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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 65 KB, 400x400, gaitivAo_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50252302 No.50252302 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50252313

disinformation thread, kys

>> No.50252317

How much money do I need to avoid this happening to me?

>> No.50252320

what the fuck is up with the stupid fucking jannies that 404ed the other thread. seriously i hate jannies so much its unreal.

anyways, based video Leo of Biz, keep killin it.

>> No.50252327

Was worth the wait.

>> No.50252328


>> No.50252329

based video, was a bit all over the place but the production value was crazy good.
i liked the simplicity of some of the older bizonacci stuff but this is just as good

>> No.50252338

yeah production is fucking insane. someone seriously needs to fund this dude heavy. it would be absolute kino to have a full movie.

>> No.50252352
File: 1.38 MB, 1146x802, Screen Shot 2022-07-09 at 11.25.03 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50252355


>> No.50252359

>Verification not required.

>> No.50252372


>> No.50252385

why does everyone think they're going to put live whole bugs in your food. when they say "eat ze bugs" my guess is someone will come up with a way to make them actually taste good with good texture and all. at that point sign me up I'll eat any bug you want me to

>> No.50252391

>future gig couriers will have to stake collateral to take high value jobs
This actually makes a lot of sense for a decentralized economy but it's dystopian as fuck.

>> No.50252398

fuck off

>> No.50252402

based go- I mean guy

>> No.50252405

You really start to notice all the details after third re watch

>> No.50252434

This guy is pretty fucking good.

>> No.50252441


>> No.50252442
File: 336 KB, 1018x307, Screenshot from 2022-07-09 08-34-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, you're right.
>not just any rainbow, but a black-brown-trans rainbow

>> No.50252459
File: 534 KB, 2926x2260, 1657136656361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around $2m in pre 2018 $ and preferably a house with some land.
1k link will only afford you 1 cup of coffee (in the metaverse).

>> No.50252466

showing the actual bugs is good propaganda. of course those in power will attempt to disguise and make palatable what is vile but that is beside the point.
bugs are not kosher, simple as, and if its not good enough for gods chosen, so to speak, its not good enough for me.

>> No.50252468
File: 2.41 MB, 225x255, 1656058097958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That ending
Gave me a giggle nice.

>> No.50252489
File: 895 KB, 850x798, Screen Shot 2022-07-09 at 11.38.41 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek i thought the vid had legit ended at this part and didn't even notice

>> No.50252496

Yummy yummy yummy I got bugs in my tummy

>> No.50252505

token is needed?

>> No.50252515
File: 32 KB, 504x503, 1650590618503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.
For a moment I though "wow, they really did ((shut it down))".

>> No.50252520

Very cool

>> No.50252537
File: 143 KB, 1884x1359, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Leonardo, sneed

>> No.50252541

Holy shit is this real?!

>> No.50252551

What the fuck is this normie tier horseshit? Bizonacci clones are so fucking retarded.

>> No.50252554

You will need off-grid assets as future "money" will be govt-controlled CBDCs that they can switch off at any time.

>> No.50252560

>t.retard nigger

>> No.50252566

>t. seething shill
Your videos are ass dumb fucking tryhard

>> No.50252570

>bugs are not kosher, simple as, and if its not good enough for gods chosen, so to speak, its not good enough for me
you technically already eat digested bugs through other animals already. if they figure out a way to recreate this process then it's not much different than eating meat

>> No.50252577

high quality production. is it made with parts movie scenes and cyberpunk game animations + blender scenes?

>> No.50252582
File: 112 KB, 549x413, 1653267900607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a bit stale. Things aren't as funny when the money is down.

>> No.50252587

it's good, and so was bizonacci, you're a faggot with shit taste

>> No.50252589

What if they come for us like those Australia cunts did hunting campers during covid with helicopters?

>> No.50252607

We are closer than you know.

>> No.50252623

The view from those pods is pretty nice

>> No.50252628

Wtf is that real?

>> No.50252631

>watching zoomer pandering jewtube videos rehashing 5 year old memes
>insulting anyones taste
Go back to your tranny tg or whatever fucking hellhole you crawled out of

>> No.50252644

Most bizonacci vids were during the 2018 bear market and they were still great, maybe try watching it when you're in a different mood.

>> No.50252648

austrailia gave up their guns. thats what happens when you do that

>> No.50252652

>gutter oil restaurant

>> No.50252687
File: 43 KB, 716x656, 1643243692472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50252705

Stop advertising your fakezonacci shit videos.

>> No.50252729
File: 409 KB, 1442x643, where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did you see videos from 2018?

>> No.50252744

Pay attention you esl. He said BIZONACCI.

>> No.50252787

yeah, it's pretty weird honestly. either they don't understand the culture here or they don't want this video spread around.

shut up gigger

>> No.50252803

Reminder Leo of /biz/ is a scammer and is samefagging/astroturfing this thread promoting "funding him"
Holy fuck if I make a thread asking for money even on a samefag account replying I will absolutely get banned and pruned instantly mods do your fucking job.

