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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50236290 No.50236290 [Reply] [Original]

Biggest mistake of my life. How could we all have been so wrong about this?

>> No.50236307


>> No.50236438

I used to browse back in 2018 and watched this become
the bear market gem, what went so wrong with link? Seems like every defi protocol is so dependant on link and is one of the few cryptos with actual utility.

>> No.50236455

>made half a million from a 3k investment
>big mistake

>> No.50236519

>Zexo ID

>> No.50236598

It’s time for you to sell

>> No.50236611
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Enough of this fucking shit. I sold my stinkies and moved everything into DOT. I am very comfy now)

>> No.50236651

I feel so demoralized anons, when will we get rewarded for going through this hell?

>> No.50236786

Everything will start coming into place over the rest of this year, and early 2023. Just sit tight. Even if the timeline gets delayed, it doesn't bother me too much. The project is too important and has too much high-level talent to lose.
Anyway, the price has been artificially suppressed thanks to the CeFi shorting Link non-stop.

>> No.50236817

It hurts so much bros.

>> No.50236822

I don't mind waiting

>> No.50236824
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the fuddening is upon us. time to buy

>> No.50236900
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I bought at 42.32

>> No.50236918

They will call us lucky

>> No.50236930

wtf are u talking about? i bought Link for under a dollar and i can wait some years. Take some medicine and calm the fuck down, you pussy.

>> No.50237013

go ahead and gamble with something else im comfy being patient with a sure thing

>> No.50237069

Staking will be released in the next 24 hours

>> No.50237753

Niggle me this: if LINK was shorted to oblivion and sold to yield on LUNA-like ponzinomic systems, now that it all crashed, why didn't we see an inverse effect on LINK?

>> No.50237834
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>/biz/ gets cents price from the golden days of the board where smartposter where giving all the gems
>/biz/ schizos wait until its already climbs instead of mass buying cents on the dollar
>stinky linkies don't sell at 50 or after the dip with sergey dumping millions of links on the market daily.

Sad that so many anon missed the chance to make it from this. I was able to become a neet full time thanks to my stinky linkies and i will only buy it once I see other linkies suicide (i.e.) bottom price.

>> No.50237867

I put all my inheritance in at $16

>> No.50238057

I am sick of you lying faggots.

>> No.50238069

should have just learned to code and get that 600k a year job

>> No.50238073

Because the sellers went insolvent and have no plans of repaying their retail debtors in kind

>> No.50238423

you were rewarded but you didn't take it
someone post the box refusal meme
the greed was real

>> No.50238622

my plan from the beginning was to wait for staking. Now that we're so close, I'm disappointed that the price is as low as it's right now. We should be in the three digit range by now.

>> No.50240180

Crypto is musical chairs. Should have sold at 50 dollars just like you should diversify now. You can't hold onto old shit and expect a moon mission need to rotate like the big boys. Mercenary capital always wins. RLC API3 BAND KENSHI. Keep some LINK too but I'm just saying. There are greener pastures.

t. 2015 oldfag

>> No.50240606
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>> No.50240668

>been so wrong about this
We have been proven right, repeatedly. If we were 100% sure chainlink would be a success back in 2017 (we were), then we are more than 100% right now because chainlink has objectively been the most successful project in all of crypto, by a wide margin

>> No.50240695


That is the case in a full blown bull market where retards will buy just about everything. I am hoping link will moon on fundamentals, that it will actually moon from demand from useage, not from moonboys

>> No.50240729

For real. Higher traffic FUD than usual today.

>> No.50240760

On one hand you’re not really wrong on the other you listed a bunch of already dead shitcoins so hard to take you seriously.

>> No.50240778
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>How could we all have been so wrong about this?
Smart Contracts need Identity and Sybil Resitance to prevent multi-wallet exploits to meet their potential, with only pricefeeds all that can be built is a DeFi Casino. Once proper Identity Oracles are establish accountability many more robust usecases that individuals can interact with will be built.

>> No.50240804

Short-squeezes are impossible on Crypto. If exchanges are internalizing orders for a coin, it's between themselves and the customer, the exchanges blowing up doesn't pump the coin it just rugs the customers.

