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50264675 No.50264675 [Reply] [Original]

and so we should discuss the possibility that this is the narrative those in power want us to believe.

Every media outlet, YouTuber, and average joe believes that there is a pending crash coming. With record inflation, auto loan defaults on the rise, and the insanity that is the real estate market, folks are hope, pray, and are expecting a crash.

If this is what the elite are leading us to believe, how are they fucking us? What do they have to gain from us all expecting hard times ahead?

>> No.50264684

This stuff was happening when bitcoin was at 50k and you were saying "HURR EVERYONE SAYING BITCOIN GONA CRASH THAT MEANS 300k EOY" and guess what happened, bitcoin dumped hard

>> No.50264703

This thread applies to everything, not just crypto.

If everyone is betting on a crash, is it really just that easy to open shorts and become rich?

>> No.50264730

nobody ever wants to work
goy slop diet prevails
mostly incompetent
instagram or tiktok

>first letters

>> No.50264734
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Shouldn't have called it out and only let the big brains figure it out.

>> No.50264739

record number of shorts open rn. Theu can liquidate before crashing

>> No.50264742

a lot more to go until it's at -90%. then it's crashed

>> No.50264750
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i am a big brain and i hold xrp

>> No.50264762

luna did a -90% and then another -90% so i bought the bottom ;)

>> No.50264765

I've had some scotch as I roleplay being Don Draper. How does this benefit them but not us? Is liquidating retail what powers their end game?

>> No.50264766
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I think its because an actual crash is coming anon... but it'll be short lived, kind of like Feb thru March of 2020. Great time to stock up desu.

>> No.50264779
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mr. smooth brain you landed on park place and cant afford rent or the luxury tax, dont pass go or collect $200 as you defaulton your debt notes and they reset the game while you Oh Shmita!™ and they hit The Big Yovel©

>> No.50264805

>pic related
based mark passio

>> No.50264817
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yeah i've listened to all of his shows and i'll be participating in his upcoming seminar

>> No.50264819

So even if everyone profits in USD, the currency will become worthless and the assets that they hold will be the only thing of value?

To make sure we comply, the new method of currency will be distributed by themselves in a manner they choose forcing compliance?

>> No.50264846
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lmao my goy you still think in terms of USD...
hungry man thinks of calories (food)...
richer men thinks of...

you're better off just pretending to be don draper

>> No.50264859
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but i like sports

>> No.50264867

Pretending to be Don Draper just means my liver fails early and I credit max as a wage slave. No thank you. The only thing I can think of in terms of wealth are actual useful assets like farmland, which I need currency to buy.

>> No.50264881

>is it really just that easy to open shorts and become rich?
That's called timing the market, and it's absolutely retarded
The best bet is to diversify in real assets rather than fake internet money and fiat

>> No.50264898

This implies wage slaving for years only to have maybe a few million when you're too old to enjoy it. That being said, this is better than having no retirement and being an old fart that is a burden.

>> No.50264904
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hand egg is the name of the game, but perhaps its all a game eh?

current see? like electricity? what else powers the economy? at this point the automation out performs the humans that were previously operating the machines... gonna need to be a big brain to survive in during the 4th industrial revolution

>> No.50264918
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>define fiat and implications thereof
>define current technological era

>> No.50264919

So the core of powering machines and artificial intelligence is electricity, which is generated mostly by coal and oil. I haven't seen a huge push for nuclear and solar appears to be a meme.

This leads me to believe that oil/gas is the backbone of the economy. However I am not sure how to profit massively from this since I do not have the resources to just win on 20% gains.

The only other known quantity is food/water as a resource which currently requires gas to move.

>> No.50264943

toilet paper mistake

>> No.50264971
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well the first step to stop "needing" to move the most important commodities is to have it in your own backyard... a sovereign garden perhaps?

the way you profit is by solving a problem or providing a service, and by also figuring out how to reduce your overhead expenses

the creditor makes money while he sleeps, while the debtor loses money while he sleeps

correct, but most importantly it has been forced. time to opt out

>> No.50264975
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They're just waiting for me to buy before crashing it further

>> No.50264987

i don't understand how any of this works but the government can just print trillions of dollars for 2 years and all we had to suffer through was low crypto prices for 8 months and more expensive gas prices?
that just doesn't sound right to me so i think we're going to crash hard soon, at least i hope so

>> No.50264993
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¡a liquidity crisis appears!
perhaps we should mine moon rocks

>monopoly rule #11

>> No.50265003

I am slowly working towards this but the only thing this does is allow someone to remove themselves from the system. It is a form of wealth that is critical, but does not allow someone to have guaranteed generational wealth.

If your garden fails, you are back to square one. If you need medical assistance, you have nothing to trade that a doctor couldn't easily buy at the local market.

Wealth in currency or an easily bartered asset is critical to living a prosperous life.

>> No.50265038

>goy slop diet prevails
that goy slop slaps
even only eating 100% natural foods for weeks, once in a awhile you go after the zogchow and mmm dang it just hits different
You're right to be wary but sometimes it's important to not go against the tide, you can just end up losing more when you do that.
idk what will happen though, could crash for years, or it could all turn around tomorrow, I just have positions in everything and keep waging and buying more, surely my wealth will be safe in at least one asset class

>> No.50265056

>mark passio
first time hearing about him and I agree with the image, I checked out his yt channel and he has a lot of hours of content, any recommendations for videos to get into?

>> No.50265060
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better stack those deenz boi. im sitting on a 250 stack and comfy af

to answer your previous post, not all humans are replaceable but likely most. i bet you there's an acre of land, cabin and basic solar setup for under $100k -- the question is would you take it?

