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File: 664 KB, 896x574, 1628455824950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50246760 No.50246760 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we still crabbing so hard? Either go to zero or start pumping already but this crab is driving me crazy

>> No.50246783

Damn dude she got 15 minutes of fame and then just completely let herself go. What a shame if these are real.

>> No.50246808

Mestizo women age like shit

>> No.50246817

Women are the worst investment I can think of

>> No.50246846

odds of us being a crab market for months on end are very high
set some buys and go touch grass

>> No.50246888

And they always get fat as fuck

>> No.50246900

whats the reason for that?
is it something specific they eat that causes this?

>> No.50246946

I'd attribute it more to just being super short usually
My ex was hispanic and as soon as she started putting on a few pounds, not even a lot, she looked fat as hell

>> No.50246970

This bitch was never hot just caked on makeup of some gdamn goblina

>> No.50246998

have you never seen a mexican bitch before?
they hit 21 and turn into the michelin man

>> No.50247009

Nigger I'm 5'7 and have 9% bodyfat. Stop drinking soda buddeh

>> No.50247016

I mean yeah but I think in Neeko's case she just didn't take care of herself. Bitch probably doesn't even excersise at all.

>> No.50247017
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please for the love of god tell me that picture on the right is fake I spent way too much on her streams for her to look like that

>> No.50247038
File: 914 KB, 1170x1594, F224456F-EB9E-4906-9411-9100C0BD392B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dios mío La Goblina Gordita.

>> No.50247062

This is the accumulation phase. We will crab for a while so grab some bags in the lower 50% of this range and prepare for the meltup

>> No.50247092

Double gay faggot alert, we got a double gay faggot here and he wants to tell the world. fag

>> No.50247165

Lots of sugar, plus bad genetics
Haha, this
It's honestly sad simps enable women like this
>t. projecting simp faggot
hardest coping I've seen on this site in the past 24 hours

>> No.50247391

Neekolul is like 40 now. She didn't even make a career lol.

>> No.50247414

Humans aren't supposed to eat carbs
>Fatties seething

>> No.50247685
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>is it something specific they eat that causes this?

The Aztecs sacrificed virgins. If they hit puberty early they were less likely to be virgins. That's why mexican kids grow boobs and mustaches at like 9 then hit the wall at like 22

dont ask for my sources i have none

>> No.50247713

this is the time to touch grass, keep making money, keep DCAing and just 'hold the line'. It'll probably be like this for the next year or two.
it pays to just focus on increasing income and staying fit etc instead of just watching charts

>> No.50248520

enough to make me ragequit and end up hitting my monitor because my vinu bags are rotting again

>> No.50248580

Beaners, not even once

>> No.50248603

>pussy, not even a chance

>> No.50249042

i think metabolism slows in your 20s sometime, it happened to me too as a male
i ate shit like pizza and burgers etc for my teenage years all the time and never got fat
hit 25 or whatever and suddenly my belly started growing

>> No.50249151
File: 101 KB, 603x961, hispanic women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's hispanic, man. They age like milk.
You are somewhat right about the metabolism

>> No.50249183
File: 84 KB, 800x800, 1650288918426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this refrigerator

>> No.50249354

I posit it's the rancid corn oil. Plus Mexicans are often choline deficient for some reason. As a consequence they have high inflammation and a lot have fatty liver disease. I think that's why they bloat up, like an alcoholic basically.

>> No.50249773

zoom out

>> No.50249803 [DELETED] 
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Daily reminder

>> No.50249818

i'd unironically would
and probably has higher sex drive than before

>> No.50249870

The fucking stench of niggers makes my stomach churn. I hate niggers.

>> No.50250049
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>> No.50250569

This. Soon as you see her without make up she's low tier Mexican looking thing. She's doesn't even have white skin, she covers it up with skin whitener.

>> No.50251463

So she is the female nikokado. She must have an obese "fanbase" (simps)

>> No.50251481

Holy shit she hit the wall fast after she became a millionaire.

>> No.50251486

Why are her arms so thin and her face so fat? Plus she has fake tits, right? Simps have no standards kek

>> No.50251492

It's inflammation

>> No.50251501
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>> No.50251503

The point of crypto is to move money from retards to institutionals. Nowadays this is done by liquidating levereged players over and over and collecting trading fees.

>> No.50251546

>turn into the michelin man
because they are low IQ when it comes to food. they cook with a lot of fat + sugar

>> No.50251595

someone post pokimane infront of the green screen

>> No.50252005

Too many shorts in to dump and not enough volume to pump

>> No.50253643

I struggle to think of a woman in the world who was/is as retarded at putting on make up as this bitch. Like she took the simpsons make up gun literally.

>> No.50253779

I disagree with this.
I'm a European in Latin America for the first time now.
There's tonnes of hot 30+ women here. Way more than in Europe, with the exception of Italy, Romania, Ukraine and Russia.
Women here seem to make an effort to stay fit and looking good.

>> No.50253817

Robert Z'Dar lookin nigga

>> No.50254207
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is this real

>> No.50254373

you should try day fasting and kombucha a couple times and see wat happens.