>> No.50240851

Kek always delivers

>> No.50241248

I sold for avax near the end of last year. Shoulda sold for stables but w/e live and learn. I'm thinking its a good time to dca back in tho maybe?

>> No.50241254

Have you already made it?

>> No.50241442

those are some terrible picks.

>> No.50241552

You don't understand how a short squeeze works. Internalization has nothing to do with it.

>> No.50241785

he's saying these cefi scum won't be forced to buy back the link they shorted/sold. they will just default/declare bankruptcy and their customers who had their link stolen will be shit out of luck.

>> No.50241814

i unironically bought

>> No.50241846

There have been plenty of short squeezes in the crypto space. Most people who short crypto are not the exchanges themselves but regular people who will get squeezed. I don't understand where this misunderstanding that you can't have a short squeeze on crypto came from.

>> No.50241958

Don't get me wrong, I don't disagree with anything you're saying here, but my point is that what you're saying here is not what the other anon was trying to say, rather, he has a fundamentaly flawed understanding of short squeezes and how they work.

>> No.50242133

we're talking about a specific set of circumstances regarding link shorting/price suppression. it's not that a short squeeze isn't possible in crypto. it's that we're seeing these cefi companies default and screw their users who lose their funds. there may very well not be any impetus for them to buy back, regardless of the price, when they can just default and walk away.

>> No.50242156
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>not selling the top
you dont deserve to get near 1$

>> No.50242224

>it's not that a short squeeze isn't possible in crypto.
That was exactly the point the other anon was trying to make though. Go back and read his post again.
Here, I'll even find it for you >>50240804

>> No.50242255

My point is that you're putting words in the other anons mouth. The point you're making is not the point he was trying to make at all.

>> No.50242611

fine, i misinterpreted what he was saying. i don't care lol. can you respond to my actual point please?

>> No.50242691

>can you respond to my actual point please?
Why? As I already stated I agree with your point. That was never up for contention.

>> No.50242699

They completely criplled Link’s price action with literal years of non-stop Bitcoin dumps every time Link got any bullish news

>> No.50242732


>> No.50242771

lol. i can't tell if you're a troll, a shill, or just the kind of know it all who's pure misery to be around. thanks for wasting my time lol.

>> No.50242799
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>Zexo id

>> No.50242825

What the fuck is wrong with you? You were the one who responded to me first when you came to defence of the other anon while completely misunderstanding his post. Get help.

>> No.50242859
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>> No.50242869

low iq incels have been psyopped by 4chan into thinking trolling is ~le funny

t. 2013 oldfag

>> No.50242884

$3,000/$0.17 = 17,647 Link tokens
17,647 * $54 =$952,941
Seethe latefag nocoiner normie faggot. You are NGMI

>> No.50242888
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i literally did not ask and do not care

>> No.50242901

If anything, you were the one wasting my time you dumb faggot. Your reading comprehension is absolutely terrible you fucking retard.

>> No.50242927
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>If anything, you were the one wasting my time you dumb faggot. Your reading comprehension is absolutely terrible you fucking retard.

>> No.50242936

Because Celcius and Nexo are still selling link

>> No.50242941
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>> No.50242942

>i literally did not ask and do not care
You just fucking did two post ago you absolute moron.

>> No.50242976

Of course you're a basedjack poster as well. Go back.

>> No.50243054
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>there are anons still holding link
>some are probably still buying sergey's bags to this day
this is actually insane

>> No.50243062

yes please buy my bnb shitcoin
>doxed devs
>based white team
>10/10 token sniffer
>elon musk tweets and billboards soon

join the telegram now

>> No.50243240

>Made 500k off a 30k investment
>terrible mistake

>> No.50243448


It went from cents to fifty fucking dollars. You just bagheld.

>> No.50243478
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Been telling you, KENSHI is the play

>> No.50243684

>why yes i sold the absolute top and bought the absolut bottom, ofcourse this is not a lie

>> No.50245519

should i sell

>> No.50245552

I slowly exiting my massive LINK position and DCAing into ICP. Prolly gonna keep a few linkies in the folio but not nearly as much as I have now

>> No.50245568


>> No.50245576

Yes sell now and never look back

>> No.50245675

okay thanks. im market dumpuing my 17 million linkies on sunday at 1pm. im fed up

>> No.50246015

You're not wrong, just impatient.

