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50242956 No.50242956 [Reply] [Original]

>can only think about going back to work on Monday

>> No.50243223

but anon, working is a privilege :^)

>> No.50243257

>tfw have morning, day, evening, night shift, 50% of weekends I also work
>tfw irregular work plebeian

>> No.50243260

You mean you want to go back, or are dreading going back? The latter only happens to me at sundown on Sunday.

>> No.50243638

>Weekend is here
>Perfect time for me to get another cold from spending 2.5 hours on trains full of filthy non-whites each day

>> No.50244916

>Be me
>Live at the beach
>Spend my days taking long walks on the beach with my dogs drinking Corona beers
>Know everyone’s name around
>Mates with the local liquor store dude. I mow his lawn for free and he gives me a nice discount and free beers from time to time
>Life is good

What’re you doing this weekend bros?

>> No.50245005

God I fucking love working from home bros.

Everyday it's
>sleep in, get up whenever I feel rested enough
>cook a decent breakfast
>sit in my boxers sipping coffee, looking at stocks and crypto
>spend some time shitposting
>cook a decent lunch
>spend 1-2 hrs writing code for work
>gf comes home, call it a day

>> No.50245203

Sounds mighty comfy. I WFH’d for a while but found it personally wasn’t for me. I run a landscaping business now. I really love it. It’s hard work but really rewarding, keeps me fit and allows me to be creative with garden designs. Days usually go like this:

>Get up when I feel like it. Usually around 8:30.
>Go downstairs and feed dogs, then have vegemite toast, some yogurt, long black coffee and maybe some fruit.
>Head off to work, work for about 5-6 hours
>Make around $600 per day
>Work 4 days per week, usually taking either Wednesday or Friday off.
>Hear friends constantly complain about their bosses and coworkers, glad I don’t have to deal with that shit.

>> No.50246595


>> No.50246616

Try to be present in the moment instead of thinking about the future or the past. It's much more peaceful.

>> No.50246697
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How bad is it Anon? I was going to call you a lil bitch, but I worked in a terrible office before. I work remote now, i never want to go back.

>> No.50246711

This is the best advice. If work takes up 90% of your time, it’s time to re-examine your priorities in life. What’s more valuable to you: time or money? If I said I was going to give you a million dollars, you’d say yes. But if I told you if you took the money you’d be dead the next day, would you still take it? No. Time is more valuable than money. Use your time wisely.

>> No.50246717

Im with you anon. I have a week off work this coming week and it's really hard to get excited right now. it does fuck all to recharge you. just when I get into that relaxing mode it's a Sunday of the end of my week off and what little progress the week off gave me of climbing out of pit of dread I slip right back down and my stomach churns and my bowels pulse as I make my morning drive into work that Monday. It's the most awful feeling and I hate it, especially that second I open my door after parking, I just get an even heavier stomach and I feel so uneasy. I need to quit but it's allowing me to save for now.

>> No.50246737

I used to be like you. Now I can't wait for market open every Monday.

>> No.50246753
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So everything is as intended

>> No.50246759

it's cool, it's office space.
you blog post, I only read 1/3rd by the way, but nice try.
and you're unhappy with your job.
and I was looking for a thread like this because, I haven't really been working hard, in fact I haven't really done much of anything.
fully remote and after doing this 9 months with a positive manager review, I kind of feel like I don't need to ever work. Just find a new job every year and maybe get multiple.
and then you live in some personal hell.

>> No.50246773

>Know everyone’s name around

do any of them hate you? Or talk behind your back?

Or vice versa? What I'm getting at is that it sounds too good to be true lol

>> No.50246784
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KEK its the most comfy shit ever.

>wake up an hour late, log that hour in as work
>make comfy breakfast , might go for a walk and get coffee most days or make some at home
>finally get work started around 1-2 hours after im suppose to start working
>work 2-3 hours then take a 1-2 hour lunch, get back to work only 1-2 more hours maybe.
>fuck my white latina Thot on the clock when she comes over
Life is good senpai, once you get the hang of a remote job and make sure you execute your projects life gets comfy

>> No.50246867

Nah mate. 80% of my neighbours are just retired boomers Gen X who are really happy and nice all the time. Obviously some are nicer than others but all round everyone’s great. I’d really recommend moving to a small tight knit community.

>> No.50246887

There are people who seem to have everything yet are misserable. Then there are people who seem to have nothing yet are always radiant. Time poor or time rich, it doesn't matter. The difference is one is fixated on more. The next thing. What will make them happy? The other is greatful for what they have. Not wanting. Happy to be.
I think this is confused as a manufactured mindset. It's not. One is living in the present. They do not kill over yesterday or dread tomorrow. They are ever present, living peavefully. And that present moment is always there for all of us. The other is not present. They are letting their mind wander and find they have desires that cannot be satisfied no matter what they try.

>> No.50246932

*mull over yesterday

>> No.50247116

haha, sounds based anon. I can envision the kind of people you mean.

I'm in a smaller Canadian town, still some good people but its desirable to live here so it attracts all kinds these days.

Completely agree that a small tight knit community is best, hopefully if/when I make it I can find somewhere like that

>> No.50247242
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I hope you do, fren.

>> No.50247245

How's it like doing that? How did you start? Are you doing it solo?

>> No.50247541


>> No.50247565

>convince boss to let me work part time for awhile so I can focus on some other things
>instantly lose all my respect and authority in the office

Ya just can't win.

>> No.50247581

I find work to be a satisfying activity. Not ironic.

>> No.50247609

likewise here. pay is whatever for my field but it's quite a comfy lifestyle.

>> No.50247647

When I got home from work today, I text my boss demanding a raise and that I don't want to be bothered about starting late anymore. It was bold. He called me and I didn't respond, don't want to argue... just too tired to fight with a boomer tonight. I might have made a mistake.

>> No.50247666

nice, whereabouts? I am in Sydney, which is probably slightly more based than Melbourne if you have money (luckily I do - beaches, better weather, etc).
I was thinking of moving to Tasmania or even Brisbane, seems more relaxed and more white people.

>> No.50247830

I am doing it solo and it’s really rewarding. One thing that’s super important is having the right gear. Don’t cheap out on Mowers, brush cutters, hedge trimmers, etc. I put a sign in my clients lawn for my business and get heaps of calls/quotes.

Yeah I’m in NSW. Id do it desu. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made. You won’t regret it mate.

>> No.50249075

Based WFH chads

It honestly makes me question the 5-day workweek. I'm more productive remotely but I'd say I could do the same amount of work in like 2-3 days if I was really focusing

>> No.50249347

a lot of wagies will simple never go back (me included).
i work for a major company in Australia and they're TRIED to get people in 1 day a week and most people aren't even bothering coming in at all, they know they can't enforce shit at losing their talent.
and it's the introverts that like WFH that tend to do a lot of the actual work
i'm never going to bend the knee, never going back
it's just all too comfy.

>> No.50249520

kek, my company is trying to force a 2 day in office policy. Most people are only doing one day in if at all, I’ve told my manager that I’m not going in at all and I’m more than happy to leave if they have a problem with it. I wont leave, I will make them fire me if they really have a problem with it.

>> No.50249551

kek i said the same to my manager (just told him i work better at home and am not coming in) and he was perfectly fine with it because he's pretty based.
they wouldn't dare even threaten to fire me, i work for a big globohomo corporation, good luck even saying a negative word about it before i go to HR for bullying.
these faggot corporations shot themselves in the foot being so woke and progressive, now i am going to milk it forever and there's nothing they can do about it.