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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50251173 No.50251173 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't this pumping with the rest of the market? It shouod seriously be like $9 by now, esp as we've now confirmed $17k was bottom

>> No.50251188

Because the Team cares not about price action

>> No.50251200

The token isn't actually needed for anything.

>> No.50251205

because it's a dead 2017 shitcoin

>> No.50251211

Did you ever think it was meant to be easy. Sergey being a student of philosophy set this up. Curious people were rewarded. But the true wealth will come to those but only after suffering, as a test to prove we will be fit to run the world when we eventually make it

>> No.50251228

cope lmao 2 more weeks link marines!!!

>> No.50251868
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>> No.50251920
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It's been a while since I posted this. So, here we go.





>> No.50251927

Did you real the white paper? The target LIanK price I'd a cup of coffee, getting anywhere to $8-10+ would be undesirable deflationary pressure

>> No.50251971
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Operation Chainlink:
>Safe and Effective™

Dear Customer,
Your State-issued SARSport Freedom Access Gauge (FAG) has detected waning efficacy in your current Vaccination Status©. Expired Vaccination Status© will remain inactive until Two (2) Weeks after your Booster© is administered. Please be advised that you must schedule your Internationally approved and mandated Booster® within 48hrs to avoid penalties and/or d̶e̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ compulsory attendance at your local State Q̶u̶a̶r̶a̶n̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶F̶a̶c̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ Covid-19 Recovery Centre

Failure to comply with updating your Vaccination Status© may result in your Social Access™ being temporarily restricted indefinitely. Hospital Access and Voting Attendance may be temporarily restricted indefinitely. Social Gathering and Personal Contact may be temporarily restricted indefinitely. Travel Movement Restrictions (TMRs) will be restricted to the following locations:
>1: Home
>2: [null]

To autoschedule your Internationally approved and mandated Booster® appointment, please select from the following options:
>1: Instant™
>2: Special Unit #COVID-2030 Worldwide Home Delivery

Please keep the SARSport biodata app link open as the appointment is being processed, to ensure your current Health and Bio-Identity details are correctly submitted to the Chainlink Blockchain (ticker: LINK)

Thank you Global Citizen,

*no feedback

>> No.50252633

You are a MANIAC

>> No.50252657
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The bad news for you is that I AM emotionally attached to this premined ICO token and therefore I'm not selling it.
And that's the sad part of this whole charade. That for all the energy and coordination of the fudders, they already know the outcome of this game. They know, as well as the most fervent shill knows, that LINK is going to $81,000. Some of the great works of art involve protagonists who throw themselves into impossible situations, where death is the only possible outcome, because they believe that complete self-sacrifice is the highest gesture one can make, when it's for a righteous cause.
And for that, I respect the fudders. I don't know if they lost their stack swinging, if they got fudded out in 2018, if they got rekt on AAVE or Bancor, but in the end it doesn't matter how it happened, just that it did happen. In the end, they are running into the flames, screaming at the meteor as it breaks Earth's atmosphere, fighting and flailing and bringing all their energy and rage into resisting a future that they know, they KNOW, is inevitable.

So next time you see them brigading, repeating token not needed, pouring out fud effortposts 10x more elaborate than the most dedicated shill, then spare a thought for our fudders. Raise a glass to them. Because their victory is only temporary. They know it, and we know it. Every sweet little victory they get is mixed with the bitterness that they already know how the story ends.
And when LINKies are posting mansion threads on /biz/ as LINK passes the $50k mark, pour out a little bit of your champagne. Look off your balcony, over the swimming pool, past the manicured gardens, at the moon as it rises over the horizon. And spare a thought for those don't get to see that moon, who didn't make it, and who in those final years poured themselves into a hysterical fud frenzy that was, in the end, the last grasps at sanity of a whole group of nearly-made-it's who just let it all slip through their fingers.

>> No.50252674

because something is off
we've been over this, it is no longer up to debate

any other project would have pumped 100x on the news LINK has gotten since 2021
but LINK gets good news and the inevitable result is a mega BTC dump within 5 minutes at most

this could be a good indication on the very long term
it's a sign of a mega accumulation/stealth phase
but on the short term linkies suffer, especially small fries and retail investors
note that this is likely intentional, as they want as much of the supply as possible out of retailer circulation and within institutional pockets

>> No.50252702
File: 725 KB, 1125x1997, 881B7206-D65C-4B3D-901E-76D1EDBFF257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Celsius sent another 2 million LINK to FTX last night and tried hard to dump the price


>> No.50252703

jesus christ have you been under a rock? The CEFIs are have been shorting link the whole time...its been on the board for weeks dummy.

>> No.50252727

1. nowhere nearly enough to justify the price action
2. they don't control enough of the supply
3. doesn't justify the BTC dumps

sorry just attributing everything to "muh shorts" is cope

>> No.50252737


No. Its not accumulating or anything like that.
Its been Cefi faggots like Celsius and Nexo dumping to protect their own shorts and overexposure to LINK shorts every time LINK has tried to pump against the market for over a year. This has all been revealed in a mass of information in tue past month.

