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50248363 No.50248363 [Reply] [Original]

Financial speaking when should you have kids? If not an age what net worth or milestone should you have children at?

>> No.50248371
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>> No.50248414
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I'm gonna keep posting these til someone replies

>> No.50248422

My opinion is mid twenties is optimal. But no wrong answers here.

>> No.50248462

$1M net worth, whatever age that is as long as it’s <=40.
Otherwise don’t bother.

>> No.50248664

Also anons with kids what age did you have them and would you do it differently?

>> No.50248825

Mid to late 30s seems ideal to me. Gives you plenty of time to fuck around after college, pay all your student loans, save some money and have enough experience you can move to a more stable/better work life balance position while still avoiding most of the downs shit that comes with having kids in your 40s.

>> No.50248839

men: late 30s
women: 15-23

>> No.50248853

never, if poor -- you'll only end up creating niggercattle and patting yourself on the back for feeding the system

>> No.50248897

Until it is done. Rip and tear.
And by "it" I mean the federal reserve banking system and the world zionist occupied governments overall. We will never know peace until the agents of the great filter have met their bane.

>> No.50248938

You shouldn't be buying diapers. Use clothe reusables

>> No.50248946

Men should shoot for before 45, women before 25

>> No.50248979

Do you really want to be raising a teenager when you're close to 60? That's how I think about it. Also all the health problems that come with having kids later

>> No.50249051

I had my first son at age 21, 2nd son at 27, and daughter at 29 . Wife was 19 for kid_01... I'm 32 now. I regret being poor and like most men in their 20s i was generally retarded. I wish i could have raised my first with more knowledge. The other 2 benefited greatly from us being less stressed and more mature.

I don't regret living close to home, becoming close with my inlaws, and raising my keeds around a huge family.

>> No.50249066

37 + 16 = 53 but you're rounding up to 60 and then equating 60 with near death? That's a grim outlook on life

>> No.50249079


>> No.50249087

Yeah way too old

>> No.50249089

25-27 is optimal. 28-32 is old but still alright. 32+ is boomer tier. You should be married and have your career in progress by 24 though.

>> No.50249110

Also 37 + 19(teenager) is 56. Do you really want to be dealing with a teenager at 56?

>> No.50249166

I just don't see the difference if you're 45 or 56, teenagers are always annoying. Now babies, on the other hand....

>> No.50249195


Historically speaking people had kids by accident or for free slave labor to do chores and farm work.

In modern society unless you are rich, bringing a kid into this world to suffer the life of a peasant is selfish AF.

>> No.50249203

Never unless it's a no-strings-attached surrogacy.

Your wife/partner can make you into a child support cuck for the rest of your life and that's not worth the risk.

So many fucking tradcucks on 4chan still think traditional marriages and having kids is still a good idea in 2022. That ship sailed a long time ago.

>> No.50249207

That is a massive deference not even including the health problems for the child. How old are you? You sound naive if you think kids in your 30s/40s/50s are similar

>> No.50249221

19 here with actual baby boomer dad, if lucky your teenage son will realize your old and not cause you a pain in the ass

>> No.50249236


>> No.50249255

4chan larppost- 19 years old or else you're a boomer
In real life- men can have kids at any age, the only rule of thumb is that you probably shouldn't be one of those 70 year old boomers with a 30 year old ukrainian mail order bride and a 6 year old son and then you have 30+ year old kids from your earlier marriages.

>> No.50249317

33, 2 kids aged 3 and 1. My dad was 40 when he had his first kid, never slowed him down.

>> No.50249323

18 to 28 for women, for dudes if you plan on being an active part of your kids life and aren't mega fuckin' loaded so you can just throw a nanny at them and watch as they turn into a tranny from no fatherly influence in their life then I'd say 20-30. In either case that's a decade long window in which you and the lady that's carrying them are in good health and prime earning potential. Don't knock up chicks older than 32, that's a geriatric pregnancy and your odds of birth defects skyrocket at and especially past that point. Also means in either scenario by the time your kids are old enough to be striking out on their own you're gonna be 40-50 years old and your wife will be 38-48 years old which means both of you get a solid 10-30 years of being yourselves and getting to fuck and have fun and travel with what you've earned. Possibly longer if you both stay in good shape.

Also, anyone that says getting married is a bad idea is a leftist ideological cuckold that should swing from a lamppost. Happily though their lives will be miserable because they're terminally lonely and will die without ever having known real love or having had a family, so God makes sure they'll metaphorically swing from that lamppost so nobody has to make it literal.

>> No.50249342

I just have one she's almost 2 and I'm 35. I'm running out of time to have more but I'll have at least one more but too poor at the moment to really turn my wife into a baby factory unless investments pan out enough so at least my wife can be a stay at home mom/baby factory. My mom does all the daycare for free but she's too old to be able to take care of more than one at a time. I should have started earlier, but i wasn't finalcially stable enough until the trump tax cuts skyrocketed my wagie pay

>> No.50249353

Kids with older fathers are more successful according to studies.

>Also all the health problems that come with having kids later
These health problems only exist because older american men tend to be fatter and have shit like diabetes. Eat well, do cardio, stay fit, don’t smoke/drink and it will be alright, there is no concept of follicular reserve for men.

