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5020673 No.5020673 [Reply] [Original]

You are all parasites wanting to get rich off of tulips and digital garbage. I'm currently in med school specializing in cardiology. I sit here at night reading this shit hole of a board watching all you cucks gamble away your dumb allowances from mommy's purse.

You do watch the news right? This is all just a huge fucking bubble that's going to go to zero. There is absolutely no reason for bitcoin to be worth anything as it has no tangible value.

When I graduate in 3 years I'll be starting out at 250,000$ a year. After that I'll work my way up to 500,000$ a year. I'll be contributing to society, and making more than any of you dumb fucks ever will.

Women don't like autistic faggots who gamble on virtual vaporware. They like men with careers who can support them.

I've been watching can and cnbc every few days. They all say this is a bubble and all speculative. Bitcoin is going to 0 mark my fucking words.

There's still time in your life. Why don't you go out and get a job to succeed. Our start a business? Don't waste your life in front of your computer gambling away at nothing lol. That's it, enjoy staying poor.

>> No.5020701
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>there are wagecucks that browse this board

>> No.5020718

My mom is an ENT, and she bought into Litecoin because fuck you and your shillings medcuck.

>> No.5020721

starting salary for cardiology resident in the US is about 54k a year

Where did you get 250k

You'll make 250k when you're too old and ugly for it to matter

>> No.5020727

I'll rent you a lambo to race on the moon.

I don't accept fiat though.

>> No.5020739

Its funny how you call me a wage cuck. Laugh at me all you want. At least I'll be making more than you fuck face

>> No.5020742


>forgets residency
>forgets mandatory internal med match
>forgets he needs to apply for cardio after internal med years
>kid probably hasn't even taken the MCATs, or will probably score a 22 and apply for D.O
>will score a 160 on step-1

bait post but gtfo

>> No.5020745

and you dont specialize in anything in med school .. just go op

>> No.5020750

> Our start a business?

>> No.5020763

>also forgets the crippling debt that comes with it

>> No.5020778

>implying D.O. is a bad thing

>t. PGY 3 Ortho fag, graduated from DO school.

D.O. is solid. Better than faggy Caribbean or Foreign.

Just score well on your MLE’s 1 and 2.

>> No.5020786
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>You do watch the news right? This is all just a huge fucking bubble that's going to go to zero.
Lmao do you still watch MSM
That's pretty retarded, but what else could I expect from a wageslave loser.
Apologize and post your wallet address, I'll give you some BTC out of pity

>> No.5020793

100% agree

>> No.5020814

All jokes aside, if you have any significant amount of crypto and no other investments or cash you should really cash at least 1/4 of it and put it into sturdy investments, not digital currencies.

>> No.5020818

I literally made £100k while doing my Astrophysics major in the past 3 months.

The fact that you seem unable to do both makes you look like a cuck.

>> No.5020821

OP you'll be making 250k a year by the time you are 70, we are making 250k a month right now

>> No.5020823

>starting out at 250,000$ a year
LOL did they tell you that? That's rich . . .

Betcha took out loans for that didn't you?

I could pay cash, thanks to my investments.

By the time you graduate I'll have bought a few thousand acres of (working) land. You can play doctor, I'll play Earl.

>> No.5020832


don't consult internal med for your stable healthy patients nigga

>> No.5020838

Yeah, you right, have fun probing anuses.

>> No.5020856
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>> No.5020859

Nice fucking lies. No one here and I fucking repeat no one here has made more than 250,000 $cad this year. There is absolutely no way. Doctors make more than investors any day!

>> No.5020870
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>not going to a specialist


Pretty funny if you get this: https://youtu.be/IwsYQhJY2pM

Kinda true tho about orthofags such as myself, we tend to get retarded when we finish.

>> No.5020876

Medical students are mostly ambitious brainlets. Medicine is all regurgitation and mammilian politics. Not saying there isn't a sizeable chunk of driven geniuses in the medical field, but those individuals would be brilliant and highly paid wherever they applied themselves.

t. polymath who lived with several medical students over the years and was friends with dozens more.

>> No.5020878


>> No.5020908

No matter how much you make you are still a wagecuck and woman hates wagecucks.

>> No.5020924

Honestly its mostly hard work and common sense.

Its like an art. Most doctors are becoming technicians which is what my proceptor is steering me from.

By technician I mean the sense of following a check list of symptoms and treating it as is. Rather than steering questions a certain way when talking to patients if you suspect something is asymptomatic.

>> No.5020939

Aspiring wagecuck in for a big surprise ...

>> No.5020985


>be compsci fag
>get internship at NIH
>become friends with (pre)medfags
>buy into bitcoin in 2011
>lol anon, you buying drugs
>you shouldn't be fucking hookers anon
>fast forward to now
>retired after grad school
>own house, car
>student loans paid off
>buying airbnb rental properties for outside revenue streams
>medfags just starting residencies
>medfags still apt living
>medfags still have car payments

lol, I bet you think a law degree is a license to print money too.

>> No.5020992

Post the proofs then faggits. Show me anyone here who is worth more than 250,000 cad$$$ and I'll drop out of medical school right now. Prove Me wrong.

Pro Tip: you can't

>> No.5020994

naw we get the same shit.
Renal, r/o pre and post, anything intra - consult nephro

weird cultures, consult infx dz

wants to discharge on narcs? go see your outpt pcp

ED consults are the worst cuz their algorithms for potential admits are liberal compared to our indicators

>> No.5021026

>Post the proofs then faggits. Show me anyone here who is worth more than 250,000 cad$$$ and I'll drop out of medical school right now. Prove Me wrong.
Nah we need you to do our biding when we retire next year.

>> No.5021082

Tell me about it man. Fuck, i hate doing dictations. Sucks monkey dick. I do it for the attendings so im on their “non-shit” list. Perk is that they like you and tend not to make you the bitch. Don’t be the attending’s bitch.

In regards to crypto, it could work with the healthcare industry. I really hate going to the clinic and interviewing a patient while my face is staring at a computer entering notes. Really kills the patient-doctor interaction.

Also tips for any medfags... don’t fuck a nurse. Those bitches are crazy.

>> No.5021110

hahah people post portfolio's of like 1/2 million and shit like that

eat poo doctor poo man pooey

>> No.5021126

That's what you're supposed to do. It's a science. People that think they have a 6th sense and just diagnose/treat based on "how they feel" are full of shit and it's just human ego getting in the way. Guidelines and objective criteria are boring but the most backed up by evidence. The only reason the doctor is there is so that someone can make the grey area decisions and take responsibility so there's someone to blame/sue later (only thing stopping it from being completely automated)

>> No.5021153

>I've been watching can
Seems interesting, what can are you watching anon? A can of beans?

>> No.5021200

3rd year medical student here
Almost 200k in debt
Be 300k in debt when i graduate in 2019
Looking forward to making 58-65k/year as a resident for 4-7 years
Won't be making doctorbux until 2024-2026

>started with small crypto investment in 2014
>hoping this shit eventually pays off my student loans

>> No.5021209


Hospitalists have this shit culture of trying to alpha male authority. "I would've done this," "those diagnostics / interventions are a waste of money," "lets order this expensive diagnostic, the results of which will not change any current or future plan."

