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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50246127 No.50246127 [Reply] [Original]

Why does metaverse sounds like the most boring version of second life in 2022 but with shit tier graphics and nft garbage?

>> No.50246223
File: 490 KB, 720x1280, 20220708_110205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm putting my world through a 3D blender. Maybe a 5D one if you're lucky.

www.xoracle(delete all jannies)universe.com

24 airdrops across 8 coins soon.

>> No.50246593

It's the very definition of a wasted opportunity imo

>> No.50246608

>compares the metaverse with second life
>second life has shitty graphics and also is a tool for money launders to launder money like gangsters


>> No.50246613

>delete all jannies

Sorry but there's gonna be a new wave of jannies instead. Hope you like being banned for the most nonsensical things ever faggot :^)

>> No.50246621

>tool for money launders
Say what.

How do I profit from money laundering with second life?

>> No.50246622

I think this is the right direction for facebook. Sorry, meta

>> No.50246627

Habbo hotel >>>>>>> second life
Prove me wrong. Protip: you literally can't

>> No.50246641

If i can't have sex in the memeverse then it's literally not needed. people do that shit in vrchat already so why would they not want people to ERP there as well? They could sell you virtual sex toys for that matter but they're too pussy to actually do it. Shame.

>> No.50246649
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>> No.50246652

Dude, you haven't known the ways of laundering money there? For example, the payment gateway that second life uses is a complete old shit from 8 years ago, so, if you're carding and you're offering a "service" in that game, well, this is the opportunity to cash out your fullz and rekt some ccs

>> No.50246668

Now THAT is an interesting topic. This board is too busy talking about crypto scams that they almost never mention methods such as carding within these "games" for social outcasts. I'll further look into it to see if I can find a way to make some actual money with it.

>> No.50246670


>> No.50246679

I don't know but I want to know if Step'N is willing to ride the train of the metaverses as well... It would be kind of weird that shit because the idea of going out of your home to run a bit is the main idea of the game to let the users earn some money, so... This would be something viable to Step'N? Huh?

>> No.50246693
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>erping online
My nigger are you out of your mind?

>> No.50246709

Okay but how does this thing have to do with virtual games that typically require you to have a VR headset strapped on to your face most of the time?

>> No.50246715

In what fucking moment /biz/ got filled of peruvian spics that lives from stealing money of grannies that are completely alone and the only thing that they're waiting for is the death

>> No.50246719


you'd be surprised at the amount of trannies out there who unironically do this kind of shit on a daily basis

>> No.50246727

The board is also filled with indian scammers on a daily basis so that's nothing new anyways lol

>> No.50246790

Yeah but I haven't seen posts like that one since days, weeks, maybe months ago... But it would be nice a thread of dark ways to make money. Why there aren't so many threads about this?

>> No.50246821
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Yeah right now, you just wait you little faggot. When the tech is here it will be more real then the real. Fuck I'm only a hybrid because FDA refuses to approve intravenous feeding for regular people, so access makes it hard and expansive, but if it was normalized I would only sleep in the real, probably make a set up so that only fluids go through, that way I could be online all the time, I would just have to pay the lady to change the catheter bag once it's full, there are projects, serious projects. No want wants to be stuck in this trasher, this shit, but people are not ready to admit that yet. And the tech for the masses is not there yet, but fuck me, look at cellphones and personal computers, headsets, the immersion you can get from simple gadgets, be that a movie, work, book, music, a game. This is the future, it's inevitable, it's just a qquestion of when it will happen.

>> No.50246822

Because this board is full of glowniggers, which is why anons who are making money that way are either called LARPers and/or federal agents

>> No.50246849

>retard wants to upload his soul to globohomo corp VR utopia

>> No.50246851

I understand that for now stepn plans to lay a solid foundation to keep the economy of his coin stable.

>> No.50246862

>This would be something viable to Step'N? Huh?
how do you mix a move to earn concept with metaverse? i don't understand.

>> No.50246881

Yes. And once it's ready there will be a huge queue of people bagging to do the same. We already do it, we are doing it right now, just the low tech style.

