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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50235217 No.50235217 [Reply] [Original]

Literally have 2 more weeks to accumulate.



Have a great weekend.

Here's the HIP for those who live to fud and fud to live.


And here is the treasury wallet, keep an eye out as once the hbars start being transferred in, thats the moon signal. (.40c for now...)


>> No.50236108

Wagmi hbros. Poomper discord trannies larping big time fud, this based anon went crazy and btfo them all kek. In short, poomper and Hbar price and max shilling easily disproven fud.


>> No.50236271

Will we even see a pump though? I just want to be break even bros :((

>> No.50236713

Most likely just not a schizo pump to 7$, but know this, once stakimg goes live, the pumps will become exponential.

Aka step functions. At this moment in time hbar can always pump to .50 and down to .07 as their no usecases live or interoperability bw wallets. HOWEVER omce staking goes live, interoperability will be activated so dumping will be less drastic as less amd less ppl will day trade or sell low and buy high

Hbar price is a retard, hbar salt bot is the only good fud user.

>> No.50236788

You didn't btfo of anybody you just cried and called everyone else hbar price like an actual schizo.

>> No.50236847

Wasn’t me, but last I saw no one could produce a link. Kek

>> No.50236870

>trust me bro
….and still no link

>> No.50236975

Its clearly you lol you literally can't stop yourself from acting like a massive sperg. Hopefully hbar does something for you because this isn't healthy, good luck

>> No.50237023
File: 719 KB, 2000x1333, 090507-F-0000R-001.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuk who btfo who lol, native staking is the catalyst that will make hbar rip through the world.

10k, 100k.

Buy or dont, shill or dont, fud or dont, you do you...

>> No.50237141

They couldn’t provide a single link. Anon was right

>> No.50237204

That and bridges. Bridges bring liquidity

>> No.50237309

How low will the APY be I'm hoping for 5% but I'm guessing it will only be 2%

>> No.50238176

Unironically the picture that brought me first to Hbar.

Leemon and Mance are military. They are not here to make money, they are waging a war against the entire Crypto industry, and like the Chinese, other networks don't even know they are being played.

Even the name Hedera comes from Ivy, which is one of the most invasive species on earth. Once it's there, it's hard as fuck to remove...

I will take loans backed by my Kilobars.
I will pay my coffee in Tinybars.

Not selling one hbar before staking is live, sharding is live and stocks are tokenized.

>> No.50238885

Sustained uptick in trx; upper mound of eth

>> No.50238899

Whats the make it Stack of HBAR?

>> No.50238903
File: 620 KB, 1125x1168, 5FF022AB-AF63-4D8E-9ECF-9EA3B4210503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upper bound

>> No.50238928

100k but at these prices should go for 1m.

>> No.50239021

>random business not paid to be on the council comes along
>Why yes, I would absolutely love to use this centralised database with a handful of nodes, one of whom is my competitor

>> No.50239219
File: 217 KB, 1000x1600, 3f71db3f02f91533f423ce05a8fbbdc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50239595
File: 604 KB, 777x360, mance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