Our hospitalist group gets along with everyone except ourselves.

>> No.5021256

>med school
enjoy the alcoholism and benzoes

>> No.5021264

>Honestly its mostly hard work and common sense.
Two things that most people lack.

>> No.5021276

Its a hybrid imo. Certain disorders, diseases present asymptomatically.

Ill give you an example of a patient I saw during my 4th year rotations.

>pt is a 65 year old male with parkinsons
>chronic alcoholic, 5-6 drinks a day
>presents with chronic cirrhosis and ALD
>on palpation, liver was hard and non tender
>pt also complained of RUQ pain, and murphy was positive and US was positive for stones
>so my proceptor at the time wanted to tackle the chief complaint (lap chloe), but what bothered him during questioning was pt has had diarrhea for the past week.
>upon further exam, pt was positive for acute pancreatitis.

The thing is my proceptor told me that most doctors would have disregarded the diarrhea and proceeded with the chloe. Which is dangerous with a patient with pancreatitis. So if that wasn’t caught, patient would have died sooner than expected since he was a degenerate alcoholic

>> No.5021297

Word of advice for OR fags. Get along with your techs. They can fuck with your shit and make you look bad.

Also get along with the anesthesia crew, sometimes they’ll help you out and give you more rooms to work with.

>> No.5021324

what's curious is pancreatitis should've always been considered.

Two of the highest risks are present

Gall stones, and ETOH

Ordering a lipase should've been the ED's job, fuck the ED

>> No.5021343

So let me get this right.

Assuming you pass medical examinations, and assuming you don't have someone paying all your loans.

Your starting on $80,000- $100,000 a year best case scenario.
Your debt is likely in excess of $250,000.

Good luck OP, your going to need it.

>> No.5021345

O wow does doctors seriously make that much money there in states? Here in Nordic average salary for doctor who is specialised in something is somewhere between 5000-12000€/month depending on if you work for private or public sector

>> No.5021360

Quick q

I'm doing a rotation in ID at a community hospital and for some reason my chief fucking hates me. His other student is this hot chick, which I assume has something to do with it, but I keep getting shit on.

Makes me take extra cases, shits on my presentations, stay late, constantly pimps me on shit not even related to the cases. I know I'm doing better than the other student, who comes in fucking late with no reprisal and misses cases cause she's on a long lunch or whatever.

Anything I can do to get off my chief's shit list or do I just need to grit my teeth till the month is done?

>> No.5021392

Oncologist here
Fuck you and your medicine
You have no idea what youre getting into

>> No.5021407

No one starts at 80
Median resident salary is 58, move to 64 by your 4th year,
Only ones at 80 are fellows (been making 58-65/yr for 3-4 years) or residents killing themselves moonlighting 20 hr/week on top of their 60hr workweek

>> No.5021430

Im riding the Bitcoin tulip mania too but I am disgusted at how much this board has changed in 4-5 years.

This place was fantastic.. it was full of startups, someone making food products who just got a big deal with a supermarket... some ARAB pajeet who was rich as fuck posting about his investments.. guys who grew their companies from 24k investment to 500,000 revenue.

I met up with a business partner through this board - we have been happily trading since.. now this stuff is not possible.

More importantly from the stories there were people interested in ACTUAL business with ACTUAL value. Crypto threads were utterly shamed. There were mooning threads about certain stocks but it was rare..

Can't wait for the tulip bubble to pop so we can get back to real business.

Sure enjoy this shit while it lasts but make some actual investments with your gains please - don't just buy other worthless coins with zero application to the real world.

>> No.5021437

ED only treats the symptom. Its annoying as fuck.
Grit your teeth. Don’t piss him off. Do his dictations.

Best way to get off a shit list is doing their dictations or at least helping, pre-oping their patients, and try to stay out of your Chief’s way.

>funny that I’m in line for Chief, in a year or two cause my proceptors love me.

Medicine has a whole lot of brown nosing and politics. But its worth it when you get offered to join a group or get stellar recs for fellows or jobs. Its who you know!

>> No.5021438

> People thinking this post is serious

>> No.5021441

nice just shorted btc 100x leverage

>> No.5021450

Where's your proof of anything?
You missed out on +2000%, please try to deal with that in your own way instead of shitposting, thanks!

>> No.5021463

wow i didnt realise there were so many medfags on /biz/

is the field becoming saturated in the US at all? there is going to be an excess of graduates in aus in the next few years because we imported so many of them over the last few years

>> No.5021477

>5 years

wasnt this board made in early-mid 2014?

>> No.5021491

Also. Don’t fuck anyone in your residency class. Don’t fucking do it.

>be pgy 1 friend
>qt 3.14 asian medfag ortho bitch
>he bangs her
>never calls
>awkward whenever they see each other which is every other day
>alot of drama
>pgy 1 fag ends up switching to IM cause girl threatened to blackmail and file a sexual harassment suit

Med bitches are crazy. Don’t do it.

>> No.5021507

you do you mr betabux

>> No.5021518

>reddit spacing
didn't read. sage

>> No.5021519

many our ED is top tier then

I just expect a dx, few ddx, brief 1-2 minute hx, interventions or testing performed.

Like for your case in specific, fairly cut and dry for the parkinsons ALD pancreatitis

Our ED would at least run a liver profile, coags, well...the rainbow set of labwork as per usual, maybe an ultrasound or CT ABD, and at least start the initial order sets of NPO, PCA analgesia, fluids, etc etc

maybe I've been spoiled

>> No.5021547

Alright, appreciate it. He hasn't asked me to do dictations, but I'll try.

He gave me shit last week for an improperly formatted pt note. Actually sat me down with the attending who proceeded to tell me nothing was wrong with my note.

Hopefully offering to help with his dictations will stop shit like this from happening.

>> No.5021556

No. AMC makes sure to make a bottleneck for that. MD-DO merger makes it harder for foreign and caribs to get residences which imo, is a good thing just, because most carib students are retards, and foreign fags are just SOL.

Oh if you want to make big bucks, live and work in a rural community. Hospitals pay a premium for specialists.


>ortho fag in LA makes probably 400k-500k a year, but cost of living is high as fuck

>orthofag works in rural California (Fresno, Bakersfield, Visalia), they’ll paid a premium by hospitals... i’m taking 600k-800k (if the practice is solid)

Cost of living in central cal is cheap, and LA or SF is about 3-4 hours away, and by the 2020 HSR train, 1.5 hrs.

>> No.5021569

For sure. I've heard enough horror stories to not shit where I eat

>> No.5021576
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>> No.5021588

You’re spoiled. My rotation was at a county hospital. I wanted to KMS just because the volume was insane and there was a dearth of doctors. Good for clinical exp. tho.

>> No.5021625

If you're not chad why fucking try. Crypto is my only hope for a better life. Anything else is just throwing my life away so chad and stacey can party and fuck and travel.

