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50232709 No.50232709 [Reply] [Original]

I want to have kids, but want to make sure I'm financially stable

>> No.50232718

You just know the kids gonna be black

>> No.50232721
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>> No.50232733

white men are the only cucks that will marry pornstars

>> No.50232739


>> No.50232762

ahh im glad we have the future generations to look after the human race!

>> No.50233593
File: 48 KB, 277x264, 1633746690822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is NOT a real human. That's a homunculus grown in a Hollywood lab raised exclusively watching re-runs of Ridiculousness on MTV

>> No.50233625

In the current year? $100k

>> No.50233633

The human race can die for all I care.

>> No.50233638

The first question is how much do you need to keep a female around and interested enough to breed with you?

>> No.50233670

It's not about income, it's about standard of living.
Some parents want to send their kids to private school and live in the countryside.
Other parents are fine with raising kids in an apartment in the ghetto and using food stamps.

>> No.50233691

>Baggy pants, plain oversized white shirt
>shit haircut
Ugh what a total Wigger

>> No.50233695
File: 22 KB, 400x400, heheXDDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you even be sure the kid is yours after so much various cum was deposited in that slut also imagine being her kid who will probably kill himself in school

>> No.50233756
File: 197 KB, 917x871, C887DE1E-EFA5-4A8A-AC96-61C29F6C2718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my father ended his career at 90K as a VP for a restaurant chain
>I make 10 dollars an hour and cut grass
>I have no free time
>I went to college
>I did all the right things
>I stopped hanging out with my degenerate frens
>abandoned all social life
>got /fit/
>suffermax’d good TM
>all I wanted was enough to take care of my parents and start a small family

>> No.50233776

Kids aren't expensive. Your 'lifestyle' is

>> No.50233811

This but uironically

>> No.50233812

>just live in a trailer
>just live next to niggers
>just own nothing
>just eat the bugs
>just be happy

>> No.50233849

mexicans in the usa have shit minimum unstable jobs yet they have atleats 4 kids

>> No.50233868
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>> No.50233892
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In all seriousness you should have a house before kids. This way your expenses are more or less fixed. Kids are outrageously expensive and you need to know your rents not going to skyrocket once you get the kid home. Plus you won't need to worry about neighbors complaining when you're up all night with the kid.

>> No.50233897

Bullshit, if you’re making 10$ an hour then that’s your fault. You can get hired at Amazon warehouse making 1/3 more money and getting hired is piss poor easy. You are probably a sperg who cuts grass because of a mental deficiency not because you’ve been dealt a bad hand. Go apply for a better paying job retard.

>> No.50233908

The government pays them to have kids though.

>> No.50233947

don't have kids bro bill gates is just gonna fumigate them

>> No.50233963


> Just be replaced by 3rd workers
> Bitch and moan while your world turns upside down

>> No.50233976

Kids are literally the most expensive thing in most peoples lives.

>> No.50234003


can jannies to their job?

>> No.50234013

angry grandpa gets me every time
why is he angry?
nobody knows
we think he might like being angry

>> No.50234048

That’s true tho
You don’t need to buy your kids a new phone every year, or an expensive console, a personal computer, a personal television, brand name clothes, and hordes upon hordes of fatty snacks
Cost of raising a kid can easily be just a few thousand a year if you’re frugal and you’ll get most of it back on your tax return

>> No.50234070

the fact that you "get money back on your tax return" for having kids tells me that you're visibly poor.

>> No.50234080

t. 30+ year old kid-less kissless virgin

>> No.50234109

did someone said pornstar
have she done anything while being preggy?

>> No.50234112

And? Working class people should be able to afford to raise children faggot lolsperg. There’s a fucking problem with your society when medieval serfs had it better than your lower class.

>> No.50234153
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DO NOT let this anon play video game HE WILL FUCK YOUR WIFE

>> No.50234202

I saw a heavily pregnant woman smoking today. It made me sad. How do people have so little regard for the health of their own (defenseless and unborn) child?

