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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50224582 No.50224582 [Reply] [Original]

Do places really hire brown people and women over white men? I applied for a job I really want and it asked me what my race and gender were and I put down that I was a black transgender woman even though I'm a white male. Do you think that would improve the odds of me getting hired? I'm serious

>> No.50224597

they say that the voluntary race/gender disclosure is just for reporting statistics to the federal government. i think it might be true. i applied to a bunch of places as a gay hispanic. it didn't help me get interviews. i ended up getting a job that i applied to as a FUCKING WHITE MALE.

>> No.50224601

no retard, stop being autistic

>> No.50224624

I think that very large companies do. They hire based upon quotas, check the box and keep the IRS or Health and Human Services or OSHA or whatever federal agency they need to keep happy, happy.

But I think small businesses hire the best person they can get because they operate to close to the bone to waste their precious resources on employees that won't contribute.

So Fortune 500, maybe Fortune 1000 - yes. Smaller, no. My company definitely hires barely qualified BIPOCs to meet their goals. Some turn out to be great (good job HR for weeding out the riff raf). Others find their way to some desk job where they don't actually have to produce anything, but can stay on the payroll and cash that weekly check.

>> No.50224676

My father in law got turned down for the atf cause they needed to hire a black person. He was told this by the recruiter who was black and thought it was fucked up. So yes this happens a lot in government jobs. Most DoD contractors are required to have 20%+ employment of minorities.

>> No.50224714

The place I applied to was a california county jail as a corrections officer

>> No.50224743

Woke culture sure, but subconsciously ever one wants to work with a strong white male

>> No.50224774

* Government agency
* Prison
* California

If you are whiter than dark tan, you're screwed. Tell them you're Muslim. Or Trans or something, and maybe you'll have a chance.

>> No.50224840
File: 116 KB, 720x811, b5154a90-fd82-11ec-9ab7-d7a7b08c9897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op, dont take the advice to get on 4chan to real life. 90% of the people here are larping, 5% are mentally ill and the rest are glowies and bots.

>> No.50224871

But there isn't even a box that you can checkmark to say you are a gay person

>> No.50224898
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Interesting. I must assume that you are in one of the few remaining based California counties or cities. If so, then you could be in luck!

>> No.50225192

identify as child faggot pedos will hire you for sure