>> No.5021630

do you have a clue how much money ive made in my bedroom while never having worked a single job or even day in my ENTIRE life. like how clueless are normals right now. I MADE 5-6x WHAT YOU MAKE A YEAR IN THE LAST MONTH

>> No.5021661

Probably because medfags like learning how things work, and crypto is innovative in really interesting ways

also money, medfags love money

not for docs, not now, probably not ever
US is notoriously high on medical certification and licensure standards and we're squeezing out foreign docs more and more as we go along, which is a little strange when you have a doc shortage as high as the US, but meh

If you're in the field, it just increases demand for your work and gives you more room to grow

>> No.5021679

U a kuk

>> No.5021680

nice larp

>> No.5021695

nothing like waking at 8 o clock to do a colonoscopy of a 70 year old woman.


>> No.5021710

There's money in shit

>> No.5021805

G.I. is all cash baby.

Or if you want to be the king of fags and be rich be Derm or Radio

>> No.5021817


fucking this with some Caribbean Docs

worked with one who did anesthesia, would cancel routine shit all the time for trivial reasons.

He went to work at some pain clinic, handed out meds a little too liberally, and one of his patients overdosed on fentanyl patches. License accusation..., no real rhyme to reason identified with prescribing, no conversion, medical expert testimony made him look like he had the medical knowledge of a high school premed wanna-be, license action....license suspended.

haven't worked with many Caribbean docs though, think it was just him desu

>> No.5021913

Dunno for the docs, but I've met maybe 7-8 carib students on rotation. Most were dumb as rocks, 2 were really bright though, not gunners, good to have on your team.

>> No.5021919

They’re mostly college wash outs.

If you suck in undergrad and really want to be a doctor, do post-bac and then DO. Like me.

>be me
>be undergrad
>basically tread water and survive with a 2.5
>decide to almost quit, then switch major from biochem to neurosci
>get 3.0 avg for rest of undergrad
>obviously undergrad gpa is shit
>take two years off and do post bac, clinical, and volunteering.
>4.0 in post bac, 1000+ hours in clinical, volunteering, shadow
>stellar rec letters
>murder MCAT with a 34
>go to DO since they dropped low grades
>Kill MLE’s (94% step 1, 95% step 2)
>get accepted into Ortho

Literally just hard work and perseverance, and networking. Most med school students are fucking autists so if you at least are sociable you’re way ahead of the game

>> No.5021982

I may respect you if you make 250k with your own business and are scalable but wagecucking?
Dude you already know the max cap on your income. Even if its high thats lame as fuck

True lambolang will only be achieved with high risk such as owning your pwn business etc = no ceiling on income.

HURR DURR MAX I'LL MAKE IS X. Lol I cashed out 1m the other day and yaea its a bubble I dont care. Im literally taking wagecucks bux who are laggards and get hyped into buying the ATH when they watch TV exhausted from a long days work fucking LMAO

>> No.5022059

If you don't mind my asking, is your ortho program in a major city?

My path was kinda similar, but I was a nontrad and didn't do a postbacc

>be undergrad
>mechanical engineering
>be lazy
>c's get degrees
>graduate with a 2.9
>work as an engineer for a few years
>decide on medicine
>everyone says impossible cause GPA
>41 MCAT
>school suddenly interested
>still couldn't get a scholarship cause shit GPA

Studying for step1, I'm putting my all into it, hoping to break 250
Not sure what I wanna do, but I wanna be in a major city is all

>> No.5022078

UK medfag here. I’d rather do my residency in the states as there’s much better payment but never heard of anyone actually doing this. will grad in 3 yrs.

Is it too difficult to get a residency match in a good specialty for a uk med graduate? Not us citizen

>> No.5022081


best way to do it, grats on getting into it.

Is work/life style good for you?

I don't have the drive to take call for 1-2 hospitals as ortho, follow outpatients, manage inpatients, and fielding phone calls from PT and nursing all day

>> No.5022132

>4.0 post bacc
>34 mcat

You could have gone md still retard

>> No.5022150

he's ortho, he probably uses OMT on occasion

>> No.5022162

>Wagie nocoiner LARPer

Neck yourself bucko

>> No.5022209

Yes. High volume actually. But also I networked like a motherfucker. Especially with 4th year rotations.

Ya for residency tho, always look for high volume areas. The type of shit that makes you work till you are a zombie in autopilot. You learn fast. And the skills come to you, which helps later when you apply for an actual job and they let you “trial”.
For derm, ortho, anesthesia, Surgery, gi, urology, forget about it as an FMG. Its very hard or they will outright not take you. Sorry, but that’s a perk of graduating in the US.

Without a citizenship... forget about it. Most hospitals won’t go through the headache of petitioning you, especially now.

My dad got lucky back in the 90’s when green cards were plentiful and the anesthesia market died cause of Clinton letting CRNA’s practice on their own.

Now its nearly impossible to do. Sorry man.

The lifestyle sucks for now, thus I’m up at 4am doing laundry and shitposting on a Chia Pet enthusiast forum.

I look at it as a marathon, once im done with residency, ill be comfy. Plus crypto is helping me pay off loans. (Bought buttcoin back in 2012)

Most MDs still average post bacc grades into undergrad. They’re strict like that.

Either way DO i personally love, and OMM helps alot with Ortho.

>> No.5022221


Can someone explain the Reddit spacing meme

Why are paragraph breaks bad rofl

>> No.5022236
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eat shit faggots

>> No.5022268

Lmao this needs to stay on the frontpage

>> No.5022295


>> No.5022299

As a permaneet yuropoor coiner dating a 10/10 american girl much younger than me, there's something incredibly satisfying knowing i'm snatching this perfect woman away from college cucks
Even better when the cognitive dissonance gets so bad they solve this by calling larp
Thanks OP, today's going to be another good day

>> No.5022328

Yeah they all average it in but it's pretty well known that post bacc is seen as a way of proving that you can actually handle the course load. A 4.0 post bacc in at least a few MD schools would have shown that you are capable enough. I'm just a premed myself though so I'm partially talking out of my ass, but I only have a 3.4 GPA so I've done a lot of research about it. Anyway congrats for pulling through man.

>> No.5022361

Diagnostic algorithms take tests into account
As the other anon said they should have done pancreas enzymes

As it is everyone just does what they feel like.. one will give diuretics and call you an idiot for giving fluids, with an identical case another attending will do the opposite and also call you an idiot.

It's all ego and social power games/popularity contests where the losers get constantly subverted. Hospital work sucks if you're not Chad

>> No.5022367


As a medical myself, I realized the truth far too late

>> No.5022376
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Just keep your head down and work. And network brah. We’re all gonna make it.

>> No.5022416

Holy fuck

Literal multimillionaires post here

>> No.5022449
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I made a million this month alone. Don't quit your job though, we need you guys to cuck yourself into $500k of medical school debt and slave for us.

>> No.5022485

>500k of debt

That seems high tbqh. My loving parents did pay for my undergrad I suppose to be fair.

>> No.5022486

That one is a larp though. He didn't make a 37 million percentage gain in 24 hours.

