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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50212119 No.50212119 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone please explain to me why there are so many bots posting negative comments against link on biz. I literally thought the whole "link suppression and fud posts" was some delusional shit by cultists. This stopped one month ago since I started seeing the same anti-link posts that were exactly word for word posted on any new link thread.

I don't know if it's suppression by whales to accumulate more bags, or just a small percentage of unemployed retards that have nothing better to do than hold resentment against the link community or their own previous loss from poor investment decisions. I'm also wondering if any of it would be driven by traders instructed from a corporate side, but I'm yet to hear of any shit like that from friends circles I'm in (wouldn't rule anything out though)

Would be interested to hear peoples perspectives on this. No bullshit or room temp IQ posts please.

>> No.50212195

It's the Jews, retard

>> No.50212241

You only noticed this a month ago? My god you are slow. This has been ongoing for years

>> No.50212301
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Dear Linkies,

The FUD works 100%, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. It's also 100% safe and effective.

With that said, linkies already missed last bullrun, they will miss the next one too since I am not planning to stop fudding any time soon. The FUD campaigns will continue relentlessly day and night until every link bagholder is financially exterminated and Chainlink completely destroyed from the face of the earth.

Yours dearly,
-The Fudlord

>> No.50212304
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>Jeet ID
It's just CeFi shorting LINK because that's the only way they can make money off it, so they spam here to try and muddy the waters and prevent any new groundswell of community support.
The last month or two has forced NEXO to come out into the open, starting with Sergey's staking post, and since then it's become very clear just how much energy "team bulgaria" expends on this website trying to keep their shorts above water.

>> No.50212315

>This stopped one month ago since I started seeing the same anti-link posts that were exactly word for word posted on any new link thread.
It has been going on for years...

>> No.50212324
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Hello ranjeet you can tell your wef trannies to stop shilling this token not needed. Nobody here will fall for it.

>> No.50212331

It's been going on for years, /biz/ is a completely useless waste of space now.

>> No.50212447

case in point: >>50212324

The intention here is victory by complete and utter boredom from seeing the exact same couple of tired phrases repeated over and over every single day for years in every single thread.

>> No.50212494

we are a legion, although I myself am independent now. I can be swayed to fud again by committee if such an offer presents itself. if you only knew or could estimate the number it would make your head spin...you have no idea.

>> No.50212503

people have been fudding link on /biz/ since its inception. when you notice a large swell of link fud it's time to buy. you'll notice shortly after that the fud is relatively quiet for a time because the trannyfarm / bot army isn't needed for the time being. fud during the lull is the unemployed retards you mentioned.

>> No.50212531
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yeah wow, just looked it up and it is indeed a lot of people.

>> No.50212535
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Who is 90 % down from ath and missed the last bull run it is entirety again? Oh right yes chainshit baggies. But they keep making threads like this for some reason and acting smug as fuck. Even doge and shibbaggies have more worth and integrity than chainshit baggies.

>> No.50212559

>unemployed retards that have nothing better to do than hold resentment against the link community or their own previous loss from poor investment decisions.
Partially, but the bigger reason is that the LINK fud discord is the only community they have, the only group that accepts them for who they are and do. It's a family to them, and they compete against each other for the recognition bestowed upon them for showing how many replies they got or how many threads they made in a day.
It's mental illness, plain and simple. And you can be damn sure someone in there is billing NEXO&co as if the trannies were his employees lmao.

>> No.50212563
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>> No.50212569

Was bitcoin fudded just as hard during the 2010s?

>> No.50212581

The exact same couple of tired phrases.

>> No.50212586

yes but unironically

>> No.50212614

Chainlink made me a ton of money. Bought at $3 sold at $42. Hope those bags are extra heavy marines. KEK

Captcha HH88SA

>> No.50212667
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>just by holding link you can make third-world cockroaches from shitholes like india and bulgaria seethe
sorry cockroach, but i literally need no other reason to hold link

>> No.50213127

Really pathetic hearing these sorts of groups exist. At the same time the fud posts within this thread reinforce the idea that these sorts of pathetic people exist in society.

I can understand if someone disagrees with chainlinks technology and posts rational counter arguments to why they don't like it. But what I don't understand is why the fuck people post childish recycled fud posts over and over. It's not even a comedic troll post, it's literally copy pasted lame material that discredits themselves as well as muddying up the waters of the thread with shit posting.

Maybe there really is a vishnu in the block chain wanting wider poo streets..(ironically I have jeet in my ID Lol).

Anyways, this just makes me more committed to buying more link, and makes me less emotionally swayed from future fud.

>> No.50213208
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A lot of them are literally just paid to be here, anon. The CeFi shorters just pay pennies to third world computer farms to post the same dumb shit over and over again. It's not about getting people to sell, it's just about keeping up such a volume of fud that any new eyes coming to /biz/ will walk away with a very unclear idea of whether LINK is any good or not, especially because LINKies barely even bother to shill any more.