>> No.50246904

ok npc

>> No.50246910
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I can hop range-bans from a second device and if they MAC me, I'll just get another $50 phone and an unlolmited data plan for $30.

Don't google SARB shareholder and WSB.

>> No.50246967

What the fuck do you think you are doing it every time you go online? What do you think it's happening when you read a book, listen to a song or turn on the tv? Watch a movie? You can try to be as "revolutionary" and "resist" all you want, but the truth is that you love this shit, you fucking crave it, just like the rest, if you really want to be "free" I guess you'll have to go into the woods, because all the rest is just programming all the time 24/7. And that is fine. It's more then fine, it's fucking excellent. I want more, much fucking more.

>> No.50247060

'meta' means death in hebrew and 'after' in greek.
it is the death realm or afterlife. since they have figured out the science behind immortality and since most people don't deserve their humanity their consciousnesses will be stored in a "data lake" (what the bible calls a "lake of fire") where they are forced to work for cryptocurrency until they get enough money to "rent a car" (take a human suit out for a spin). the reason the vaccine is said to sever the connection between body and mind is that these people are getting set up to be taken out of their bodies (so their bodies can effectively be sold back to them).

In a lot of ways its like, evil or something but the majority of vaxxies are women and the "cars" they're going to be able to rent are going to be super hot so it'll probably be a net improvement for them. having thought about the matter quite deeply i've concluded that there really isn't anything about organic women that isn't essentially "fake" anyway so simply replacing them with synthetic constructs in toto is probably a pretty reasonable solution.

I've been single for a long time.

>> No.50247151

When will this happen? I don't want to live in this world anymore, no need to wait for the virtual, just jack me in right now. I don't care. I don't want any impediments to come between me and the net, if full immersion is possible I'm in, not having to sleep or eat or take a shit sound like heaven, you have no idea how much of a hassle it is to have to eat and maintain the body all the time, all we do is to maintain the body a good part of the day, fuck that. Connect me.

>> No.50247184

I took the vaccine, has my soul left the body already or is that still in? Can I sell my soul or is my soul just the arrangments of my neurons? Talk more about that if you will.

>> No.50247249

First the vaxxies need to die off (2023-2024), then they need to come back as zombies (2027-2030), then the zombies will get picked up and, because their flesh is decaying, they will WANT their consciousness transferred out of that body (they will be so happy!) and then once it's in the data lake its just a matter of how often the individual can afford to rent a body to get out of the meta and into the physical.

But please note Anon, that is where most people will WANT to be (in the physical, in the flesh). Being in the meta is like being dead. If you think you're more enjoy being dead, all I can say is, make sure you get some fatass bags first because EVERYTHING in the meta is going to cost you tokens.

>> No.50247303

Your soul is now controlling your body from third person rather than first person if that makes sense.
Your higher chakras which control your mind are severed from your lower chakras which control your body (so that the mind can be transferred to a new body)

>> No.50247363

>That's retarded, it'll never take off
You, 2009, on bitcoin

>> No.50247380
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>bitcoin can only be used in scams
>you can't buy a coca cola on a supermarket yet using a bitcoin

>> No.50247417

Scamming people with video gaymes, is nothing special and it's usually small time and often done by asian sweatshops that hire near-slave labor.

It's also massively illegal (at least because of the tax evasion involved) and it goes through known banks so it's not the smartest thing to do.

>> No.50247423

How this affect the day to day, I mean my soul being severed? Can I benefit from this? If I meditate can I benefit from this? How can I benefit from this? Do I have more conscious control over my body(rational control)? I've being dissociating later...