>> No.5022624

Kill the MCAT, get interviews, don't be a sociopath, get into med school

>> No.5022654

Do you think I should do a post bacc with a 3.4 or just try to kill the mcat and apply? My grades are kind of weird a get a bunch of A's but each semester I get like one random grade in the C to B- range. I also failed orgo the first time around and had to retake

>> No.5022698

Actual LARP.

>Hasn't graduated medical school
>Attending salary in 3 years
>What is residency
>What is fellowship
>Probably in high school
>Will likely not score >20th percentile on his MCAT

Go be a dental hygienist ...

>> No.5022713

Oh, also - postbacc helps less than you think as far as what I was told.
If it's an MS, it's not factored into your undergrad GPA, not factored into your BCPM GPA
You're banking on the adcom screening hundreds of applications to take the extra time to look past your GPA and MCAT to see what your postgrad coursework.
I also heard that some adcoms ignore postbacc GPA when they look at undergrad GPA trends

That's why I put all my eggs into the MCAT. But >>5022209 did the postbacc route and it worked, so who the hell knows

just my two cents though

>> No.5022720


>> No.5022743

word word

I'm on 24 hour call in the doc rooms by our ICU trying to tackle all this EMR crap, useless sepsis alerts, useless potential medication interaction notices, up until the wee hours of the night

>> No.5022757


>> No.5022806
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Sorry op, can't hear you over the sound of my lambo

>> No.5022854
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>Its an everyone is a doctor/in medical school thread

>> No.5022876

DO’s are much much more forgiving with Post-bacc certs.

>> No.5022879

>make thread about medicine
>people which topic is relevant to selectively come to the thread at a higher frequency

Not that surprising tbqh

>> No.5022888

To give you a straight answer, depends what year in school you are and how heavy your courseload is.

If you're a sophmore, you got plenty of room to improve. If you're a junior, take a look at your BCPM GPA and how it measures up to schools. If you're a senior, get your ass in gear for the MCAT.

Whatever you do, take at least a year off from school. I was a few years out of college when I started med school and that helped a lot with getting along with people. Professors and department heads would get visibly frustrated by fresh faced 21 year olds with savior complexes thinking they're god's gift to man.

Get some life experience. If your unit count is low, you can do damage repair. Remember, 3.4 is still a good deal below average. Last I checked average matriculant GPA was 3.7 with a 82nd percentile MCAT (210 or some shit with the new scores, I don't know).

So finish undergrad strong, shoot for 215 on the MCAT, then decide if you need or want a postbacc depending on your score. Like >>5022376 said, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Shit I'm in my 3rd year worrying about burning out.

>> No.5022918

yea I'm a little concerned that some ED's don't utilize these algorithms

I have to base prescribing the simplest things on the evidence backing them.

Even things like inhalers, its almost mandatory for me to go through this cascade, how many nights do you have symptoms? how frequent do you use your SABA? how many days within the previous 7 have you had issues + used SABA?
Then prescribe subsequent ICS accordingly

Exacerbation algorithms as well, if category 1 - send home, category 2- admit to the floor, category 3 - admit to ICU

Then orders are input based on other algorithms

The only freedom I really get is the ability to just weed out orders that would not help with diagnostics or treatment.

But yea, some people stray and end up anchoring themselves to a diagnosis, and end up weeding out entire portions of algorithms that assist with diagnostics and end up misdiagnosing

>> No.5022952

full thread of delusional larping neet with $100 of lunch money desperately clinging to their dream of being rich without actually achieving anything in life

>> No.5022982

Student loans are great its the best loan you can ever take super low interest

>> No.5022993

Me. Bone. Smash. Me hammer bone.

Fracture? No problem, lemme get a rod and some hardware. Techs better not fucking contaminate the hardware, or pathology, IM, and the pcp are going to have a nasty fucking day.

And if they ask about grades, always be fucking honest and tell them you fucked up, but persevered. They love that, especially DOs.

They just want the reassurance you wont fuck up MLE’s and burn out and kill people.

If you don’t think you’re ready, take a year off, reflect etc. if you’re academics aren’t strong enough, post-bacc certs are great. They help with networking too

>> No.5023000

Fair, fair. It's the same in the end though mr. PGY-3 ortho.
Depending on my step, I might be applying your program next year.

>> No.5023039

Do it brah and become retarded. At least that’s the meme anyway.

>score in the top 95th percentile of USMLE

>proceed to become, bones bones bones. Any problems in OR happen, a shot of lido with epi will solve it. Or just epi.


Hardest part of medical school is getting in desu. The rest is memorization and hard work.

>> No.5023056


I feel you, I hate dealing with hardware contamination as a hospitalist as it tasks ortho with additional surgeries, hardware removal, abx spacers, and redo the initial surgery months later

>> No.5023068

OP, this.

>> No.5023091



>> No.5023148

It's really just like 3 people making a billion posts because they're autistic medfags that love to lament on how tough their job is and how much of a genius they are. Medfags and lawfags are the fucking worst. Any thread involving either turns into hours of babbling full of acronyms, college admission test stories and long winded posts about "muh network muh social circle muh rec letters."

Just take a step back and look at how fucking lame you guys are. Just shut the fuck up already Jesus. Why do you have to be such try hard faggots all the time? Dad pushed you a lil too hard to be an overachiever? Fucking faggots.

>> No.5023151

Cool story bro tell it again

Mirin those self esteem issues btw that you feel the need to brag on a board populated by a bunch of neets, someone which are probably richer than you'll ever be

>> No.5023173

Hhahhaha wagecucks btfo

>> No.5023179
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>24 hour shifts

Why even get a job if you cant enjoy your money?

>> No.5023186

>comes to a thread talking about medicine
>gets mad when everyone is talking about medicine


>> No.5023193


>salt investor detected

>> No.5023229

T. Anesthesiologist

What are the ABC’s of an anesthesiologist?

Arrive, Blame, Criticize, Disappear.

>> No.5023241

Because you get to have a power trip in the confines of your shitty hospital floor and have people talk about how made you are with your nice house and hot wife you never see.

>> No.5023281

So salty, I can taste it

>> No.5023297

listen fuckface

a bubble only happens in very rare cases of price manipulation or foreign interests.
its not the same as "housing bubble". housing enters a bubble because people over-invest in housing OR because a large group of people migrate to a certain area.
you don't have bubbles in crypto, how can you even manipulate the value of something that has no value? housing has value because it has to meet a certain percentage of buyers and sellers, crypto doesn't bend ot these rules. you can buy or fuck off

>> No.5023318

>tfw in med school at 23
>tfw will be making 300k by age 30
Feels good

>> No.5023343

>how can you manipulate the value of something that has no value
>housing has value because it has to meet a certain percentage of buyers and sellers

tell me again why crypto has no value

>> No.5023351
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Medfag just jelly that we can save more lives by jerking off to shit coins

>> No.5023355

u realized it urself.
crypto has no value. this is the biggest bubble in the history

>> No.5023362

because it doesn't need to meet a criteria of buyers and sellers.
if no one would buy bitcoin for a year, nothing would happen. but houses must be sold, millions of jobs depend on housing

>> No.5023371

>When I graduate in 3 years I'll be starting out at 250,000$
Try $40,000 you larping faggot

>> No.5023373

kek, I make 70k a year at a desk job that allows me to day trade and browse 4chan all day.

