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50219058 No.50219058 [Reply] [Original]

Can an anon with atleast 5 braincels explain to me (a retard) why cryptos are pumping all of a sudden? We are in the midst of a bear market/inflation, but the value is jumping up. What changed?

>> No.50219101

me buy coin
line go up

>> No.50219116
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because it was wildly oversold and is due for at least a big big bounce. Probably to 25k-30k. Also broader markets are beginning to expect interest rate cuts sooner than later with a Fed pivot back to easing. Today's pump specifically is on the news that China might start a massive stimulus campaign

>> No.50219117

Simply look at a BTCUSD chart and enable Stoch RSI and view the Weekly. No anomaly and 100% expected. See for example: >>50142461

>> No.50219134

there are not going to be only red candles on the way down anon. we literally had so many weeks of red

>> No.50219201

You're a dumb nigger

>> No.50219233

dude stoch RSI is the worst TA meme to take hold of this board. It is an incredibly unreliable swing indicator on its own, and like conventional RSI it is meant to be used to spot divergences, not be used for its absolute value. Also, it is meant to be used in conjunction with other indicators like an MA-based indicator or other signals like candlestick patterns as a probability booster. No one with more than a few working brain cells uses an oscillator on its own to call for a reversal, it's absolutely retarded

>> No.50219258

Markets don't move in straight lines. They move in zig zag fashion. Look at a chart of any asset if you're still confused.

>> No.50219259

also anyone relying on technicals to predict BTC's movement in the present market is in for a rude awakening, macroeconomic forces and monetary policy run this whole show now

>> No.50219276

let him get burned

>> No.50219312

signs of inflation slowing down so capital is trying to front run into crypto and tech stocks again

>> No.50219361

And yet nothing has changed or improved or been fixed. They've tweaked a few numbers, but the rest of the world is still in a total shit state that will continue to make things worse.

>> No.50219376 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 645x729, 1626215419685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Stoch RSI is always correct; every single time on, every single chart, doesn't matter which coin or stock it is.

Picrel is (You).

>> No.50219426
File: 83 KB, 645x729, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Stoch RSI is always correct; every single time, on every single chart, doesn't matter which coin or stock it is.

Picrel is (You), a seething brainlet who fails to grasp the basics of simple things like Stoch RSI.

>> No.50219447

I wasn't aware on China starting a stimulus campaign; I'll have to read on on that right now. Thanks, anon!

>> No.50219460

ok. enjoy being poor, loser

>> No.50219493

sam the jew is pumping ,buy the dips retard,we warned you

>> No.50219526

hasn't started yet, unfortunately. Is only "hinted" at

>posts bad bait twice by accident
Seems about right

>> No.50219541

That's what I've been thinking. I doubt the Fed will be dovish this soon in regards to the inflation. I think Powell will still try doing small amounts of tightening, which won't do much, unfortunately, but, I dunno. We're certainly not out of the woods just yet, I'm afraid.

>> No.50219549

Do you trust a central bank run by Jews or literally anything else?

>> No.50219675

Nope, fuck the kikes, lmao

>> No.50219751 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 900x1200, E6CA0E92-6BD8-4DFD-86A1-177FAB152EBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you people that have never been through a bear market are insufferable. You’re all so reactive. Some days it pumps a bit, some days it dumps a bit. Some days it pumps a lot. Some days it dumps a lot. That’s the crab. It crabs up and it crabs down. It doesn’t just flatline for 48 months. That would be insane.

>> No.50219850

A pump is never late
Nor is he early
He arrives exactly when he means to

>> No.50219939
File: 38 KB, 966x814, gonna pump duh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This extremely anomolous pump certainly took everyone by surprise. The market sure is a mystery.

>> No.50219991
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cause icpoo plan was right (sort of) and off by a couple months

>> No.50220000

gay N id nice

also QQQ went up today

>> No.50220032
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Arr 4 braincells enuf to post hear?

>> No.50221541

Waste of digits holy shit

>> No.50222758

The buy volume is greater than the sell volume

>> No.50223776

cuz it never goes down in just a straight line retard

>> No.50223860