>> No.50247480
File: 44 KB, 1024x566, 20F59407-B8CC-428D-8ADA-2B9A3D0EB0AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you faggots are so FUCKING RETARDED. this is like seeing pong in the 70s and immediately bitching about graphics and gameplay. Insufferable kikes

>> No.50247488

Yes I think there are ways you can benefit from this. If I were you I would think very long and carefully about what I told you in this thread and to not do anything rash. I would also recommend meditation and Christian repentance.
It's not a sure thing what will happen to you. Even the people that made these jabs don't know exactly. But you will almost certainly need a lot of money, so maybe think about how to solve that one.
God bless Anon. I am going to drink vodka now. :)

>> No.50247510
File: 15 KB, 593x584, 1652452805272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zuckerjew must be spending billions marketing this shit. The amount I hear about it yet still have no fucking clue what's really the point in it, what it intends to solve, etc. Well obviously the point is to be the globohomo VR platform for consoom pixels but I don't see much to gain from living in pods, eating bugs and spending every hour on a VR game but they wont say that

>> No.50247520

except pong literally sold millions as the first console.

>> No.50247543

Schizo but high IQ

>> No.50247572

Anon, I want to profit from this you husk, how do I profit from this? I want to be in META NOOOOOW! Where is the 5th jab? I want zombi mode NOOOOW! You lying cunt, I don't care about the coasts anon, I want the meta, connnneeeect mmeeeee;

>> No.50247574

you think you're smart, it's hilarious

>> No.50247578

You have the entire vantage of vidya evolution to see what will obviously happen in the metaverse and yet you choose to treat it like a zoomer would treat pong. It will dominate. Like the schizo itt said it’ll be where everyone is 24/7 in a generation

>> No.50247592

except nobody under 45 uses facebook but old grandmas.

>> No.50247614

Brinalet. Same reason you are here right now, have you ever met a 4chan user in the real? What is it that we even do here? The most awkward nonsense "imitation" of interaction. We are here aren't we? Now imagine a game, any game you want. That's the appeal, it doesn't even have to be any good.

>> No.50247628

>he doesn’t think AI will continue to improve
>he doesn’t think VR will continue to improve
It’s such a clearly logical progression, you retards have vidya right in front of you and still can’t see it. You are the equivalent of someone saying the internet won’t take off. It’s amazing to be surrounded by such midwits. Yeah faggot we’ll still be using playstations and flat screen TVs and message boards to interact in 200 years. Kys

>> No.50247641

It's about as specific as someone saying "the cloud" or "cyberspace". It is stupid, and the worst part is that it just doesn't fucking mean anything substantial.
I audibly winced the other day when some cousin of mine said she got a job working with metaverse advertising. I guess midwits trying to sound smart by referencing this stuff is just a pet peeve of mine.

>> No.50247646

Your reflection is a bit foggy but you look fat and gay and have a shitty haircut

>> No.50247670

>interest from speculators and rich celebrities is market demand from normies who at best can afford 20 usd to spend
ok retard.

>> No.50247687

This have to bait, telephones, land lines if you never searched, search it.

>> No.50247710

autist, what product do you specifically talk about? there were plenty of car manufacturers or video game companies or internet companies that died.

>> No.50247711

>p2w games are the future
>800 dollar setup to play crappy mobile VR showelware is the future

metaverse doesn't even look like a game but mobile showelware, with p2w garbage.

>> No.50247734

>This have to bait, telephones, land lines if you never searched, search it.

>> No.50247749

show me a single video of metaverse where is something amazing enough to be worth the effort to buy a VR set.

Even VR chat is more interesting than metaverse.

>> No.50247758

You are hopeless.

>> No.50247765

again, why the fuck should I buy a VR set when there's nothing there to play?

>> No.50247767

Because it is.
If the meta verse was going to be a thing GTARP servers would be a big deal.

>> No.50247840

The metaverse isn’t a fucking company anon. Ffs

>> No.50247844

Again, hopeless

>> No.50247869

show me a single non showelware VR game.

>> No.50247890

Can someone show this fag the ready player one metaverse scene?

>> No.50247912

post link.

I don't have a VR set because I wont spend 800 bucks to play mobile showelware.

>> No.50247915

You are that guy in the 50's saying, "why the fuck is government spending millions of dollars in this bullshit space stuff".
Sorry but I just don't have the time to explain it to you, I gave you the path of understanding, if you don't want to understand it, there's nothing I can do, I gave you two paths actually. Study (truly study, not some youtube video or documentary, STUDY) the history of the telephone, since it's inception. If that won't show you how big VR is, I don't know what will, I don't think we will ever have seeing something so big as VR tech in the history of humanity up to that point.