>> No.5023374

Starts with a T, ends with ether

>> No.5023437

but what if we paid them in crypto?
would it have value then?
>half-hearted shit posting, but semi-serious

>> No.5023464

>No one here and I fucking repeat no one here has made more than 250,000 $cad this year.
This is correct, because the government takes half of your money in canuhduh. You would have to make 500,000+ to come close to 250,000 cad.

>> No.5023468
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i'm in med school, but i also invested a shitload in crypto, don't put your eggs in one basket.
i secretely hope that i'll have more net worth as an intern than any of the higher ups.

>> No.5023500

yes it would, slowly but over time.

back to the original question, a bubble only applies to necessities like housing or gas. you can set a bubble price on bitcoin because the demand is relies on speculation and not on actual demand (like in housing)

>> No.5023546

> I'm currently in med school specializing in cardiology. I sit here at night reading this shit hole of a board

Should be studying boyo.

> When I graduate in 3 years I'll be starting out at 250,000$ a year. After that I'll work my way up to 500,000$ a year. I'll be contributing to society, and making more than any of you dumb fucks ever will.

You're going to be replaced by robots. Cardiac ultrasounds, EKGs, PPCI, etc... all performed and interpreted by robots.

You'll be relegated to advising these people at risk of heart attack to not eat so terribly. A glorified dietician.

> Women don't like autistic faggots who gamble on virtual vaporware. They like men with careers who can support them.

Long hours, mentally breaking due to being replaced by a machine, etc... You think you'll be good enough?

You know they'll run away at all to a NEET millionaire bizraeli in his lambo

>> No.5023653

the cardio-robot will also send texts to his phone alerting him on how much profit the robot's bitcoin investment is making

>> No.5023672


Cardiac-Robot is truly a chad-bot

>> No.5023703

No. Only half of your capital gains are subject to tax in Canada. Take half your capital gains, add it to your income then tax that amount according to tax rates in your province (and federal tax). Comes to 25% in Alberta, likely more in every other province but not 50%.

>> No.5023722

EKGs are already interpreted electronically but the final interpretation is by the doctor

>> No.5023785
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>You're going to be replaced by robots

is there still a job out there that is NOT replaceable by robots, eventually?

>> No.5023793


True but for how long?

Chad-bot 2000 will soon be able to interpret with 100% accuracy. Besdies EKGs will soon become redundant when the heart can be scanned and interpreted.

>> No.5023803

crypto hodler

>> No.5023923

This desu.
I'm a medical student too, but I'm going to be a psychiatrist.
Easily the most interesting specialty, but it doesn't pay enough to buy a decent house in my country's capital any more because house prices have skyrocketed.
Doing cryptocurrency to get enough money to finance part of a house, not having any unrealistic expectations tbqh.
>You're going to be replaced by robots
Medical professionals will be the last to be replaced by robots, as
1. old people are not technically savvy yet use the most healthcare of anyone
2. robots only operate on set variables, while a medical professional can analyse and ask for whichever variables he feels might be important.
For a computer to get the same accuracy in a diagnosis as a doctor, every patient would have to spend hours filling out questionnaires, likely even several days. It is simply not doable.
3. There are a lot, and I mean a lot of jobs that have a higher priority to be replaced with robots.
Many desk jobs that don't require interaction can simply be replaced with smart software even.

>> No.5023929

Good question. I do think it will take a relatively long time, especially for imaging, because the images themselves are never perfectly clear and because so many people have slightly abnormal anatomy. Automated triage nurses will be here long before automated doctors.

>> No.5024095

t.salty nocoiner neck deep in debt

>> No.5024527

You are going to slave your life away, even medical is corporate.

>> No.5024559
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Eat shit

>> No.5024585


while you are doing your med school, are we coding robots which will do your job in 3 years

>> No.5024590

I kinda figured nocoiners would've killed themselves by now

>> No.5024591
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>having an actual job

Lol how does it feel to have to clock in everyday?

>> No.5024614

In my country, specialists often form their own companies that negotiate with the hospital they work in for the room and facilities that they use.
To become a colleague you have to buy in and stuff.

>> No.5024639

You mean how does it feel to have a reason to wake up?
Don't tell me there's a reason to look at your holdings all day if you're just going to HODL.

>> No.5024708
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>doctors make more than investors any day

Forbes rich list is a veritable who's who of the medical profession

>> No.5024736

Except that you won't want anything to do with dollars in a few years time...

>> No.5024747

I'm actually in med school and I think you are a fucking idiot

Ive also invested in crypto with the little money I had lying at the beginning of this year and have a fortune

>> No.5024758

Very unfortunately this. It shouldn't be this way but it is.

No point only beginning to make 150k+/year passed 45.

>> No.5024798

> 1. old people are not technically savvy yet use the most healthcare of anyone
are you fucking retarded? why does an old person need to understand how the machine works to press a button?
the old person doesn't need to use or invent the machine themselves, they can get some pajeet to use it for them.

> 2. robots only operate on set variables, while a medical professional can analyse and ask for whichever variables he feels might be important.
computers and ai are already leading the way. doctors are incredibly BAD as diagnosis.
need i remind you of polio and ice cream fiasco.

> 3. There are a lot, and I mean a lot of jobs that have a higher priority to be replaced with robots.
so what? whos priority?
automation follows MONEY specifically wages.
doctors will be replaced pretty soon because they are a HUGE cost centre.
no one is going to spend millions to automate *insert shitty Mexicans job* when you can get Mexicans todo it for pretty much free.

final nail in your coffin being, even if your not replaced by robots any time soon.
the human body is pretty much the same here as it is in the rest of the world. why would people pay to trail medics when you can mass import then from 3rd world countries at 1/10 the cost??

Wage compression will ruin your job soon enough, and then automation will come in to mop up the pieces.

>> No.5024802

I'm an actual practicing O.MD who trades crypto, stocks, and a small bit of real estate . You have to be an arrogant restard not to diversify but hey I would be mad too if I still had to take it in the ass from attendings while watching everyone else here succeeds in life. Even if you think your "intelligence" separates you from everyone else, youre still nothing like every pregrad.

>> No.5024810

>I'm a medical student too, but I'm going to be a psychiatrist.
You have 12 years.
>For a computer to get the same accuracy in a diagnosis as a doctor, every patient would have to spend hours filling out questionnaires, likely even several days. It is simply not doable.
First off, doctors suck shit at diagnosis and patients suck shit at giving info. Secondly, there is this thing called sensors and big data. You won't need to fill out questionnaires because your device will be spying on you all the time and building a more robust model than any questionnaire ever could. When people get sick or depressed they will talk to their device first and google's chatbot will tell them what to do, order them medication, etc.

>> No.5024843

Im a business owner though and my business still runs for the day even if I decide to stay in bed and jack off till my dick falls off. I do this part time and quite successfully. This is sort of a minigame to me.

