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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5022322 No.5022322 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else made a heap of money already, but are willing to lose it all because they're not rich yet?

Example: made 20 thousand, but so what? that's nothing to me. I want to be rich. I'd rather risk the chance of losing that all then risk the chance of having it grow into hundreds of thousands.

>> No.5022375

Yeah, if you're not worth at least 10 mil, what's the point?

>> No.5022399

$215k right now. Not selling until st least $500k but would prefer a million.

>> No.5022401


Hope you're not being sarcastic, coz yeah, I legitimately think this.

>> No.5022402

made 20k? nigger my initial investment into cryptos was 130k BTFO

>> No.5022411


Oh, really? Was it? Shit sorry, I'm going to cash out now and stop trying to make money since there's someone who was initially richer than me. Thanks for the reality check brah.

>> No.5022450
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gentle is so fucking hot jesus christ this isnt shopped?

>> No.5022454

Got enough to buy a very nice house.
This is from an initial investment that's enough to buy a second hand car.
I know i should get out while I'm ahead, but if BTC doubles just two more times I'll have enough money to never need to worry about my finances ever again.
I could even retire, theoretically.
I'll probably suffer for my greed.

>> No.5022460

I'm in the same boat. Made 25k but I'm not stopping until I get to 1mill. Cash half for a house and fuck around with the rest.

>> No.5022474

OMG let me suck your mighty cock!

>> No.5022481

Yep. Went from 2k -> 400k. Not cashing out before I can retire or die trying. Currently 70% REQ / 30% ETH.

>> No.5022482

1 mil isn't going to make you rich. That's a price of a good house in a good neighbourhood. 10 mil is a limit where you can actually live your live semi-comfortably without having to worry about money, most of the time.

>> No.5022501

I 100xd my money. Millionaire now Cashing out soon

>> No.5022518


>this isnt shopped?

Don't even put that thought into my head! I'm pretty sure it isn't shopped. I listen to her vids and pretend she's my asmr mommy while masturbating.

>> No.5022523

pay my student loans plz

>> No.5022530

I'm sitting on 67k right now, started with $600 and probably put in 3k all up.

I feel the same, I don't give a fuck. I'll either make it big time, or lose the lot. Fuck mediocrity.

>> No.5022534
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I'm young, I can risk it.

I still only put 50% of my assets int to crypto.
I'm close to reaching X3 of my initial investment. Will pull that out once I'm at X10. Not sure if I'm doing smart risk management but I'm greedy.

My other 50% is sitting on my bank account. I didn't even bother putting in into some fund while inflation eats it. 5% per year? I make that every day.

>> No.5022537

Is this pic from a vid?

>> No.5022561

It's just getting started. Don't make the mistake of totally cashing out at this point.

>> No.5022577

if you've already got a shitty house, 1mil is enough to live off for the rest of your life without having to do any work if you just invest it in a 6% long term deposit... all of your spare time you can use however the fuck you want, whether it's earning more money, or being a beta cuck

>> No.5022586

I made 60k, and just went all in LTC so I can enjoy the holidays with my wife, and don't care about my crypto. If we didn't have good jobs I might care more

>> No.5022606
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NEET with $250k crypto gains

I will never have another chance in my life to own such amount yet I don't care I want at least $1M or nothing

I also refuse to invest in shitcoins it is all on King or nothing!!

>> No.5022620

i think you would be the butt of every joke in a social situation though despite your wealth.

>> No.5022632

Yup. Will cash out half at 1m then ride that half a million to 5million or bust. Initial investment of 20k currently at 110k.

>> No.5022653
File: 173 KB, 810x1013, mas8oED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yup. Will cash out half at 1m then ride that half a million to 5million or bust. Initial investment of 20k currently at 110k.
I also invested 20K albeit only in November. Still I'm already at 54K. I hope we a are going to make it, buddy.

>> No.5022682

Made $100k this year from $5k, still a NEET. Wtf do I even do now, leave it in crypto and aim for a mil? 100k is nice but I can't exactly retire on it.

>> No.5022696

>you need ten mil to live SEMI COMFORTABLY
Nigger, how fucking weak are you? What a fucking joke. "But i want my special ___, wnd mmy sspecial ____!" Don't be a lazy faggo.

How much of a consumer are you???

>> No.5022703

me too brah
nighttime milkers gang

>> No.5022730

lmao this bubble is gonna burn so many people, the amount of greed in this thread alone confirms how bubbly its become.
Take profits or at least get out while you are ahead i guarantee this market will crash soon and you will have next to nothing left.

>> No.5022760

But if I get out now I have to pay like $30k tax WTF. What happens if I sell out for fiat, and then buy back in after a crash tax wise?

>> No.5022810

Anon guarantees it? Quick guys get out while you can

>> No.5022823

you're not going to get around paying tax in any circumstance. Whether you hold it until you are a millionare you will still need to pay the same percentage of your profits in capital gains tax.
As soon as you cash out to fiat it you will need to pay tax regardless of whether you buy in at a lower price later.

>> No.5022832

Source? Asking for a friend..

>> No.5022837

if you can't see that we are approaching the peak of this market then i feel sorry for you.

>> No.5022845

Even if I leave my fiat on the exchange?

>> No.5022862

Her milkers are very feminine and soothing.

>> No.5022883

Just buy things with your crypto?

>> No.5022891

>sorry mr taxman I exchanged everything for Monero and then accidentally lost my keys.
Could this work?

>> No.5022914

>nobody knows about crypto
Woo this great I'm so special and smart
>literally two weeks after crypto enters the mainstream

>> No.5022915


>> No.5022924

Yes same.
Have 140k USD equiv in crypto, but don't give a fuck because it's not gonna buy me an apartment and doesn't change my life.
Need at least 1MM for that.

>> No.5022968

$20k is not a heap of money.

>> No.5022984


You're objectively a terrible person.

>> No.5022992

I started with 20K and I am now at 2.4M. Still in the game.

>> No.5023026

I would be at close to half a mil if I didn't fall for the mining meme and put the money in coins instead.

>> No.5023046

i think privacy coins will be straight up outlawed pretty soon

>> No.5023067

there will be regulation in place to still pay capital gains on purchases used from profits. I think that's already the case in the u.s.

>> No.5023072

Take some out this year and some out next year?

>> No.5023079

How could they even do this?

>> No.5023138

countries would make it illegal to possess or trade privacy coins.
sure there will still be use for them in the dark markets, but it will pretty much destroy any value in those coins.

>> No.5023158

30k here
I literally eat noodles every day. I haven't seen a barber since 6 months. I'm basically poor until im rich.

>> No.5023162
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What if I pay someone in crypto for them to buy me something with cash? $_$

>> No.5023171
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>> No.5023219

It's so obvious, lol. Just like how the stock market died forever right after normies got in there.

>> No.5023265

this is very likely to happen next year for truly anonymous coins