELETED] 

Hitler, churchill, roosevelt, stalin, lenin. All prostitutes to the sun worshipping luciferians who pulled their string all the same. Hitler's flavor of communism wouldn't be any bsweeter than lenin's or mao's.

>> No.50276776 [DELETED] 

Hello edomite filth

>> No.50276806

>nooo you can't badmouth my hero
sorry to tell you everything you think you know is a lie. How you cope with that and where you go from here is your decision

>> No.50276828 [DELETED] 

wow anglos are actually just an extension of the jew.

>> No.50276830 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1646936764754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one: https://archive.org/details/1940-mein-kampf-the-official-stalag-edition-adolf-hitler/mode/2up

>what is the Stalag Edition

> This is the only complete, unabridged, and officially authorised English translation ever issued by the NSDAP, and is not to be confused with any other version. It was printed by the Franz Eher Verlag in Berlin for the Central Press of the NSDAP in limited numbers during the years 1937 to 1944. Most copies were distributed to the camp libraries of English-speaking Prisoner of War (POW) camps, and became known as the “Stalag” editions (Stalag being a contraction of the German word Stammlager, or POW camp) because they all carried a camp library rubber stamp on the title page.

> This official translation is not to be confused with the “James Murphy” or “Ralph Mannheim” translations, both of which were edited, abridged and ultimately unauthorised. The Murphy and Mannheim editions both left out major sections of text, and contained long, clunky, badly-translated and almost unintelligibly long sentences.

> In sharp contrast, the “Stalag” edition contains none of these complicated and unnecessarily confused constructions, and is extremely easy to read, as anyone familiar with the other versions will immediately notice. Most importantly, this authorised edition contains the full text of the original German—and none of the deliberately-inserted racial pejoratives used in the Murphy and Mannheim versions (words which Hitler never actually used in the original).

>> No.50276849 [DELETED] 

Thanks, Hitlerbro!
I have a 1930 edition in German, which is awesome, but want an English edition too.

>> No.50277007 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 225x225, the first boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good god anglos are such faggots

Straight from 1950's propaganda designed by frankfurt school jews

>> No.50277035

I've heard some say that the Ford translation is better. The Stalag is supposed to be accurate, but the translation is kind of shit.

>> No.50277064 [DELETED] 

Tired of being broke, now you don't have excuses

Download the Mine Shiba at the link below


Use the referral code 19132340 to earn a boost in your earnings and start earning 4 SHIB per hour instead of just 1

>> No.50277078 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 769x645, 1656485051255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((( >>50271742 )))
Chutzpah in action.

>> No.50277211

Why do I need to be in debt?
Is there a way I can work and save instead? Or in your system are you just going to continue printing money, keeping me on a treadmill until we inevitably violently clash.

>> No.50277251 [DELETED] 
File: 3.80 MB, 1296x8600, 1627899341940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always written as Nationalsocialism in German. As one word. It's better to keep it that way. Putting a space in there separates the words and subconsciously puts the suggestion into the mind of the modern man that it was just "nationalism" + jewish "socialism", which is completely wrong. Nationalsocialism is its very own unique thing. It's neither about Nationalism (except on the surface) nor about the jewish concept of "Socialism". The NATIONAL part refers much more to the people itself (in an ethnic sense, and in the sense of the flesh and blood individuals, not as mere citizens) and to the people's native culture and native worldview and so on, than to a country/nation, and the SOCIALISM part refers to taking care of said people and said culture, protecting it and maintaining the health of it.

In "Das Parteiprogramm" it is written that:
> "The ancient folkish worldview based on the German community spirit, which had only been buried in the past, is the only idea which can unite all the classes and beliefs of the German people. This idea today is called Nationalsocialism."

>> No.50277365 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 750x600, them isreal washington quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anglos are the ones that gave part of Palestine to the kikes to set up isreal

>> No.50277421
File: 34 KB, 441x345, de649bcecbbca08dc90883e982df9be46cd740d19415abafb789c222bc18330e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50277475

>He would have had you working 90 hour weeks and dying from preventable illness. He hated you. He was not your friend
But enough about bankers

>> No.50277630

Hitler literally gave you your home loan for free if you had 3 kids. He also encouraged 0 interest loans for local business and laborers.
The fuck are you talking about you incel communist?

