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File: 33 KB, 705x154, Screenshot 2022-07-07 at 09-52-58 r_Invest_Voyager.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50215749 No.50215749 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell went wrong with this project anyway?
Can someone provide a QRD?

>> No.50215795

it's not a project, they're a broker and went bankrupt because they gave too large of a loan or something that didn't get repaid.

>> No.50215832

Honestly sick of Ari to destroy all these CeFi lenders just to make the case for DeFi. Sick.

>> No.50215875


>> No.50215903

I feel sorry for his family, and the guy that will be reincarnated as a pajeet

>> No.50215906
File: 33 KB, 357x498, pepe-apu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting all of your eggs in one basket
Why would anyone do this? Even in the safest asset, this guy is a moron

>> No.50215918

dont be like that Anon. If you are so cold to people you will have a harder time accepting the love of Christ!

>> No.50215976
File: 70 KB, 751x640, j679867878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you buy 32 Xanax instead of 32 ETH

>> No.50216134

>grown up
>still having an imaginary friend
Seek help for mental illness

>> No.50216193
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>2009 plus 13 years
>people still using centralized protocols.

>> No.50216283 [DELETED] 

Just another ponzi scheme destroyed by Alameda/SBF

>> No.50216288 [DELETED] 

>They expect someone of us in the wreckage.
Fucking kike nigger jannies banned my IP from posting images otherwise I would add the Ari looking one

>> No.50216527 [DELETED] 

I hope we all learned a valuable lesson about keeping leaving your money in anybody's possession

>> No.50216556 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50216572 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 537x616, 1500354642212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh christ

>> No.50216580 [DELETED] 

You can't overdose on Xanax.

>> No.50216598 [DELETED] 

I thought about Aris head looking over the wall but nevermind that fits better with my greentext.
> mention the kikes
> get 88

>> No.50216603 [DELETED] 

As opposed to using defi protocols that get hacked even more often with 0 reimbursement? kek

>> No.50216640 [DELETED] 

why would you whore out a sad personal story for internet poins, why are there so many soulless creatures on this planet

>> No.50216663 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 782x448, 1630670204829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

defi protocols still leave you the chance to cash out if the faggots running it are under, lunatics had a week to cash out terra usd with 20% loses instead of 100%.

Also you don't need to hold your wealth in defi protocols when you have layer 1 coins like btc or xmr

>> No.50216872 [DELETED] 

your life must really suck to feel good about that.

>> No.50216898 [DELETED] 

and then everyone clapped

>> No.50216934 [DELETED] 

Imagine having 4 kids a wife and your mother that rely on you completely and absolutely so you just kill yourself at your first major setback, sealing all of them to poverty for the rest of their lives. What a retard.

>> No.50217000 [DELETED] 

monero is really the gold standard of crypto.
very little volatility, not really for making money, but is always backed by drugs.
why would anyone fuck with a 'stable coin'.

>> No.50217104 [DELETED] 


>> No.50217229 [DELETED] 

Good. More cryptards should kill themselves

>> No.50217298 [DELETED] 


>> No.50218794 [DELETED] 

With enough of them it is possible. 32 doesn't sound like enough, but that will make it really easy to slam a bottle of whisky and pass out on the spot, which together is extremely deadly.

>> No.50218958 [DELETED] 

If everyone tells you not to ride the bicycle on a glacier and you do it anyway because someone said there’s $100k on the other side, why should anyone feel pity if you fall into a crevasse?

>> No.50218995 [DELETED] 

>can’t handle 32 xanax bars

He would never have made it anyway. That’s just the appetizer at a good club.

>> No.50219209 [DELETED] 

People this stupid shouldnt have kids. The state should come and confiscate them and put them to work making back all its gonna cost the taxpayer to support them.

>> No.50219241 [DELETED] 

> gamble life savings (fuck around)
> lose it all to secured debtors (found out)

Not a single ounce of empathy. You thought you were so clever for easy gains but never realized the risk until now

>> No.50219531 [DELETED] 

>Imagine having 4 kids a wife and your mother that rely on you completely
imagine desiring a life like this
imagine slaving away for
2 women who just leech off of you and live life on easy mode

his only mistake was not killing them first

>> No.50219665
File: 10 KB, 259x194, wallet_inspector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the hell went wrong
Pic related but with crypto.
Then reddit cried for common sense wallet regulations.