>> No.50247928

And you shouldn’t in 2022. It’s futuristic tech anon it isn’t mature yet, it’s literally a joke right now. Get back to us in 20 years though

>> No.50247969


This is what they are building fag. 20 years. You are gonna get rocked

>> No.50248033

I don't give a shit, it looks like ps2 showelware.

>> No.50248094

VR will go above and beyond what is presented in RP1 in so many levels, it's the beginning of the technological merge, the symbiosis, fucking rapture. The singularity, the beginning and the end, we will finally be truly free from the shackles of our reality. We will become code unrestricted. Technological advancement will be unparallel. Once we get there it will be just like the personal computer a learning curve, that once overcomed that hard curve it's pointed upwards like a fucking rocket.

>> No.50248116

That's Ink. Check /x/ ærchive for my reflection.

>> No.50248138

How is /x? I've never being, but I recently heard good things, like you guys discuss some of this stuff, what's like general idea?

>> No.50248208
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A nice movie, it's indie/out, but still I like it, it's Virtual Revolution 2047 from 2015, I like how they framed it, and I think in the beginning it will go down pretty similarly to how it does in the movie. The movie is out/indie so quality is a bit floppy, but watchable, if you are a graphics whore, don't bother...
I'd also recommend, Sun Junipero from Black Mirror, nice ideas, and Ghost in the Shell 1995;

>> No.50248212
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okay, first, I'm a game developer, since the XNA days, I'm just an amateur indie loser.

Second, this shit looks like nothing we already have.

First, most off it, is not a game, not even gameplay, just a film custcene.

There's nothing there beyond a tps shooter mixed with some rts mmo kind of raid battle.

Which is just fucking fornite but with maybe 10 years from now graphics (because is a film cinematic).

Also, there's nothing there revolutionary or shocking in game mechanics, and is shit I've seen from the Quake eras.

Also, you run into the same issues you run with fitness games, like ring fit.
And ring fit actually got it right, they just made a basic plastic wheel to control a virtual avatar while you're in a room with a flat screen TV.

And this doesn't touch the fact you need some exoesqueleton shit that basically looks like a mocap setup.


Even then, you run into the OBVIOUS ISSUE that an AVERAGE HUMAN wouldn't be able to do MUCH MORE than just basic slow to middle walking speed for more than 5 MINUTES?
Because 98% of the population in america is OVERWEIGHT, FAT OR OUT OF SHAPE?




>> No.50248251
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>meta retards think the future is just a convoluted form of paintball with cosplay costumes
ok nigger cattles.

And now tell me why paintball isn't some mainstream form of videogame then?

>> No.50248278
File: 71 KB, 602x376, something better than meta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I want to play a JRPG in amazing graphics with my friends
That's literally an IRL RPG larp party, retard.


>> No.50248346

You know what's the problem with most engineers? Foresight, let me say that again, foresight. You get hung up on these minute details and think all my god this project is excellent or it's shit, as I said, it doesn't have to be perfect, it won't be, but it is the direction of things. You strip humanity of all the survival bullshit what do you get? Fantasy, entertainment, pleasure. This is the ultimate pleasure, again, just imagine what people already do with these rudimentary tools we do have, headsets, phones, clunky computers, tablets... All the problems you raised will be addressed, some won't, more problems will rise, problems we don't even know are possible or real. Paintball is a niche thing, there is no way to go mainstream. There is no way to "evolve" much further, how old are you? Don't you get it yet? Everything is virtual. Paintball tries to mimic the real thing, the virtual gives you the real thing, and in due time it will give you what you want more real then the real. It already does that to some extent. Nobody wants to be in a war, but we all want to play that fantasy version of the war. COD one of the most lucrative franchises ever made.

>> No.50248370

ok, now tell me again, why the fuck someone would want to do cardio in a treadmill just to play a videogame?

when we can't even get random people to just FUCKING JOB to lose weight because otherwise THEY WILL DIE OF DIABETES?