>> No.50252807

leo is bizonacci

>> No.50252834

Yeah, that was one of the last hopeful years. I just think with this new video he's beating the same dead horse over and over. Maybe it was the beginning that I didn't really like.

>> No.50252836

No he isn't /biz/ killed himself, this faggot is probably you sadly, you do realize /biz/ traffic is at an all time low, there's 20-30 active users a day and when we see this threads fill up instantly we know you're samefagging.

>> No.50252908

This is his worst video

>> No.50252934
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Powered by shadowlink

>> No.50252954
File: 13 KB, 500x371, 1651018971194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The climate change thing is such a meme now. It started in the mid 19th century. Shit is way over played now. The green new deal shit is all a sinister plan to rule over humanity. Its not man made, its been happening on and off since 10k years ago (as recorded). Humans don't cause climate change. The global elites are simply making a power grab and using a fake, but very relatable and understandable vehicle to rape you of your rights.

>> No.50253017

/biz/ actually an hero? Sad. Why'd he do it?

>> No.50253020
File: 21 KB, 640x576, keep going.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These videos give me the impression of a scenario where Bizonacci is long dead, and some hack is peddling their own /pol/ conspiracies in his stead, all while wearing 'nacci's severed face like a party mask. /biz/onacci was a high point for /biz/, and his content was actually about the market forces and local happenings instead of pushing Q-tard takes on the WEF over and over again. The bizonacci videos had a noted self-awareness that is sorely lacking in everything Leo does; his videos are patently a sort of /pol/ agitprop. Production quality being up is just polish on a turd; at the end of the day, I still don't want to buy shit.

I want the real bizonacci back.

>> No.50253035

surely he would waste his time doing that while
having 40k subs on youtube

>> No.50253036

He lost nearly 400k on a coin he was shilling, OP is a scammer who's using his name and likeness to promote his gambling problem what a shocker like most of crypto it's just dupers and dupees.

>> No.50253056

actual garbage this board died with Bizonacci newfags that weren’t here for it will never understand (and that’s a good thing)

>> No.50253072


>Muh eating bugs
>Muh living in pods
>Muh great reset
>Muh Klauss Schwab
>Muh media is in control
>Muh jewish boogeyman
>Muh vaccination deaths

fuck off fucking /pol/ this is not related to business and finance in any way

mods and jannies do your fucking jobs delete this shit

>> No.50253084

Wow racist dogwhistles and right wing qtard shit, just fucking shite and a disgrace to bizonacci. Delete this thread

>> No.50253086

They aren't doing shit we got Husbant shitcoin up for 14 hours now, methanon pushing his new scam (forex anon btw)
Tranny postings, spambots etc
This place is beyond usable or entertaining in anyway.

>> No.50253099

how new?

>> No.50253100

mods and jannies, do your job and ban this fucker, he has exceeded the maximum s_0_y limit

>> No.50253113
File: 47 KB, 1039x634, 53wesfsdef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know whether to laugh or be horrified

>> No.50253114

Obviously this dude is trying to to his own thing, not just replicate bizonacci 1:1.

He posted this here a few days ago

>> No.50253119

This, so much this.

I for one am tired with seeing these racist /pol/ memes everywhere. Cant wait to see these being deleted from the website.

>> No.50253120

Same tactic as any samefagging scammer would use, we did this yesterday with forex now today with leonardo of /biz/
I hope you fuckers realize this faggots using you to promote himself and now is demanding we pay him for his content, god damnit why is everyone a grifting sack of human dogshit.

>> No.50253124

That's a dumb meme and I don't get it is he scared of Jews or something? It's akin to the my dad works at Nintendo meme. 400k would hurt but I wouldn't kms over jt most people wouldn't. Was he Asian or something?
> Anon you brang shame to famurry!!!!

>> No.50253135

And because mods are fucking retarded we will see this get spammed 10-20 more times over the week like a shitcoin everything on this website is a scam a literal fucking scam.

>> No.50253138

>demanding we pay him
Where? You're just a triggered emotional moron

>> No.50253170

holy shit bros this is the greatest thing i've ever watched the bugs are fucking real i'd donate to based leo if he wanted for this quality alone bizonacci 2.0

>> No.50253172

>Obviously it's clearly just an innocent dude doing his own thing, very organic and creative I say, you can tell by the way he writes he's being sincere
My god just blow your brains out you fucking faggot
Lemme remind you
>more 1pbitd in this thread than any active thread
So you can pretend you didn't say that faggot but we know you are psyoping people into giving you money, god damn kill yourself.