>> No.50277896
File: 91 KB, 750x869, learntocode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twenty-five percent of the population were enslaved and the rest were calorie deprived meth users.

>> No.50277941

there is no natsoc economic theory it's just governmnental magical thinking
natsoc trannies are completely retarded.

>> No.50278002

Hitler was Jewed by USA. Kek. Nothing personal, krouts. Better luck next time.

>> No.50278020

>Nothing personal, krouts.
We all lost.

>> No.50278048

>pre-digital PoW currency

>> No.50278065

Calm down, Shlomo

>> No.50278100
File: 41 KB, 480x640, p2pb19s9b8p51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what are the odds he was teally the first to be /GADDAFI/'d? Because it's starting to sound like it should be called /HITLER/'d

>> No.50278120

>1 pbtid
Versus Churchill himself admitting why. Nah ur not convincing me shill. Whose paying you or are you cattle

>> No.50278130

It warms my heart to see pajeets and pakis colonize that miserable little rock of inbred jude golems

>> No.50278210 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50278238 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50278289 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50278359 [DELETED] 

Half assed Google says the Churchill quote is bullshit. Search for "and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny".

>> No.50279048

But how did he peg it to labor? What the fuck does that even mean? All the autistic retards itt sucking him off have no technical understanding of what is going on

I’m not saying it’s a bad idea I just still have no idea what pegging a currency to labor even means

>> No.50279061
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>Read a fucking book.
I'm not a big reader but I find the works of Pierce and Mellick really quite profound.

>> No.50279076

So based they had to make up "muh 6 million" to make sure it never happened again.

>> No.50279387

It did not, thats why he started the war

>> No.50279470
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No one can answer the only legitimate post itt. Never change /biz/

>> No.50279485

isn't a currency already pegged to labor since you exchange labor for money

>> No.50279601

I didn't know Hitler was this based.

>> No.50279781

incredible idea

>> No.50279788


2 hr to 3 hr kinda explains it

>> No.50279846

The state of the economy meant there was little scope for both foreign investment and foreign lending. To kick-start an economic recovery the German state began issuing its own fiat money. The government’s newly created money would be used to fund a large-scale public infrastructure plan, which encompassed projects such as repairing and maintaining public buildings and existing public infrastructure, as well as building new roads and highways, bridges, canals, and harbours. The budget for the infrastructure programme did not exceed one billion units of the domestic currency. To pay for the programme, the government issued Treasury Certificates. Brown (2010) explains:

One billion non-inflationary bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates, were then issued against this cost. Millions of people were put to work on these projects, and the workers were paid with the Treasury Certificates. The workers then spent the certificates on goods and services, creating more jobs for more people…They were not actually debt-free; they were issued as bonds, and the government paid interest on them. But they circulated as money and were renewable indefinitely, and they avoided the need to borrow from international lenders or to pay off international debts

>> No.50279872

This sovereign credit creation programme leads Brown (2010) to suggest that in less than two years the German economy was up and running again. Whilst millions of people in the U.S. and other Western countries were out of work, in Germany the ‘unemployment problem had been largely solved’. Indeed, between January 1933 and July 1935 the number of people in employment increased from 11.7 million to 16.9 million. Moreover, the national currency had stabilised; there was no inflation and no new external debt obligations.

>> No.50279896

I can't question Hitler because I'm in germany. I don't know what to believe

>> No.50279928

Very compelling. Please face the wall now.

>> No.50279954


>> No.50280006

reasonable plan but how did they manage to differentiate different types of work? Surely unskilled labour is objectively less valuable than skilled - engineers can dig trenches but labourers can't build bridges.

>> No.50280061

That's a good question and I've been wondering about it myself. As I understand the certificate were essentially a receipt for labour and materials delivered to the government, so maybe the government just determined what different types of labour/materials would be worth and just oversaw that they actually did the work.

idk how that would work where different people deliver different quality or work at different speeds, or if different government officials valued work the same ways or if there was some metrics they set out that everyone followed.
Need some history autists to answer these kinds of questions.

