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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 257x388, The_Sovereign_Individual_hardcover_(cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50251650 No.50251650 [Reply] [Original]

Just got my copy from amazon yesterday

>> No.50251658
File: 412 KB, 545x457, 1653765037990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shilling this book faggot

>> No.50251691

I hope you die a painful and excruciating death disgusting parasite

>> No.50251696

Can you post important passages?

>> No.50251729

is this the /pol/ ai?

>> No.50251739

cough libgen.rs cough

>> No.50251772

It's good but repetitive. It felt like the authors were trying to stretch it out. Also it's a bit full of shit. With the collapse of globalization we are seeing now the state, warlordoms and tribes will be the primary nodes of social organization not randos with an internet connection.

>> No.50251797
File: 3.44 MB, 356x260, 4EA7E824-A909-414A-8952-69484628F626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like the gay individual!

>> No.50251828

or just google james lopp(the bitcoin guy) and the book

well I really like the intro for example

>When the payoff for organizing violence at a large scale >tumbles, the payoff
>from violence at a smaller scale is likely to jump. >Violence will become morerandom and localized. Organized crime will grow in >scope. We explain why.
>Another logical implication of falling returns to violence is >the eclipse of
>politics. There is much evidence that adherence to the >civic myths of the
>twentiethcentury nationstate is rapidly eroding. The >death of Communism is
>merely the most striking example. As we explore in >detail, the collapse of
>morality and growing corruption among leaders of >Western governments is not a random development. It is >evidence that the potential of the nationstate is
>exhausted. Even many of its leaders no longer believe >the platitudes they mouth.Nor are they believed by others

>> No.50251836

They literally describe the typical user of biz too and how we will be the next financial elite

>An entirely new realm of economic activity
>that is not hostage to physical violence will emerge in >cyberspace. The most obvious benefits will flow to the >"cognitive elite," who will increasingly operate
>outside political boundaries. They are 3
>already equally home in Frankfurt, London, New York, >Buenos Aires, Los
>Angeles, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. Incomes will >become more unequal within jurisdictions and more >equal between them.
>The Sovereign Individual explores the social and >financial consequences of this
>revolutionary change. Our desire is to help you to >take advantage of the
>opportunities of the new age and avoid being >destroyed by its impact. If only
>half of what we expect to see happens, you face >change of a magnitude with few
>precedents in history.

>> No.50251848

sorry about the weird formatting

>> No.50251862

people like vitalik or cz is literally using the regulatory arbitrage to superseed nationstates by still using their power to get their business

>> No.50252440

I just got this book from the library yesterday and started reading it. Pretty good so far, a lot of what they predicted is true and already happening in our daily lives. Their predictions on 'cybermoney' (cryptocurrency) is startlingly accurate. I like the vision they lay out, however, i think they predict the end of the nation-state much too rapidly. I think they predicted by 2025 it would be gone, but that's obviously not the case as we look at today's geopolitical theater.

>> No.50253149

Yes the timelines of those things in books usually fail, it's more about the trends