>> No.50249444

pregnant women should avoid too much sun
Well...30 y/o just when she's tired of Chad and Brad's cock and is starting to think on Tyrone

Go younger, ask help from ur parents

>> No.50249456

after 40 and there's a good chance your son will be an autist like chris chan

>> No.50249602

for a male... probably anytime between 30 & 55, so long as they are fit and healthy.
this gives them time to build a good financial base and makes sure they have good amount of life experience to guide the kids.
as for the woman, before 30 is preferable but there are many exceptions where i would probably say even up to late 30s or early 40s if they are very healthy and 'youthful'.

>> No.50249611

Whenever you want

>> No.50249652

The cost of children is vastly overrated and based on overpriced unnecessary goods.

College is optional and basically a boomer tier meme at this point. So really the correct answer is as soon as possible is the best time to have kids. Younger the better with the only disadvantage being potentially your choice in mate. Children can even deter you from wasting your 20s partying and smoking pot and give you proper motivation to get started doing something productive earlier in life.

>> No.50249666

Only good answer in this thread. Surprised by all the goy cucks who are unironically putting fake green paper in front of literally the most important part of their life. Even if all you care about is money kids pay back with dividends once you're old if you raise them right

>> No.50249678

Age of the dad doesn't matter it's mother's and their 40 year old eggs that can spoil

>> No.50249705

I am 26 have 3 kids ages 5,3,1.
Wife stays at home with kids, I run my own business.
Life is good, around age 40 my oldest daughter will be 18, and my son 16.
Ill work my son into the business and enjoy my older age without diapers.
I really recommend to atleast have a child at 25, being a young parent is bliss.

>> No.50249735

16. The consequences of old eggs are so severe no amount of money can fix them.

>> No.50249742


>> No.50249746

my gf and I are both 25. planning to have kids as soon as we buy a house, ideally in the next 2/3 years

>> No.50249787

A poster unironically is calling those that reproduce and have happy healthy families a "cuck," while thinking themself as a nonteproducing hedonist is not a "cuck." Boy is that ironic.

>> No.50249800

You will have lower quality children if you wait to have them. Your DNA accumulates defects as you age, and it's reflected in the health of your offspring.

>> No.50249821

Financially speaking never

>> No.50249831

Got my first with 40, got two now - financially stable and you don’t bother that much about the limits small kids bring about you. Had enough freedom for myself before. I really like being an older dad. Though being quite old and missing out on my kids adult life is a bit scary. But I don’t think they will mind.

>> No.50249854
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>> No.50249913

>But I don’t think they will mind.
you sound like a good person, so they will but at least you have time to enjoy with them

>> No.50249949
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24. i was just done with my bachelors in accounting and got my cpa some time later. Wife stays at home with our 3 kids now.

Would not do it differently. Your semen and gf peak at 25 and then it slowly goes downhill from there. Having kids after 35 is basicly like dooming your kid to be a smooth-brain.

>> No.50249955

As soon as you find the right woman to do it with. Nothing gets your ass off the couch like having mouths to feed and a purpose in life.

>> No.50249965

If you have daughters which skills/carrier should they pursue? I'm thinking kinda nurse related thing

>> No.50249977

She will be old by then. Check her out first and if you have money use IVF and the such to choose the eggs

>> No.50249982

Shoul i then start freezing my coom?

>> No.50249999
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I go to the park every now and again. I stop to look at the flowers, pick some cotton, eat a little bit of hwite baby, It really is a great thing living in these northern states. White genocides are happening daily and nobody can do anything about it.

>> No.50250079
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>If you have daughters
>have daughters

>> No.50250246

men: when you can afford it, usually 35+
women: after menstruation the clock is ticking

>> No.50250253

Imagine unironically having kids and then raising them yourself.
>Donated sperm
>Now have 7 kids (they tell you how many kids in the UK)
>Got "compensated" a total of £800 for all the donations
Nothing like sowing your seed in someone else's garden.

>> No.50250325

faggot, whites should be having as many kids as possible

>> No.50250349

I have kids. You are never ready, financially speaking or otherwise. It is by far the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I love being a father and raising my kids. It unlocks emotions and feelings within you that you would never experience with anything else in life. It’s challenging but worth it in every way. Highly, highly recommended.

>> No.50250353

>Ivf at age 27
Keklmao this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.50250354

sounds about right

>> No.50250386
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You're boomer tier

>> No.50250403

There is never enough money or time to have children. You just fucking do it. The only reason to do it is if you find a woman who isn't just a vacuous cunt, and finding one like that usually takes a while because men are stupid.

>> No.50250411

30 spmething for a man 20 something for a woman

>> No.50250502

28 and have 1 kid, wife is pregnant with the second. Kid was conceived at 25, born at 26. I had finished my CS degree at 24, was not ready at all.

I would have maybe waited a bit longer because the housing bubble prevents me owning a property despite earning a very high income. Wife is a stay at home mum, it is pretty enjoyable.

I feel like 27-35 is appropriate range for kids. Young enough you can keep up with them and they can enjoy your physical peak, doing all the fun dad stuff like sports, hiking together, hunting/fishing etc.

The monetary cost is totally irrelevant and relatively minor, the time cost is what is painful. Your personal time is essentially microbreaks (2-3 minutes) where they don't need you or when they are asleep.

>> No.50250717

Say whatever you want mate, my family live is bliss.
As long a you have a stable career/ business id advice you to seek a wife and start a family aswell.

