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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 1200x552, LCX_Logo_registered-trademark®.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50253539 No.50253539 [Reply] [Original]

No meme coins. Just pic.

>> No.50253575

lcx is a scam, pajeet devs and no useful products, copy pasted shit and used most of their funds for token listings on other exchanges instead of making their own dogshit mobile app good

>> No.50253600

Ok post pic of gem or forever btfo

>> No.50253608
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>> No.50253667

LCX have done absolutely nothing of note since they openly dumped on their users when they listed on Coinbase.

>> No.50253688

Point not valid until gem posted

>> No.50253734

lol'd at this level of cope

>> No.50253775

Keeping to thread theme until we are pajeeted

>> No.50253839

In Australia Canadian club is giving away a shitty christmas sweatshirt (that's it's actually name) and it has the LCX logo on it. I'll see if I can find it

>> No.50253854

The Bear Token

>> No.50253857
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>> No.50253873

What the fuck

>> No.50253928
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>> No.50254104

Nigger you already pajeeded up the thread by posting a real indian developed coin

>> No.50254155

somebody please post that pic of the pathetic LCX office in a shitty european alley

>> No.50254186
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>> No.50254200

Thank you. LCX is such an obvious scam.

>> No.50254243

Post your gem buddy

>> No.50254264

Xcm is a better token.

Once purchases the token is locked up securely forever.

>> No.50254282
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The one true King will rule them all.

>> No.50254288
File: 44 KB, 1025x578, IMG_20220709_120630_092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monty is either a scammer or the absolutely most retarded CEO of all time. Everything he does fails. His team is all Pajeets. He's a rich idiot who almost certainly was born into money and now LARPs as a businessman. If you buy LCX expecting them to make a functional crypto exchange, you're delusional.

LCX baggies are starting to need exit liquidity again on 4Chan I see. I will happily answer any questions people have about LCX after having worked with them awhile and followed them for almost 2 years now (yeah make fun of me. I deserve it.) I will warn my fellow /biz/raelies. Suck my cock Eike, GD, Babylordjesus, Andy, and, most importantly, FUCK SUMIT.

>> No.50254316

>I will happily answer any questions
Explain to me why there are people that defend this shit? I don't think it's hard to see why lcx is a joke but it seems like their holders don't see it the same way.
Some kind of delusion? Or something maliciuse?

>> No.50254367
File: 18 KB, 809x531, IMG_20220709_121821_138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of the long time holders like Eike, GD, Babylordjesus, etc. strike me as delusional baggies who didn't have a father figure and have latched on to Monty's image. These people literally paid for flights to Lichtenstein in the past to watch Monty play a PowerPoint in person (no I am not kidding).

There's a pretty big cult of personality around Kevin Murcko bc he is charismatic. There's a small cult of personality forming around Monty bc he wears nice suits and has lots of money. I think that's mainly what's going on. Also, most people are clueless as to how BAD it is to have your entire exchange built in house by Pajeets who make (we found this out) 8k USD a year! 8k USD! For creating the next gen crypto exchange. Fucking comical.

>> No.50254375

>These people literally paid for flights to Lichtenstein in the past to watch Monty play a PowerPoint in person (no I am not kidding).
You need to elaborate holy shit

>> No.50254411

What kind of work we're u doing for them? And how'd u find this out

>> No.50254474

took Nidish, Arzu and the rest of customer service team 4 months to recover my hbar lol...

I haven't spoken to anyone with an English name. LCX may have those Lichtenstein connections for regulations but fukin hell you CANT have a global exchange run only on low IQ, low tier, lowly paid pajeets, especially in customer service as they are the first to interact with customers and holy shit do they ever make the worst impressions!

the idea of LCX is great but so far the execution has been abysmal.

>> No.50254511
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>the idea of LCX is great
EU exchange in a location that's not in the EU?

>> No.50254552
File: 62 KB, 712x1280, IMG_20220709_123257_792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so some of Telegram jannies (Eike and GD for sure at the very least) were invited to watch Don Tapscott and Monty read some PowerPoints love if they wanted. They had to pay for hotel and flight themselves, but we're "LCX ambassadors". The presentation I'm having trouble finding. It seems to have been deleted off their YouTube, but I found a clip on Twitter. They literally paid good money to kiss Monty's ass in person and saw something like this clip.

Discord Jannie, unofficial customer support, did an AmA with Monty in our own private Telegram. Tormented them afterwords with lots of trolling. The highlight of the trolling was probably when I used bots to win their Twitter giveaway for 1k USD and then tainted them on Twitter and demoralized every baggie (internet veteran and futurist Monty Metzger ladies and gents).


As far as I can tell, Lichtenstein has the most developed blockchain laws (much more than Estonia which is revising still) and they can service both EU AND Swiss clients. I think on paper it makes tons of sense. Sadly it's just jeeted with an incompetent retarded leader.

