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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 1024x1016, 1648314414883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50209896 No.50209896 [Reply] [Original]

So what are going to be 100x Winners of the upcoming Golden Bull Run?

>> No.50209908

not you lol

>> No.50209919

schizos unironically

>> No.50209926

Same as it ever was

>> No.50209933

If I do win I'll do my best to remain a bachelor. Fuck women. When I die my money will be used to provide scholarship for promising males. No females allowed.

>> No.50209947

The finno korean hyper war is the answer

>> No.50209988

Those males will fuck lots of bitches cause of you

>> No.50210011

Those promising males will waste your money on women

>> No.50210028

checked, but will fall in love at the slightest sign of affection

>> No.50210093

Not all of us are able to adequately channel our masculine Lover energy. Some men are simply King, Warrior, Magician energy. Do you king.

>> No.50211428

The ones who have nominally joined the struggle as "strong, independent women" are literally the unhappiest people in the world, surviving on alcohol, pharmaceuticals, and bitterness.

But the ones who play the traditional game of fucking the winners are about to have a rude awakening because intelligent sex robots are going to hit the market within five years. Not glorified onaholes, but robots that are smarter than any woman due to AI and perfectly compliant and adjustable. If you don't see this, you are not paying attention.

>> No.50211454

imagine fucking a robot and it slices your dick off kek

>> No.50211484

And to answer your question op; ICP.

>> No.50211505

Stellar XLM. Plus I love how much it makes you niggers seethe

>> No.50211525

>intelligent sex robots are going to hit the market within five years
try 50 years you delusional nigger

>> No.50211544

Imagine thinking that a robot created in the next two decades will ever be as good as the real thing, the real flesh. Maybe in 200 years, not soon.

>> No.50211545

Richard Cooper? More like Richard Coper.

>> No.50211642

those males will simp and donate to egirls

>> No.50211796

AI is already smarter than most people, including most women. And it is advancing at a tremendous rate. So that part is already essentially done. The mechanical aspects are lagging, but money is pouring in and there are no insurmountable obstacles.

>> No.50211826

>AI is already smarter than most people
citation needed

>> No.50212135

You sound very gay

>> No.50212217

>intelligent sex robots are going to hit the market within five years
You're delusional. Maybe in 5-10 years there will be a prototype model that the likes of Elon Musk gets to fuck.
Commercially viable sex robots, like on Blade Runner replicant level is something we'll probably not see in our lifetimes. Also if that was the case, society would have already been completely turned on its head, because with that level of technology we can automate every single job imaginable.

>> No.50212250

Still better than the alternative

>> No.50212316

>AI is already smarter than most people
No, its not even "smarter" than an average person. It is however rapidly able to fool more people into believing its real. For instance, either of our posts could very well have been written by GPT-3, it is that good. But that isn't intelligence, nor sentience.
Mind you, you don't need either intelligence or sentience for a good sex robot. If we could design a convincing and functional android (we can't, we're still in the uncanny valley), using something like GPT-3 (but a more efficient iteration, that didn't require as much computational power) to power some kind of chat bot-esque functionality with extended memory is all that would be needed for a good sex robot.

>> No.50212429

but how will you fuck?

>> No.50212482

The reason modern society is fucked up is because every man is a fucking simp. If you read any ancient epic it's like "AND GILGAMESH HAD HUGE BALLS AND A FAST CHARIOT AND GREAT BROS AND HE BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYONE". Women are merely implied to exist, since he's fucking other men's wives because he's the king and the strongest. He even beats the shit out of a thot goddess because she wanted to fuck him and he was like no way fag I have better things to do with my time so she ran to her daddy the god of the sky to punish Gilgamesh.

Nowadays every queer social scientist bro scientist wannabe has his own gay theory about pussy, eugenics and how being -some arbitrary trait- is why you're not getting pussy and that's all faggots talk about. Then they wonder why their lives suck.

Women aren't supposed to be at the finish line or involved at all, they go to the fucking kitchen and the men do great things BECAUSE WE CAN.

>> No.50212509
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>> No.50212528
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>> No.50212579

GPT-3 is a taste of what's to come. AI is a mirage of sentience. It appears to be real, and is good enough to fool based on its content. Sex robots need to be much more than just a hole to fuck. I personally need my partner to be active.

Women actually have a chance to contribute value in modern society, but they have not yet evolved to do so yet. Most women can only act as a parasite and jump on the strongest dick they can find. These types are the breeders of the future wagie working class.

>> No.50212639

We need to found a defi trust protocol.

>> No.50212656

>money is pouring in
No, it isn't.
>mechanical aspect lagging
Until sexbots can do my dishes, I'm not fucking buying one

>> No.50212726

I imagine the premise of having a robot gf in the future will be similar to today's premise of having an eastern-european or southeast asian gf. Maybe a couple people make lame jokes but it's pretty normal.