>> No.50250731

If you're a women, as soon as possible. If you're a man, why

>> No.50250741

I have 2 daughters, I an convinced that the happiest live they will live is the life of a housewive.
Any woman over 25, including my sister seems fundamentaly unhappy being anything other than a mother.

>> No.50250896

>t. 35 year old roastie

>> No.50251784
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If the father is older, the mother is probably significantly younger than him. Which means the dad is a chad, so his kid will do better.

>> No.50251861

I'm gonna have a son at age 70, like Theo Von's father.


>> No.50251901

Women age incredibly fast after hitting the wall regardless, the "Youth" literally exists for mating purposes. In fact post wall women who don't have children turn out to be severely depressed, in US, childless white women in 40s are the most depressed demography.

>> No.50253582

I have met countless nurses over the last 15 years. They are all crazy. They are the craziest demographic of women by far. I would never date a nurse. I don't even want to be friends with a nurse.

There are similar caregiver fields that work well for women and require modest training that don't have anything close to the same levels of crazy: dental hygenists, elder care workers at supported living homes, counselors, child therapists (speech, behavioural), etc.

>> No.50253606


Only have kids if you plan on turning them in entertainers or world class athletes, the world doesn't need "Average" people.

>> No.50253753

I grew up with a guy whose parents could have passed as his grandparents. It was pretty weird.

>> No.50253952

Went to school with a guy who's dad had him at 60. He was basically raised by his siblings of which he had a dozen. Bit autistic but so am I and my dad had me at 21. Shits only weird if you make it weird

>> No.50253975

Both at 18, because it's statistically proven that downs syndrome's probability increases gradually after 18 so it's unequivocal proof that's the peak age.

But I missed my chance.

>> No.50254000

Damn. This hit hard

>> No.50254003

Age 35-45
You’ve got your career figured out and have enough net worth to buy a good house. You’ve been married for a few years without kids.

>> No.50254010

>Psalms 127:3-5

>> No.50254024

100% this OP

>> No.50254090

The man, between his mid twenties and early 30s. For the woman. as young as the law allows it, there is a reason why for most of human history girls married in their teen years.

>> No.50254110

there are three seasons to rearing children;

>in your teens but you'll have fucked up kids
>late 20's is ideal because you'll be stable enough to have a house and energy to spend on them
>late 30's because by 50 you'll be free of them

have a house and don't wait too long or you'll regret it. most kids are a fucking nightmare, especially if you are passing adhd genes along.

>> No.50254126

>downs syndrome's probability increases gradually after 18
Get the fetus screened and if it is abnormal get rid of it. Normally I am pro-life but a genetic defect is a 100% legit cause for abortion-

>> No.50254130

Don't bother. But I am Japanese and want to see my country burn so I don't want to have kids.

>> No.50254147

Why would you dishonor Abe and your ancestors like this

>> No.50254152

You shame the memory of Shinzo Abe, commit sudoku right nowgpts4

>> No.50254171

just like how its always a good time to buy a house, its always a good time to have kids

>> No.50254182

But it's annoying. Kids need so much things. I have to pay for school and take care of them and make them succeed. I don't want that responsibility. I did not ask for this

>> No.50254222

Our baby shits into a mini toilet and wears cloth diapers. She costs us nothing. Finances should never be a decision for kids. Just like it's not a decision for having a cat or a dog. You either want them or you don't. The jews really have fucked with your minds.

>> No.50254250
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>I did not ask for this
you're too much of a bitch to be Japanese. 3/10 larp

>> No.50254260


>> No.50254272

日本人です。許してください。I'm sorry.

>> No.50254284



>> No.50254289

Have you ever read the stories where the genetic screening was false and the baby was 100% normal? And FYI downies bring a lot of joy to peoples lives. Downie babies are probably the cutest

>> No.50254309

Biologically-speaking when you are 18-to-20, so you have the energy and constitution to deal with their Bullshit.
When you have kids at 30+, it is exhausting and your body can't take it.

>Financial speaking when should you have kids?
When you are 30. If you didn't have kids when you are 30, you are NGMI.
35 is pushing it.

If not an age what net worth or milestone should you have children at?
Full-paid-off House

Excluding the house, at least 100 grand

>> No.50254319

Downies are like pets.
Once you are dead, there will be nobody to take care of it. It is irresponsible af to knowingly produce a downie.

>> No.50254323

My first was at age 35. I wish I had started at 30 or earlier. I decided that after having a couple I wanted even more. I'd like to have 5+ kids. I'll still be able to since my wife is much younger but i'd wish I had done it sooner.

>> No.50254346

Not to mention women who wait until 30s to have kids have a 500% chance of raising an autist or downie
Every year they wait, the chance gets multiplied

>> No.50254350

The downie will likely die before the parent. But your taxes pay for their care in group homes and the quality of care these days is actually very good. My relative was severely disabled and the state gave the program 16k per month to take care of him.

>> No.50254389

Never. Only retards have children.

>> No.50254940
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>> No.50255065

60 is like the new 50, anon. When people think 60, they think of their grandparent falling to pbits physically but if you take care of yourself and stay fit, you're fine til like 70. Steve Carrell is 60. Tom Cruise... Rogan is 54. This isn't the 1980s anymore when people are out of the game at 60.