>> No.50246074
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Tell me the truth op, you still haven't bought your QOM bags, no? motherfucker, that's how you want to make it?

>> No.50246104

Don’t post in my threads ever again

>> No.50246458

QOM > link tho

>> No.50248083

Classic vaporware cope

>> No.50248250

This. The recent FUD is no coincidence. Never under estimate LINK especially for new feature release. My name’s Brandon Smith from California, United States office of Chainlink Labs. The FUD you are seeing is because we are only months away from one of the biggest feature releases of the project life. The feature coming out soon which is called “CyberCode 2.0” testnet. As an insider I know you folks have no idea what/the importance of CyberCode 2.0 is gonna be for LINK when the alpha releases around the end of October next year (give or take a few months) so I will spoonfeed you out of kindness of heart:

CyberCode 2.0 secures the ledger cryptographically to encode transactions at 20x magnitude of legacy infrastructure. It achieves this by taking blockchain transactions to the BbC-2022 layer and parsing them through the node network incentivized by super linear sequencing which Sergey said is very close to finish line. This activity is incentivized through semi-permeable staking allowing LINK token holders to benefit for verifying data both on main chain and Blockchain Byzantine Consensus 2022 layer.

The obvious benefits of super fast transaction speeds also brings exponential economies of scale! What this means sir is if farmer has 500 Kg cow for sale, he can put the beast to market on the blockchain to verify the weight in a trust less system faster than global SWIFT system. Soon any business who wants to stay relevant will have to buy LINK to have access to CyberCode 2.0 feature. A unique proposition. Those who don’t use this system (powered by LINK) will get left behind.

Scammer motherfuckers want you to think that banks and other organizations are not currently fulling their bags with cheap LINK as we speak. DON’T LET THEM WIN. If you hold more than 50 LINK right now, you already made it. Immediately when we breach the $7resistance it’ll be too late for you. You have been warned, sir. So go buy many LINK for you dream to come true.

>> No.50248279
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>> No.50248425

>Dumb as fuck nigger who got in late and will never make it
Stay poor. the obvious conclusion is that anyone who put multiple thousands into link under a dollar made huge money and you are basically stuck working at taco bell forever

>> No.50248691

works fine on my blockchain!

>> No.50248701

Linkies are the niggers of cryptocurrency

>> No.50248865

Feels like I'm in crazyland here. Like people don't to consider that 3 billion is actually a pretty great and reasonable valuation for what it is?
Like everyone made it off of link in Aug 2020. What is the logic behind trying to push it further than that?
People should be looking for the next link. Not clinging on to 2017's great ideas. This is crypto and that's how it works.

>> No.50248878

>Like people don't to
*don't want to

>> No.50249039

I have never felt any stress holding chainlink

>> No.50249210


This is a midwit take.
They(Celsius, nexo, etc) have debt on CEX and Defi which causes FORCED LIQUIDATION.
They cant declare bankruptcy to avoid being liquidated(and the liquidation engine buying assets) on Binance if their short goes the wrong way. They have absolutely lots of these positions which is they they desperately kill every LINK rally by dumping some BTC holdings temporarily.

They can back out of some of their debts to users who deposited no problem but they went full degenerate and have debts on CEX/Defi too which cant be avoided.

Their recent courtcase proves their utter incompetence (they tried to demand money back from a firm they hired to do Defi trades when they had Impermanent loss, not understanding what it was) and Nexo it was leaked, has ONE MAN IN CHARGE OF TRADING, and he always sends tokens to BINANCE so clearly has massive positions on CEX which the engine FORCE LIQUIDATES = BUYS if Link pumps against them

>> No.50249237
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So what's the max valuation of Chainlink?

