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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 618 KB, 3456x4320, 079-None-Of-Your-Business-Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50250853 No.50250853 [Reply] [Original]

Work in IT make €1.5K or work abroad, make €2k cleaning the dishes.
Oh and let me just slap some more regulations on it.

>> No.50250887

Fuck EU!

>> No.50250927

What part of IT you dumb faggot? Are you a computer janny? Get certs and job hop faggot

>> No.50250936

kek i never thought of this

>> No.50250943

I make 4k eur in IT in Slovakia, which is shit tier country. Just git gud, OP

>> No.50250956

1500€ net per month in Bulgaria
Call center technical support (WFH)
I'm learning SQL this week, next week I will learn Python
I will get out of the call center and steal mutt's software engineers jobs

>> No.50250963

>What is budget
>What is audit
>What is government publications

Literally most, if not all the EU's spending is publically available and invoiced. Fucking retarded comic


>> No.50251299

>calls others mutts

>> No.50251379
File: 133 KB, 1024x752, 1656200906238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koľko rokov praxe?

>> No.50251391
File: 83 KB, 1200x836, FEQ3rfQWYAA4mzO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance you work for DXC?

>> No.50251472

I hate this faggots cartoons so damn much, soulless as fuck

>> No.50251554


It's because Bitcoin is reparations for black and brown people in disguise, white countries were never meant to benefit from it.

>> No.50251574
File: 33 KB, 647x778, 1649878648712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get certs

only jeets care about certifications

>> No.50251763

>Sql and python
>Software engineering
>Thinks he wont get underpaid by an American company
Smartest eastern European right here

>> No.50253820

Unless you are really good at something, good luck exceeding 3500€ that’s gross

Larp, Slovakia is dead. You obviously don’t live there, smart people are of to Prague.
yeah this, it’s utter joke. Good luck.

>> No.50253848

Or you are self employed.
just eastern europe stuff, doesn’t get much better.