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5025423 No.5025423 [Reply] [Original]

Guys what it this, this can't be real... I made 2000€ out of 1500€ simply by putting money into req, btc, eth and xmr

This doesn't seem right, it reminds me of the money cheat in GTA San Andreas.

How long does this go?

>> No.5025455

I started a week ago.
Will the taxman kill me?

And how are people on this board losing money???? You must be beyond retarded

>> No.5025486

my grandfather worked a factory job, he wasnt even a manager, just some fucking grunt worker
he supported 6 children and a wife, has a house bigger than my parents, and more land than any of my family.
THAT is the definition of unfair. Whats happening now is long overdue, the old generations worked piss jobs and got paid salaries comparable to doctors today, those times are gone and this is the transfer of wealth.

>> No.5025525

I make literally 2k a week with one or two trades.
Laughing about the normalshit who work 9 hours a day in McD sweating their asses off while I make lots of cash barely doing anything

>> No.5025562

made almost 50k out of 2k. Started in June...Gonna take out some profits by the end of the year, this shit is ridicilous...

>> No.5025572

What's your bankroll?

>> No.5025573

thats how u know its not a bubble

>> No.5025601

>Whats happening now is long overdue, the old generations worked piss jobs and got paid salaries comparable to doctors today, those times are gone and this is the transfer of wealth.
are you really that deluded? you will scam each other and in the end rich will get richer and everybody else will pay for that

>> No.5025605

Crazy gains. I just want a house when I graduate In 4-5 years..

>> No.5025618
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Now imagine the people how put in 10 times your investment

>> No.5025639


lel OP if you had started last year you'd probably have 100k by now at the very least, if not more. Fuck, if you had just bought Ethereum in December last year you'd probably be a millionaire. Laggards gonna lag

>> No.5025640
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>> No.5025641

Cryptocurrencies are where retards become millionaires because they accidentally invested into game changing technologies before most intelligent people realized this.

Doesn't make them less of retards but who needs to be intelligent when you are rich.

>> No.5025647

Well in a month I will probably have 10x my investment and I will be able to imagine...

>> No.5025667


>crazy gains

The average anon on this board who started at least a year ago has 100k AVERAGE, and this is not a fucking joke. 50k is nothing at all on this board, most people here are rich NEETs.

>> No.5025689

yeah got lucky with ANS/NEO, OMG and a couple of ICO's. Never would have dreamed of such gains when I started kek. Excited what 2018 has to offer.

>> No.5025691

What's the strategy for the next few years? Will btc remain on top or will it be taken out by tokens with whole infrastructures and products around them?

>> No.5025713

Have about 400 dollars in two really good icos, hope they will move me to California

>> No.5025757

good luck anon, we all gonna make it!

>> No.5025776


My strategy is to continue to hold NEO when BTC/alts crash, it seems like one of the few alts that doesn't crash when everything else does. Then go into everything while it's cheap and sell and repeat. I think BTC will still grow due to rich investors wanting in and LTC as well because of normies seeing that it's cheaper than Bitcoin (and being too retarded to know you don't need to buy a whole bitcoin).

>> No.5025842


>> No.5025902



> My grandparents purchased a huge house in the 60s.
> My parents purchased a medium sized house in the 90s.
> I can't afford anything even though if you take inflation into account I make more money than any of them did at my age

>> No.5025906

Is it too late guys? I also want to make thousands... Made 500 bucks out of 250 in a week, only invested in alts. Even this is already pretty great for me.

>> No.5025961


>> No.5026005

>no cellphone bill
>no cable bill
>ate cheap vegetables and very, very little meat
>cooked meals from cheap whole foods
>used little to no electricity
>home made or hand-me down-clothes
>no vidya
>worked more hours
Yeah, wow, how did they do it guys?

>> No.5026032

>kids worked and contributed to household income

>> No.5026040

>how to spot a crypto noob 101

>> No.5026067

I don't care about anything but Bitcoin, so don't know. 99% of all ICOs are cash grabs for business ideas that will never survive in the long term.

>> No.5026069

>worked more hours

>> No.5026075
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I was poor before bitcoin, now I have a couple million and im not retarded enough to sell to wall street kikes creating dips to steal your coins.

If you are not rich, get, then richer, and stop being a fucking bitch. If you are not in bitcoin to go big, don't go home, just kill yourself.

>> No.5026081

this. life was simply cheaper back then.
the average good worker could afford more.
but there wasnt much except food, land and maybe cars

>> No.5026082

Can confirm started in May with 10k have 150k now

>> No.5026084

Quoted the wrong person, >>5026067
was meant for >>5025691

>> No.5026118

BTC has the most infraestructure. Alts are scams to take your BTC from your wallet.