>> No.50234214

>riley reid
Im sure that kid will come out just right lmao

>> No.50234225

That kid is going to have so much Black DNA he might be a white boy with a BBC or BWC, whatever.

>> No.50234257


you're putting words in my mouth. i said raising children is expensive, which it is, unless your idea of "raising children" is raising future poorfag wagies or debtslaves. having a family with money is the biggest leg up on life you can possibly get. i say this as someone who grew up lower middle/middle class in a rural area who now works in corporate accounting/finance. i'm constantly surrounded by people who make good money and come from families who made good money. compared to me, they had a much easier time getting to where they are.

>> No.50234292

jacob what are u doing take me to the heart of the island already

>> No.50234300

as much as it will make your kids go away from video related people

>> No.50234304

And I’m explaining why it actually isn’t
Again if you live frugally and are low income the actual cost of raising kids will be near zero on a year to year basis
The reason it’s expensive is because people don’t handle their money correctly

>> No.50234357

pick one

>> No.50234381

you're looking at this like an absolute poorfag. how much per year are you putting into your kids' 529 plan per year?

>> No.50234519
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Kek nice webm, literally a parasite in her and dude can't even screw her right keeeeek. Mental defects, keep up the good work buddy, the economy needs you and your prole.
Answer to your question, if you have a job then you are good to go, when you have kids they will motivate you, and things will fall in place.

>> No.50234548


.t 30 year old with two kids

>> No.50234560

It doesn't really matter as long as you abstain from alcohol for at least 6 months and supplement with ashwagandha prior to copulation.

>> No.50234572

I'm a poor poorfag but I have a gf and I want kids one day but I can't even afford a house. Should I put money on a 529? Can you use it like a retirement account where if you don't have kids after 60 you can withdraw?

>> No.50234609 [DELETED] 

>>I did all the right things
I did none of that shit KEEEEEEK.

>> No.50234610

And let them shoot while heavily pregnant to boot.
You just know the pregnant gangbang vid is coming this fall. The memes will be ridiculous.

>> No.50234631


>> No.50234644

Delete. They don't need to know this.

>> No.50234660
File: 220 KB, 512x512, Screenshot 2022-07-08 at 11-29-04 h53fix3uaw661.webp (WEBP Image 512 × 512 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I did all the right things
I did none of that shit KEEEEEEK.

>> No.50234681
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Please... no more...

>> No.50234685

Kids ain't that expensive, as others have said literally just have a job and it'll be ight. Bonus points if you find a good woman that will take care of them and homeschool them while you work so their mind isn't poisoned by the modern degeneracy propagated in public school systems. Honestly if you really get your shit together and grind at it you can make more than enough to raise multiple kids and raise them well, best time to start is when they're young - a toddler don't give a fuck if it's in balenciaga or a home-made crocheted jumper and cloth diapers/not being a piece of shit and cleaning your children when they shit themselves is a lot fucking cheaper than going through pallets of pampers.

>> No.50234705

>have mental deficiency
>somehow this doesn't constitute being dealt a bad hand

>> No.50234721

stfu autism capital
go suck SBFs mutilated kike cock some more

>> No.50234728
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>> No.50234740

Breastmilk is free.

>> No.50234801
File: 444 KB, 1800x1200, d71bc73e336582543e95bb6b294cf56fa30882f71f0cfde2241650bf79620898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun raising a future generation of career forklift operators or great clips hair stylists, retard.

>> No.50234815
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>I wont have kids so my jewcoin balance stays high.

>> No.50234823
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I'm in the opposite situation. I'm a tradie and I make like $65k a year in the Midwest but my gf if a WFH software dev for a NY company and is making $250k WFH as a software dev. I might have to be Mr mom bros... but at least my wife will also be home. Actually sounds kind of wholesome even though I know all of you will scream
>Nooo u must be breadwinner

>> No.50234930

Imagine wasting years out of your life for a piece of paper on the wall lmao. You’re on a board for self entrepreneurship bragging about how much your in debt.

>> No.50234976

i make six figures a year from the comfort of my home in an upwardly mobile profession. keep coping, cletus.