>> No.50255104

Career? Have her focus on babysitting. If you want a career for your daughter you hate her and you're ruining everything.

>> No.50255117


>> No.50255305

Holy fuck im literally a 27 khv is there any hope for me?
The plus is that I'm tall, fit, and not a sperg in conversations.

>> No.50255322

Disposable diapers are a racket. Buy cloth ones and just clean them.

>> No.50255377

Do you have a job and a social circle, anon?

>> No.50255403

>Having kids after 35 is basicly like dooming your kid to be a smooth-brain

my dad was like 37 and mom 33 and I just came out borderline autistic

>> No.50255460

literally the same for me
is there a correlation?

>> No.50255527

It's actually moving in reverse. People are dying younger and younger in the U.S. Cancer rates are going through the roof in people that are under 50 and there is a massive amount of cover up and shilling going on to down play it.

The two big ones are:
1. Cancer rates are going up? It's because people are living longer than ever and that's a good thing! Except it's people in their 30s and 40s and shit that are getting Stage IV pancreatic cancer and nonsense like that.
2. Cancer rates are going up? Wellllllll actttttttually it's because our detection methods are better than ever, so it's actually a good thing! Except people have less access to preventative healthcare screenings than ever, people aren't just casually getting annual full body MRIs in their 30s, and they aren't just casually getting genetic screenings at their PCP's office, so it's sort of like saying "well there's more food available than ever!" but it's all locked in a vault and people are starving outside regardless.

So the lesson is, don't expect to live 75 or higher. Don't even expect to make it out of your current decade (20s, 30s, 40s, etc.) because shit is getting worse and the fact you have obvious shills telling you otherwise should only make you realize this.

>> No.50255554

i prefer my washing machine not be filled with shit every day, thx

>> No.50255586
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Why buy diapers and baby supplies for kids when you could wear diapers yourself

>> No.50255625

You're supposed to dump the baby's poop in the toilet, genius

>> No.50256216
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whatever dude. It cost me ~250-300$ for a set of cloth diapers. Currently using them on my second child. Roughly $3500 in savings when you take into account the extra laundry detergent.

>> No.50256235

Downies inevitably become wards of the state. I have volunteered in a state-run home my grandmother managed. It isn't pretty. They get dropped off like dogs.

>> No.50256260

Im 27. My gf (29) is pregnant with my first one.

>> No.50256339
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Don't you feel bad? Also Japan seems like a great place to raise children if you live outside the city.

>> No.50256395

Are kids really even that expensive?
The only family I knew of that seemed to have a genuine issue raising their children was entirely because they just wouldn't stop having kids. I think they had 6 all together, but they probably couldn't really afford more than 3.

>> No.50256413

30 and we had the baby accidentally.
Baby came out great but wish I was better off financially first

>> No.50256414

gf is pregnant now, I'm 32 she's 31

>> No.50256427

Also, just be a faggot. Adopt a kid who is like 3-4 and skip most of the diaper age. It's based and easier.

>> No.50256449

Adopting defeats the entire purpose of having children.

>> No.50256480

Imagine being that dense. The point isn't to spread your seed always. It's to have the feeling of raising a child and fufilling that parental role. I would be completely satisfied adopting a kid who is going to have a shitty life hoping foster homes in dog shit countries and giving him or her a loving home. Speak for yourself.

>> No.50256515

>$1M net worth
this means nothing, what matters is what you actually have in real material terms. Do you have a paid off house? do you have a profitable business? or are you a wage slave?

>> No.50256524
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>why the hell aren't people having children? It can't be because of non-stop economic disasters, wage stagnations, the complete destruction of work place benefits and decades of adherence to reaganomic policies. It's because strong men create good times and good times create weak men
>we need another world war that's what we need

>> No.50256527

Ok why don't you just go find a single mother with a 3-4 year old?

>> No.50256549

Because I like pp not vag

>> No.50257379
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As long as they can't run awa- oh wait, wrong threa-

>> No.50257444

Never. Just start playing an MMORPG instead. Less responsibilities, you can invest time whenever you feel like it and there's also no chance that your character will turn out to be a retard.

>> No.50257488
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I wouldn't replicate myself randomly. If the future finds any of my genes to be useful it may pay to get to use them by means of gene tokenization in a genetically authorized only access based blockchain backed network.

>> No.50257527

The ideal age for a man is between 25-35, median 30. The ideal age for a woman is way lower but given the economy, 30-33 is still acceptable.
As far as networth goes (and this should by no means be ignored because bringing a child into this world if you are poor is extremely immoral), the ideal amount is realistically 60-100k. The more the merrier but it's doubtful that many 30 years old have a lot of money, 100k in savings is already unrealistic for most.

>> No.50257614

29 was a good idea financially for me, but I wish I had my first around 23-25. The years go by fast and they grow up too quick. It’s hard to keep up with an 8 year old and a 6 year old when you’re almost 40. My dad was only 19 when I was born so we practically grew up together.

>> No.50257951

I think ideal age for men be 25-38 because you do better to build up some financials and own a house.

>> No.50258612
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Based familymen. You gotta be a massive faggot to put off building a family to 'enjoy my youth', fuck around, and basically live in useless degeneracy. We gotta kill the 'need a paid house and a million dollars' meme

>> No.50258869

that's the worst time to have kids you moron, every day after 30 your kids have a higher chance of having autism

>> No.50258936

unlikely, my dad was 25 my mom 23 and I'm no less autistic

>> No.50259072

I think autism is caused by other factors.

