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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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502604 No.502604 [Reply] [Original]

Interest free period!? Sign me up!

>> No.502609

Putting most of my net worth into a single house? Genius!

>> No.502614

I'll use my credit card.

>> No.502618

How much per month will that loan be?

>> No.502621

gotta live somewhere.

i put nearly all my money into buying my first home 4 years ago. after property taxes, utilities, and minimal maintenance, i'm able to stress-free do what i want in life and bank over half my income [25k x 4 years]. meanwhile my friends are just getting out of rentals and into their first houses, putting the minimal payment down and chained to their mortgages for 30 years.

funny part is on top of all that my house has gone up in value since the 2010 purchase price.

>> No.502623

To be fair, upper class uses credit cards too.

>> No.502625

Confirmed for middle class.

>> No.502630

>my house has gone up in value since the 2010 purchase price

Oh this was a good one. Do another one!

>> No.502635
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>> No.502644

for now. next year or two ill sell my house and combine that money with my savings and own a home in full for the low 300s.

>> No.502649
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It just gets better and better!

>> No.502652

I definitely got a really good deal on this blender.

I'm gonna have this blender a long, long time.

I think I'm going to write a long review about the whole experience on the internet.

>> No.502653

>implying this is not my situation

stay mad or jealous or whatever

>> No.502655
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>implying implications
There is no need to be upset.

>> No.502657
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>> No.502665

that's okay ill just pay the minimum for my credit card every month

>> No.502666

>But the Honda mini-van is only $385/month

>> No.502676


Do you have any non-dairy creamer?

>> No.502685

>I hear you like stocks, is that that e-trade I keep hearing about?

>Oh I've got an investment advisor at a brokerage, they only charge 1% per year

>So have you heard about this ISIS thing? I hear all muslims hate america because we're free.

>Buys kid a savings bond for birthday

>has 1.5 kids

>But how much is the monthly car payment?

>Makes 55k a year with a family
>Drives a bmv 328i / c250
>Thinks he makes good money

>100k student debt

>> No.502690

my god

>> No.502691


Hmmm, I'd really rather get this gluten free fancy rye bread than buy regular white bread, even though it costs three times as much.

In a couple of weeks I'm going to buy a brand new Honda Accord on a 7% pa. financing deal. It has 5 years warranty and all servicing up to 50,000km is free.

On the way to work I'll just stop into that nice coffee shop that I like, and get a coffee. It's expensive but so worth it, simply delicious.

>> No.502699

shitty fucking thread full of shitty fucking posters

>> No.502700


>any consumption patters that differ from mine are automatically indicative of irrational or uneducated thinking

De gustibus, dearest anon. We wouldn't have any economy to speak of if everyone behaved like you.

>> No.502702

Buy 1 get 1 free?

Thats a pretty good deal.

>> No.502784


>What are demographics and correlating trends

>> No.502795


I will pay taxes

>> No.502806

Upper class people are the absolute most wastful with their money. "my time is valuable" is what they say to themself so they will rush through everything.

As a poor person I compare the price per ounce of every thing I buy in a super market.

I work in a part of town in inhabited by the super rich and these are the people who compare prices the absolute least, most of them don't even have the math skills to figure this shit out (ie they couldn't do basic division to found out how much $ per unit something is). They are also the most easily swayed by fads or peer pressure, 1/3 of them are on the gluten free fad and will gladly go to the marked up items just to fit in.

>> No.502807

muh 401k

>> No.502822


Why is it that generally, the worst and most incompetent people always have the most money?

Fuck it shits me to tears.

>> No.502827

Seriously why the fuck is every blender out there so shitty? You buy a dumpy $40 blender, it shits itself and lights on fire after the second month. You spend $300 on a blender with 5 stars on Amazon and it fucks up and breaks after a year.

Literally why the fuck has no one ever produced a blender that just god damn fucking works?

>> No.502830

are you russian?

>> No.502832


So they can keep selling blenders

>> No.502833

The effective unit price is 50% off, and if you were planning on getting more than one anyway it's a good deal. Example, there are these nutrigrain peanut butter bars that I normally get at Costco, but the Von's near my house was having a sale (2 for 1) which actually lowered the price/unit to something like 8 or 10% less than Costco.