>> No.50249263
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>> No.50249297

Like from any kind of reasonable fundamental analysis perspective, how does a token provide more than 3 billion dollars in value back to its holders over some future period of time when it's just an oracle service?
3 billion is a lot.
Remember Vitalik scoffed at the idea that it'd be worth more than 25 million or whatever? I mean that's a low ball for sure. But 3 billion is over a 100 times more than what would have been considered a reasonable estimate.
Like there is obviously some level of value here. How can it really be some absurd trillions of dollars mc type of value? The only way that happens is some kind of momentary mass market delusion blow off top...and the odds of that happening have to be extremely thin for something that has actual quantifiable fundamentals like Chainlink.
In crypto stuff gets to absurd overvaluations when it has no use case currently, but there's some vague idea of some potential future value.
I guess people think that moment will happen for link? Even though it has had some of the most wild bullish news and partnerships already? Like it feels like that weird blow off top where everyone expected some crazy future for link totally already occurred in summer 2020, and then a second chance in May 2021. Then even after that there were multiple times to off load at $33. It's like some higher power gave people multiple times to make it with link and then move on to the next crypto bullshit, yet apparently very few here took the opportunity.
Anyone who did dump summer 2020 or even May 2021 is a champ though and deserved to make it.

>> No.50249320

Economy of scale would dictate that even at that level it's not a service that at unlimited amounts of capital. Some level of billions is very reasonable. I don't know what that number is, I'm pretty sure it's not hundreds of billions or trillions(given current rates of USD value and not hyperinflation).

>> No.50249326

Ignore this copy paste faggot trying to fud.

Its laughable. Ask why they only ever target LINK with these “whats it really worth fundamentally?” Essays trying to explain why it should be worth less than ADA in market share

>> No.50249329

>not a service that at unlimited amounts of capital
*that generates unlimited amounts of capital
I can't type on this

>> No.50249352

ADA is dogshit but is a perfect example of what I was trying to say.
It's so useless and so shitty, yet because it does nothing and generates no income, it has no fundamentals like link actually does. Therefore idiots can justify investing in it with the vague idea that it will someday actually do something(it won't).
The problem with link as an investment is that it's actually a fairly good service most of the time. So it can be evaluated and priced much more objectively.

>> No.50249357
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So Assblaster was right when he said LINK would never go over $100?

>> No.50249365


Hes just the latest in the Celsius/Nexo shills trying to desperately stop a squeeze against them.

>> No.50249375


You’re absolutely full of shit and imaging things through your own stupid personal subjective view of “how it should work ACCORDING TO ME”.

Fuck off retard. We can all see right through what you are doing. Fucking cringe

>> No.50249441

>Economy of scale dictates...
Economy of scale means that the end-users have to pay less tokens for whatever service they require from DONs. Cheap fees means that CL will onboard more customers. These customers need Link tokens to pay for services. Staking will lock up 99% of the supply. Customers will fight for the small amount circulating. The price will skyrocket as per supply-demand law

>> No.50249445

Anything is possible in crypto but I wouldn't bet on it personally.

>> No.50249476


Thanks for sharing you fucking midwit.
How about posting your opinions where they belong? On redd!t

>> No.50249509

Chainlink is the most overrated crypto there is. No native blockchain, wasting money on overpaying devs from FANG (I estimate Chainlinks operational cost must be like $100m a year - that's roughly the wagebill for a football club like Borussia Dortmund). And nodes cannot even generate their own profit yet but need to be subsidized by Chainlinks team, i.e. even higher operational costs.

Its absolutely insane how little these people have achieved in 5 years and shitton of funding. Microsofts Windows 95 was conceptualized, built and shipped in less than 3 years. An entire fucking operational system. And these guys just wank around and deliver a fucking price aggregator (took 2 years) + a mechanism to drop tokens into (3 years in development and looks like will take another 2 years MINIMUM). What a bit fat fucking joke. 7 years to build a price aggregator with token deposits. Fucking joke.