>> No.50234990
File: 10 KB, 262x192, free_shit_fo_everybody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit is also "free", want some? It's still hot, if you want I can make some more liquid, so you can give it to your prole.

>> No.50235020

Can you bake it into a cookie or muffin for me?

>> No.50235089
File: 3.98 MB, 8000x4053, 1657168781263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US political system considers this "white supremacy"
The WEF consideres this "environmental terrorism"
Your "nation from scratch" is going to end up like Yemen once the west is finished with it.

>> No.50235102


>> No.50235160
File: 9 KB, 349x144, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes in any shape or form you want dear!!! All "free"! Come and get your shit! Don't forget it to feed it to johnny, society needs him to grow strong.

>> No.50235174

It should be child abuse charges for porn stars to have children do they have any idea how much bullying their children will suffer because of their poor life choices?

>> No.50235180

Poor kid is going to get the fuck bullied out of him.

>hurr durr your mom's a whore, faggot!

>> No.50235188

I'm sorry; are you equating human breastmilk with human fecal matter in terms of utility?

>> No.50235239

Oh my goodness I already jerked off twice today

>> No.50235274

Thanks! This will help fertilize garden and I will grow many crops to feed my family.

>> No.50235293

>Poor kid is going to get the fuck bullied out of him.
Are you stupid?
>grows up rich
>private school entire life
>other kids in school are degenerate zoomers
>their mom's are also whores because lolSoCal
>if anything increases their social status
The crippling lack of normalcy and drug abuse won't hit them until their 20's or 30's, of at all since "lol rich who cares"

>> No.50235335

Guarantee you when those little shits hit puberty they will find out about his mom when they're beating off to their phone screens.

>> No.50235350

If it's a girl she will have Stacy genes and will be extremely well off

>> No.50235396
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making my daddy proud

>> No.50235409


>> No.50235417

More proud than of she opened an OF

>> No.50235442
File: 83 KB, 500x500, soceity needs you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! Not limited to utility, quality too. But hey, if people actually started to think like me, the economy would be on the shiter, and people like me would have to actually work for a living, so move along, don't take everything so seriously, it's just a joke.

>> No.50235451

Now what if someone told you , you don’t need a college degree to make 100k a year . You just need 2 brain cells and knowledge of how money is transfer from institution to institution. If you can’t exploit that and make money off it then you were meant to have a boss not be one.

>> No.50235582

spare me your poorfag LARPs, retard.

>> No.50235643

> Hey mom, who’s my dad?
> Mom starts up Pornhub
> Clicks her artist page
> “489 results”

>> No.50235665

If it’s a guy there’s a good chance he’ll be swinging an 8~9 incher around in adulthood.

>> No.50235679

i went to college and double majored in finance.
I made 3 million dollars before turning 25
my degrees did absolutely nothing to help me get there, in fact it was a negative because I had to pay for it. The only good thing about college was that I had free time that let me teach myself how to make money.
The majority of the people that still defend college in the current year are either 60+ year old boomers from a different time, lifetime academic libtards, or happy slaves

>> No.50235712

lmao no

>> No.50235722

>I made 3 million dollars before turning 25

>> No.50235783

that's right tho. just cheat the system and they cheap

>> No.50235792


>> No.50235798

i remember sitting in my finance classes reading chainlink blogposts and thinking about how my profs were teaching material that was relevant in the 80s

>> No.50235845

And how much did you use to make 3mil?

>> No.50235846

if you are chad, zero bucks

>> No.50235905

Small loan of 1 million dollars

>> No.50235948

The only time i was happy to see a nigger date a white girl was when it happened to the Rothschild and recently to Bill Gates' youngest daughter.

>> No.50235998

You think but being a porn star or a prostitute was an absolute death sentence twenty years ago, and now barely any millennial or zoomer really cares, and many think it’s “cool”. In ten years no one will care anymore.

>> No.50236063

if the kid is at all normal he will be beating it off to his mother along with his buddies.

>> No.50236078

They've been memed into thinking it's not a human in there lmao. People are legitimately retarded.