Counterexample: Express dress shirts. They are nice, and they fit people who aren't fat pieces of shit unlike mall clothes, but they are fucking expensive, even with the buy one get one whatever % off.

>> No.502835

>tfw I don't look at the price of groceries. I just go and buy what I want.
>at restaurant
>friends pick cheap food
>I buy what looks good regardless of price
>being poor

>> No.502836

I fucking hate companies. Same thing with printer ink, that noise is fucking ridiculous.

$50, FIFTY fucking dollars for ink that doesn't even print a full 200 pages. In some cases it's literally cheaper to buy a new printer than to just buy the ink.

Speaking of that, what printer(s) does biz use? Hopefully something that doesn't cost $500 to keep running every year?

>> No.502838

It's been four whole years. I've been really good.
Time to buy yet another car out of my price range.

>> No.502840

>consuming at the maximum allowable rate your income will allow

Enjoy being a literal wage slave for the rest of your life. You will never retire. You will never be free.

>> No.502841

A business class printer you fucking serf. One that uses toner.

>> No.502846

Hah I will retire before I'm 30. I work for myself so I am probably more free than most people. I can hire someone to take care of my business. No biggie. Enjoy saving for the worst years of your life.

>> No.502871

to be fair, credit is a better deal if you don't pay interest. I took 3 flights last year on cc rewards and paid the cc company what I would have paid in cash directly to the vendors for what I bought.

>> No.502881

But why don't you have a cash rewards card, instead of bullshit "miles" or points?

>> No.502909

Personal preference. With cash rewards, I ended up applying them to my balance and spent more on junk I didn't need. Miles give me more incentive to take more vacations which is a quality of life improvement.

>> No.502928

A cheap 60 dollar black and white 2240 brother laser printer will do like 2600 pages for like 30 bucks.

If you need color and admit you are a faggot, a huge faggot indeed who wants to pay 4 times as much, get an 8610.

>> No.502987


OP here, fuck you, rye bread is awesome and well worth the cost.

>> No.502992

literally literally literally

>> No.502999
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>He doesn't re-fill his own cartridges

>> No.503000

Costco keeps the cost low

>> No.503041

I shop at sears

>> No.503050

I love having a house.
I enjoy having to drive 2 hours to work
I love having to take the garbage out to the curb
I love having to fix shit around the house because no one but me gives a shit
I love spending an entire day every week taking care of my large plot of land, mowing the grass is the fucking best use of my time
I love that none of my neighbors talk to me because they are all too busy raising 4yr old kids at the age of 50
I love getting my oil changed by a professional
I love being far away from downtown
After my 8-5 job is done, I feel satisfied with life.
The toughest part of my job is choosing which of my 100 ties matches my white shirt


>> No.503064

I like performing maintenance on my wife's Ford Edge on the weekend. It's not about the money, it just makes me feel like a man.

>> No.503067

Middle-class don't love the things you said, they tolerate it.

>> No.503095

Let's eat a Olive Garden!

>> No.503096

If theres one collective delusion shared by the middle class, it's that they "don't belong here" and that someone will show up and hand them greatness any day now.

>> No.503099

I can put up with her shit for a few more years. After the kids graduate from school, I'll divorce her. Move into my own apartment and be cool again.

>> No.503101
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his name?

kek kekkington

>> No.503104

I'm looking for a good job, something I can make a career of and then retire on.

>> No.504220

Isn't HP super jewy about refilling cartridges? I'm pretty sure they have chips in the cartridges that tell the printer to stop if they aren't new and unopened.

>> No.504223

>throwing money into a bottomless pit

This is why you are stupid, and this is why you are poor.

>> No.504232

Possing as above middle class on the internet.

>> No.504235

Free layaway? Count me in!

>> No.504238

I think I'll buy a new television.

>> No.504241


I use a Brother DCP 7020. It is a printer/scanner combo and also does photocopies.

I got it at Staples for $100.

>> No.504247

"I think I'll look into getting one stock of Google, they seem to be doing good."