>> No.5026133

get rekt

>> No.5026159


That's why you trade alts to get more BTC, it's like a game. That's what it always was anyway.

>> No.5026195

2018 is going to be even better than July this year. I am going to make so much fucking money I seriously don't know what I'm gonna do after.

>> No.5026209

A fucking cable bill? Come on.
This does not refute Anon's point even slightly.

>> No.5026246

It’s called stealing. Essentially if you boil it down, crypto is being used by millenials to steal value away from fiat, which boomers have a stranglehold on. Crypto isn’t in a bubble, it’s undergoing an adoption curve.

>> No.5026257

Peoplein this thread will be pinkwojacks soon

>> No.5026266

Fake and gay. 9-5 with no prospects to ever be able to move away from your parent's basement due low wages = maximun death

>> No.5026275

They also had 5 pairs of work slacks, a set or two of sunday best for church or family dinners, and one car for 6 people.

Fuck you faggot. Sell some of your Jordans and stop buying iPhones

>> No.5026309


Cut out the $100 cable bill you too can have 6 kids and a big house!

>> No.5026337


I don't doubt it, I had been funneling nearly all of my paychecks to crypto until I quit (NEET lived with parents). I am literally stealing away fiat's value by getting rid of it for bitcoin each time I did that. I have even gotten friends in on this as well and they are putting 20$ every month just on Bitcoin itself. Did that with even more coworkers. I work at Amazon where there are thousands of them and posted on the public board asking when Amazon is adopting Litecoin/Bitcoin. Shit is about to get real guys, prepare yourselves. Make sure you get the word out and tell everyone you know to buy Bitcoin/Litecoin like their life depended on it. Fuck Wall Street and the kikes.

>> No.5026354

>sells shoes and iPhone
>uses proceeds to buy a 5-bedroom home on 6 acres

Standard boomer logic, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.5026355

You forgot human trafficking rings, arms and drug dealers and corrupt Chinese and Russian bureaucrats.

Truly moving the worlds wealth in the right direction. I'd be lying if I didn't say it'd tickle me if this gives the Norks enough off-grid, un-sanctionable liquidity to put together a hydrogen weapon and that fat little faggot is actually crazy enough to use it,

>> No.5026356

>men only
you do know women entered the workforce and doubled effecmtive man hours right.

>> No.5026362

Your grandfather didnt have a 20k car, a 1k phone, 2k computer AND a laptop.
Your grandfather didnt go to a club and pay 20 bucks entrance fee, and paid 8 bucks for a cocktail.
Your grandfather also had 1 pair of good sunday pants and good jacket, the rest were old(+5 years) clothes and work clothers.

Your grandfather actually worked 60 hours instead of 38.

Also, your grandfather wasnt such a whiney bitch and he did everything himself in the house instead of ordering some technician who charges 60 bucks an hour.

>> No.5026372


Meant 20% not 20$ lel
If you guys aren't telling every one and their grandma how to buy bitcoin/crypto you don't want to be rich or get rid of the kike's stranglehold on our society.

>> No.5026381

You’re a fucking moron. My boomer mother didn’t work. My father (who didn’t graduate high school) was able to buy multiple cars, a house, and support 3 kids with a single job, and have enough left over to start his own business.

>> No.5026405

> I have a couple million and im not retarded enough to sell to wall street kikes
wall street kikes aren't retarded to buy your imaginary money in a first place
in the end people like winklevoss bros will dump their 1bil before this fad fades away to put in in a next bubble and you will end up with mere fraction of what you have

>> No.5026442

>Being this delusional.
An 18 year old could drop out of high school and make the equivalent of 50-60k a year with a mindless factory job in the 50’s and 60’s.

>> No.5026445


Bullshit, it was the Mad Men Era, guys went out in nice suits to the bar after work, got trashed, smoked a pack and went home to a home-cooked meal of ham and potatoes with a wife who stayed at home and 3 kids, and a TV to boot. It really was the good ol' days. Also nobody went to the gym and exercised either because food was natural and not pumped full of hormones, corn syrup and flour.

>> No.5026449

Yes. It's called reality shitdick.

>> No.5026478


Not if nearly everyone adopts crypto and gets the word out or makes a company like Amazon take it as a payment. In fact, if Amazon takes it that would help tremendously. I have friends who are higher up in Amazon and I'm also telling them to try to garner interest in that idea. You need to do your due diligence or you WILL be fucked by Wall Street, and the best part is we can get everyone in the world in on this, and not just Americans.