>> No.50219694

>Loses money and ability to support family
>kills himself to ensure their destitution
Guy should unironically kill himself again.

>> No.50219723
File: 378 KB, 500x594, download (36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething atheist crybaby... YOU grow the fuck up you little bitch

>> No.50219744
File: 310 KB, 392x314, atheism5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh insufferable ego

>> No.50219865

You don’t “overdose” on xanax. You choke on your own vomit and you’re too sedated to wake up and barf properly. It’s a horrible death by asphyxiation for cowards who can’t just shoot their brains out like actual men.

>> No.50219932

Greed kills

>> No.50221194

Your Punishment Must Be More Severe, Bankman

>> No.50221300

So far I have skipped all threads about voyager, Celsius, Luna etc but I'm noticing a common theme, it's white guys getting rekt, the same white guys who laughed at me and said have fun stay poor, called me a nocoiner, called me a pajeet, and generally acted like the pissy toxic subhuman fucks that white men are these days.
And now I'm supposed to give a fuck?
Fuck no.

>> No.50221328
File: 774 KB, 1692x933, reshpram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50221343

Keep posting dumb shit like this as btc goes to 6k.

>> No.50221350
File: 928 KB, 931x864, all your deposits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good goy

glad I stole 377 million from Voyager

>> No.50221367

I would normally kek at this but... If true that family is 10x fucked without their father.

>> No.50221538

that was already my plan, anon

>> No.50221666

You have to go back

>> No.50221785

The shitty thing about this is that it sounds like customers will get back something like $0.79 on the dollar from the bankruptcy according to one calculation I saw.
So anyone anheroing now thinking they lost it all is making a grave mistake it seems.
Taking a 20% haircut is really not the end of the world and should definitely be well within your risk tolerance for crypto investing...obviously.

>> No.50221800

Even if it's a 100% haircut what sort of man just leaves his kids without a breadwinner. Just get a brutal physical job and make it back, for them. Fucking hell.

>> No.50221813

yes you can lol

>> No.50221858

He at least fucked 4 times in his life, thats 4 more than you will ever get chinless fag

>> No.50221907
File: 53 KB, 700x562, aexQVnmk_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember turks and pajeets capitalizing on these to pretend they are suicidal themselves and ask for money to help, some wallets had some coin in em

less pathetic than wh*toids killing themselves over internet coins i suppose

>> No.50221955

actually theres no amount of alprazolam you can take to really kill yourself. you need to mix it with something to die.

>> No.50221963

I think their total balance sheet was like a 650 mil loss to 3AC with ~1.7 bil other assets. Assuming they're able to recover all of the rest it isn't too bad, but anyone involved in greenlighting the loans to 3AC deserves a public execution. I've seen and laughed at enough rugs on here that I don't care if I lose the money I had on Voyager, as long as Zhu and the other retards shitting up the space lose theirs as well.

>> No.50222021

>32 Xanax
What a fucking pussy

>> No.50222563

Lmao, ironic as you're the one who's still bamboozled human genome is 98.8% similar to that of a chimp, maybe more in your case.

>> No.50222609

Larp post. I dunno bros it seems to me like kys'ing is a bigger failure than telling your family you lost the money. Now they have to struggle without him and with the trauma too.

>> No.50222867

checked and heil'd

>> No.50223095

>have 6 people depending on you
>kill yourself
what a piece of shit, and waste of xanax

>> No.50223449

GLRGUFFLLL....... .. .

>> No.50223498

you can't die from 32 xanax. you have to mix it with other cns depressants like alcohol or opiates
In clinical studies in rats, the LD50 — the dose that caused half of the rats to die — ranged from 331 to 2,171 mg per kilogram of body weight. This suggests that a person would have to take several thousand times the maximum prescribed dose to fatally overdose.

>> No.50223499

Holy fuck, that actually sucks (if it's true)

>> No.50223641

...that's bait

>> No.50223755

He gambled his families money away then killed himself. I don't want to speak for Christ but that guy has some redeeming to do himself.

>> No.50223770

I am glad a redditor's friend died

>> No.50223920

He probably mixed it with alcohol.

>> No.50224266

>implying you'll get reimbursed for a CeFI bankruptcy.