>> No.50249516

Idk...we got scammed but i pulled when i saw the "omicron" strain cause i thought "here we go again"

>> No.50249546

Link isn't going to blow up in the way people want until enterprises in a meaningful way. That isn't happening in any shape or form at the moment. So, you're reliant on hype and retail pumps. Normies will look at the chart, see this is a top 20 coin, see it's had two good runs already, and look at something else. Staking isn't going to make the price go up materially in the short-term but hopefully it's a first step in real enterprise adoption which would be nice and mean chainlink can stop tweeting about shit like this:

>@AGuiltyOfficial | VRF | Randomizing NFT giveaways
>@ArtBuyEcosystem | VRF | Generating Genesis Pet NFT traits

>> No.50249552

If the situation described in the tweet happens, link will probably be worth more than it is now.
But is the market currently underweighing the real probability of that happening? Or is the speculative hopium of such situations overweighted on basically every crypto asset including link?
I mean it's definitely a more interesting question in the single digit billions mc. I'm not even saying that link can't or won't pump up again. If anything it's a good option for part of a conservative bear market portfolio since it's not going anywhere and is actually used.
But it did trend into the 'way overvalued' territory multiple times before imo. And selling during those times is always a good option.
Betting that the market will overvalue it again is reasonable. Same with eth or btc. All I'm saying is that selling it during those periods and rebuying when it gets undervalued(possibly now, I don't really know) is what people should do(and there were quite a few of those times).

>> No.50249598

I'm in the mental hospital from the copypasta after reading this thread

>> No.50249606

I just bought a ton at $5 so for me it was the smart decision

>> No.50249616

If we consider that final price range will be orders of magnitudes bigger than currently, then Link is undervalued rught now and will continue to be for a while. Link permeates the whole DeFi and smart-contract industry. I'm not talking about speculative price later; in the future, everything will use Link and the people who uses it's services will be fighting over what little circulating supply there is. This will make the price extremely expensive.

Yes the situation I described requires a lot of things to happen perfectly, but it's not far-fetched. I'm banking on CL at least reaching $500 a piece.

>> No.50249665

Identity oracles over Chainlink were in the works on SATA, but the token they were using is fucking dead now. idk what else could be used.

>> No.50249816
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LINK is weak. Imagine Ari decides to leave and move on with his life, or back to academics, or another area of the industry? What if they just never stop dumping and the dynamics we saw post Aug 20 keep playing out? What if SEC? LINKies always speak in what-ifs about global domination and trillion dollar derivatives industry etc, but at $6 there's really no room anymore and I doubt they're as sure as they make out (well, they could just be blinded and retarded). They married their bags. Despite the arrogance they are going the path of the archetypal shitcoin holder. It's crazy but entertaining to see this play out after 2017-20.

>> No.50250179

>Imagine Ari decides to leave and move on with his life, or back to academics, or another area of the industry?
lmao, because Ari's contributions have been so very palpable these past few years, right?

>> No.50251779

Check the github

>> No.50251827
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>Jewels wearing a mask like an NPC

>> No.50251891

Yes anon, a researcher like Ari - who is infinitely smarter than you - has just flicked on the TV, seen someone telling him he needs to wear a mask and blindly done it, without a second thought. Imagine living (you)r life thinking that anyone who has an opinion that differs to yours, or is consensus view, has done zero research and you're the only big boy smart enough to make his "own" (by which I mean following the herd on here) decisions. You are cattle.

>> No.50252166

Getting married to an altcoin is the most retarded thing you can do, you're supposed to take profits in alts for Bitcoin, or even dollars or ETH but if you hold an ALT thinking it's going to change the world or something then you're a sucker. Chainlink will be just another dead altcoin by next cycle it will fall out of the top 100.

>> No.50252187

It might not turn out to be an $81k token but at least LINKies have made $81k in memories along the way

>> No.50252243

>appeal to authority
>masks are actually beneficial
opinion disregarded, and I'm ngl, seeing Ari wearing that shit is disgusting

>> No.50254725
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LINK did amazing things for those that got in early but this mentality the poor on /biz/ have that high mc isnlow risk and they will somehow make it off it 8s dumb af. The original LINK marines already made it, now move on to the next one. The time for the KENSHI army is here

>> No.50256328
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Everest has them covered, outlined here:

They released the first part of their Identity Chainlink Node to prove human uniqueness this last week:
With an SDK launching aswell:

>> No.50256394
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LINK is GOING UP sell now before it dumps! You have been warned!

>> No.50257377

That's pretty awesome to hear

>> No.50257504
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Ahh, yes.. DOT... the project run by this barely functional schizo. So comfy.

>> No.50257662