>> No.5026487

Oh wow no kidding? You're the product of middle-upper/upper class imperial america?!

Color me fucking shocked

>> No.5026511

Hahaha so salty.

>> No.5026521

sameish. take some out anon. you'll sleep easier

>> No.5026715

>Not if nearly everyone adopts crypto
what happens right now is opposite of adoption
you basically playing into the hands of wall street
sooner or later this greed fest will end, normies get hurt and bankers will be ready to offer them safe and centralized crypto
you cant kill greed with more greed

>> No.5026863

Velocity of money.

Most of your generation is poor because the few of you that find a job pay 5$ for coffee and 20$ for toast so you can post it on instagram for likes and follows

>> No.5026992

Idk why people keep assuming they are fucking over wall street. Wall street and the banks are in on this, they've placed their seeds and gained capitals. Now they are preparing to use the cryptocurrency against you.
Yes, money will shift, some poor people will become rich from it.
- But will the value you gain really be as significant as you're expecting it to be? If the economy crashes? The rest of the market? Nobody is going to bail you out. You will lose.

Anybody thinking they are smarter than the fucking jews and wall street wolves are underestimating them dangerously. You're playing with fire. Some people will make it, the rest will turn to ashes.

>> No.5027055

I turned 14K into 200K this year. If NEO climbs like I think it will I'm gonna retire. Cyrpto is cray cray

>> No.5027058

>brainlet meme

The standard of living used to be a lot lower 50 years ago. How many computers, smartphones, subscriptions and tvs did the average person used to have? Exactly, 0.

People used to repair broken things instead of buying new ones and fix holes in their clothes.

>> No.5027104

>Anybody thinking they are smarter than the fucking jews and wall street wolves are underestimating them dangerously. You're playing with fire. Some people will make it, the rest will turn to ashes.

No way bro, I totally got the edge on this. I grind xp in WoW and was a master of the auction house

Huh? What is location advantage? Inflow front-running...? Easier on janky infrastructure? Wait, Chicago exchange being first adopters is indicative of something? What's a dark pool? 7.5% arbitrage loops?

That boomer Jew shit don't matter, I'm a savvy investing genius.


>> No.5027219

Teach me

>> No.5027296
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>> No.5027343

If you haven't cashed out yet, you haven't made shit.

>> No.5027430

My grandfather left his wife and kids to become a millionaire rockstar

>> No.5027548

No just an entitled shit. Like SJWs

>> No.5027581

I'm not entitled at all. I just don't give a fuck about boomers lol. They should be dying off soon anyway.

>> No.5028000

>If the economy crashes?
If it crashes more money will be worth more, not less since they can not print more crypto. So idgaf. Most of the time economies crash because of greedy companies anyway (like 2008 massive bank fraud), fucking bankers. I do not trust them 1 bit

>> No.5028049

>how long does this go?

I wish I knew. I'm fucking petrified of the idea that we stop seeing meteoric growth for the next 2 years. But if this goes on, I'll have made it.

>> No.5028166

I don't give a shit. Cryptos are the future and neither you nor anyone else can stop it.

>> No.5028206

haha what the fuck are you talking about. You do understand that for someone to make a dollar someone else must lose it, right?

>> No.5028323

That's the tricky part. Not because of the meme-shit, but my evaluation of the whole process is:

>Invest money
>watch it to grow to something significant
>start extracting gains while still growing your nest egg
>pray the whole thing doesn't come crashing down until you're set up with less risky assets that aren't going to shit the bed if crypto does

Doesn't make sense to worry about taking out few hundred or thousand here or there until you can do so regularly without destroying your investment. I get the feeling that's what everyone who's "made it" are doing.

>> No.5028335

>wealth creation is a zero sum game

>> No.5028440

>I don't give a shit
This is why your world sucks cock. Because sociopathy gives an edge.

I'm glad you don't care if people are sold in to slavery, long as you git dat lambo nigguaaaaaaa

Again, I hope the Norks (or whoever) fucking burn the whole world down when greedy shits pump their 500,000 in hacked btc to trillions of unbound liquidity.

>> No.5028472

Only in real terms. If we both have a stack of melons, and we trade one back and forth for an increasingly large amount of cash, the paper value of our melon stacks go up, basically creating money out of nowhere. Only time it falls apart is if we stop trading melons and collectively agree they're worthless, at which point our wealth is now just our cash on hand.

>> No.5029379

>I'm glad you don't care if people are sold in to slavery
I mostly don't give a shit because this is already happening and crypto makes it neither worse nor better.

>> No.5029451

You're proving his point...