>> No.50236135

survivorship bias. if you weren't a dumb nigger you would understand this.

>> No.50236159

my main concern is if i'll ever have property of my own or at least a house where i dont have to pay rent and till i do no kids and quite possibly not even a wife
p much why im wageslaving on two jobs while also simultaneously staking NFT assets on Artlink for royalties and some passive income just to get by and collect savings while my back still allows me to

>> No.50236319

I'm always conflicted about this
On one hand we're just hugely sexually repressed unlike ancient people. Up until syphilis broke out in the 1500s people used to have sex in front of each other, in front of kids, have religious sex, swinging when friends would visit was normal, etc

But on the other hand I'm still squeamish about it cause I've grown up with it and whores should not be seen as high status people, as they were still seen as low status in ancient times
Plus porn is bad

>> No.50236418

>he doesn’t wing it like the Appalachian hillbillies


>> No.50236420

White brothers we won

>> No.50236485

>thinks he should buy his kids everything

Hello, consumer goyim! Kids don’t need shit other than basic necessities—food, water, love. I don’t even think they need shelter as long as someone is holding them.

Tfw fathered 18 mulatto babies cuz wybishes crave the bbc

>> No.50236530
File: 24 KB, 474x248, 715BE9DD-BFD4-4F8C-9F9B-26C89890147E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2040: taking anything up the ass is normal

>> No.50236596


>> No.50236599

if the theory of telegony has a shred, even a micro truth to it, that kid is going to come out black even if the fucking sperm of the father is white just bc so many nogs railed thru her. disgusting

>> No.50236647

No, this is the dream.

>> No.50236695

What was the point of the video? Why was it worthy of being uploaded to internet? Why did you download this shit, faggot nigger?

>> No.50236738

>Yo Riley Jr. I fucked your mom last night, and so did trayvon, trayquarius, mike brown, lil shizzy, my 90 year old grandpa, the corpse of george floyd, etc., etc.

>> No.50236760

depends what color you are.
if you're white. 2mill a year.
if you're anything else 0 a year.

>> No.50236974

I put in about $10,000
typical cope from poorfags to rage against people who are richer than them and call them stupid and lucky
very few people who have earned lots of money are stupid. They are smarter than you. yes, even nigger rappers and stuff. they made it and you did not

>> No.50237047

kek, even the sun is inbred

>> No.50237175

That literally is already normalized in SoCal. Which is what the other anon is saying. When everyone's mom is a whore and you're all rich there's nothing to make fun of. You can't apply low middle class preteen logic to the situation, it's a different ballgame.

>> No.50237410

it brings me great joy to see white women getting railed by black men, anon. Black men just can't stop winning.

>> No.50237519

No they haven't, you idiot. They just don't care

>> No.50238028

you want to support a family cutting grass????????????????

>> No.50238099

if you aren't making 200k/yr don't even think about it

>> No.50238190

Whatever minimum wage is. Spics live on toliet cleaning wages and have like 5 kids each.

>> No.50238313

Saved, thanks anon.

I am on my way to the third white kid, won't stop there.

>> No.50238321

>start your own nation
wouldn't' this require multiple wives

>> No.50238343

guys we found angry grandpa

>> No.50238345


>> No.50238384

>have 5 and put the 2 that came out right in the middle
that's fucked
at least the outside boys probably won't ever realize why

>> No.50238600

I don't undersstand all the fuss,I grew up in a family of 4 and our parents made 24k but we had no problem, we had food, shelter and plenty of toys,most people have more than enough to house children

>> No.50238723

What did you major in?

>> No.50238791

They're really not THAT expensive. I have 2 sons, 6 and 2. Yes, they cost more money than not having them, but its not like thousands more a month or anything. Id say on average maybe 500 a month for the 2 of them extra. I make 180K a year though, so its not a big deal.

>> No.50238814

My cocaine habit is MUCH more expensive than my 2 kids.

>> No.50239101
File: 100 KB, 1651x1227, 1599088612941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're white drop me a line on the entg discord and I'll get you an in at my foundry
>50k starting
>12 hour days
>your body will hate you but you will be financially solvent

>> No.50239275

0, the government literally pays you to pop them out.