>> No.50259129

Any time before 30. Keeping up with your children becomes harder as you age.

>> No.50259178

Late 20's if you have a well paid job and have been settled with a partner for some time already. Early 30's is optimal. Anyone suggesting early/mid 20's for for a family on normal wages will end up divorced and live a life of eternal poverty.

>> No.50259337

this is cope, my mother had 4 children and yet she still looks 10-15 years younger, and why you may ask:
- she never worked outside the home (less stress)
- she was never a party girl (less alcohol, smoking or drugs in general)
- she did a lot of exercise and ate healthy food most of her life

all the childless 30 year old women who already look 45+ are coping because they don't want to admit they look horrible because of how much drugs and dicks they took when they were younger, they also have horrible lifestyles with no purpose

>> No.50259632

pretty fucked up sentiment, here. Like breeding dogs to be "cute" despite the myriad of health problems associated with breeding them that way. cute puppies, though!

>> No.50259819

Ahh, the same thread where a bunch of unmarried, childless misanthropes opine about things they know nothing about.

>> No.50259845

>non-stop economic disasters

Courtesy of the oligarchs you fight for despite thinking you’re some sort of freedom-fighter.

>> No.50259972

I was 35. Had a house almost paid off, good career, married 12 years together 14. It was then or never so we forewent birth control and she got pregnant within a few months (never took birth control pills). We figured if she didn't get pregnant then oh well, we weren't going to do any fertility clinic BS.
Had a really cute little girl who's an absolute pain in the butt but it's definitely worth it. At this age and having my shit together it was really nice to not have the stress of money on top of the stress of pregnancy and rearing a child, but I also think you shouldn't let money be a deterring factor. If you're broke, having a kid doesn't cost that much. Get free healthcare, get donations, buy what you need second hand, get earned income credit and child tax credit and there's even a really good day care credit if you're low income. Kids don't even realize their parents are poor until they're about 10 anyway so you have time to try to stop being poor.

>> No.50260017

Ahh yes …childless wine drinking cat ladies. Truly known for being absolutely stunning MILFs

>> No.50260083

You should be having children when you’re still in high school biologically speaking.

Everyone waiting until 35 to have kids are basically living in the pod and eating the bugs. Reminder that Alexander Hamilton was 21 when he signed the Declaration of Independence. Aaron Burr was 20. James Monroe was only 18. Thomas Jefferson was 35 and already had a dozen slave babies from his mid teens. If you are 35, you are past the peak of life. You have stale cum.

>> No.50260660

Early as possible. Also you can and should bleed the welfare state if you are white. Not my problem.

>> No.50260712

40s-50s if you don't smoke or drink alcohol like a retard. My bachelor uncle aged 48 married a 17 yo girl 8 years ago, and now, they have two healthy kids.
>tfw my aunt is literally waaaay younger than me

>> No.50260790

do you have to be a 7+ feet gigachad aryan ubermensch with a nobel prize or do normal people get accepted? impregnating women for £ no strings attached soudns up my alley

>> No.50260817

that bloke that plays boba fett is in his 70s
Don't be american

>> No.50260820

>My bachelor uncle aged 48 married a 17 yo girl 8 years ago
shit like this is unimaginable lmao, 17 year olds are like kids to me and i'm 21... what the fuck can a 48 year old even talk about with a 17 y/o?

>> No.50260920

>It unlocks emotions and feelings within you that you would never experience with anything else in life.
Then why is the world full of npcs/emotionally stunted retards? I keep hearing people say shit like this yet reality doesn't seem to agree. Or is it just a good feeling but you dont actually become a better person? These are genuine questions btw, I'm almost 33 and am on the fence with the wife.

>> No.50261027

She's an athlete and loves soccer. My uncle was too. Both of them loved cars, her father even taught her how to repair a busted radiator and change spare parts, battery, etc. Also, judging by her psychology, she's too proactive and are into older daddy type men. Her father is also old, he's now 83 years old and her daughter (my aunt) is now 25 yo. He's got a younger daughter who is 21 and a son who is 14 years old.

>> No.50261032

>talk about
Anon, I...

>> No.50261097

Never. Depopulate. Depopulate. Unless you're from China, then as soon as you have a job but only with other Chinese women.

>> No.50261196

>Daddy issues
holy shit that's creepy.. but she squeezed two kids out of him. Once he's dried up and blows away, she can find someone new to latch on to.

>> No.50261469

>Daddy issues
What issues exactly are in there?

>> No.50261651
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The only people on earth who are breeding are niggers and some other various unwanted peoples.

Why would you want to have kids so they can suffer on planet dindu and have a horde of hungry niggers from collapsed, failed states coming straight for them?

>> No.50261796

Women age 22
Men age 24--26, 27/28 at minimum.

You don't want to be greying by the time your children are self-sufficient.

>> No.50261840

They aren't going to know their grandfather well after he croaks in a few years.

The sooner you birth, the sooner they birth, the more generations you get to experience. My great grandmother didn't die until I was in my early 20s.