>> No.50280082

nice bait faggot

>> No.50280117

Isn't it fascinating how Hitler is becoming more and more relevant and his image less tainted?
When people go through financial hardships it is way easier for them to ignore silly accepted norms about how it is "bad" to call out those responsible, when people are suffering they are willing to make sacrifice. Those who rule over us have taken it too far and they will face the consequences.

>> No.50280191

well you can either have a functioning society, protected by a state that is working in the interests of the people or you can have the self-righteous afterglow of not being called a 'nazi'

>> No.50280210

>Those who rule over us have taken it too far and they will face the consequences.
Exactly. They already had 90% of the power and control over the entire world, however since they are morons they want to go for 100%, which will create the very things that destroys them.
It's funny how they sit at their shady meetings with their esoteric books but in reality they are very, very stupid people.

>> No.50280290


>> No.50280296
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>I can't question Hitler because I'm in germany

For starters grow a pair of balls

>> No.50280330

Checked, tfw Hitler invented PoW

>> No.50280394

yep it was PoW indeed
the jew fears the work

>> No.50280661

>Communism, socialism , nazism, fascism, they are all the same
based and ignorant pilled

>> No.50280704

>German state began issuing its own fiat mon
Not the first time someone tried this too.

>> No.50280721 [DELETED] 

Superior to what anerica has. Fuck this jewish country

>> No.50280904
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>Have leaders

>> No.50280954

Its the current system
>Force everyone to use your currency
>People get currency by working
>You tax them as much you want
>Bonus if you can make not working illegal
>Tada your currency is backed by labour, slave labour

>> No.50281005

Answer to that problem were feudal peasants.
>You will pay to your lord
>Okay I will give you wheat
>But wheat from each farmer have different quality
>We also dont have enough small denomination coins to pay with money
>Okay peasants, each of you will pay me by working set amount of time on my property.

If you dont have money, you pay in time

>> No.50281029

anglo jews and amerikikes financed him you disgusting retard that's how even if he might have done a little of his own thing they haven't planned jews are in it only for the money and power they will do anything to achieve their goals and justify their means

>> No.50281174 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50281185 [DELETED] 
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It's from Hitler's Revolution expanded edition by Richard Tedor. So is pic related. If you want the expanded edition you'll likely have to buy it, I haven't been able to find a PDF yet.

>> No.50281193 [DELETED] 
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National Socialism is not Marxist Socialism. NS works because of the ethnostate aspect of it.

>> No.50281203
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>hitler wasn't even involved in monetary policy, that was hjalmar schacht's job for almost the entirety of the nsdap's prewar tenure. just read schacht's book the magic of money if you want a primary source of how germany recovered financially from WW1

Oh look it's this Schacht garbage yet again. Schacht was a fucking meme and had no power at all in the NSDAP, and he was in charge when Weimar hyperinflated. Oh and he was backed by Jew bankers, what a shock.

>> No.50281207 [DELETED] 
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>source: talmud

>> No.50281242
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Fun fact: Germany under Hitler purchased cruise liners for exclusive use by workers and their families so they could visit other parts of the world, so Britain banned them from sailing it within view of their coasts.

>The voyages became enormously popular, leading Ley to charter five more ships that summer. By the end of 1934, the KdF fleet had provided five-day cruises, mostly to Norway, for 80,000 German workers and their families. The KdF introduced Mediterranean cruises the following season.Voyages to Italy allowed passengers to go ashore at Genoa, Naples, Palermo and Bari. The Portugal cruise docked at Lisbon or Madeira. During the first 1935 voyage beginning March 15, four KdF ships carried 3,000 passengers to Madeira, among them Ley. Portuguese and Italian residents of ports of call saw for the first time working class Germans enjoying a recreational activity previously associated with the upper class. During 1935, over 138,000 Germans took KdF cruises. 100

>One German journalist wrote this on the subject: “Just when thevacation cruises were about to begin, a representative of the British consul general arrived at the Hamburg office of the Strength through Joy organization. He asked whether there were any plans to have German workers' vacation ships put in at English ports. He was instructed to advise us that the British government regards putting in at English harbors, or even cruising within sight of the English coast, unwelcome." 7

>> No.50281288

Hitlers embraces labor theory of value: so he WAS a jew after all!