>> No.50254600

>AI - IOT - BLOCKCHAIN = Trivergence
holy shit this is some 2017 ICO tier nonsense.

>> No.50254662

>it makes tons of sense.
Name one financial institution based in Lichtenstein

>> No.50254696

And I don't mean banks that are just for the region. For example LHV is based in Estonia and was at some point used by fucking Coinbase for their EU operations

>> No.50254697
File: 36 KB, 1280x371, IMG_20220709_124603_980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LGT bank (I used Google)
Regardless, I could likely say the same bout Estonia. At the end of the day, Lichtenstein has the blockchain act which is very thorough and allows for LCX products like Tiamonds. Im not arguing if Tiamonds are a good investment either; I am just saying this is a product gauranteed by the laws of the land. Xcm could do something similar but there are not laws (yet since Estonia is revising currently) backing these tokenized assets as far as I am aware.

>> No.50254838

>LGT bank (I used Google)
And I don't mean banks that are just for the region

>> No.50254850

>could likely say the same bout Estonia.
For example LHV is based in Estonia and was at some point used by fucking Coinbase for their EU operations

>> No.50254999
File: 129 KB, 1079x891, 20220710_010940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also said this... I know you're a smartsy poker guy but I guess we'll never know whether all your fud is a bluff

>> No.50255012 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 298x307, hinata_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we'll never know whether all your fud is a bluff
My guy, what.

>> No.50255036

So what's your buy-in price how low are we pushing this down

>> No.50255046
File: 67 KB, 750x438, hisoka shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we'll never know whether all your fud is a bluff
My nigga, what. Are you seriously trying to tell us that all the bullshit LCX did is suddenly made whole by the simple fact that the guy telling us about is might be bluffing? It's clearly all still true or are you hiding an actually working exchange somewhere that just make all of this a bluff?
You are retrarded

>> No.50255075
File: 280 KB, 1080x1211, Screenshot_20220709-191453_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have no volume. Even after two years. This will never take off.

Will unironically be out of business within 6-12 months.

>> No.50255079
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Wasted trips.
I was being sarcastic faggot eat the end of gun.

>> No.50255082 [DELETED] 

idc about you samefagging and nobody with buying power is in this thread so how low are we fudding. I'll join

>> No.50255088
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>he's lost in his delusions
anon I

>> No.50255233
File: 565 KB, 733x1200, 1627548939808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The LCX baggies deleted their posts. Kek /biz/ will never buy this shitcoin after that. Add to the ever expanding list of LCX failures.

>> No.50257156
File: 82 KB, 765x604, IMG_20220709_154153_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LCX is racist against anime posters. This very fact alone should doom their business.

>> No.50257235
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>> No.50257373
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But tranime is trash

>> No.50257706
File: 227 KB, 317x451, hah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thinks this and posts on 4chan. Also stop letting trannies retcon anime. kthnx

>> No.50257809

>posts on anime website
>doesn't like anime
It just keeps happening

>> No.50257824
File: 2 KB, 225x225, ampleforth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50258081

I think TIA could 1000x.

What do you think?

>> No.50258422

reminder that Monty is a certified scammer

>> No.50258436
File: 54 KB, 848x480, TzqZR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Tiamond NFT holder will get 1 million TIA tokens. If TIA even 10xed from here, that would be a 100k airdrop for each nft buyer. The nfts we're a few grand each. Tia is likely still heavily overvalued.

>> No.50258713
File: 53 KB, 546x896, 1651496906510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy is a selfish piece *. Sry through my opinion of him, I can hardly report objectively.

He just secured a lot of coins at a good price early on. So far so good. There was another trading competition where you could win a Rolex with a minimum trading volume. He grabbed a colleague with whom he trades coins back and forth to win there (luckily somebody else won). But so far this is nothing reprehensible. He just knew how the game works and just tried it. So much for the history. Then about half a year later the Lcx token was listed on the Coinbase exchange.
With the background knowledge that good projects meet a lot of liquidity when they are listed on a large exchange, this is a good time to take profits. I can explain to you another time why this is the case (in any case, the price is rising very sharply and then slowly falling again). He now thought he was hyping this listing sooo hard to everyone he could possibly reach (he didn't care who). He then sold on the day of the listing at a high price and in a telegram group encouraged Lcx to fudden (to talk badly about it) so that everyone who is invested in Lcx sells their coins. The idea behind it is of course to buy it cheaper yourself afterwards (at the expense of the people who then sell)
Ultimately, the price would have dropped just as much if he hadn't fudded because it was just a listing and not a fundamental innovation of the Lcx project.
But the way he behaved was just sooo selfish and deviant that I can imagine the boy hardly having any friends or family in real life.
Every day he and some desperate idiots gossip about Lcx in their group.
It was also shit that at the beginning it was actually a community marketing group from Lcx, but you couldn't be sure anymore who was influenced by Lian and who wasn't, that's why there's a new group.