>> No.50261869
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When I was younger I said I was going to wait until age 30 to have a kid. Now I'm turning 32 and I can't even get a gf let alone a wife

>> No.50263118
File: 55 KB, 1040x510, smv_curve1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women in their teens are all after the same guy in school and refuse to date anyone who is from their school that isn't Chad due to the social stigma they get from not dating the most attractive guy there.

Women in their early 20s are dumb whores who have zero intention of even considering having a boyfriend. All have an insane addiction to their phones.

Mid-Late 20s women are way too into their careers and won't consider a guy unless he's living and working in a liberal big city making 6 figures with an expensive apartment

Early 30s women begin to question themselves, as they start seeing wedding and baby photos on their friends' social media. Almost all single women at this age are too political (Liberal) or too fat. Most of them double down on their political beliefs, because "I could NEVER marry someone who voted for Trump." They cope, saying things like "I shouldn't settle.... why should I marry a man who I wouldn't be happy with?", not realizing that it's only going to get worse as they age.

Late 30s they finally start panicking because the Doctor told them they have maybe a couple years before the eggs are all gone. Their friends got married and had kids a few years ago, so they finally start looking at guys at their level that they've ignored the past 2 decades, who at this point don't want a woman who has a double digit body count, lost all her looks, likely overweight (and you better be accepting of it), and can maybe have 1 healthy child. She won't change her last name either.

And this is exactly how you get instances like my high school class of ~30 men, where only one has reproduced at the age of 34.

>> No.50264218

I don't remember this, but my mom told me that's what she did with me.

>> No.50264418

My dad had his kids 31, 36.38 and 44.

Youre fine

>> No.50264624 [DELETED] 

I hate this retarded cope. My mom had my younger brother at 39 and he's literally the biggest Chad I've ever known. Smart, well adjusted socially and good looking. The idea it's not shit genetics that caused people like Chris chan is a huge cope.

>> No.50264705

Had my first at 30, which is about about what I always assumed I would have kids.

My investments/savings are top 3% for my age and my income is top 5% for my country (nipnong), so I haven't "made it," but think I'm doing pretty decently. I plan on being a millionaire by the time my first kid turns 10, and probably retire by college age.

I'm also in decent physical shape doing maintenance /fit/ lifts, and the middle of reskilling from consulting to tech (i.e. data science stuff).

Raising kids is pretty fun. Sure, cleaning after shit and piss is a chore, but you literally have full control over how another human being develops. It's like one of those shitty reborn-in-isekai anime where you use modern knowledge to cruise through life, except you get to guide your kid instead of doing it yourself.

The only scary part is genetic lottery since you might get fucked and end up with a literal retard due to deteriorating sperm/eggs, so you definitely don't want to have kids too old.

>> No.50264767

having kids fucking sucks, i don't know what the fuck everyone talks about "unlocking emotions you never knew you had"? shit, i knew how to love before. i'm wiped out and my wife is an asshole. i haven't slept in 2 years, and don't expect to for the next 18 more. my brain and my body are quickly deteriorating. i've never felt so unhealthy and sad.

>> No.50264778

changing diapers is the easy part, how about pushing around a rolling suitcase back and forth or having your kid cry and scream because you don't want to push the lawnmower around the block again? the only respite I have is watching tractor videos on youtube so I can actually have 5 minutes to myself

>> No.50264828

Well, I definitely don't miss that part of the land of the free.

Daycare is free from 3 yrs old and up here in Japan so I don't really have any trouble getting any personal time. Especially since I work fully remote.

Anyway, kids are all different so our experiences are also naturally different, but you kinda sign up for a few years of crying when you decided to have kids don't you?

>> No.50264839

Kys pedo

>> No.50264874


>> No.50264875

the way people talk about having kids is the same way NPCs talked to me about the feeling of 'being in love' when i was a kid......'one day you'll understand it's the best thing ever, music sounds different, the world seems better'.
absolute fucking cringe ngl, and it all turned out to be lies and cope, and to be honest i can tell it's the same with this kid stuff.
obviously you feel comfy you fucked some woman and became a father, but just like anything the feeling fades and becomes muted over time.
so parents try and replicate it again by having another kid, and maybe even another. before they know it they have 3 massive liabilities with a wife who doesn't really 'love' them anymore, and the kids become a bargaining chip in the divorce.
normalfags honestly disgust me

>> No.50264877

Capitalism is the #1 destroyer of the family. Just look at all the posts here.
> dont have kids unless you are rich
A stable society with socialized healthcare allows for strong family units and therefore strong cultural traditions.

>> No.50264884

women with lots of kids look better tho

>> No.50264894

35-37 for men, 30-33 for women

>> No.50264940

desu, I don't understand why you even had a kid if you hate it so much. You could've just stuck with hookers.

Raising kids is basically a hobby. If having a kid in and of itself was a goal for you, I can see how raising kids can be a chore I guess. But turning a crying meatbag into a respectable human being is a fun exercise if you enjoy the ride.

You passed on your genes by fucking a woman, the next step is to pass on your experience/skills by raising them properly.
>multiple languages
>social skills
>tech skills
>outdoors skills

>> No.50265502

If you know that you won't be fulfilled in life without having kids you should definitely have kids. It can be an incredible experience. If you feel otherwise you should absolutely 100% NOT I repeat NOT have kids. No kid deserves to be resented.

>> No.50265509

I my first kid at 27. I wouldn't do it differently despite all the challenges.