It was never accumulating. It was them trying to squash rallies so they wouldn’t lose money if LINK started to pump hard and make all time highs or simply reach a certain threshold in market share

>> No.50252762
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>I'm poor because there's a conspiracy against me

>> No.50252776


It perfectly explained the BTC dumps. Maybe you havent been active lately.

Its been a revelation. These Cefi niggers happily dumped a small portion of their BTC to cause a 1-2% dump which they can easily buy back later if it meant killing a LINK rally. Its been revealed they have been way over exposed on LINK short side exposure and have been desperately nipping every relly in the bud to avoid huge losses. Its literally nothing for them to dump BTC 1-2%, its easy and not even problematic for them.

It FINALLY made sense why BTC always dumped now. Obviously we all witnessed it but im glad the generic “globo homo accumulating” explanations are gone because they never felt right to me. This now makes way more sense

>> No.50252788

It barely dented the price that much. They basically sold those links for free.
Eventually these kikes will run out and there will be a massive short squeeze.

>> No.50252792

How much link is out there. How do companies have infinite link to keep dumping on the market?

>> No.50252893
File: 768 KB, 1112x2052, 9410BDE7-CE8D-4050-AE5C-C5213E3F6104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah it seems another whale has finally taken notice to what anons have been sharing and counter traded them when they sent it to FTX. The attempted dump took place 3 hours later.

If you go back to the robinhood pump a few days ago here in poc related you can see they desperately killed the pump and we have on chain proof they sent over a million LINK to FTX immediately to try dump it.

See volume spike on FTX when it happened

>> No.50253262

alright could someone post proof of this blatant cefi shorting of link? and no, I don't mean txs and screencaps of dumping, I mean PROOF

>> No.50253283

>Its been revealed they have been way over exposed on LINK short side exposure and have been desperately nipping every relly in the bud to avoid huge losses
specifically this, how exactly has that been revealed?

>> No.50253288


So you are saying:
>i want PROOF
>no not that proof, proof that i decide. Find it whatever it is and i’ll decide

>> No.50253293

when will this torture end?

>> No.50253317

txs out of context and screencaps like these>>50252893
do not constitute as proof, no matter how hard you shitpost
someone explicitly stated that
>Its been revealed they have been way over exposed on LINK short side exposure and have been desperately nipping every relly in the bud to avoid huge losses
THIS is the proof I want

>> No.50253441

nevermind I found a thread myself since you're all a bunch of niggers
yeah, no short squeeze incoming, they just sold all of their users funds and are now in huge debt to link holders
they basically fucked up the price for no reason other than greed
I got it now, fuck you guys for propagating le short squeeze hopium

>> No.50253527

You are a .... Nevermind. It's actually over

>> No.50253659

Because retarded newfag linkies parked all of their tokens with cefi scams that shorted their users' funds. They don't have infinite LINK, Celsius is almost completely out at this point, they keep dumping to suppress the price but it can't last for much longer than a couple weeks (lel) at this rate. There is only 2 million LINK left, their only option after that is to dump BTC in a last-ditch effort but then they will truly own nothing.

>> No.50254238

You have anons who, by the graces of nothing more than their own goodwill, are showing you irrefutable evidence via on chain transactions which you can look at with your own two fucking eyes, and are demanding some sort of fairy dust vague proof instead of the highly specific and detailed guaranteed proof they have offered you. Do you even realize how retarded you look?

>> No.50254360
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I truly don't know in what to believe. Why would people intentionally dump Link instead of other coins?

>> No.50254681

LINK is in a fairly unique position where it has many long-term cold storage holders who can't do anything with their tokens, since staking isn't live yet. This led to a lot of liquidity looking for any sort of yield. Cefi took advantage of this to borrow LINK at low interest rates, which makes it cheap for shorting and doing carry trades with. There are other tokens this was done with as well (SNX being one of them), LINK isn't 100% unique but due to its large marketcap it was the major target.

>> No.50255019

>irrefutable evidence via on chain transactions
of what? the only thing this is irrefutably proving is the transfer of funds to certain exchanges, potentially for selling, which I'm pretty sure is true
other than that we know shit about whatever leveraged positions these protocols hold, it's all fucking speculation
the only thing that's certain is that they lost their customer's funds, they're fucked, they fucked link's price in the process, and they're about to collapse
the short squeeze theory HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN to any capacity

>> No.50255129


>> No.50255223

Because they want to keep LINK out of as many hands as possible. The recent FUD is no coincidence. Never under estimate LINK especially for new feature release. The FUD you are seeing is because we are only months away from one of the biggest feature releases of Chainlink’s life. The feature coming out soon which is called “CyberCode 2.0” testnet. As an insider, I know you folks have no idea what/the importance of CyberCode 2.0 is gonna be for LINK when the alpha releases around the end of October next year (give or take a few months) so I will spoonfeed you out of kindness of heart:

CyberCode 2.0 secures the ledger cryptographically to encode transactions at 20x magnitude of legacy infrastructure. It achieves this by taking blockchain transactions to the BbC-2022 layer and parsing them through the node network incentivized by super linear sequencing which Sergey said is very close to finish line. This activity is incentivized through semi-permeable staking allowing LINK token holders to benefit for verifying data both on main chain and Blockchain Byzantine Consensus 2022 layer.

