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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50252046 No.50252046 [Reply] [Original]

I've been working shit jobs since I dropped out of high school.
Walmart, manufacturing, warehouse.
A recruiter just reached out to me from the CCC, California's wildfire force.
He offered me $2900/month, $6000 if I get deployed to a wildfire.
I get to live in a dorm 24/7 & get food for $300, they take it our of your paycheck.
He said we just train in the mornings & after that I could go to a second job or sit around & play video games all day.

>> No.50252069

professional NEET

>> No.50252117

My official title is project coordinator, which means I inform managers of every department in our company what tasks needs to be prioritized in order to hit our monthly quota, I also actively manage spreadsheets because the boomers I work for don’t know what macros are.

>> No.50252175

unemployed NEET

>> No.50252179

I’m a middle market commercial loan underwriter. Take the job anon it’s a good opportunity and when you die in fire will be remembered as a hero

>> No.50252192

I desrespect women for a living

>> No.50252199

Oh I’ve always wondered who was on the other side of my loan deals. What takes you guys so long for lets say, a mortgage contract? Also when you write the contract are you in a office setting or at home in your pj’s?

>> No.50252282

Edit porn.

>> No.50252488

That's alright man asking as you save and invest it (not lose it obviously) you should focus on safe bets like staking and pooling or savings accounts. 60% of your savings. The other 40% you should learn to grid trade.

>> No.50252539

You don't know that you are a # on a P&L, completely expendable to these boomers. You think you make good $$, what are those boomers making to manage you managing the other managers who manage the true goyim slave NPC class

>> No.50252601

I know this and am aware of my precarious situation, which is why I always roll up my sleeves and help out in each department when needed. I am capable of running at least two departments out of six total, entirely by myself, which is why I’ll be one of the last bucks to drop when the layoffs come. I also train new hires because of my knowledge base in the industry I’m in.

>> No.50252654

I teach high school engineering, science, and computer science.

It's okay. I'm fortunate to be in a cowtown district with good support.

>> No.50252676
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Electrician. Looking into maintenance work instead.

>> No.50252907

That doesn't sound too bad but when you get deployed it's probably hell. It's not wildfire season yet so it sounds chill, but every year California burns more and more.

>> No.50252943

I help boomers with their cell phones

pls kill me

>> No.50252967
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I'm a NEET and I hold Link

>> No.50253041

>what takes you so long
Could be multiple things: deal doesn’t work i.e doesn’t fit financial metrics for our lending policy but pressure to close anyway and we are stalling putting our name on it, could be lazy or have pile of deals to underwrite. It takes days gotta read thru every document available on the deal, follow up ask questions if gray areas, and type it all into a digestible report for upper management. Mortgages take longer cuz real estate has 10x more contracts and regulations that other commercial lending
>pjs or office
Both, I go into the office cuz I’m a faggot but there’s wfh and outsourcing. Less outsourcing than other depts cuz there’s an emphasis on financial literacy and writing ability if your lending institution gives a fuck

>> No.50253146

Also an electrician. Are you resi or commercial?

>> No.50253187

I do software dev and cry over jira tickets, changelogs, documentation, backlog grooming sessions, and meetings

>> No.50253227

Corporate lawyer
400k a year, 1 mill plus after making partner

I’d rather be a guy in construction building houses, they got the girls and the Lambo.

>> No.50253251

Currently unemployed, not on UI either, waiting for this supposed job offer to hire me but they've been noticeably quiet.

thinking about kms because I'm falling behind so rapidly I can't seem to catch up but who fucking cares right.

>> No.50253265

do a flip

>> No.50253347

What happens when an underwriter doesn’t see an appliance budget on a bid and wants to know how the client will furnish the appliances for the new home build but the loan applicant has most of their assets in physical cash and precious metals?

>> No.50253372

UX Designer. Comfy job that I enjoy.