>> No.50265516

You were never in love.

>> No.50265571

i was, and then i wasnt anymore
and the reverse has been true (girls have loved me then fell out of love)
if you believe in 'love' you have the mind of a 12 year old, it's infatuation and lust, and it fades over time
life isn't a disney move unfortunately

>> No.50265683
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>life isn’t a disney movie unfortunately
i think that’s pretty fortunate desu
i absolutely can’t stand musicals, cookie cutter people, and their warped brand of puritanical idealism
fuck disney

>> No.50265695

Only correct and based answer. Our forefathers were correct.

>> No.50265702

Do Americans buy the entire aisle of diapers or something?

>> No.50265704

As soon as possible, don't fall for the baiters who say 30+,its literally cope because they failed

>> No.50265708

That's if the MOTHER is older than 30, not the father.

>> No.50265729

Well love in the way Disney and modern media portrays it doesn't exist, of course (i.e. a "soulmate", finding "the one", "not settling until I find my prince/princess" etc.) But real love, the love our forefathers understood, was actually learned. You got to know someone (i.e your wife/husband) overtime by working together with them for the better of hearth and home. Marriage didn't used to be a big deal, it was more a business necessity, with secured sex and reproduction as bonuses. Also, you couldn't just be a little whore fucking the chad in every town and then return to your home village and marry the local farmer. Back then, you'd just be what you are, the town whore. The problem with today's women is that they fell for that Disney love, but also want to be a whore, but ALSO want to have someone take care of them, but ALSO want to be independent and strong, but ALSO not have accountability, BUT ALSO..

>> No.50265741

This. You can have completely normal kids if you're 60 and she's 17.

>> No.50265752

Will regret having them young, late, or not at all, but you will regret not having them, best to feel the right time is right trust your instinct, but anywhere between 25-35 is acceptable.

>> No.50265866

how about letting them decide for themselves what they want to do ?

>> No.50265943

leave those kids alone pervert.

>> No.50266190

Yes, sharts use lots of expensive, polluting diapers.

>> No.50266210

>Financial speaking when should you have kids?
Never, kids are always a drain on your finances. The planet is also overpopulated and we dont need that many people anymore so if you do get kids make sure not getting more than 1.

>> No.50266217

>The planet is also overpopulated and we dont need that many people anymore so if you do get kids make sure not getting more than 1.

>> No.50266225

The eyes never lie

>> No.50266242

>Financial speaking when should you have kids?
Never, unless you’re a farmer and you need cheap labour.
The best time to have kids is as soon as you can provide basic necessities.

>> No.50266248

Having children makes a woman 4 times more attractive at least

>> No.50266255

33, the plan was having kids at 25 but life doesn’t work out the way you want it to sometimes.

>> No.50266262
File: 35 KB, 750x742, 841B509E-7C29-4B55-9D30-56564D306C07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 33 and just got left at the altar
I always wanted to be a dad, bros. Am I going to make it? Do I still have time to find a good wife without going to Thailand? I don’t want to be raising Eliots.

>> No.50266278

kids are not expensive

imagine how much stuff your average kid had in the victorian era

they survived to adulthood and were probably better educated, healthier people than the microplastic addled autistic spastics you will end up with these days

all of this plastic shit, toys, disposable nappies all the fucking rest of it is totally pointless and shoved by adverts to women and their stupid, hyper receptive consumerist minds

if you can find a woman who is capable of independent thought and wants to raise your kids the victorian way then you will not even notice the additional costs

>> No.50266280

You have until 45 probably. I’ve also heard of 60 year olds having kids too but their relationship are always with crazy bitches who they divorce, and then they make their life hell in court.

>> No.50266473

Don't have kids if you're poor. You will just doom your children to a life of wage and rent cucking. They will hate you for it.

>> No.50266621


Like ten years ago, I was chatting with the bus driver. He told me to never date nurses. He said he dated three nurses long term in his life and they were all batshit crazy, neurotic, pushy, and traumatized.

>> No.50266722



>> No.50266751

>women: 15-23
Men: 25 to 35
Women: 15 to 25

>> No.50266795

>The monetary cost is totally irrelevant and relatively minor, the time cost is what is painful. Your personal time is essentially microbreaks (2-3 minutes) where they don't need you or when they are asleep.
This. Before I had my first, a friend told me to savour every minute alone the same way you'd savour a perfectly cooked mouthful of the best grade steak. I cannot even have a 3 minute shower by myself without the door being thrown open by a child/wife becasue some minor misfortune has occurred to one of them. Thank God both children are girls, I have so many relatives with just boys and I think I would have blown my brains out by now if I had boys.

>> No.50266797

im 33 and have one, gonna make a hell more since most people going to die soon. they gonna be healthy and have alot of stuff from the sheeple that didnt know what came their way.

>> No.50266841

>35+ single whyt wamyn
>black baby

>> No.50266922

Not even funny how true this is
My firend's wife isn't at all a looker, but I find her attractive whenever she's with her kid
t. a single guy

>> No.50266955

I assume the kid is not a niglet. aySJW

>> No.50266967

I had a boy at 30. Will have more once Link takes off.

>> No.50267061

Had my first at 23, knocked the gf up and first 9 months were a nightmare. We were poor as shit, her family was against us having the baby, and I bluffed to her parents saying “I’ve never encountered a challenge I didn’t transcend above expectations.” Ended up having a shotgun wedding.

