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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50224036 No.50224036 [Reply] [Original]

What are some passive income projects were I can compound my earnings?

>> No.50224834

uncx. but nu/biz/ is too too dumb for uncx so there's a 0% chance of you buying

it's crazy that in 2022 nobody on /biz/ buys coins of projects that have to read words in order to understand

pretty sure every intelligent poster moved over to twitter and got rich off nfts at this point

>> No.50224880

Indoor shrimp (ticker: SHRMP)

>> No.50226124

Literally any lending platform lets you do that. Look into AAVE.

>> No.50226129

Quick rundown?

>> No.50226139
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And what is the specialty of that token? What differentiates it from the other ones?

>> No.50226142

I don't think there's a way to make passive income in the middle of a bear market t bh

>> No.50226168
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this pic is better

>> No.50226169

The difference between UNCX and other tokens is that the 70% of the holders of that shit are from India

>> No.50226182

>What are some passive income projects
bruh, the word says it.

>> No.50226188

there's not much innovation anymore. soon you'll all inevitably swallow the redpill and realize that crypto doesn't actually solve any sort of interesting problems. it's just another way to move money from one place to another. cope, seethe, dilate etc but it's the truth

>> No.50226190


>> No.50226194

I want Tifa to give me a titjob.

>> No.50226208

technically you can jack off 4 guys and suck 1 off at the same time.
i suggest you look into that.

>> No.50226215
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Who cares faggot we're just here to make money off speculation and not much else.

You're delusional if you think anyone here actually cars about "le muh tech"

>> No.50226220

are projects that give you money in a passive way, you provide a service (of any kind) and they pay you back monetarily.

>> No.50226227


>> No.50226236

You should buy sneakers on step'n and wait until the next update is able the owners of these sneakers to borrow them to the people who don't have enough money to buy a pair of them. They're going to earn money with them, but you're going to earn as well doing nothing. There will be a lot of niggers proudly able to make you money with your shit

>> No.50226264

lmao this shit is even worse than link shills

>> No.50226274

Unironically hex. Everything else has admin keys.

>> No.50226297

based, I like the amount of things you can do with the sneakers inside the app. they are definitely the best investment in GMT.

>> No.50226320

say it for yourself, I made too much money with that coin, without having to buy the sneakers. GMT is a gold mine when it comes to short term investments.

>> No.50226327

Changpeng Zhao

>> No.50226329

/fit/fag, huh? lmao

>> No.50226513

Unironically ADA, Algo, ICP, and Avax. Ada lets you stake and earn governance and algo gives a shit ton yield per governance period. ICP you have to lock up so kinda wack and avax as well