>> No.50239318

your retarded or you have a kid under 5. baby's are cheap if you don't have health problems but those kids get expensive fast if you're not a piece of shit parent.

>> No.50239328

>For studying
I keep forgetting that you all live in third world shitholes

>> No.50239411

this anon is right and probably is speaking from experience
this one is delusional or in utter denial with the state of his affairs. if you're a good provider, kids are expensive. gubment cheese n palm-alls for his white nigger family

>> No.50239453

usually not a supporter of abortion generally or late-stage abortions specifically but in this case, both parents and the fetus should be removed from the gene pool. we don't need any more of that on the planet.

>> No.50239473

and I want my children to have a quality healthy lifestyle. I'm not saying Starbucks and other unnecessary shit like that. I mean sports, clubs and all the shit that comes with that.

.t 30 with three kids

>> No.50239512
File: 169 KB, 960x1304, xyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always the gross fatties doing this shit too. and the meth heads but you expect that

>> No.50239525

I work while my wife watches/teaches our kid(s soon). We survive and save easily on 33k/year. You don't need that much. Also
It's gonna be really funny when the reality sets in.
>t. no kids

>> No.50239575

I didn't go to college and I make 16...wait I'm about to hit my round year at my entry level CSR job so about 17/hour. You didn't do the right things.

>> No.50239598

This is the thing about generational wealth. If you get a house from your parents after graduating college a lot of pressure is off with food and shelter taken care of. Now some people are trust fund kids and they do whatever they want for these rest of their lives regardless. I have seen trust fund kiddos not having kids because they are having too much fun do whatever they want, never growing up. You can die a kid I suppose. Raising a child is hard no matter what. It's all about when you decide to stop being a kid and sacrifice a large portion of the me time into the son shine.

>> No.50239742

wtf americans

>> No.50239762

do you pay your wife to breast feed or something?

>> No.50239805

People who are scared of having kids typically don't have wives. Marriage is a commitment and commitments are hard!

>> No.50240106

you pay literally $0 in federal income taxes you're so poor. in fact, you probably cost the US taxpayer money.

>> No.50240149

Not buying your kids every toy in the store is not being a shit parent you faggot kike

>> No.50240170

kid needs braces, there's $5k. kid needs some sort of minor surgery (my sister needed ear tubes), there's another $5k. kid wants to participate in after school activities, there's $1k a year. it's amusing how biz is full of people who are simultaneously multi-millionaires and poorfags who insist you can raise a kid on a $35k/year single family income.

>> No.50240188

Not buying your kids every shitty gadget under the sun is not being a shitty provider

>> No.50240260

>do the sacrificial demon dance

>> No.50240299

>he thinks the other anon is talking about plastic chinkshit toys when he's talking about being a good provider
want to know how i know you're visibly poor?

>> No.50240357

Yes I do know that’s what you’re talking about because I know how much the shit they actually need costs, and no it’s not expensive

>> No.50240454

500k or below 20k

>> No.50241230

It's not fair

>> No.50241243

She's from white trash Florida. He makes her feel at home

>> No.50241603

Once the housing bubble collapses I don't think it'll be nearly as bad.The biggest necessary cost for someone living where there is socialized medicine will be the extra room. Or child support if you suck at being/finding a good partner. Or daycare if you can't just dump them off with relatives when you need to. If you're selective about extra curriculars its not as bad. Parents around here pay a shit ton to have their kids play football or hockey (and get their legs broken sooner or later) when they could play soccer or basketball for like 1/3-1/4 of the price.

>> No.50241660

Grass cutting

>> No.50241787

entg discord?

>> No.50241829

>When the housing bubble collapses

who's gonna tell him

>> No.50242239

damn that's hot to me for some reason.
>used to be a power equipment operator in late teens and early 20's
>used to have goth gf

suddenly realize the weeve of fate is severed.
and it's all my fault.

>> No.50242332


heard of king solomon?

>> No.50243366

>I went to college
>I did all the right things