"there's somebody out there who is happier with less" rings true

himme that msg, seed oil and hfc cuhh im tryna get those guts inflamed af

>> No.50265073
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you just gotta start at episode #1... its about 300+ hours, soz not soz

otherwise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChgCh2Gui5M

>> No.50265084

bro shit already crashes. Tons of stocks are down 80%. Most crypto coins are down 99.65%. the ones that might not die are down 70%-85%

>> No.50265127

I am still not sure how this builds wealth vs. just makes someone able to remove themselves from the system.

The question is if the elites are letting us think there is a crash, what do we do to make sure we don't get fucked by them?

>> No.50265146
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gonna go play some pubg mobile brah, gl hf


>> No.50265156

The narratives are being forced, infrastructure is being sabotaged, lockdowns to destroy economy and way of life. Advanced weaponry is being used change the weather patterns, so the upcoming famine is being staged. There is a shortage of resources they say, but there's not. It is all lie, there is abundance everywhere.

>> No.50265168

We'll probably just crab down as they steadily hike rates. Europe is more fucked though. Winter is coming, further increases to food, energy and heating costs should go down a treat.

>> No.50265178

i dunno what this guy is talking about but he seems to dislike christians so that's based

>> No.50265187

odysee BASED

>> No.50265290

So how do we profit from this?

>> No.50265504

You know nothing of agriculture. Truth is, humanity has long since outstripped the natural carrying capacity of Earth. Without synthetic fertilizer, a couple billion would starve. The abundance you feel is the result of living at the tail end of an extremely rapid industrial revolution where our technology and science advanced fast enough to more than outpace our also significant growth in population. This time is ending.

>> No.50265511

They're rubbing it in your face because you can't buy the dip. We're going to see a return to feudalism with how many natural resources the elites are about to buy on sale.

>> No.50265545
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and what do you know in practice, or are you just speculating? i currently have enough growing where i could reasonably sustain a full family on less than .05 acres thanks to permaculture and drip irrigation

checked and truuu

>> No.50265567

this. Btc has already gone down 71% breaking the macro bear market support and will probably end up crashing like 85%ish in total. No reason to think a reversal is coming here.

>> No.50265566

If everyone expects a crash, then everyone would've sold already, therefore it would have already crashed.

>> No.50265605

Everyone got into stocks and crypto and ordinary people are making, much like 2008. Ordinary people have no right to make it in the eyes of the elite. That’s why they’re crashing it with no survivors.
Digits confirm

>> No.50265623

>could reasonably sustain a full family on less than .05 acres thanks to permaculture and drip irrigation
That is simply not possible. Permaculture is less efficient than endless corn dystopia, and it takes half an acre of that in raw calories to feed one person, or 3/4 to 1 acres to feed someone in a way where they won't want to kill themselves. Agriculture is industrial, and you cannot beat it in your backyard any more than you could beat a steel mill with a hobby forge.

>> No.50265670
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checked but wrecked, go look at vix for march 2020 corona crash

thanks to qe people have been pacified but just like the motto goes: do the opposite of what biz says

fun fact, the hebrew N (nun) is written as J... so where do you get your news?

i'm harvesting at least 4 zucchini per day and have enough salad greens for a few months, plus fruit trees, tomatoes, watermelons and volunteer winter squash... then again i said resonably so i do supplement eggs, milk and some meats from the store but my grocery bill is much less than most i presume. whats your garden look like?

>> No.50265698


>> No.50265803

>whats your garden look like?
I stopped because the yields come all at once and I didn't have the time to freeze, can, dry and eat it all. I'm also in a climate where for 60% of the year growth is impossible outside a greenhouse, which you'd need to pour heat into for a few of those months. Still, I did it for three years, and one of those years saw an inexplicable and enormous drop in yield which I never figured out. That shit just happens, so you have to overplant and keep stores from year to year if you're serious about self sufficient food.

Those egg, milk and meat supplements are where a lot of the land a person needs comes from. Like half of it. Even though it doesn't seem like much when you're eating it, they're extremely nutrient dense. Zucchini, watermelon, tomatoes and salad greens are comparatively empty. Try living on what you're growing for a while and you'll start feeling run down.

>> No.50265828


For clarity.. when you say "everyone expects a crash" that's actually an extremely small percentage of traders.

99.999% of the population has nfi what is going on with the markets.

You need to stop looking at everything in a vacuum and dare I say be a little more retarded.

>> No.50265876
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its a good response but im not arguing im entirely self sufficient, just more than most and the california climate is certainly favorable for this. i'm confident that i've significantly increased my nutrient uptake and financial expenditure with this -- have you see the quality of vegetables and prices at your stores??

more so ever in my life im doing a plant based diet and eat meat products 2-4 times per week. i would argue that most meat grain feed meat sources are also nutrient deficient. micro nutrients and vitamins are readily available in oragnic vegetables with naturally enriched soil which most people probably lack -- also consider raw vs cooked vegetable nutrients.

>spiralized zucchini putanesca w/ sardines
>sauteed cabbage leaves and lentils w/ curry
>massive home grown salads

another example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1VUff1lZyk

>> No.50265903

*reduced financial expenditure

here's your cold climate greenhouse solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWQ0WiwwrZY

>> No.50265929

10k soon ser

>> No.50265950

Then you're not a big brain

>> No.50265967
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finally i'm free

>> No.50266005

how do you think your fit ancestors lived off the land then?