>> No.504254

"Can't wait to take a McVacation to the bahamas and see what nice hotels they have there"

>> No.504320

I'll have another bud lite barkeep

>> No.504325


Hey, check out my sporty Ford Escape crossover! The lease is only $300/month, car payment would've been $385! I can't believe fucking idiots still buy cars!

>> No.504337

Most all of them have chips. There's some workaround, but that's some real pleb-tier shit and I hope that guy was just imitating someone middle class....

Seriously fuck me if I can't afford $25 for an ink cartridge every 400 pages.

>> No.504339


Exactly what I was thinking


>> No.504345


Also in my experience nonstandard ink tends to give weird colour casts, because it's not exactly the same strength as the printer is expecting.

>> No.504363

Used to work as a Store Manager for a consumer electronics store.

nothing shit me more than the constant bitching about printer ink. Its a massive problem, i'll admit but there are so many stupid people out there who just want to believe you are ripping them off, the company is ripping them off, the world is ripping them off.

It was simple in my store. I used to get my ass kicked form up top all the time, but i had my ways, and they worked.

I decided to explain to my team how the printers we paid for via subsidy and to steer the customer clear of cheaper units.

FYI. Brothers are the cheapest on a per page basis, even when taking the printer cost into consideration.

>i'll just throw it out and buy another, if it comes with ink already.
the inks in the new printer are not full spec, they are 'PoC'. They prove the shit works.

>i'll buy the one with the cheapest cartridges.
You are feeding the problem, Epson 73/93 ink series are the perfect examples, Epson 200s are worse.

>i'll buy the cheapest printer
better make sure you get cartridges that have high page counts for low value. Ever bought a Lexmark? The only time this line of thinking is acceptable is in laser

>not buying laser for printing, with no need for photos
don't bother.

The mentality of some people never ceased to amaze me. It shows how powerful marketing, and word of mouth is some times. The shiny pictures in the magazine obviously know more about the product than the guys trying to create a lasting relationship, rather than a quick buck.

>> No.504369

chips also have page counts, activation dates, expiry dates and batch codes.

not justifying their existence, but they do stop the printer from trying to print with dust or porridge.

>> No.504450

I can't really tell which of those points you're saying sarcastically and which are actual advice.

>> No.504475

>don't even have the math skills

Look at the orange sticker (unit price). No math needed

>> No.504495


Huh? Everyone should use credit/charge cards, its free money on cash back, much more security, and you can dispute things before you actually have to pay. Not paying the balance in full every month is the poor poorfag shit.


Because most blenders are consumerized garbage. I bought a basic two speed blender for about $40 and its lasted years. has metal driver clutch, glass pitcher, etc, with more watts than the $100 ninja.

>> No.504517



>> No.504535

I enjoy cheeseburgers.

Fattening, greasy, fast food for lunch and dinner every day.

I also enjoy driving my car. It's leased. I don't care if i own it, it's just for play and for show. I spend about 10% of my monthly salary just on the lease.

I love my house. I rent it. It's looks like everyone else's house, but i don't care. it's safe, warm, and has rooms to hold all of my stuff.

I will probably die of a heart attack when i'm 50. I will have spent my life enjoying it, and not caring about any debts i've racked up. I've done what I've wanted with my life, and i have no reason to save or plan for retirement.

>> No.504536

>can't tell if ironic posting

in some ways, i respect this type of thinking.

>> No.504537

>in some ways, I respect this type of thinking

>> No.504558
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>I just need the new ipad mini!
>Starbucks is so yummy!
>I buy new entry level german cars with a loan!
>I go to a bar every weekend!
>I only pay the minimum balance on my credit car
>living at home after college is for losers
>stocks are boring
>mall clothes are competitively priced and are great quality
>I buy name brand products
>my kids are too good for private school
>I need a new car every 3 years
>cable is so worth it
>I pay for a house I'm never in because I'm always at work

>> No.504609

>my kids are too good for private school

So far all the people ITT seem to be but hurt poorfags and people who can barely speak English.

>> No.504617

>I go to a bar every weekend!
Pleb, try every weeknight. I drink so I don't have to read posts like yours.

>> No.504634

Taxes mostly pay for roads and things we need.