But if a pat on your back gives your life meaning.. well I can see why people would work for a satirical asshole like me.

>> No.5024868

>why does an old person need to understand how the machine works to press a button?
If you ever think there are going to be robots that can diagnose you for less money than a doctor while you only have to press a button, you're fucking retarded.
>doctors are incredibly BAD as diagnosis.
Still better than the current state of AI or even the state of AI within the next 50 years.
>doctors will be replaced pretty soon because they are a HUGE cost centre.
Medicine is expensive, but doctor's salary isn't most of the cost.
Automation of a doctor's job is incredibly hard, while you see McDonalds employees getting replaced with screens already.

>> No.5024963

>You won't need to fill out questionnaires because your device will be spying on you all the time and building a more robust model than any questionnaire ever could.
The device would have a shitload of data, but no way to correctly analyse it. It has a future, but a future so far away that it's not going to hurt my career.

>> No.5025032

> If you ever think there are going to be robots that can diagnose you for less money than a doctor while you only have to press a button, you're fucking retarded.

literally 2 seconds on google.

> Still better than the current state of AI
> AI within the next 50 years.
massively incorrect

even IF they are bad at the minute, consistency is what will count.
Even if you had the worlds best doctor, so what, what can 1 man do.
IF you have a super doctor ai, he can be cloned to every corner of the world to help people.

> Automation of a doctor's job is incredibly hard
k....compaired to what exactly?
and i suppose your a computer scientist right?
how do you know how hard it is?

just because you think its hard, doesn't mean it is really.

diagnosis might be hard for humans, but as i've already said they are poorly designed for diagnosis.
for computers, its actually very simple

>> No.5025053

>funny that I’m in line for Chief, in a year or two cause my proceptors love me
This is whats wrong with medicine
muh I will suck dicks so I will maybe in two years become a chief cuck, not regular cuck. Oh they love me.Just moar 32hr shifts and sleepless nights and suck dick of insurance companies and like a sheep parrot medication that is worser than placebo, but it is oh so great cause oldfags applause at congresses to made up statistics.

>> No.5025057

> The device would have a shitload of data, but no way to correctly analyse it.

do you really think you're better at data analysis than a computer?

come on anon, we all can see your panicking about a future that you thought was safe, but this is silly.

>> No.5025099

You realize you'll be using cryptography in the future to read about diagnose different diseases in people right?
The applications for the technology behind bitcoin are actually civilization changing if you didn't know, which is part of the reason that people think it will become a universal currency.

>> No.5025156

I am an Engineer at the top University in Germany, and consulting companies literally headhunt me every other week. I will make tons of money, I am still in this though, because this is the future, and with the money I get I can start my own company and contribute to society 100%. Without having to be a wagecuck like you. You fucking think being a doctor is all about 'saving people' grow up you little cunt, it's about money. People with the most money get the best treatment, and when you are done selling your soul to a shit hospital you will have to complete your paperwork. Grow up man !

>> No.5025178

Im in med school and you should kill yourself

>> No.5025198

med school in india doesn't matter, pajeet

>> No.5025207

>literally 2 seconds on google.
So they created an AI to better interpret the results of a qPCR.
Do you have any idea how often a PCR is used in diagnosis, and how specifically people search for a specific pathogen when they use it?

Or were you somehow as deluded to think we could use this on everyone with a fever and get the correct diagnosis for less money than our current system does?

>IF you have a super doctor ai, he can be cloned to every corner of the world to help people.
The interface for patient interaction will still need to be produced and will be incredibly complicated. The AI by itself is nothing without any means to obtain the right data, much of which consists of subtle clues that go beyond what is mentioned in the anamnesis.
>compaired to what exactly?
Compared to pretty much any desk job that does not necessarily require human interaction.

>> No.5025220

you planning to work at the VA? keep us posted, will ya?

>> No.5025234

nice i've made 4x your starting salary this year faggot

>> No.5025246

>do you really think you're better at data analysis than a computer?
No, but I am very good at distilling the relevant data from all the input I receive from a patient, unlike a computer.

>> No.5025291

>Still better than the current state of AI or even the state of AI within the next 50 years

Implying you can predict the advancement of AI this far into the future

As soon as human level AGI is around it will almost immediately blow past and well beyond any doctors capability. Why would there be any large demand for doctors once all diseases are cured?

Also agree with the anon on current capability of an AI to diagnose probably currently better than a human doctor, and this being a certainty within 5 years at most. Monitoring devices and machine learning will take care of that.

>> No.5025330

> I've been watching can and cnbc every few days. They all say this is a bubble and all speculative.

>> No.5025372

Bitcoin does have value. It's pretty much the only currency you can buy a wide range of illegal drugs with online. This makes it indispensable to people who want to purchase illegal drugs without having to interact in person with seedy criminal types.

>> No.5025378

>Implying you can predict the advancement of AI this far into the future
Fair point. I'm not worried though, especially for psychiatry, the field in which human interaction is particularly necessary.

Can you imagine a paranoid schizophrenic interacting with an AI? Would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.

>Why would there be any large demand for doctors once all diseases are cured?
The only way for this to happen is if we could transfer our very minds into a machine. The human body is not made for immortality.

>Monitoring devices and machine learning will take care of that.
Even if it is possible, the costs are still going to be to great.
But even if you built a thousand of them today, analysing the data and correlating them with every imaginable diagnosis would take many decades to create a reliable system for automated analysis.

>> No.5025403


I’m kind of glad some nonmedfags see the pharmaceutical companies for what they really are.

There are huge conflicts of interest in pharmaceutical research, the one that strikes off the top of my head is plavix, that entire clinical trial continues to be re-evaluated as researchers should question why 75mg is prescribed rather 40mg when the latter is associated with more adverse effects with only a tiny marginal improvement in outcomes, to the tune of like 2% or something.

Multiple experimental / clinical trial research is flawed.
>could be a researcher at big pharma
>or worse, could be a researcher at a university
>only get funding if the team produces clinically significant results
>let’s just fucking p value hunt, and manipulate our statistics to get the magic p<0.05
>get more funding
>vicious circle repeats itself
>let’s do another study on eggs and cholesterol
>let’s do another study on pressors in sepsis
>let’s do an ex post facto study on cigarette smoking and cancer prevelance
>let’s do another study on Medicare readmission rates using our own software to compute what CMS classified as “readmission,” let’s prove to ourselves that CMS FFS mandates are amazing
>>someone discharges with CHF, gets hit by a truck walking across hospital parking lot, it falls within the 30 day window, but hey, we don’t care, we don’t compute unavoidable readmissions in our software
>>this hospital, high readmissions, less payment, fix your readmissions
>let’s do a useless study on ex-post facto Tylenol use and the prevelance of autism in Sweden (actual study)

>hey we are all getting clinically relevant results, fund us so we can publish more bullshit

>let’s rehash this drug to an extended release form, extend our patent rights, and continue to charge top dollar and have the medical schools shill our product cuz we fund some revenue for certain medical schools

>> No.5025420

>It has a future, but a future so far away that it's not going to hurt my career.
You have no idea what's coming do you? Exponential improvement in IT means you will lose your competitive advantage as a general intelligence within 12 years, your specialization advantage before that. It sounds crazy but that's what's going to happen.