>> No.50248426

They're collectively waking up. Gaem on.

>> No.50248432

>ut we all want to play that fantasy version of the war.
Imagine how many would want to play a soldier in second world war or first world war, not just the campaign but actually be a full soldier, talk to the nurse, and go to the places where you are stationed and do all the things we fantasize... be there, in that fantasy time machine. Wow, this gives me shills just thinking about it, old people that will be able to relive their younger days.
Differently from the real world where everything is chaotic in this world, everything will be made, placed there with great care, for our enjoyment, who wouldn't want to be in their own tailored fantasy? I don't know when we will start seeing this, but if you are below 35, I think we will get a glimpse of the potential of this technology, it is monumental work, unparallel, after all, it's the beginning of a new reality.

>> No.50248449

It's called a larping WWII festival town, nigger.


>> No.50248496 [DELETED] 

what normies usually fail to get, is that the human is exceptionally smart in realizing pretty soon that something is fake.

i.e. average Joe wants to feel he got the bitches; it doesn't matter that you present him with a realistic fake bitch; he'll know it's a fake eventually and hate it.

that's why the only VR that is truly interesting is the sci-fi VR of actually believing you're in a real world; but in order to believe you're in a real world you'll need take that literally taps into your brain; alternatively you'll need androids that are indistinguishable for humans.

>> No.50248513

that's a core issue of why motion consoles eventually just were a fag.

people eventually developed some motion sickneess from the wii controllers.

>> No.50248516 [DELETED] 

what normies usually fail to get, is that the human is exceptionally smart in
pretty soon that something is fake.

i.e. average Joe wants to feel he got the bitches; it doesn't matter that you present him with a realistic fake bitch; he'll know it's a fake eventually and hate it.

that's why the only VR that is truly interesting is the sci-fi VR of actually believing you're in a real world; but in order to believe you're in a real world you'll need tech that literally taps into your brain; alternatively you'll need androids that are indistinguishable for humans.

>> No.50248527

Craig Steven Wright aka Satoshi Nakamoto invents Meta, and announces it. A few weeks later Facebook announces creating a new idea called meta. Facebook then changes it's name to Meta. Then immediately sues CSW in the COPA lawsuit. CSW wins all of his legal battles that actally found a courtroom. COPA kicks the can down the road until 2024, knowing they are fucked. Facebook ends their crypto coin. Are you really not getting this yet? Degenerate gamblers have a hard time facing reality.

>> No.50248551

You are just too limited. You want to compare a festival with this? Apples and oranges. This conversation is over, I gave you the way. Telephone study the history of it.

>> No.50248570
File: 41 KB, 529x399, fucking-pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever tried to do cardio?

because 98% of americans can't even run or jog for more than 2-3 minutes.

>> No.50248590

>You know what's the problem with most engineers? Foresight,

>> No.50248606
File: 613 KB, 500x320, main-qimg-ddb12739ee2b12b4481a72c9d62ec920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about biological limitations of humans, not technological issues.

>> No.50248639

Same thing, but you are too dumb to understand. Forget it kiddo. Time will stay still because you want. You will only run on a tretmill if you want. That's all I'm going to say it. Night.

>> No.50248644

because it is lmao, there are even people who try to put memecoins like vinu into the metaverse, this will eventually be forgotten

>> No.50248672
File: 7 KB, 222x170, aa0874bca4bc200f5e74d08da61ddc38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to understand how can It work as a videogame BECAUSE I'M A GAME DEVELOPER.

You're running into the same issue that treadmills have, which most people can't do shit but walking a medium speed.

Much less doing fucking movie stuns, which I think the entire population that can do backflips IRL to be 0.0001%

>but It will be a simple smash input
Which then you run into body kind of motion sickness to most people if you do that.

Why do you think the average VR game is stationary or just walking?

>> No.50248677

I should actually be thanking you, if this is how the average person thinks about VR it means that I should substantially increase my annual in stocks related to companies that develop tech in the sector. I'll be definitely be looking into this. God I wish people are as oblivious or discouraged as you are. This will be fun and highly profitable. Kek.

