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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50256097 No.50256097 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we such complacent cattle? I just want a house bros. Boomers are hoarding something we need to live. If we just kill them off we'll have an era of untold prosperity.

>> No.50256130

That's (((capitalism))) and (((free market))), buddy. In nature, the stronger dominates the weaker. In capitalism, the richer dominates the poorer

>> No.50256161
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This is exactly what they said about the Tzarists.
You'd just end up even more brutally exploited because you lack the intellect to succeed.

>> No.50256227

I just want a house bro I don't care about this other gay shit.

>> No.50256314

So think of a solution.
How would you encourage the rich, successful, and powerful to invest their wealth back into civilization, such that their success trickles down and people they employ are able to rise in status?
How do you make that appealing, as opposed to just hoarding wealth and benefitting yourself after all your (or your ancestors) hard work?

>> No.50256359

Boomers, especially jewish ones, control literally everything. What are you going to do, march on Washington? Yeah that January 6th thing didn't go so well.

>> No.50256374

Just get a job and put down 5% bro

>> No.50256392
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Ever heard of Covid and the Vaxx?

>> No.50256403
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>> No.50256679

Literally minimum 15% in Norway, which means saving up 40 000 dollar equivalent in any halfdecent area. Fucking boomers and their politician lackeys.

>> No.50256830

That's 2026

>> No.50256858

I have a house

>> No.50257248

Or you could just wait 15 years for your fat ass dad to die and inherit....oh wait he just married a Brazilian whore and squandered the inheritance on her

>> No.50257403
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>> No.50257481

It took me a year to save up 35kish, but I'm a burger and was living with my parents

>> No.50257539

Kill all boomers, airbnb owners, landlords, houseflippers, and entrepeneurs usibg real estate to build wealth.

>> No.50257938

yea it's boomers, not the 50 million immigrant invaders

>> No.50258311

If you really wanted a house you could buy one from Detroit for 1000 dollars and fix it up while working. It's your personal choice to be a wageslave cuck, you just cannot let go of the leash they have put on you.

>> No.50258443

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.50258452


>I just want a house bros

Go buy one, then? I don't see the issue?

>> No.50258477

Truth is 95% of people are not willing to sacrifice anything for their dreams

>> No.50258492

only a literal child could suggest something like living in detroit in a 1000 house.

>> No.50258524

I've never understood this dumbass point. You can't afford a house but some mexican fuck who picks berries for poverty wages can?

>> No.50258540


>> No.50258554

I’m with op it’s time to suicide booth these boomers
If you are over 40 you’re dying

>> No.50258561

you don't understand it because you're trained to not even see it as a legitimate point. immigration is an invasion, they're scamming us out of a normal life.
my city, denver, has something like a 2 million population. 450,000 are foreign born. that should be staggering. those 450,000 people have to live somewhere.
if you don't understand how that affects rent and housing prices, may god help you.

>> No.50258624

Except the housing and high end rent prices are driven by investment. If high end rent was driven by the markets, you wouldn't have these massive amounts of newer buildings that get built and then sit fucking half full because none of the land investors want to drop rent and lose money on the investment. Housing is not affected by migrants at all. Most new housing developments are high end, single-family mcmansions that get gobbled up by richer families. 450,000 people are not paying for million dollar homes. If there was a lack of space, or too much occupancy, then this would be a legitimate point.

>> No.50258784


stupidest post of the week

>> No.50258813

I tought communist like you were arguing for worker rights, yet you are here being disingenuous saying that more people migrating to a higher productive area does not drive up the demand for housing? Incredibly retarded

>> No.50258967

abandon your house and go live in the bush, you disgusting naturalist

>> No.50259009

Speak for yourself, noguns.

>> No.50259465

wages are stagnant because boomers would rather hire some brownoid for poverty wages than get with the times, thus natural born citizens are also expected to work like brownoids.
it’s super fucking gay and I can’t wait for all the boomers to die off and all the brownoids get shipped back to their little shitholes seething

>> No.50259606

>T. Weakling

>> No.50259619

I hope the trailer park gets high speed internet cuz if not I am fucked bro

>> No.50259649

i wanna do space shit anon

>> No.50259656

They were the good guys though.

>> No.50259664

>wake up
>get ready for work
>make it through the day slaving away for somebody else trying to afford renovations on a $1k house
>die from a stray bullet walking from your car to house

>> No.50259675

Cant tell if Federal agent or Chink Bugman agent. Anyways kys

>> No.50259702

You forgot about immigration buddy. Supply and demand, it’s basic economics. Browns and blacks have a lot of kids.

>> No.50259757

By threatening them with the guillotine if they don't comply immediately.

>> No.50259800

Who would do thethreatening? The government enforcers that can either be bought by the ultra rich or are actually a part of the same ultra rich demographic? Or you, a poorfag, what can you hope to accomplish against their limitless resources spent on private security and jets to go directly from point A to point B?
If you are about to start larping, I'm going to ask where you are on the subject of bill gates, the rothschilds, soros, and others.

>> No.50259823

Everything is way over asking prices. + biddin war. Bank wont financemore then 97% asking price or valuation wichever is lower. So if you buy a 300k shitbox condo for 400k you need almost 100k in cash, because the bank knows its real value. Every property locally is sold in 48 hours with no inspections. You have to bid on every home and pray, you get no real choice in where you live. People who bought the 2008 dip are flush with cash and lots of rich parents put up money.
I have perfect credit 6 fig income but only 25k saved and completely failed at buying 3 bedroom last summer. Hopefully it calms down in spring when i try again.

>> No.50260147

>That's (((capitalism))) and (((free market))), buddy. In nature, the stronger dominates the weaker.
You got money from your parents and without your parents you would be sucking dick for crack.
Calm your tits.

>> No.50260814

>bro just buy a ghetto shitbox with $2m in tax liens on it!

>> No.50260894
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>blaming boomers for owning an appreciating asset in an inflationary world

>> No.50261615

In my state, not only do I have to deal with boomers hoarding "investment properties", but it's also getting absolutely FLOODED with refugees from California who can casually drop a million dollars with 100k over asking price and not bat an eye. I just gave up on it. I'm living with my parents until I have 400k and leaving the US.