The obvious benefits of super fast transaction speeds also brings exponential economies of scale! What this means sir is if farmer has 500 Kg cow for sale, he can put the beast to market on the blockchain to verify the weight in a trust less system faster than global SWIFT system. Soon any business who wants to stay relevant will have to buy LINK to have access to CyberCode 2.0 feature. A unique proposition. Those who don’t use this system (powered by LINK) will get left behind.

Scammer motherfuckers want you to think that banks and other organizations are not currently fulling their bags with cheap LINK as we speak. DON’T LET THEM WIN. If you hold more than 50 LINK right now, you already made it. Immediately when we breach the $7 resistance it’ll be too late for you. You have been warned, sir. So go buy many LINK for you dream to come true.

>> No.50255255

There are no new link investors.

>> No.50255433

I can't tell if this post-ironic gme-lite type fud is based or gay, probably both.

>> No.50255467

Bunch of gibberish

>> No.50255493

Without fail, that pasta ALWAYS gets replies of both LINK fudders and clueless LINK newfags who can't be bothered to read more than the first paragraph.


>> No.50255512
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>esp as we've now confirmed $17k was the bottom
anon you're in for a lot of pain still

>> No.50255517

The bbc-2022 layer is the most important new development in chainlink’s history

>> No.50255553

What is this bullshit. Staking and ccip this year you fucking dummy

>> No.50255562

Nice damage control shill

>> No.50255588

No shit its pasta its just not funny retard. Give me Sergey shit talking the anon fucking him on the traintracks any day over this shit (and btw can someone please post that pasta because I don't have it saved)

>> No.50255627

It's obviously fud retard, that's where I was getting at. It's "subtle" only in the sense that's it's a wall of text, which fools Chainlink fuddies who are quick to jump the gun and newfags looking for hopium.

>> No.50255651

Yes and I addressed it as such, my only question is whether it was based (funny) or gay, though I lean heavily towards gay. Ironically I enjoy the gay muslim sergey pasta a lot more, and would say that one isn't gay at all.

>> No.50255747

It's meant to be funny only for the many Chainlink detractors on this board. The ones that manage to read the whole thing, anyway. They get riled up first, mistaken the post for a genuine Chainlink poonfeed/hopium post, only then to be vindicated when they find out it's actually a "subtle" way to shit on Linkies and their stupid fundamentals, by bringing in the black cocks as is customary for these freaks. So, to answer your question, it's gay and dumb but never fails to get replies.

>> No.50255764
File: 400 KB, 1079x1454, 1656870558940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is dead, KENSHI if you want to make money LINK if you want to feed this fat Russian fuck

>> No.50256405



>> No.50256461

This image is so ironically funny that I’m sure it was made by a linkey. Is this meta-fud?

>> No.50258365

So you agree with me, ok, now where is my anon fucking Sergey while he shit talks him on the train tracks pasta.

>> No.50258721

This is the linkies jumping ship for KENSHI

>> No.50258756

>s if farmer has 500 Kg cow for sale, he can put the beast to market on the blockchain to verify the weight in a trust less system faster than global SWIFT system

>> No.50259454

Celsius is selling everything.
Without that the price would now be at $12.
Celsius will run out if Chainlink to dump in 1 week.

Do you know what will happen after Celsius users are completely bankrupt and tokenless and there is no more selling pressure left?

The token will moon and Celsius nulinkers will rope.

>> No.50259509

I realize not everyone in Mumbai has a crystal ball.

>> No.50259544

>15M LINK dumped by those cunts in a few hours
>still above $6
pretty impressive

>> No.50259557

that explains why the fud is around the clock here and why the dumps are getting more desperate.

>> No.50261296

Man I hope you're right I'm fucking tired I want to move on with my life as a person who's made a lot of money off Link. I'm glad these retards are fuckibg their karma up they will be reborn as cockroaches.

>> No.50261591

Why the FUCK do they have so much fucking LINK what the fuck is wrong with you retards why did you give them your fucking LINK YOU RETARDS YOU FUCKED ALL OF US OVER WE TOLD YOU THEY WERE SCAMMING ALL OF US FUCK FUCK FUCK

>> No.50261821

Fucking moron. Yeah man it or course wasnt the owner of link selling $1B in tokens in 2021 and the same guy shilling celsius for the entire last two years. You think sergey didnt know what they were doing?

>> No.50261834

YEAH MAN ABOVE $6 awesome!!!! You couldnt have picked a worse crypto from late ‘20 til now. Faggot

>> No.50261857

How many more fucking times are we gonna have to tell you that it's shit

>> No.50262080
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You think he sold to Celcius, who held until this bottom and are now dumping. I think you sir are the retard

>> No.50262124

there's a new coin that can pull oracles off its sleeve like nothing, no convoluted APIs, no slow responses, if you've been paying attention you know what it is, if you haven't you'll know for sure by eoy or maybe sooner