>> No.50281310 [DELETED] 
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>google says something about nazi Germany economy is bullshit
Imagine my shock. Source listed for the quote is: Bieg, Hans-Henning, Amerika die unheimliche Weltmacht, p. 105

>> No.50281325

Nazi economic model was ridiculously bad and only managed to sustain itself for a short while due to:
>fake bonds for military renovation
>resource extraction from invaded countries
>force population to provide their money to the state at 0%
>majority of the population on the brink of starvation at all times, despite the booming production
>forced labor
I've lived through the consequences of communism, and I hate it more than most of you ever will, but nazism clearly wasn't the answer. Both ideologies are the two sides of the same coin. You have to be a massive loser to support either.

>> No.50281382

This sounds cool and all but what happens when someone just starts lying about the labor performed and begins printing vouchers? Or what if one country thinks playing videogames is equivalent in labor value to farming crops?

>> No.50281411
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>> No.50281423
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Damage control post, no sources, claims things already shown to be bullshit by things posted ITT. Schacht completely disapproved of Hitler, Ley, and Reinhardt's policies on economics and even he admitted:

>“The frequent argument that Hitler found the unemployed population work and bread solely through a massive build-up of the armed forces is untenable, when the actual statistics are examined,” the historian Ralf Wittrich observed. 127 Schacht confirmed this when he stated, “The elimination of unemployment in Germany... succeeded without rearmament." 128 (Klüver, Max, Vom Klassenkampf zur Volksgemeinschaft, p. 58)

"Invaded countries" were either land taken by post war sanctions, or places populated largely by ethnic Germans who were being discriminated against.

>Hitler scheduled joint plebiscites in Austria and Germany for April 10, 1938. Both populations decided on whether to incorporate the two countries into a single state. The people of Austria cast 99.73 percent of their ballots in favor of Anschluss with Germany. The Germans voted 99.08 percent for unification. (Post, Walter, Die Ursachen des Zweiten Weltkrieges, p. 217)

Not sure where you got the give the state their money at 0% from so I can't really address that because it's clear nonsense. Germany was under economic sanctions from all over the world by all Jewish controlled countries because they knew Hitler was going to be a problem (see front cover of the Daily Express March 24th 1933). I've also never come across a source showing starvation in Germany. If you want to talk about starvation, you can go read about pic related.

>> No.50281528

who wrote this where can i read more

>> No.50281593
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See >>50281185 It's a good book because a large amount of the sources used are primary German sources which are easy to suppress even if you do speak German and know what you're looking for. I'm honestly surprised more people haven't read it, especially considering a good third of it is a close look at German economics at the time.

>> No.50281612

I read this shit to my girlfriend and we were both a bit shooketh at the baseness of Hitler. Really makes you question how much misinformation might be surrounding the motivations of ww2... fuck man

>> No.50281663

This has been debunked fuck off back to /Pol/

>> No.50281674
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>> No.50281699
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This is all very cute and funny until you remember that the National Socialist party solved unemployment by legislating that in order for people to claim welfare they had to work on the state's infrastructure projects, effectively relegating millions to pick up shovels for welfare that they were previously entitled to and counting that as "employment" (hence why they had 100% employment). Effectively they botched the numbers and gave them food stamps as "payment".
Similarly there was no greater economic plan, at least one that wasn't flawed or sustainable, the mere reliance of German industry and companies on MEFO bills as loans (which are basically bonds, but worse) meant that the German government needed to balance their budget to keep paying out these bond payments and with a general policy of autarky and global trade being a joke Germany had to rely on the spoils of war of its conquered regions, mainly their Gold reserves and anything else they could steal from undesirables. The systematic breaking of the Versailles treaty also meant that Germany stopped being shackled as soon as 1933, particularly in its reparations payments to the Allies, so it's not hard to see why Hitler would have a huge piggy bank to initially use that ran out over the course of 9 years leading up to WWII.
Also the idea that the Mark was pegged to labour is ridiculous, Hitler used alternative methods of selling German goods because he wanted to make them more appealing to developing countires (undercut French and Brittish exports). The Mark left the golden standard and became FIAT, it simply wasn't used for trade with foreign countries and FOREX so the "value" or "peg" of the Mark was essentially 0 outside of Germany. And mind you, Hitler kept using Gold before and during the world for foreign trade, Portugal for example required them to pay in Gold upfront for any trade conducted between them during the war.

