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50243753 No.50243753 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know HBAR Staking goes live at the end of THIS MONTH?

>> No.50244010

nobody cares stop posting

>> No.50244280

Will staking help to pump the price or something? Why am I supposed to be excited?

>> No.50244354

yessir and its about time. i will be going 50/50 staking my hbar on hedera and on stader that launched on hedera with the support of the hbar foundation, and they're giving 41% APY

>> No.50246367

you have to get rid of Jordan Fried or you will never pump
its simple

>> No.50247457
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Did you know HBAR is a scam? And that staking something going to 0 means you receive 0?

>> No.50247899

41% APY good number to hear i will have to try use stader to for my tokens

>> No.50248100

yes very good stakings sir

>> No.50248428

this. even if muskrat tweets "BUY HBAR", this pos won't pump more than a cent

>> No.50249045

A lot more DeFi shit is coming to Hedera
Don’t forget the DeFi fund that HBAR foundation allocated a couple months back
Its all paying off

>> No.50249146

hello india

>> No.50249408
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>nobody cares stop posting
As a massive Hbar bull, probably small pump; raise the floor a bit. However the staking being implemented is unique to Hedera, no lockups, slashing, daily payouts and this in turn will bring bridges. Bridges bring liquidity.
Cope seethe ‘n dilate
I know the guy who makes those graphics shills hex, which is all the info I need.
Staking brings liquidity/bridges which will pump the price.

>> No.50250002

dumpera crashgraph

>> No.50250663

I cant wait

>> No.50250801

41% is only running till the end of July, after that it's gonna be significantly lower. On par with native which will be pretty low too

>> No.50250809

Its not online yet or is only slowly coming online. Tps has gone up to ~8 since yesterday, nothing crazy but there's something going on

>> No.50251160

Yeah sustained mainnet trx, a “step” certainly. More than ethereum though.

>> No.50251270

I'm guessing atma is slowly bringing stuff online, planned rollout.just a guess really who knows. Curious what the coupons wo do for tps

>> No.50251359

Is this going to affect anything? Or will they keep dumping millions of tokens on retail as usual?

>> No.50251564
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They have a release schedule kek. 4.7% inflation max for 13 years. This does not include staking, so the actual number is much lower kek. You don’t know what you’re talking about
Everything about this coin shows it’s developed by the right people. Slow, steady wins the race unironically. Based leemon

>> No.50251720

I agree but I'm also an hbar maxi so I'm very biased. From what I've seen hedera is the only project in crypto that's being used by and for actual enterprise use cases, literal game changer

>> No.50252330
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Every move has been pre-planned, the math is just one part of the equation. The other part is real world implementation.

5D chess, theyve also been transparent since the start. Their youtube channel has interviews with everyone that has and is currently building on platform.

Soon the pressure valve will release and the step function will be activated.

>> No.50252444

Oh so they're going to inflate the supply to pay a bullshit APR and push the price of the token down even further? Bullish!

>> No.50252574

>They have a release schedule kek. 4.7% inflation max for 13 years. This does not include staking, so the actual number is much lower kek
>This does not include staking, so the actual number is much lower
If the 4.7% inflation doesn't include the staking rewards then the actual number would be much higher, not lower.
This token is designed to seperate retail investors from their money to fund the operation. It's been working perfectly for years now, you guys never learn.

>> No.50252612

Holy retard. Treasury rewards pay out some portion of staking. Because the coins are capped, less tokens can be dumped, less inflation. 101 buddy.

The fud gets weaker and more desperate by the days hbros. Wagmi.

>> No.50252647

See>>50252612. Coins are capped. Treasury pays rewards. In fact, early stakers receive the least amount of inflation.

>> No.50252824

>From what I've seen hedera is the only project in crypto that's being used by and for actual enterprise use cases

What is XRP?

>> No.50252948

A red herring. Hedera made gc buy their coins, xrp dumped their coins onto banks.

>> No.50252973

Kek, I have a huge amount of HBAR, I love HBAR.
But I have been doing research on XRP for 5 years, XRP is NOT a red herring, if you believe so, you have fallen for the mid-wit fud.