After my daughter was born it was all worth it. However, wife went bat shit insane for next 3 months due to hormones. I got a good job, then we moved into a starter home and she went to therapy. That combined with hormones starting to die down and she went back to being an angel. Life was really good, she begged for babby and I knocked her up with number 2.

Her second pregnancy was somehome worse, she had a rare condition with significant chance of stillbirth. Baby had to be induced early, but it was all good. My son was born. Somehow cuter than my daughter. Post birth recovery was better and wife didn’t go crazy.

Life started to get really good from that point forward. We both loved family life. Only problem was my job was boring as fuck and pandemic inflation was making it hard to pay bills. Then my former boss poached me to their new place of work. Fully remote, more than doubled my salary to 160k Canuckbucks.

We’re about to move into a beautiful home on a couple acres. Been a wild ride, but things worked out and even if they didn’t my kids are such a fucking joy. Just make sure you find the right woman, that is very, very hard to do.

>t. 25yr old young dad chad

>> No.50267089

I should add that her family loves me now and thinks I’m the best thing that ever happened to her kek.

Only thing missing from my life is my health. I’m constantly sick and canacuck healthcare sucks ass.

>> No.50267132

I’m unbelievably jealous of you anon, not gonna lie, but I wish all the best for your lovely family.

>> No.50267211

Thanks bro, all the best to you. It did a number on my health, but I am incredibly blessed. I guess if there is a point to my story its that you’ll never be ready for kids and its the hardest thing you’ll ever do, but they make you rise to the occasion and it works out for the best if you’re willing to sacrifice. I wouldn’t trade a moment of that pain away if it meant missing out on my daughter singing the pokemon theme song while my son bobs along.

>> No.50267337


>> No.50267888

1% chance of chromosome defect by age 40. the odds are still way on your favor.

>> No.50268163

I'd love to think this is a real person really asking and open to a piercing truth, so I will.

As soon as possible, young as possible, and as many as possible. The old world values aren't a meme and its ironic that you would prompt this thought here, on biz, because the fabricated state of mass financial literacy and the destruction of family values are literally the exact same fucking thing.

Some of this is dated but none the less applies: You either ran the estate or learned a trade, poor people inherited trades and unskilled labor is literally slave status (its merely a shifting of language that changed the word for this class to employee and has nothing to do with chattel). This is why "make a name for myself" is heavily engrained in us. Once you had wealth that could sustain your estate was the means of providing and your family structure was built around preserving this. When standard education was rolled out they neglected finances because it was family business. I aint woke but this is literally the only leg 'economically disadvantaged' has to stand on, but it was not holding anyone back... Wealth taught wealth, and it still doesn't always take.

So you are only asking how much you need to start a family BECAUSE you don't understand that children are an investment. You put in the work until they can contribute, hard early years but then suddenly the family has more productive hands on deck and even have the older ones care for the younger. You think a kid is expensive because you think brand new everything when you should be thinking about boiling and mashing peas you grew yourself rather than struggling to force feed your burden from a jar. Then you only want one, so you struggle to learn a skill and never use it again, never re-use necessities for infants, don't have a future to give them so you just dump them on sitters and schools then hope for the best... Meanwhile you are tired so you never do better.

>> No.50268257

>Spend about $500/year on diapers
>Get $3600 for ever year they need a diaper and about 3 years when they don't
>Get a subsequent $3000 until they're an adult
>per child
I make 33k/year and the government is gonna give me 7200/year tax free + whatever else I'd get from my taxes so about $8000 per year to cover that tiny diaper cost.

>> No.50268337

Honestly, 18. I knocked up my wife her senior year of HS, we had a shotgun wedding. We thought our lives were ruined. The first 5 years were terrible bc we were both kids trying to figure out how to raise a kid. Eventually after I worked dead end jobs I started my own welding company, my wife went to nursing school, and we started to really build a life. Now we gross over +200k per year and we will both be under 40 by the time our kid graduates high school.

>> No.50268401

Realizing that basically every woman in my life aspires to be a stay at home housewife was a big redpill moment for me. It's confusing as fuck since even though they tell me their goal is to drop out of the workforce to raise a family they all have at least an undergraduate degree, and many have more advanced degrees past that too.

Feminism is a fucking meme. The vast majority of women seem to find their highest calling in being mothers but for some reason we've convinced modern women that they need to compete with men for spots in higher education for degrees they don't actually want. If they're lucky they'll accumulate a few years in entry level roles before dropping out to start a family before it's too late, but the unlucky ones miss the boat and end up single, 40, and childless. World's fucked man

>> No.50268514

>they tell me their goal is to drop out of the workforce to raise a family they all have at least an undergraduate degree, and many have more advanced degrees past that too.
>dude just don't wagecuck if you don't want to

>> No.50269689

If you want kids just have them. You'll never feel financially ready especially if you browse 4chan with their constant demoralization threads on how you need X, Y, or Z otherwise you're a loser. No children starve in the US. There is so much help available. Obviously you'll need the bare minimum like a job and shelter but everything beyond that is not necessary. I volunteer at my local food pantry we give free formula and diapers to anyone who needs it, no documentation required. People in here really saying you need $1M, a paid off house, etc. is so far from reality it's actually laughable.