>> No.5025458

Who will pay you 250,000 cuck ?

The people that have nothing to eat, or the government that hired you to sort out bodies.

The biggest bubble is the US medical bullshit.

>> No.5025459

I AM a medfag, fellow faggot

>> No.5025474

hehe so true.... im same way except im not a fucking faggot like you and airbnb so that I get sued one day. Fuck you idiot its like you like losing money. Fuck that thats why I use a rental property manager and have all my deeds in a domestic trust signed by an attorney so no one knows who owns them until they sue me.

Making money is the first step, its harder to keep it and hide it legally.

>> No.5025487

>u are all parasites wanting to get rich off of tulips and digital garbage.
FUCK YOU CUNT. I got in this years ago (obviously didn't buy enough because I'm still here) because I was interested in p2p value transfer without banks.

bitcoin has been co opted and ruined by core.

>> No.5025514

I'm getting tired of this discussion, just read my posts if you want to read my arguments, you guys are just repeating yourselves.

I'm not even OP, I'm here same as everyone else, but I'm serious when I say that the psychiatrist at least is not going to be replaced with an AI within the next 50 years.

Screencap this all you like, if I'm wrong I would gladly have it rubbed in all you guys like.

>> No.5025549


> Start out on shit salary
> Terrible hours
> My job is telling patients that they should try to eat healthier
> Investigated for fatphobia
> All my money goes on terrible student debt
> My attending has been replaced by a robot

Such the life of a medfag

>> No.5025559

bro. like i said, i opened google and typed "diagnosis ai" that was first result. there are literally 1000's, this is just one example of many.
here is something else you may like to look at:
google's healthcare research lab, literally worth billions, specifically working in bringing ai and automation to healthcare. but pfft what do they know.

either way, i think what you've just done is called "changing the goal posts".

> The interface for patient interaction will still need to be produced and will be incredibly complicated.
urm.... mobile phone?
What is Healthkit?

also i'd raise your attention to this:
NHS already handed over masses of patient data to google for data analysis. tl;dr if people don't know... they are using this data with 23andme to correlate medical records to DNA.

programming doesn't require human interaction, is this an example of something you would call "easy to automate"?

i like how you've completely cherry picked the very least important aspects of everything i've mentioned to still try to pretend you know what your talking about and not a scared med student.

wage compression and automation will kill medical profession just like everything else, its kind of embarrassing you find this so hard to accept.

just look at how the junior doctor contract thing played out in the uk to see what the future of medicine is going to be like.
> weekends are not paid extra
> overtime not paid extra
at the same time the government is bringing over 15,000 nurses a year from the philippines.

The "prestige" of being a doctor is going, no longer will you have "special status" just for your profession.
You will end up being treated no different to any other public service worker, like a bin man or a plumber.

>> No.5025578

>When I graduate in 3 years I'll be starting out at 250,000$ a year. After that I'll work my way up to 500,000$ a year

You mean 250,000 and 500,000 SATS, respectively.

>> No.5025665

Why aren't more aspiring doctors just becoming physician's assistants instead?

>less school
>way cheaper to get accredited
>starting pay $100k

>> No.5025673


my bad,

but you're probably used to this, after all, our patient population now visits webmd on their mobile phones and talk about that one time on facebook when someone posted a post of a friend of their uncle's second cousin's wife's son that eats nothing but raw ginger and doesn't need blood pressure medications anymore and wants to taper off all medications to eat raw ginger bulbs (true story)

>> No.5025686

What you write about Plavix is non harmful marginal problem.
I got one pharma nigger drunk, he poured his heart about lung cancer medication that achieved lower survival rates than fucking placebo. But a couple data tweaks and voila. Approved
Check the bloombergs most influential, which features Vitalik. There is a chief faggot of FDA listed for approving medications without placebo controlled studies.
Pharma is tanking so badly, it is a mere shill waiting for a miracle, while shilling snake oil and inflating the price of current medications such as ibrutinib which went 3x up for no reason. Such moon
And thats pharma. Insurance companies would be a rant as long.
Drs and patients are getting fucked so bad

>> No.5025693
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>tfw you watch the news for reputable information

>> No.5025735

nice projection paki

>> No.5025738
File: 8 KB, 185x273, 1495332104177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just know this written by a NEET with $300k in BTC

well played my man!

>> No.5025774

> human interaction is particularly necessary
not really, an avatar could ask "...and how does that make you feel?" over and over again easy :D
kek, seriously tho.... there is nothing that demands human interaction here and most depression is due to chemical imbalance anyway, so yeah.... :/

> human body is not made for immortality
why do you keep saying shit that isn't so?
how do you know what the body was "made for"? whatever that means in evolutionary terms anyway.
just because it wasn't "made for" that, does that mean it can't be done?

> would take many decades
its called backdata.
you know all those fucking notes they made you keep, they will be used to backfill and train "the machine", desu this is already happening, look at my above comment on google and nhs.

because medics keep very good "complete" records, its actually easier to automate than many other sectors.

p.s this is why layers are also being automated now, complete notes, masses and masses of backdata...

>> No.5025779

You just don't know what you're talking about. You probably think psychiatry isn't an information technology, but it is. Your brain is a biological computer, the dominant useful algorithm is probabilistic pattern recognition, something like Bayes. Your brain will lose competitive advantage at performing its useful algorithms on a predictable timescale. 50 years is a fantasy that implies IT improves as slowly as it did in the past, but it doesn't work that way. Improvements compound.

>> No.5025832

>But even if you built a thousand of them today, analysing the data and correlating them with every imaginable diagnosis would take many decades to create a reliable system for automated analysis.

Machine learning algorithms can be extremely fast... Imagine just 50 doctors working with a training set of 10000 patients, inputting their diagnoses into the AI. Or even letting the AI take over earlier using more cutting edge machine learning techniques.

Performing a medical diagnosis in machine learning terms is probably actually no more difficult in computer science terms than training a computer to identify an image. Take modern captchas for example - imagine the total search space of possible objects the machine must learn to recognise, and the number of features of each image (vertices) it must measure. This is probably in reality orders of magnitude lower than the requirement for a medical diagnosis

Yet within the next few years there will be image recognition AIs that will defeat current captchas

>> No.5025846
File: 337 KB, 1056x507, Screen Shot 2017-12-13 at 14.59.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a losing post if ever i've seen one.

OP, did you even google it?
It already exists.

> https://x2.ai/

and many more popping up all over.

enjoy the next 50 years, if your going to be a NEET, might as well get in on crypto...! :P

>> No.5025862

yo slavey, how does it feel to know that I'm 21 and I make 50K a year already with no degree? Gonna triple that by 25

>> No.5025883


agree and disagree. I feel the plavix study presents a bigger picture of a growing problem.
We wouldn't start someone on, say, 40 mgs of some loop diuretic, when 10 or 20 could be adequate. Why start at 75 when the evidence shows a higher risk profile (I believe it was like 10% higher AE)

I'll have to look into the FDA approval of meds without placebo controlled trials.
That would mean that these studies are actually non-experimental or quasi-experimental, and no accurate way to identify any cause and associations.
This is a huge internal issue if true, as the IRB boards and ethical committees that are mandated to have non-associated / non-affiliated members within their teams are either retards or in cahoots with the researchers

>> No.5025899

what do you do boyo?