Both will thrive and succeed.
But of course, XRP will have the biggest ROI. ;)

>> No.50253081

Everything I said was true. They did dump their coins on banks, and even then some banks rejected them. Xrp is the best scam coin in crypto: they attract big names with large salaries, they create nebulous orgs that have great sounding names but do nothing, and the tech isn’t even good. It’s not abft, it’s not as fast as Hedera, they have a lawsuit that they’ll definitely lose, though admittedly was filed in bad faith, and worst of all, token not needed. Also, iso20022 is literally xml formatting kek. It’s a scam coin, albeit the best scam coin in all of crypto.

>> No.50253092
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>> No.50253111

Yes.... yes.... buddy.. thats true!!

>> No.50253130

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you won’t make money dunking on the poor sons of bitches who buy after you, but it has not long term viability. Same with algo, though xrp is king.

>> No.50253211

HBAR is the ultimate newfag trap. Almost 300% inflation rate year over year. Still another 30 billion tokens to dump on baggies (and that's how they will be funding their ecosystem grant). The coin will be lucky to hit a new ATH next bullrun given 32c would put it at a new ATH by MCAP with 40% of the tokens released and 12.8c would put it at a MCAP ATH with 100% of the tokens released. The only people making money off HBAR are VCs and threads like this is just to get liquidity for their renowned market selling.

>> No.50253238

What wasn’t true?
>2016: interbank cross border payments soon
>2017: interbank cross border payments soon
>2018: interbank cross border payments soon
>2019: interbank cross border payments soon
>2020: interbank cross border payments soon
>2021: interbank cross border payments soon
>2022: interbank cross border payments soon

>> No.50253243

Kek, the people who buy now are the smart ones

>> No.50253258

>xrpfags triggered

>> No.50253264

I said it was true, and you are right, xrp is a scam coin, better stay away from that pile of shit

>> No.50253276

Shitcoin, eat shit nigger

>> No.50253278

Why do you assume that guy is an XRP maxi?
Nothing he said indicates it.

I know many many XRP holders, who love HBAR, as myself.

>> No.50253299

Standard shill tactic. Just attack and divert when you have no comeback or can't refute facts thrown at your face. I accept your concession faggot.

>> No.50253313

Round these parts, Hbar threads, we get xrpfags ethfags icpfags ftmfags and algofags. I’m guessing he was a xrpfag given what I said about xrp. It is the biggest scammiest scam coin, king of the scams, in crypto, but I’m not saying you won’t make money on it. Kek

>> No.50253339

It’s just hilarious disinformation that doesn’t need addressing. Reeks of desperation.

>> No.50253442

>doesn’t need addressing
Please try. They are going to throw 30 billion tokens on the market. If you start investing now, price movement has to counteract so much predetermined inflation you'd be better off investing into any other risky asset that doesn't have this problem. What's even the point to buy this?

>> No.50253474

19b circulating, 50b cap, 2b allocated to foundation, 13 years left in distribution
(50-19)/50/13 = .047. This figure doesn’t include staking which would lower this figure but some as of yet unknown percentage.

300% inflation as you put it, would be 57b coins added the first year, and go up tremendously from there. Doesn’t even make sense.

>> No.50253544

The actual inflation value is like 12.55% the first year, and goes down from there.

31b remaining/13 years = 2.38b coins / year
(19+2.38)/19 = 12.55%
(21.38+2.38)/21.38 = 11.1%

>> No.50253623

>staking which would lower this figure
Only for those staking, obviously. In total, it will still dump ~60% over 13 years. That's the price every holder pays to be invested. You'd be better off investing into index funds by that point and do away with the very real risk that no enterprise cares about a council run network that they can't hire for.

>> No.50253649
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another pedo coin?. retards like you deserve to be locked up or better yet hang, for taxpayers sake.

>> No.50253699

>my risk profile should be your risk profile

>> No.50254397

hbar no long term viability?

Nigga what? The whole pt HBAR doesnt pump is beacause they dont shil useless shit and empty promises. Calling oneself a 100 year company is the WHOLE POINT of aiming for long term viability.

