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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50240724 No.50240724 [Reply] [Original]

cryptobro-sisters... we were responsible for the price increase, now we are responsible for the delays... we simply cannot stop annoying normal-chads...

>> No.50240744


LMAO keep coping crypto parasite, tech is sausagefest filled with pathetic manipulative and disgusting manbabies

>> No.50240753

>Can't move current cards because of used market
Or you know, people don't want to buy 2 year old junk when better shit is a few months away.

>> No.50241064

You sound very mad OP. Have you dilated as you should today? Don't want that frankencunt to seal itself now do you?

>> No.50241336

Funny how quickly things can go from "MULTI-YEAR SHORTAGE" to TOO MANY in less than a month

>> No.50241385

Maybe they should lower the fucking prices then, they are still above MSRP

>> No.50241439

Or there's a massive chip shortage going on and they haven't managed to build enough inventory, so they say they got too many GPUs in storage in order not to spook the stock price lower.

>> No.50241454

kys you fucking tranny

>> No.50241483

Why would anyone need anything more than 2070S right now?
t. playing everything on ultra on 2070S
Is it the retards who fell for the 4k meme?

>> No.50241548

I am still doing fine with a 1080 Ti. Works perfectly for 1080p.

>> No.50241558

>no DLSS
Nah, that's a killer feature for me. Everything runs silky smooth with it

>> No.50242375

Lmao nvidia are such kikes.

>> No.50242708
File: 134 KB, 1019x958, 1628571817399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing I'll dilate is your asshole, with my big BBC cock

>> No.50242758

Bruh what are you playing? I have a 1080Ti too and I play everything at 4K. But I'm playing shit like battlefield V and biomutant. Both are very well optimized.

>> No.50242819
File: 101 KB, 1200x768, 1584062326629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags fucking with peoples heads again? Exact same thread days ago with same exact posts in same fucking order like FUCK OFF

>> No.50242896
File: 343 KB, 1284x1463, 1654308191506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about
the article is from yesterday

>> No.50242924
File: 621 KB, 720x866, 1654307059667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, post link from archive or your a double nigger
because I don't remember seeing such a thread
I can assure you I only posted it today the first time because I saw it on reddit :o)

>> No.50243018

however much id like to believe this, this is actually due to inflation

>> No.50243019

Just finished building my first PC, the flood of used GPUs is a godsend. Got a brand new rx570 for $190. Im honestly considering upgrading to a rx5700 if I find a decent deal on one.

>> No.50243252

Nogger I can’t find a single 3060ti in stock anywhere at MSRP. What the fuck is this article talking about?

>> No.50243298

+50% over MSRP is a flooded market goy

>> No.50243423

>tell TSMC to stop producing 7nm Ampere chips
>at the same time, tell TSMC to postpone 5nm Lovelace chips production due to "oversupply"
>create artificial scarcity due to RTX 30 cards already on the field being the last of their species and RTX 40 cards still being smokes and mirrors
Sasuga Nvidia.

>> No.50243440

where are those cheap rtx30XX

>> No.50243527

AMD bros cant stop winning

>> No.50243535


Glad I dumped my RTX 3000 bags on the market a year ago, kek

>> No.50243707

They will let AMD launch 7000 series just like that? lmao

>> No.50243876
File: 1.04 MB, 952x930, 1643739155688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you're fluent in Hebrew. Well done, my circumsized friend.

>> No.50244717

Crypto crashing caused this, 90% of all cards made in the last 2 years were in mining rigs.

>> No.50244818

My 1080 will last me another 5 years. You fucked up nvidia, the 10 series was just too damn good.

>> No.50244832

Who the fuck will buy melt gpus from mining rigs?

>> No.50244871

God king of a gfx card. I swapped mine out like a month ago after having it since 2017

>> No.50245728

DLSS absolutely ruins games and is pure cope so you can say 'i paly on ultra' when visuals are often worse than on low

>> No.50245780

Who the fuck wants a card that's been run at 100% power full-time for the last two years?

>> No.50245790


>> No.50246901

My 1070 is 6 years old and I have no problem going another 4.

>> No.50248163

Faggots who game at meme resolutions with RTX on need more, way more
At 1080p and RTX off you can play almost everything on ultra even on a 2060S, only CP2077 and FC6 had me dial down to high.

>> No.50248189

>Is it the retards who fell for the 4k meme?
meme resolutions, meme refresh rates and RTX

>> No.50248310

>no one to sell shovels to anymore

>> No.50248359

Maybe to some degree. I got a 3080 to heat my place in the winter with mining and pay for my whole setup twice over.
I never use it fully even at 4k, except in flight sim, that legitimately needs as much GPU as you can throw at it at any resolution above 1080p.

>> No.50248389

dude I have an r9 290 from 2014, and I still don't see much benefit for my 1080p monitors

if anything they only true negative I see is that the power draw may be slightly higher