>> No.50281709
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>aaaactually snopes fact check says
>no, no, no this has been debooonked
>nice try racist, my friend is a lead fact checker at...
>I'm gonna debooonk

>> No.50281713 [DELETED] 
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>I can't question Hitler because I'm in germany. I don't know what to believe
they sure arent making it easy.

>> No.50281718

6 years*
FOREX did not exist*

>> No.50281723
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>sources: zero

At least try.

>> No.50281865

On god

>> No.50281884

How can they detect that on the page?

>> No.50281902


>Everything I like is communism
Classic welfare leach logic

They traded goods equal in human labor
It's capitalism but without the parasitic banking mechanisms in between

>> No.50281936
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No reparations payments: https://www.history.com/news/germany-world-war-i-debt-treaty-versailles
>Soon after, Adolf Hitler was elected. He canceled all payments in 1933. “Hitler was committed to not just not paying, but to overturning the whole treaty,” historian Felix Schulz told the BBC’s Olivia Lang. His refusal was seen as an act of patriotism and courage in a nation that saw the reparations as a form of humiliation. Germany made no payments during Hitler’s rule.
Employment by forced labour: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zcj6y4j/revision/2
>RAD used unemployed men between the ages of 18 and 25 to build government-funded motorways (known in German as Autobahnen), hospitals, schools and other public buildings such as the 1936 Olympic Stadium, and to work as groundskeepers.
>The men spent six months in camps, wore uniforms and received a small amount of pay to send back to their families.
>RAD became compulsory for men in 1935. It was extended to women in 1939.
>To create as many jobs as possible, manual labour was favoured over the use of machines.
>it provided them with cheap labour
MEFO bills were a double edged sword: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mefo_bills
>To make sure that the bills were never exchanged for Reichsmarks, which would lead to inflation, the ninety-day maturation period for the bills kept being extended until the actual maturation period became five years by 1939.[2] The total amount of Mefo bills issued was kept secret.
>Essentially, Mefo bills enabled the German Reich to run a greater deficit than it would normally have been able to.
Germany needed Gold to keep the MEFO bills going: https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/historys-biggest-robbery-nazis-stole-europes-gold/
>The windfall arrived at a crucial time for the Nazis. By mid-1938, Berlin was almost out of foreign currency and gold largely because of its rearmament program and would have been forced to cut back their war buildup.

>> No.50281962 [DELETED] 

Jewish hands typed this post

>> No.50281968


>> No.50281980

ovb through the ISP they know where you are from. maybe accessing the website via a vpn would work but I am to lazy to set it up. Not that I really need the redpills Ive swallowed them whole but censorship still is censorship.

>> No.50282008 [DELETED] 

>t. jew worshipping libertardian
go read more mises cuck

>> No.50282016 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck
{[(They)]} sure did a number on you

He wanted everyone working. !!for the good of the country!!! While not being overworked and focusing on family

Hitler was based and the 'cost was simply him taking the bankers and lenders out of the system to make the society function properly
If typhoid fever hadn't run rampant through the work camps, the entire world economy would be different, and more equitable, today

>> No.50282028

Futhermore the MEFO bills weren't just used for rearmament as they were a very enticing scheme for companies which received 4% interest on them and were basically the only way for them to receive loans given how Hitler had tightened the purse strings on banks and the Mark was no longer pegged to Gold. Rearmament wasn't the only thing that was at play here as the ticking time bomb of the MEFO bills, which tons of German industry and companies had bought into, needed to be repayed but kept being extended while paying 4% interest on a 6 month period... It's almost as if Germany would have to default on its payments and potentially start an economic crisis of trust in the government, economy and Mark if it didn't come up with a few tons of Gold and fast... Coincidentally Czechoslovakia just so happened to be occupied from 1938 onwards...
Hitler's wish to occupy Czechoslovakia was primarily caused by the foreign exchange crisis as Germany had run down its foreign exchange reserves by early 1939, and Germany urgently needed to seize the gold of the Czechoslovak central bank to continue the Four Year Plan.[21]
>On 8 March 1939, Hitler met with Wilhelm Keppler, the NSDAP's economic expert, where he spoke about his wish to occupy Czecho-Slovakia for economic reasons, saying that Germany needed its raw materials and industries.[8]