>> No.50213431

If this delusional shit isn't evidence that link holders need to be contained in a general thread on this board, I don't know what is. Literally no one cares about chainlink

>> No.50213466

You care enough not even to use filters but to come into LINK threads and seethe, which seems to me like caring A LOT.

>> No.50213483

I hope things change before the next rally. We need more proactive posting on biz, reddit and twitter platforms. Otherwise the rally is only going to be dependent on private VC investors or the small chance of mainstream media catching wind to create hype. Unless government or banking systems adopt link and openly make statements praising it on large platforms.

>> No.50213510

Not on this board enough to use filters. Which is why I can assure you that literally no one else anywhere else cares about chainlink

>> No.50213543

i've given up on retail ever actually understanding what they are investing in. I've been in crypto for 6 years and people are as dumb now as they were during the ICO boom.
The thing with Chainlink was always that it didn't need retail retards to get on board, and we've now seen that they probably never will.
Staking brings real economics of constantly increasing demand with limited supply. At that point we don't have to worry about retail any more.

>> No.50213544

was for

>> No.50213558

topkek, the fucking cult and his supervillain

>> No.50213563

You're not on this board enough to know whether anyone cares about LINK or not, then.

>> No.50213594

I'm not delusional anon. I'm rational because I'm committed to the technology that I've read thoroughly, not the shill posts that are bias towards link with surface level info. That's how gamblers and the uneducated invest.

Also, its pointless for you to waste your time attacking me on being a link holder. Try to convince me through discourse with valid references showing the technological pitfalls of link and then why I should drop my link bags.

>> No.50213669

How do i get into the LINK fud discord, then? I don;t think it exists, since if it did, it would have been infiltrated here and excerpts of conversations posted. It doesn't happen. I don't think such a group exists

>> No.50213777

OP asked for perspective, so that's what I'm posting. If you guys wanted to reinforce your own weird delusions about conspiracies targeting your coin, don't ask for other people's input lol

>> No.50213802

Ironically, it started as an in-joke among link holders. Sort of an silly competition to come up with sillier, funnier fud.
Around 2019-2020 stupid ass linkies got recruited into discord groups to fud LINK for free while their handlers are pretending to be LINK whales. They all hold LINK (stacklets, mind you) and think it's going to 5 digits in a single candle when their whale friend and his gang pump it once 4chan has been shaken off or whatever.
I don't use discord. Saw images with a discord server on them in LINK threads, I assume that's how recruiting was done, never went to check because I'm not a tranny. The first big group called itself Delphy, no idea what happened to them.
There is also a literal Saturn cult on /x/, never seen it but I've head about it from anons. Could be related considering the early days of LINK schizoposting.
We sit at the top of the iceberg anon, the less we know the better.

Checked. After years of this, there's a 0 chance anyone here gives anyone saying the shit you say the benefit of doubt. Feel free to fuck off either way.

>> No.50213908

Lol I'm not trying to bait you with a "gotcha" moment as that wont be productive to this convo. I agree, you're obviously entitled to your own opinion, but I wanted to genuinely see why you strongly dislike link? I.e. the technology, link bag holder culture, or Sergey's speed of delivery on commitments etc

>> No.50213926

checked. wagmi. 1kEOY.

>> No.50213991

>muh conspiracies

>> No.50214401

> t. discord tranny running cover.

>> No.50214437

>the agenda
i hate linktards so i fud link for free

>> No.50214484
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Is the new google ceo bullish for link?

>> No.50214895

I also struggle to understand why. The one thing I do fully understand is that the people doing it are utterly tormented souls.

>> No.50214999


Solid post.

>> No.50215060

If it wasnt for fud you guys would have no activity in these threads and nothing to talk about.

>> No.50215096

fud is the reason this shitcoin is still relevant here, it's primarily the holders doing that shit

>> No.50215123

It's true, it's a symbiotic relationship.
It's like the linkies are these huge swordfish that have massive human scrotums hanging off their underside, with really big balls in them, and the fudders are clouds of tiny little fish that swim around the testicles and use them for cover, while keeping them clean in return.

>> No.50215151

either newfags or coping fudders pretending that they actually make a difference
99 percent of fud threads usually just go straight to archives while link event discussion / spoonfeeding threads get to 200+ replies every single time

>> No.50215173

It’s common knowledge that 90% of LINK OG’s came from /pol/, and are thus unironic Nazis and extremely racist. This is evident when you look at the chats whenever Chainlink presents at conferences such as consensus or smartcon. It’s always N word this, N word that.

I personally don’t want to put my money into a project like that and keep that sort of company. Moreover, I question the intelligence of people who shill LINK given their backwards and racist political views.