>> No.50254419

who needs staking when you can CPU mine webcash

>> No.50254442

strong fud, might actually sell

>> No.50254534

What exactly does HBAR do? What is its purpus now and supposed to be in the future?
Im new to the cryptomarket and want to collect some information, so please bear with me.

>> No.50254669

6.8 billion to 21 billion last year. It was supposed to be 6.8 billion to 8 billion tokens last year. Your release schedule doesn't mean shit as it's completely centralised and controlled by 1 company who can change token release schedule when ever they feel like and get to dictate the initial council members. The network is secured by Swirlds only as they control >50% of the supply and decide who can and cannot run nodes. But keep coping baggie. HBAR is a terrible investment by every metric and if a company wanted a centralised database they already use azure or aws. It's a security and will get raped with regulation coming EOY.

>> No.50254721

He called XRO no long term viablity...
the irony.

>> No.50254797
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>muh decentralization
You gotta go back. The 50b supply will NOT be enough and doesn’t really matter if they front load it or back load it.

>> No.50255058

>It's a security and will get raped with regulation coming EOY.
toppest of kekes

>> No.50255155

Which use case is online on xrp?

>> No.50255392

>another pedo coin
imagine NOT going all in even after knowing it's a wef globohomo corpo pedo coin

>> No.50255829
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Daily reminder

>> No.50256183
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hbar is up

>> No.50256202
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New news released this week.

>> No.50256349
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Daily reminder

>> No.50256399

watch Leemons harvard lecture...

>> No.50258343
File: 356 KB, 869x1024, A4474C55-08B9-46EA-9FF7-1710DBFACDD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that ada, algo, eth, btc, ftm, icp and other fags come here to fud now we gotta deal with xrpjiggaboos also? Cmon man. I come to these thread to talk about use cases that are coming on Hedera, which all of you mentioned above can only dream about, not to read your bullshit which is wrong 100% of time and yet you still try to fud and spread missinformation. Why do you even try? Hedera already won, you just won’t admit it. Chainlink kneeled by joining GC because they saw that if you can’t beat them, join them. Others will soon follow. Yes, Hedera will obliterate all of your shitcoins from btc to icp and everything in between. Either join or be left behind where you will cope, seethe and probably dilate.

Your last warning, train is about to depart soon and this one has no brakes.

>> No.50259053

Haahahqh, literally lold out loud "there's something going on cos tps is above 1"
Sorry I'm being mean

>> No.50259063

Eth max is 7. Hedera barely puttering and it’s maintaining 8+ easily

>> No.50259085

ETH would be doing 5k tps if it could scale. You need to compare it to other "scalable" ledgers, not to the boomer ledgers

>> No.50259731

There aren’t any that improve on eth without sacrificing some metric. Xrp ftm algo icp are all larps, avax and sol are broken, what else is there? Hbar. Hbar improves upon everything eth is, and is already superior in its tps.

>> No.50259899
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HBAR is currently CAPPED (on purpose) at 10,000 tps. Once more people are using it that cap will be removed.

>> No.50260370

sell signal

>> No.50260990

fr fr, no cap? sheeeeesh

>> No.50261004

>Xrp ftm algo icp are all larps
FTM and ICP may be larps, but why XRP and ALGO?

>> No.50261633

I used to believe. Now I think I'm just addicted to the pain of seeing my bags so heavy

>> No.50261818

Scam coin. 2020 fudders were right. All that mattered was coin distribution and we thought the tech would make the network usage grow beyond the dumping. Turns out that was a wrong assumption and now we must pay the price. Face it, we lost.

>> No.50261886

Poopmer had the last laugh after all

>> No.50261920
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Watch the lex Fridman interview re scalability around 20m. His non answer is so disgustingly vague coupled with his cringe smiles are the definitive nail in the coffin. He’s smart, but he’s no dlt pioneer. Re xrp all they do is hire big names, pay huge salaries, partner with nebulous organizations, classic scam. Has anything theyve said come to any fruition at all over the last decade? No. Constant two more weeks. They’ll also lose the lawsuit despite the fact that it was filed in bad faith.