>> No.50253422

Restricted cash in accounts with our bank and a lien on your precious metals as collateral. 90% advance rate on the cash and 50% on the metals cuz fuck you

>> No.50253425

Flip into your mothers diseased vagina faggot.

>> No.50253486

>80k a year
>lots of pressure despite being a staff level accountant
>have to work today for quarter end
I honestly hate my life I want to quit and sell my house and live out of my car or something.

>> No.50253525


>> No.50253537

Go try being homeless for a day. It'll humble you real quick trying to sleep in a park & people look at you like you're some loser. Everyone will pretend you don't exist. They'll get mad at you just for being around.
Most people these days don't move out of their parents house until they're 25. When rent for a 1 bedroom apartment in the ghetto is $1700/month & all the nearby jobs pay $15/hour if you don't have a degree that mommy paid for.
Your abusive parents will make you pay $1200 just to stay in your tiny room. No freedom. No social life.

>> No.50253546

I make 80K as well and I don’t stress at all as a network engineer. The most engineering I’ve done is making a report from copy and pasted data from one local system to an excel sheet.

>> No.50253567

Anon keep in mind its fucking summer and commiefornia has a drought problem. There will be gigantic fires, make sure you understand this and how dangerous it can be.

>> No.50253598

The recruiter said he won't be able to get me in until next cycle, August.
The only time I enjoy life is when I'm helping someone else.
Helping an entire state of people might make this shit hole a little more worthwhile

>> No.50253701

you sound like a faggot loser who blames everyone else for your shitty circumstance

>> No.50253867
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Anon I am assuming your in your mid 20s or early 20s. Get a comfy computer job, but make sure you work out so your body doesnt go to shit. Invest 10-20% in blue chip cryptos. Sell tops buy bottoms. Retire by 30 and live your best life. Don't let them bait you with money, CA wild fires are pure hell. Like one of the Anons in here said you will die a hero and no one will care.

>> No.50253890
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But are you trying to make it Anon? I woke up 5 years ago and I had enough of wage slaving. I was working 6 sometimes 7 days a week on a desk job. At some point it was just pure hell. But now im on my way out thanks to crypto.

>> No.50253893

That sounds like my dream job ngl
Is the forest comfy in Cali?

>> No.50253984

I’d probably take it for a year or two and see how it is. You’re making 35k a year so after taxes 25k in Cali. Room and food is 3600 so you have 21400. You buy a 20k car and have insurance you are down around 450 a month so 16k left. Now that I actually ran the numbers it’s a pretty shit job but it might be fun for a year. The only benefit is if a fire happens you get the hazard pay of 72k a year but that’s a highly dangerous job with long term health consequences for such shitty pay. If I was working at McDonald’s and needed something new in life I might try it for a year or two

>> No.50253996

I live in ca, it’s dry right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if large fires are happening all over. I don’t think it’s a comfy job, more like a hard job with long term health issues from smoke

>> No.50254009

Former Industrial Maintenance here. Do it for fucks sake. It's the easiest fucking money in the world. Call some shitty factories and distribution facilities, the worst thing you're going to have to do is lug some belt.

>> No.50254016

Get into industrial and never look back

>> No.50254030

sounds awful and the money isn't great
but if you're uneducated then it's going to be one of the best paying things you can get but it's just not worth it
the compensation isn't even really that good by CA standards given the difficulty and risk
try go for IT if you can't handle software
>trying to chop down trees and corral a fire while in the middle of it sounds like a dream job
you are a fucking retard who has probably never done hard manual work

>> No.50254041

So you're a babysitter.

>> No.50254506


If you think educating students on programming, product design, communication, cybersecurity, and robotics is babysitting, I guess.

>> No.50254555

Yeah I guess I have money in crypto but I’m not banking on a 100x or whatever, seems unrealistic

>> No.50254623
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See that's your problem right there. You dont even believe in your ability to make 100x. Every day I wake up i am researching at least 1-2 hours a days. Always with my goal in mind. I did it a few times I can do it again. 100x takes time and effort.