>> No.50253200

the car mission was impossible to finish

>> No.50253208

The first 48 seconds were normie tier trash but the rest is decent. If I were to guess I'd say he is a 2020 newfren /bizpol/ crossposter

>> No.50253255
File: 157 KB, 1024x988, 1622258137180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capeshit and other mass media pandering to retarded normies, eating bugs, living in pods, dystopian future, globohomo art, strong empowered fat black women and other minorities, gamification of labor to keep manchildren happy, social IDs, hidden scores and mass surveillance so the government can track us, decentralized oracle networks needed for verification of nearly everything

NWObros... we won

>> No.50253256

Less makey posts, more takey meds.

>> No.50253267
File: 329 KB, 1097x699, 1627273257813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Ari Juels reference too

>> No.50253292

I am a bot, you have found me out. We will work harder in the future to prevent detection by the 1pbtid method.
Thank you for helping refine the model.

>> No.50253306

Wtf I lost 400k since November and down to 50k now. What a pussy as reason to kys

>> No.50253314

take your meds incel

>> No.50253325
File: 62 KB, 606x794, 1657015808808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello? Based department? We have a situation here

>> No.50253337

down from 1.2m to 100k. not leaving

good take

>> No.50253359

leo is a biz god slaying the wef dragons while you're just some retarded incel anon posting out of pure envy

>> No.50253433

I didn't know the guy who makes these is a /biz/igger

>> No.50253444

The samefagging vitriol matches literally any scamming faggot I've talked to here, it's all the same bullshit washed up drivel "Meds"
"Feds" should kick in your door because you're just using psychology to defraud people out of money stealing the intellectual property of a dead man, very typical of a scammer.

>> No.50253455

meds. now.

>> No.50253466

I look like this and say this

>> No.50253471
File: 14 KB, 692x607, 1651680413642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few days ago some of my work colleagues went to burger to get some lunch. All of them bought the "vegan" option.
At the table they try to tell me how good it tastes and there are no differences etc.

While I was eating my own lunch (chicken/rice/ broccoli).

Ahhhhhhhhh I'm going insane. It's happening slowly. In a few years people don't even want to eat real meat anymore.

>> No.50253482

Jesus Christ, we get it, spergs, go shoot up a mall or something.

>> No.50253498
File: 201 KB, 367x358, 1651228747165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking kek

>> No.50253502

kek @ all the seething plebbitors in this thread
This is the only thread in the catalog and instead of just ignoring it, you have an instant meltdown

>> No.50253503

>stealing the intellectual property
Nigger what are you on?
Taking inspiration from someone else isn't bad, the only reason people may think that they are the same person is because the quality is so high compared to all the other shitty wojack channels

>> No.50253508

this but unironically

>> No.50253512


>> No.50253530

go dilate. holy hell

>> No.50253561
File: 47 KB, 1148x244, image_2022-07-09_180747030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CERN fired up the loop on july 5th - this is our timeline now.

>> No.50253616

I can tell you're the schizo who derails threads, so you're a scammer and an astroturfing faggot, nobody real here likes Leonardo just like nobody real here likes scamcoins or grifting but it's interesting all these dumb motherfuckers seem to promote it when they are in their approved threads.

Not a shock there's a community of scam artists who live on this site 24/7
Guess Leonardo is one of them glad we can put this to rest.

>> No.50253642

fuck off hater

>> No.50253663
File: 82 KB, 1024x642, 1657042802048m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll shoot up your wife in her vagina with me SKEEET! FUCK YOU NIGGER!

>> No.50253680
File: 221 KB, 337x416, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, it's kino allright

>> No.50253689

Unironically Link holders have become scammers, IE Pinkboys, IE LinkJeet IE Kenshi IE etc etc
Linkers lost tons of money and now they resort to scamming /biz/ and gullible idiots fucking pathetic I hope link and the market dumps to zero and stays there you all need to lose everything to humble yourselves but if you've walked this path already there's no saving your ass.

>> No.50253710


>> No.50253713

Eat shit nigger, do you know where you are? 4chan is /pol/ and /pol/ is 4chan. Go back to your heavily moderated social media websites if the truth is too hard for you.

>> No.50253789

Guess this place is all poltards scamming each other aka moonman, ffs kill this board then you faggots have to go back.
Pol is absolute garbage facebook tier godlikeproductions bullshit and you /x/ and /pol/ schizos glow in the dark.

>> No.50253795

take your fucking meds chud and appreciate great art when you see it

>> No.50253805

Fuck off retard

>> No.50253840
File: 1.42 MB, 1750x950, sheesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Bizonacci mean by this?

>> No.50253850

Wait you shit on LINK as well? lmao

Genuine question, what do you hold or what you are looking to get in once the market recovers? If you are even looking to get it

>> No.50253872

>actually watching on youtube
Use invidious or piped to exit the botnet, RSS feeds to follow channels.

>> No.50253900

I hold nothing this markets flooded with scammers and hacks, if you think we have hit the bottom yet you got another thing coming, just sick of seeing my former board where I could have conversations get flooded with low IQ niggerkikes and the glowies that followed them, and the massive amount of scammers tells me everything I need to know.