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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 40 KB, 714x704, ETH_CHAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50262960 No.50262960 [Reply] [Original]

How likely will there be a hack during the merge? How likely will the merge be delayed again possibly into 2023? How likely will the merge be the end of Ethereum (ICO whales control the network post merge)?

>> No.50263068

40%, 60%, 14.76%

>> No.50263144

There will be 3 major vulnerabilities that will be exploited once eth goes pos. Two immediately upon release , the other after sharding and withdrawals are implemented.

No delay into 2023, eth will go pos on November 2022.

Initial miners, ico buyers, and whales will have absolutely no control. Vitalik has absolute control over the entirety of ethereum. Not even the ethereum foundation will have a say in what happens

>> No.50263214
File: 63 KB, 1024x1024, Ethereum_ICHB-NFText-Main-Branch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to not loose money is by investing in Ethereum NFTs

>> No.50263224

>a hack during the merge
you have no idea what the merge is lol
a hack on what

>> No.50263263

Hack as in miners could try to hijack the network before TTD. Not really a bug, but blocks could just keep getting rejected in the new fork.

>> No.50263267

0% chance of merge therefore 0% chance of hack

>> No.50263293

No. The difficulty bomb makes it impossible for anyone to mine once the bomb goes off. No gpu, no asic will be able to mine because the difficulty will just increase exponentially until not even god himself can solve a block. This is done to prevent miners from forking the network and creating their own ethereum block chain using what was already in place.

>> No.50263338

Yes at TTD the miners can't do anything. However before TTD there is still some risk of uncles showing up potentially to fork the network. That's my understanding at least.

>> No.50263417

No risk. The bomb is coded into the main net right now. It always has been. They decided to delay the bomb going off, but it's still going to go off. If the miners fork right now, the bomb will still go off in that fork eventually. the eth in that fork becomes un mine able because of the difficulty being increased exponentially by the bomb.

The only real chance to fork is if the eth foundation decides one day they want to completely diffuse the bomb and write it out of the code through an EIP. But the eth foundation will never do this because they know they will get forked the second this happens

>> No.50263495

It sounds like this is a risk with scenario two though in the EIP below. There is a work around but it sounds tricky with forcing a new terminal hash https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3675#terminal-pow-block-overriding

>> No.50263635

Eth is soo 2019. It needs to die

>> No.50263932

Who would even want to carry out an attack on the pow chain in situation number two? Like what would be the point? You can't hard fork so it would be purely to spite vitalik. It would take alot of hashrate to drop off the network in the first place to even have any significant vulnerabilities present themselves. Only reason I can think of is to crash the price of eth. But the price has already crashed. The ethereum foundation and the devs could not have made this project any less of a dumpster fire. This is like somebody trying to take down chainlink or avax at this point. It's a shitcoin. Just why even bother?

>> No.50264012

It would benefit those who are shorting / have puts hoping ETH goes to $0. It would be extremely difficult to coordinate miners together.

>> No.50264105

0%, 5%, 5%

>> No.50264200


>> No.50264317

You got justed and are trying to save face.
Cringe af, anon

>> No.50265856
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daily rember, eth2 is just removing the innovation which is PoW and replacing it, for no reason at all, with the archaic system that is PoS, you know, what current finance is running on. A system where if you have a share of the network, you keep it forever and no innovation in processing can unseat you.
This has no effects on fees.
They want to address that problem via L2s, issue is that L2s on ETH doesn't really scale because each L2 needs to settle to the base layer, i.e. need to bid for blockspace on a congested main chain.
The solution to this danksharding, it's not really sharding at all, more like sampling, this works by, essentially, increasing block size for L2 transactions. But this would increase storage requirements.
The solution, just delete the blocks after a few months. Basically removing the immutability of a Blockchain.