>> No.50212740
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>Until sexbots can do my dishes
I have a smart home and was just thinking about a general purpose "agent" that can do the tasks which require some small manual labor, like making coffee. We already have the tech for me to say "OK Google, Set the Thermostat to 74 degrees," so command recognition is solved. All that is left is the physical manipulation of objects. Unironically, isn't Tesla doing research in this area? We are much closer than most people realize to achieving general purpose whole-household robotics.

>> No.50212747

>upcoming Golden Bull Run
lol imagine believing this.

>> No.50212763

my xerps are ready fren

>> No.50212808
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>dojo training

>> No.50212828

Shibagholders unironically.

>> No.50212891

Just make it so celibacy is a requeriment or even making it exclusive to gay men and get some brownie points while you are at it.

>> No.50212905

Hyper-specialized robotics for manufacturing and the like cost a lot. General-purpose robotics raises the engineering requirements considerably. If by "close" you mean we can make some kind of prototype that can accomplish these tasks, then yes. If you mean being able to mass-produce and use them on a wide scale, then fuck no, don't hold your breath.

>> No.50212924

>intelligent sex robots are going to hit the market within five years
I fucking wish but that's overly optimistic, make it 30 years at least.

>> No.50213091
File: 111 KB, 938x1427, sexbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The technology is already here -- it's just not very distributed yet. Economies of scale, and all that. Eventually, owning a "housekeeping bot" will be akin to owning a car. Considering the extended prominence of WFH, it may even replace families' need to own a second car. I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see consumer offerings in this category starting in the mid to late 2030s.

Sexbots have different criteria than "household helper" bots. Sex is kind of like a sport, and you can think of the bot as a training tool for that sport. I could imagine the bot containing Apple Watch-esque features such as health tracking. The bot also must support various sex games or BDSM type routines within safety tolerance limits. There are a few problems though. The best sex is inherently quite rough, and corporations will never, ever assume the liability of this. For example, I still have bruises on my chest from when my wife bit me during our fun little romp a few nights ago. Imagine the lawsuits that would come as a result of this. Even worse, consider if the bot malfunctions and actually does more serious damage to the customer. This sucks, because for this reason I don't think sexbots will ever be commercially viable.

>> No.50213154

Just don't give the bot enough mechanical power to actually hurt.

>> No.50213307
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Then, you will not have given the bot enough mechanical power to be effective at fucking. It's a Catch-22.

>> No.50213607
File: 799 KB, 320x240, Sex-Robot-the-whitest-kids-u-know-18070670-320-240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50213707

Guys Literally Only Want One Thing And It's Fucking Disgusting

>> No.50213717
File: 431 KB, 440x246, roblo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my blowbot WILL have enough power to suck your dick clean off.
the danger makes it hotter

>> No.50213740

This is not my beautiful house

>> No.50213789
File: 2.94 MB, 402x210, DS-Female-Robot-95022606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are improving.

>> No.50214022

> no suck test

Are they even doing anything?

>> No.50214093

The best girlfriend I had was when I was unemployed and broke.

>> No.50214181

Why not spend that money on the de-thotification of women?

>> No.50214824

How was the sex?

>> No.50214974

you forgot nigger energy

>> No.50215000

people who are already winners, i.e. not you.

>> No.50215048
File: 67 KB, 600x800, 5L5pw4V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, in the current year, are you still shocked by the duplicity and shamelessness of women?

>> No.50215101
File: 1.81 MB, 720x404, 1656880334472.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine putting your dick in this thing. I guess it is still more efficient than most women at my workplace.

>> No.50215365

Why do chudcels fault women for their biological programming? Literally touch grass, faggots.

>> No.50215442

Why do women dislike when this biological programming is pointed out?

>> No.50215463

you sound very female

>> No.50215491

Because women are fucking retarded. Some taking women seriously.

>> No.50215528

still a lot of baseddittors and roasties browsing /biz. We're nowhere near the bottom.

>> No.50215534

Why do people always tell me to touch grass? I've touched grass many times now, it's not that great

>> No.50215669

She looks real unfortunate from behind.

>> No.50215733

Parsiq, but almost all of /biz/ will miss out

>> No.50217154

What these anons said. >>50209988 >>50210011
Just buy a fuck ton of crude oil and dump in on the coral reefs before you die. Fuck humanity.

>> No.50217205
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Plow horses like any respectable aristocrat.

>> No.50217489
File: 430 KB, 1500x1500, diives_xingren-vs-yumi-teaser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your goal is to have sex with horses? What's even the point of living?