Tax minimisation is bad.

>> No.504635

Most wealthy people (self made) started saving/investing in their 20s.

Warren Buffett started buying stocks before he was 10.

Do the fucking regression.

>> No.504636

...when I win the lottery.

>implying they won't piss their winnings away and revert back to mediocrity

>> No.504685

So what the fuck are you supposed to do if you shouldn't do any of these things?

>> No.504718

heh, so meta, that is exactly what a middle class would say in response to this thread

>> No.504974

The wealthy shouldn't have higher tax rates, I don't want to pay higher taxes when I make it

>> No.505006

I don't think that's one.

>> No.505054
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>implying they'll win
When i was younger my parents spent thousands of their hard earned shekels on this bullshit lotto scam it's essentially worse than gambling
1/1000000000000 odds to win
Betting on red/black in roullet is 48% win, you can actually see the results in front of you and no tax
Fuck the lotto

>> No.505179

What a scorcher

>> No.505197


I was talkin to this bloke whose brother won it. Yeeeaaahhh, took a holiday to Bali.

>> No.505244

It's still just a dollar a day though.

Of course, if you're poor as shit, that's a lot of money.

>> No.505251

I just bought this sweet little time share in Miami, Florida. That guy down there at the Ramada Inn has one heck of a product. It didn't even hurt when he fucked me in the ass. Glided right in there as if it were some predetermined deictic right of passage.

>> No.505253

please elaborate

>> No.505256


>> No.505547

Not being ironic. This is how I expect to live my life

>> No.505550


I think it was more like

>$3600 TV
>Oh, but I only have $250 until my next paycheck :/
>I'll use my credit card!

Very middle claas

>> No.505575


Lol. I remember the first time I found out what a timeshare was when I was 9 or so. I couldn't believe people would pay to share a shitty little cabin or whatever.

>> No.505597

"$4 coffee and 'organic' food?" Haha, what dumbass buys this stuff? I'll have the on-sale factory farmed chicken good sir!"

"No money down, you say? Sounds like a deal to me!"

"It's not an expense, it's an investment!"

"That's just 'paper' losses. The market always goes back up"

"That college education will pay itself off in no time!"

>> No.505605

Ahahahaha I walk 30 seconds to the post office and pay them a nickel a page. I have a cheap printer I keep around for the rare occasion I meed to print after hours. 20 pages/$1, 200 pages-> $10

>> No.505637
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He doesn't know about Americans and their Pollyanna optimism

>> No.505647


>"$4 coffee and 'organic' food?" Haha, what dumbass buys this stuff? I'll have the on-sale factory farmed chicken good sir!"

That's not middle class that's pragmatic.

Only morons thing that suddenly slapping on organic on something makes it superior.

>"That's just 'paper' losses. The market always goes back up"

That's rationale. If you sell during a downturn (assuming your investments are mostly S&P500 indexes/mutual funds) then you're retarded.

>"That college education will pay itself off in no time!"

If you major in something not bullshit it's true

>> No.505654

I also know about poll after poll saying Americans think the rich don't pay enough tax.

It hardly seems like middle class sentiment to say they pay too much.

And everyone knows that gay Steinbeck quote.

>> No.505657

>>So have you heard about this ISIS thing? I hear all muslims hate america because we're free.

Why did you put that in there

Confirmed muslim

>> No.506483
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Man, all you guys have it figured out. You're intellectually superior to all the pathetic sheeple around you.

>> No.506495

>be me
>be invited to restaurant
>scan menu for cost
>pick entree of median price because I don't want to insult them and I don't want to seem like an opportunistic leech at the same time

>> No.506526

Yeah. I think this is pretty standard behavior.

>> No.506553

You may have autism

>> No.507092


It's always good to see what they have to say

Sometimes they DO are superior and they do know what they're talking about.

Refrain from using hat tipping

Elitists are absolute and will give you the BEST advices according to them, if you can detach yourself emotionally it works great.

>> No.507102
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This is the most middle-class post I've read in a while. Gud jeb.

>> No.507112

>"I don't shop at Walmart. They exploit people in China and exploit their poor underpaid workers here at home."