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50232535 No.50232535 [Reply] [Original]

Our boy Chad Felten, hot off the press

>> No.50232656

u guys have been ok to me so ill only say this once. start using arbitrum

>> No.50232723

Halfway through so far. Pretty good talk.

tl;dr of the first half is that you will get a soft guarantee of sequencing order almost instantly after it goes through the sequencer, L2 finality which is functionally identical to eventual L1 finality after 10 minutes, and L1 finality at some point after that.
Given that the soft guarantee is basically relying on the sequencer being honest and following through, this is obviously a centralised weak point and Arb are looking at decentralising the sequencer as a result (no mention of FSS).
Also talks about how their stack is now built on GETH and that certain functionalities can be compiled out through WASM, which seems to be very similar to what Optimism touted a few months ago.

>> No.50232735

Geth at the core

>> No.50232768

why just say it once bro cmon

>> No.50232807

wasn't he literally talking about FSS in the last audience question lol

>> No.50232816


>> No.50232822

Second half is basically saying Danksharding will be awesome for rollups, state/storage bloat is a huge issue that needs to be addressed, and that interop is going to be huge, but no mention of CCIP.
First Q is about using existing products (IPFS etc) to manage storage/state bloat. Ed's answer is good, about latency, DA etc.
Q2 is about "how are you going to decentralise the sequencer" and his answer is that committees of sequencers can arrive at a majority. Someone else can chime on whether that is similar to Aequitas/FSS, because I don't know.

>> No.50232836

Ah you tell me man. My instinct would say that "the literature" on decentralised sequencing is probably going to be Aequitas and the FSS work around it, but I haven't looked into FSS enough in detail to be certain.

>> No.50232920


also just watch Aris last Keynote on FSS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGBilgN-KHo

>> No.50232941
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>> No.50232992

Oh fuck I remember this talk, the Rajesh tweet hahahaha

>> No.50233817

Theyre so far ahead of the curve its sick

>> No.50233927

Thanks op will listen tomorrow, Chad Felton along with the chainlink gang are some of the rare few good actors in the space

>> No.50234230


WTF Hilarious He even says "I had to like a little about the guarantee name I used but its a committee model..." Its literally FSS kek

>> No.50234249


>> No.50234416

KEK he really said he had to lie. timelines have shifted

>> No.50234455


Truly clown world. Its been a long ass wait but hopefully we will see better price action when all this starts to go live later this year. I'm glad I saw this video its a gem

>> No.50235339

Haha I didn’t clock what he meant when he said that. Holy shit. This is the most insane game of hide and seek a business has ever played.

>> No.50235880

>Seeking to keep the true nature of its work from the public, it adopted what its CEO at the time, Eric Schmidt, called a “hiding strategy” — a kind of corporate omerta backed up by stringent nondisclosure agreements. Page and Brin further shielded themselves from outside oversight by establishing a stock structure that guaranteed their power could never be challenged, neither by investors nor by directors. As one Google executive quoted by Zuboff put it, “Larry [Page] opposed any path that would reveal our technological secrets or stir the privacy pot and endanger our ability to gather data.”

>> No.50236033

Why? They will do an airdrop?

>> No.50236146

It's hard to imagine the odyssey is just going to be about a bunch of NFTs, but nobody knows for sure.

>> No.50236312


>> No.50236354
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>> No.50236564

Cool ty anon.

>> No.50238239

So is the committee model he was being hush hush about (obviously FSS) is that part of the Nitro release?

>> No.50238569

Few people are able to articulate technical concepts this clearly, thanks for the video.

>> No.50238728

My guess is that Arbitrum Nitro goes live on mainnet at the same time as Link staking goes live, and probably both announced at Smartcon. If I'm right you all have to call me "my hero" from now on. Well, after Smartcon.

>> No.50238823

The year is almost over

>> No.50238868

>fresh off the press
kek, exposed yourself as an outsider

>> No.50238909

No Nitro is unrelated to FSS, we don't have any sort of timescale on FSS actually going live.
I think before, given that it's already on testnet.
Video was put up today, my friend.

>> No.50238929

he gave essentially the same talk like five times at devconnect and uploads have been up on YouTube for months

>> No.50238951
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>> No.50239046

I'm so sorry, anon. I'm sorry.

>> No.50239117

I forgive you only because you know your place

>> No.50239278

We just passed the halfway point dude

>> No.50239393

>we don't have any sort of timescale on FSS actually going live
Not precisely, but in the Consensus speech when Sergey talked about the "next stages" of the Chainlink network he directly mentions FSS alongside DECO and CCIP. And that he's building FSS "with a large community of users, collaborators and developers."

>> No.50241474
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