>> No.5025933

Meant to say orders of magnitude higher

>> No.5025950

this, if anything, pharma is a bubble

soon enough, we will find out, and it will hurt

>> No.5025998

once u finally pay off them loans maybe.
Oh don't have loans? Did mommy and daddy pay for school? please keep telling us about your personal progress

>> No.5026068

And I'm a Bioengineer making 90K at 22, with 200K in the bank from crypto.

>> No.5026094

Thanks just bought 250k of student loans

>> No.5026225

holy shit, this is bad. why does everyone think doctors are rich?

>> No.5026235

Lol medfags
Should have chosen Dental like me. Gonna be a private practice oral surgeon in 6 more years. Enjoy your insurance companies and broken healthcare system while I manage a fee for service for rich white people

>> No.5026260

>I'm in med school
>oh me too
>Hey I just so happen to be in med school as well
>haha wow I am too!
>lol imagine that, I am too

x20. Yeah I am sure everyone is in med school, that totally makes sense given the demographics of this board haha!

>> No.5026277


what do you do?

>> No.5026313

not like you could bill insurance if you wanted too, as the majority of your cases will be non-billable cosmetic procedures

but grats anyway, we need more oral surgeons in the pacific northwest

>> No.5026325

You're so fucking low IQ, pajeet. This board has thousands of people, obviously at least 0.1% of us are in Medical School. Also, not everyone is located in the US. There are plenty of Europeans here, like me.

>> No.5026335

Oh and
>I just so happen to have hours and hours to discuss my medfag drivel on a Mongolian frog throat singing board despite it being finals. I am just that smart lol

>> No.5026371

Lol there aren't thousands here, maybe 200 at most. From this topic apparently 50 of those 200 are in med school and have made mad bux from crypto. They also fuck a new 10/10 every week and can bench press 450lbs.

>> No.5026397

Founded a startup currently working as a CTO. Getting job offers every week. This doc fag going to rubs people ass til his 70 while we're gonna retire in 35

>> No.5026443

Is it true that even at Harvard MS, future doctors get only two days of training on nutrition? So some guy comes in wuth heart problems due to his diet, and you guys just recommend statins or surgery? Have you read all the FUD on statins? Hiw many of the surgeries you guys do could be avoided for free to cheap with proper nutrition and exercise? Is modern Western medicine really better than mercury, bleeding and leeches (eg often worse than useless?) Who is the real parasite here?

>> No.5026516

It's the person's fault at some point. They are willfully ignorant of a good diet and exercising. If you are going to leave all your life's decisions up to a doctor you deserve whatever shit condition you develop due to being a dumb as fuck.

"How do I eat good, doctor? I ain't have no access to the internet, I only have Facebook on my phone!"

>> No.5026590

>becoming a doctor instead of going into healthcare IT
>spending 10 years in medical school to be in huge amounts of debt while I am already making $200k salary 7 years after college
>going into field with one of the lowest levels of employee satisfaction
Most doctors are autistic as fuck too so you won't be getting laid either faggot

>> No.5026621

Most hospitalists are pajeets, so not really autistic, just Indian. White and asians go into specialties.

>> No.5026637

nutrition issues?
>consult nutrition
didn't go to harvard obviously, but this is true, minimal emphasis on diet education, most American's know what a proper diet is, it's just a compliance issue / financial issue for some / or being uneducated

>guy comes in with heart problems, what do you guys recommend?

this is ambiguous.
acute? yes, cath lab.

post-MI patients are mandated to be discharged with some antiplatelet like aspirin, a statin, ace inhibitor, and sometimes a betablocker, unless contraindicated

>how many surgeries can be avoided with nutrition and exercise

lots, its a big deal. but people will continue to smoke, eat a horribly diet, drink big gulp soda's, and buy milky way bars.

>> No.5026653

I partly agree, but I know many people from older generations especially who trust doctors so much that they basically neglect doing any research or putting in any effort to take care of their health because 'doctor/Western medicine' will fix it. A good doctor would disabuse them of that idea but good medicine seems very difficult to practice in the US especially, and I think many doctors also share this viewpoint due too poor/narrow education at Med school.

"Whats the difference between God and a GP? God doesn't think He's a GP."

>> No.5026680
File: 490 KB, 449x401, IMG_1174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love being a happy parasite better than Inwould a depressed wage slave.

>> No.5026687

>200 at most

You are retarded

>> No.5027067

Lurkers approve of this thread. Congrats.

>> No.5027145

>not autistic

Pick one

>> No.5027171

Wife is an MD, and riddled with debt. Not sure where you're gonna start at $250k but good luck with that. If the job is rewarding to you then I hope you do well, otherwise you'll hate it. No one gives a fuck about doctors anymore. They don't receive the respect they used to.

>> No.5027277

Technology and the Internet are ruining doctors. People don't need them as much and it'll only get worse in the next decades. CS and Finance are much better fields nowadays.

>> No.5027338

Unless this is someone going to med school in a country where it's under $10k a semester, they are either an idiot or just larping.

>> No.5027428

I thought about going MD, but it's just too long of a road for me. Not really worth the mid-six figure salary considering I'd be studying/training/working miserable rotations for about 8-10 years. I want to enjoy my youth and my knees while they work well. I'm in the middle of a gap year and applying for PA school. Sure it pays 1/3 of a doctor's salary but for only 2-years of school and less responsibility, why not?

>> No.5027539

actually my whole family is in medicine brother in law is a facial plastic surgeon

you won't be making 250k in 3 years more like 150k. you'll have to slave for 5 more years after that to even break 250k

by the time you 38 maybe you making 400 peak is 500k for cardiology

i went to m&a instead already making 425k only 29 years old

put all my money in eth at $10 now i have 8m. by the time you making 500k i'll be retired on 10m for 5 years already. fag

stay cucked you doctor fucking faggot

nothing goes to zero look at amazon you fucking idiot

>> No.5027594

Why is /biz/ so easy to troll?

>> No.5027683

Took my investment back out years ago, this is all just monopoly money to me now

>> No.5027799

LOL at Op. Im a Plastic Surgeon and i love my job. I dont really need Crypto to make it. There are many people that work hard because they like their job. i could lose all my cryptos in a flash but being a btard through and through i wouldnt miss this wild ride with my bros/bizraelis.
7/10 bait made me reply.
>inb4 the ride never ends

>> No.5028131

Be doctor

>8 years school
>300k debt
>start as resident, $50k per year
>get treated like shit

be PA
>1-2 years extra
>$100k debt
>start making $100k
>start out with same treatment as full doctor

>> No.5029117

Lowest quality bait. Too transparent. Drop "I was the news" part tryhard