>> No.50217534


>> No.50217904

Is sex your only reason to live? Fuck anon, get some friends and hobbies. Sex is just a fun thing to do when you want to blow off some steam. Anything will do, including a good toy and porn. Don't make it your life or you will always be unhappy and unfulfilled.

>> No.50218016

just come out of the closet and accept you're gay man.

>> No.50218211
File: 467 KB, 1796x1516, diives-match.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not. Personal growth and establishing a family is my top reason to live. I work a decent job, 90th percentile by US income from that alone, and have a side business that commands a large amount of my attention. I gave up on masturbation, nofap is a meme but that shit is life changing. A good toy and porn is nothing compared the feeling of a good fuck session with a trusted partner. In my case, wife.

>> No.50218509

Seems like you just have a femdom fetish, which requires a trustworthy partner to really live out.
Men need a few things to be happy which are practically nonnegotiable and none of them are sex, funny enough. You need a feeling of purpose and productivity, a secure position in a community, and at an older age (40+) you need at least one good mentee to feel that you've secured a future. All three can be fulfilled the way you did it, through classic family and community. It's not the only way though.

>> No.50218541

i'm thinking this guy doesn't make it often to the finish line

>> No.50218701

romantic comedies destroyed 4 generations of men

>> No.50218732

are you good looking

>> No.50218851

I can't help but note I've rarely seen a picture with him and a woman anywhere close.

He just doesn't want to admit he wants the twink ass doesn't he?

>> No.50218895
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I agree with a lot of what you say. Definitely not a femdom fetish but we love a sexy tussle to see who ends up on top. 4/5 times it's me. But sometimes my wife wins, or I just end up letting her win when she is stressed out. We both have a lot of pent up aggression from our high-performance jobs. Life is good because of the purpose we have, but great sex really helps.

>> No.50219017

we are not going to get sex bots like that in our life time, but honeslty im fucking jealous of all the future men who will get to have their AI bladerunner wife

>> No.50219144

I predict that in the future, the majority humans will spend their waking hours will be spent in the metaverse and literally every human experience will be available as DLC. So, the various simulated experiences of sex will become degraded to microtransactions, or perhaps offered as a SaaS (sex as a service). It still won't be good

>> No.50219148
File: 33 KB, 1024x576, Dan-Penas-In-Depth-Strategies-To-Creating-Generational-Wealth-Graphic-01-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes lad

>> No.50219365

sorry 100x isn't going to be enough


>> No.50220393

The courts won’t allow it. You’ll need to do it while alive, and call it gifts.
>Women have always been the primary victims of mining. They do the hard work of weighing the gold.

>> No.50220531

my 50 something uncle just got a girlfriend/future wife half his age the catch is that that roastie has a little female kid.
roastie worked as a fucking open market seller/cashier
lmao. so if you are willing to take used goods with a child, I think you're good to go.

>> No.50220883

Brother you're way off. You should stay away from the internet for the rest of this year

>> No.50221028

Tsuka. Dyor

>> No.50221038

Anon quit taking that stuff.
I've got some GRT too but no way it's pumping that much.

Another one for me would be AXL, next bull run could be when it spikes hard.

>> No.50221304

Kek he would have to live under a rock then

>> No.50221338

Is that even a real token?

What's happening with their DEX launch and other stuff?

>> No.50221375

Checked, heterosexually marry your male best friend.

>> No.50221578

That's hilarious. Make it scholarships for traditionally male dominated fields. "He for IT", "Engineering Supermen" or something

>> No.50221633

They rolled out a new roadmap few days back, plans for that are in place as well it's metaverse game which seem to be the major focus now.

>> No.50221693

Dude must really hate his Mom

>> No.50222020

>le women bad
I knew biz had gone to shit but goddamn.
Unironically go back to r9k

>> No.50222037

Anyone else miss making 100xs?

>> No.50222069

Very few projects are doing something new at this point so it's nice to see such commitment from the team.

>> No.50222254

boys how high do we think a single xerpie will go for? 100USD? 500? short or long term?

>> No.50222382

I intend on breeding as many cuties as possible after make it

>> No.50222508

thats a fucking based pic

whats your make it coins/make it stacks?


price prediction on this

>> No.50223946

Assorted small bags of meme/shitcoins

>> No.50224082
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>> No.50224142


>> No.50224224

Basically, this.
these are all meaningless to a woman. This is why men should not listen to a woman's opinion on ANYTHING.

>> No.50224384

This sex doll is dressed how I would expect a tranny to dress during their first attempt at sucking dick without telling them they have a dick.

>> No.50224399

There was some crypto technology/coin being shilled here months ago that would allow you to trade on exchanges without sending your crypto to the exchange

Anyone know what it was?

>> No.50224668
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>> No.50224846

why link? whats a realsitic price for this shit