>> No.50255742

Such an idiotic post.

>> No.50255754

Thats cool.

>> No.50255792

never forget what the junk food industry took from you

>> No.50255810
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All women do, retard.

>> No.50256024

those are bongs. Not really fair

>> No.50256127

those are modified images using that app that makes you fat. I'm subscribed to her.

>> No.50256167

Beaner women are the only ones that turn 20 and suddenly become a refrigerator with a moustache

>> No.50256416
File: 1.04 MB, 811x889, Varg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which part of Latin America? Even in the poorest corners of Latin America, they are at least overweight.
Also why would you willingly choose to go to Latin America?

>> No.50256614

Poor people grow up faster to meet the challenges of their low trust and dangerous environment. They also age faster as adults due to worse diets and more stress.

>> No.50256670
File: 284 KB, 2666x2916, _113599324_optimised-obesity_international-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colombia. It's better than most of Europe for obesity. Plus even the chubbier girls carry it mostly in their ass.
I'm here because Europe is shit even when you make 6 figures, and I wanted to see if I could get a better lifestyle somewhere else. I like Eastern Europe, but culturally it seems to be heading down the same road as the West.

>> No.50256871

I’m Mexican American and my peoples genetics are shit at processing a very high carb diet especially if that diet consists of sugar.

>> No.50256930
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I still would.

Holy fuck I just want a gf. I'll even take a porky washed up streamer thot.

>> No.50258154
File: 64 KB, 960x596, This ones on Allah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high protein diet in Columbia versus Mexico, you suppose? Because native genes do not react well to sugar.
I understand the cultural rot in the West but if you don't think it will hit Latin America, you're crazy. It will hit them hard, look at hispanic populations in the US for a gauge on what will happen to them. They will become even more insufferable than the Euro's you escaped from.
>I'm subscribed to her
curse be upon your bloodline

>> No.50258204

Them latina genes she tries to hide are gonna hit hard as she approaches the wall


>> No.50258205

I drank 8 beers a day since 2019 and I’m fat as fuck now. It sucks

>> No.50258249

because we are at the beginning of QT and balance sheet reduction? when will you faggots ever understand your entire industry was propped up by money printing bailouts and QE? no more wagies, go flip some burgers

>> No.50258265

What on earth? Grab more what? Ugly mexican girls with uncontrollable eating habits? Ewwqw gross no thanks. Enjoy holding litetal bags of groceries to feed her on the daily

>> No.50258285

Jesus fuck


>actually fails for it and eats like shit and becomes a pig

Jesus, really

>> No.50258364

Hardest inceling I have seen on this site in the past 24 minutes. Fag

>> No.50258498

Youre such a faggot

Hes right, retarded simps enable whores like that to exist and get rich

Theyre 90% makeup 10% filters lol

Stop getting mad at other people saying the truth you worthless nigger

>> No.50258525


>women uses makeup
>instantly becomes 10/10
>retarded simps left and right

>someone calls this out
>omg ur such an incel

I swear to god this repeats itself at least 100 times per day on the internet

Same with onlyfans imagine paying to see a woman naked, what kind of parasocial relationship are you on

>> No.50258555

Goblin genetics

>> No.50258613

Anyone else noticing the bots in this thread talking about the economy and being nowhere close to OP's subject?

>> No.50258681

I always laugh at retards who try to say "_________ women age bad!!!". Dipshit, all women peak early. Asian last longest.

>> No.50258881
File: 1.52 MB, 1567x777, 2022-07-02--1656829355_1567x777_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah its across the board.

>> No.50259224

if you want one so badly, why are you not getting one? how old are you, height and weight?

>> No.50259335

Pretty sure someone put a snap chat filter on Bonnie to make her look like that.

>> No.50259492

I dated a Mexican American 10/10 in 2009 who is honestly still at least an 8, if not a 10/10 considering her age, even after having a kid.

However, she looks like a mix of Winona ryder/gal gadot, could pass for white or eastern European. So I think class has a lot to do with it. She also has always taken great care of herself.

I talk to her every few years to flirt and fantasize with her, remind myself that for some the wall is a gentle hill that you can walk up together. She has to be an absolute headache for her husband she's so fucking hot.

>> No.50259573
File: 5 KB, 250x242, 1635268979474s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very true. Also booze has sort of a cumulative bloating effect, and early 20s is when some people tend to drink constantly. you can straight up binge every now and then (or ""drink responsibly"" would probably be better advice) and be fine but steadily having a beer or three every day for years makes you sort of permanently soft in a soggy, water-retaining way, despite it not being all that many calories. takes a good month or three for a real alky bloat to go down, but you'll look and feel loads better

>> No.50259594

It's the drinking culture

>> No.50259620


It's that toxic American food

>> No.50259695

Please stop posting this chunky bubble mexican monkey she is fucking goblin tier

>> No.50259831

I hate her nose
Her nose looks like a pig's snout, and it pisses me off

>> No.50259879

My dick fuggggg

>> No.50259981
