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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50260929 No.50260929 [Reply] [Original]

do you have a minimum wage job?

>> No.50260947

Minimum wage is now $16.50 an hour.

>> No.50260950

Do those even exist anymore? The ice cream shops pay high school students $14 an hour near me in flyover central

>> No.50260963

I wish I got offered 15.85 an hour and they haven't called me back
I need money so damn bad bros it's not funny

>> No.50260968

No because I'm unemployed. Hoping to change that very soon though.

>> No.50261326

Federal min. wage has been $7.25 since 2009. it's literally been forgotten about.

>> No.50261419

i make 35k a year salary so it might as well be


>> No.50261929

have an apartment?

>> No.50262000


>> No.50262039

i earn 0 per hour, my wife also earns 0 pre hour. i own a business, now my business does earn money, i don't.

>> No.50262043

I do not have a job.

>> No.50262070

I own a business too, and it pays me 100k. I like it that way because someday I would like to be able to get a little social security in addition to what I've invested.

>> No.50262195

Get a skill faggots

>> No.50262245

yay inflation!

>> No.50262284

Literally no one plays minimum wage in the US anymore because it's so laughably low. Corporations have completely invalidated it by bribing politicians to keep it way lower than it should be so they can pay lower wages than they should be paying. Even McDonald's pays like $10 an hour now because they cannot get sla... employees otherwise.

>> No.50262904


no. i make $350k / year.

>> No.50263125
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>> No.50263160

no. my wife and i make about 200k combined

>> No.50263291

I did live with a small income for many years, roughly 12k/year for 10 years. I did okay, it was actually more than I needed and was able to save up money to buy an apartment as soon as I got a real job. I think I signed the contract on the mortage before I received my first paycheck, it was based on my employee contract alone basically. Last year, I sold that apartment and bought a house. If you don't make a lot of money, I feel for you, this is going to be tough. I thought I had insulated myself from price hikes, but probably won't have any heat in most of my house this winter. My plan is to barricade us into our kitchen and only heat that room, but just saying that feels insane. I can't imagine what you are going through if you only make 24k or less.

>> No.50263341

>minimum wage 7.25
>make 12.50
I am a king

>> No.50263453

I just got a raise to $15 from $10 after "working" (playing vidya and browsing 4chan) for ten years.

>> No.50264365
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Minimum wage where I live is a bit less than 5 Euro an hour I think, which is now less than 5 dollars an hour. I make over double that and still am a poorfag

>> No.50264405

>barricade us
you have a family?

>> No.50265357


A FUCKTON of states are still at 7.25 cents...I mean at some point the people taking those jobs are more retarded than desperate right? wtf.

>> No.50265365

No, but I have a minimum will to live job.

>> No.50265756

Minimum wage here is 3/h,

t. europoor

>> No.50265771
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Nope, I am unemployed. I have a fast food interview on Tuesday, and I might go just to pad my savings a little since I only need a couple of hundred a month. But I don't wanna...

>> No.50265962

No, I get paid 117k AUD a year.

>> No.50266763

No, and your parents failed you if you do.