>> No.50248711
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I see this shit more useful for fitness kind of ecotourism games and walking simulators, not fucking WOW raids with fortnite mechanics.

Most of meta are investors first, but not a single game developer on their designer team.

Meta would be sucessfull if they made some historical larping VR chat kind of ecotourism app to visit other countries IRL monuments and historical periods and natural marvels with some prerendered Wii era RE1 remake backgrounds.

Not a crappy showelware of games.

>> No.50248891

where else can you in the body of hot girl get fucked by a milf futa with a massive cock

>> No.50248928

metaverse has a strong family friendly policy, so no.

>> No.50249558

Craig Steven Wright aka Satoshi Nakamoto invents Meta, and announces it. A few weeks later Facebook announces creating a new idea called meta. Facebook then changes it's name to Meta. Then immediately sues CSW in the COPA lawsuit. CSW wins all of his legal battles that actally found a courtroom. COPA kicks the can down the road until 2024, knowing they are fucked. Facebook ends their crypto coin. Are you really not getting this yet? Degenerate gamblers have a hard time facing reality.

>> No.50249648

retarded hylic alert

>> No.50249747
File: 129 KB, 640x640, 93824692349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paintball is fun as fuck. normies cant hang cause they run from pain. pain free paintball would be great. CoD on steroid. normies love CoD. Or Apex. Or Fortnite. it's not rocket science.

>> No.50249801

I thought it was cringe as fuck for the longest time, but it's a ton of fun so now idgaf.

>> No.50249864

>meta/vr will be a success just because ok
>you guy are stupid if you disagree
>arguments? lol no I am smart and have foresight
You itt

>> No.50251429

It's literally second life but worse as OP said. It's comical.

>> No.50251556

>doing paintball in your room with something that causes motion sickness
ok retard.

>> No.50251587
File: 127 KB, 532x324, istockphoto-512053190-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in the wrong metaverse. Check out sports metaverse. It is anything but boring

>> No.50251601

How much have you checked so far?

>> No.50251625
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>If i can't have sex in the memeverse then it's literally not needed.
>Sex is overrated idiot
What if you can engage with famous athletes in 3D or be in virtual meetings with biggest celebrities in sport? You're looking at it with a shallow mindset

>> No.50251641
File: 414 KB, 640x640, ;_;.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 62 in 4 days
>tfw gonna be dead before I can enjoy zoomer fun
It's not fair bros.

>> No.50251643

General improvements are being made on it. It's not always going to be like that. Atleast, I know sports metaverse are doing things differently

>> No.50251655

try to be healthy and live until 90 I guess.

>> No.50251659

I dont trust my reality, ergo it won't be good

>> No.50251661

You have a problem when you consider everything you see to be a scam

>> No.50251688
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>> No.50251744


>> No.50251746

A thread about "the metaverse" with dozens of replies has zero screenshots of the fukkij. thing. The view bits I have seen looked like n6r tier graphics. Its vaporware.

>> No.50251757

shit literally looks worse than ps2 showelware, lmao.

>> No.50251869

I thought 90 was realistic until a few years ago. Everything started going downhill at the same time. I need biz to make it because I never did.

>> No.50251911

I have no problem with the metaverse. Atleast the sporting and gaming industry is making the best out of it

>> No.50251938

EA Sports, Playstation Home, Doom, Nvidia, Dapper Labs etc. all in it. It doesn't look like a wasted opportunity. It's too early to write it offf

>> No.50252349

the second life exchange shut down years ago. it was the first place I was able to buy Bitcoin with a debit card.

>> No.50252382
File: 93 KB, 385x390, DFE01A9B-C90D-4B12-8F60-89627A64BC3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen a shill team glow this hard. How much is Zuck paying you faggots?

>> No.50253344

Because it is. Also, it's not even needed in a world where static ips are the standard and NAT doesn't exist. Everyone would own their own digital infrastructure and be able to connect to each other directly, not be required to turn over your DNA to register some gay NFT avatar for use on Zucc's server.

>> No.50253538

you're a fucking retard if you don't know how to lower your body biological age, retard.