>> No.50282065

>Hitler's wish to occupy Czechoslovakia was primarily caused by the foreign exchange crisis as Germany had run down its foreign exchange reserves by early 1939, and Germany urgently needed to seize the gold of the Czechoslovak central bank to continue the Four Year Plan.

I'm sure that you HAVE sources to dispute my sources right?

>> No.50282072

Read the myriad of books on the topic.
Austrian economic model for starters.

>> No.50282073
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So wait Hitler was closely aligned with Karl Marx in his views? To bad he had to holocaust those jews and be a skitzo.

>> No.50282086
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Well yeah no shit you faggot. Those things aren't insignificant, lmfao. They are HUGE things. What a fag.

>> No.50282096

It wasn't exactly barter. The historian is clearly retarded.

>> No.50282108
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Lol except my boss amiright. Give him blow jobs every morning

>> No.50282119 [DELETED] 
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Gas-chambers disguised as shower-rooms is a soviet propaganda lie made up after the war. There were no extermination camps, only concentration and labor camps for hostile partisans.

For anyone still on the fence about if the 'holocaust' was real or not, this will settle it once and for all. The best documentary there is on the subject. Don't want to watch the whole thing? Watch a few minutes from 11:50 (but you should watch the whole thing).

>> No.50282183

The Austrian economic model had nothing to do with how Hitler modeled his economy. In fact most of it was just accounting tricks to run greater deficits and to obfuscate rearmament from the Allies which created a ticking time bomb that Hitler had to solve by annexing foreign countries for their Gold reserves.

>> No.50282275

Found the fat piece of shit
Enjoy your poison bacon

>> No.50282334

guys, just use the LBRY client, it's uncensored.
t. German

>> No.50284866

how long have (they) been planning social democracy for. it really makes you think.
no wonder some of jordan petersons talks about capitalism blew up because he simplifies democracy and capitalism as if its a natural hierarchy, which is just being used a cover. maybe its a system that naturally evolved at one point but has obviously turned into something else.
absolutely disgusting

>> No.50285002

No he got endless funding by elites. Everything in national socialist Germany was because of the funding, without the funding they wouldn’t be able to have done what they did. Nazi incels like to believe that the economic prosperity they had in the 30s was a result of German self determination.

>> No.50285072


WW2 was fought between far leftists and further leftists, nationalist lefties and internationalist lefties, over time media kikes wanted to distance themselves from the ebin fascists and pegged them to boomer tier Republicans who have almost nothing in common other than racism

>> No.50286424

Nah, it was rebunked recently.

>> No.50287060

In the sense that the theory of value underlying the Nazi economy seems to be a form of labor theory of value. Of course having a labor theory of labor doesn't mean you're a Marxist, it just so happens that Marxism is notorious for adhering to such a theory of valje

>> No.50288098

In what way did the Nationalsocialist labor theory of value differ from the Marxist labor theory of value?

>> No.50288201

capped capitalism, extremely based and functional, but it assumes kikes, debts, libtards and middlemen to be out of business, and you know that this is PURE EVIL

>> No.50288241
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I make hits, hitler!
yall niggers are stiff, stiffler!

>> No.50288287
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>> No.50288453

Wait until you find out Hitler wasn't even the first time (((bankers))) made the US get involved in a world war to defeat Germany to protect their financial interests. 90% of Americans wanted to stay out of WW1 until the Lusitania false flag.


>> No.50290215

read gottfried feder



>> No.50290292

>give blowjobs to your boss for pay
>pay your boss and give him blowjobs

We are not equal

>> No.50290346

Because no money retard. The whole goal of communism is a moneyless society