>> No.50215274

Ive never heard of this before if this is true then I won't support link

>> No.50215302
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Here's a pictorial representation of the relationship between linkies and fudders, for those who are more visual learners

>> No.50215309

nah from what I can tell the fudders control the price not news, not link suuporters, not AMM, but fudders they are pros

>> No.50215323


>> No.50215845
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So you buy coins based on the political opinions of the buyers? Holy shit, you will LOVE onions-coin.

>> No.50215973


Its not bots you literal retard, the rest of the board is just sick of you guys running around like fetal alcohol syndrome downies for the last 3-4 years.
Your token is not needed, sergey is a vaporware salesman and anyone dumb enough to buy what he is shilling is never going to make it.
Best you retards can hope for is 50$ link sometime FAR in the future, but you still make posts every day like

You are the most delusional, Low iq baggies on this board and people are sick of it, myself included.
Frankly, Im happy, i hope you dumbass linkies will fuck off and stop posting here

>> No.50216075


Convince me otherwise that link is shit without the same empty rhetoric.

Also to contradict your post, the below is the bot spam post that is always repeated on link threads:


>> No.50216112

It's all explained in this week's episode of The Real Housewives Of Mumbai.

>> No.50216136

>still doesn't know how to use filters

>> No.50216316

This, >>50199959 is clearly just a retard fishing for (you)s and it worked very well

As to why link is shit:
>empty promises for years, almost half a decade now
>every single "use case" or "enterprise adoption case" has turned out to be false
>So far from what I have seen, legacy finance has shown zero interest in link whatsoever
>it exsists as a token on ETH, meaning its a contract that can never ever be updatded, and is also running on arguably the worst L1 smart contract chain
>it is a WEF Kike coin if what they promise ever does even happen
>so far, every single thing I have seen link be used for (price feeds) could be done without link in a more efficient way.

But most of all:
>1 Billion total supply
>if link gets to even 100$ the market cap would be 100 Billion, almost as much as apple
>there are legitimate retards that think it will reach 1000$
I realize more of the 1000 posters are shitposting, but I think some of you actually believe it.

Its not that you guys are 100% wrong, and link can never see double digits again, but you guys act like you are some kind of savants that see the change into "the fourth industrial revolution" while most of you dont even understand on a remotely deep level how smart contracts work, let alone a blockchain.
its also that most of you are totally delusional, to the point that, even if link is a good project it scares people away because you are such spergs.

Not trying to be a dick here, but these are my observations having been here the last 5 years

>> No.50216339

god damnit, fucked that up, meant >>50215173 is fishing for yous

>> No.50216386

you can tell from the writing style / spacing habits that it's the same fudder that did
and left to come here, completely assblasted and shut down
lmfao you're a loser and you're shit at your 'job'

>> No.50216401
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>puts the $ sign after the numbers

>> No.50216448
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im litterally not though you gigantic gorilla nigger

This and this >>50216401

is a perfect example of why people are sick of you faggots, someone makes an actual point, or tries to actually discuss the shortcomings of link and all you have is:

Yes, people are payed to shill here and to fud, but I got a little secret for you, not everyone you interact with is a bot, you are basically pic related at this point.

>> No.50216507
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>> No.50216530

Why did you put the dollar sign after the number?

>> No.50216602

>i-i'm not
sure you aren't fucktard
just stick to filling the catalog with 1pbtid sergey betray threads, because these paragraphs of cope and seethe only make me delight in your impotent, third-world rage

>> No.50216660

fucking christ you are delusional

well, have fun being retarded,I said my piece (there was even some advice in there to help you shill better) but just keep on living in your fantasy world, maybe some day link will hit 1000 and you will be able to escape your moms basement and buy some meds

>> No.50216755

>t-take your meds
>y-you're a retard
yeah yeah more hot air - but it doesn't change the fact that you're still shit at your job, which is impressive because it's not that hard
what language do you speak at home btw?

>> No.50216803

But why did you put the dollar sign after the number?

>> No.50217072

He's gone. Without explaining why he writes it 1000$. I miss him so bad already, bros.

>> No.50217741


>> No.50217745

Because not everyone on this site is an amerishart.
>inb4 le bulgarian XD

>> No.50217836
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You do get people who hang out here out of resentment, canadian chinks included. The rest is paid fud to accumulate and short, nexo and the like still do this often. If i were you I'd just accumulate here, Link anywhere near $6 is absolutely ridiculous in terms of value.

>> No.50217989

I'm going to give you a genuine response, but everything you wrote for your list of why link is shit is either refuted fud (you browse here nonstop for years and you pick up a few things) or completely irrelevant when comparing link to the rest of the cryptocurrency asset class. Leads me to believe you are someone who either a) owns link and is bitter at newfags who will still have the opportunity to buy cheap, and fuds out of your own insane ego that needs to feel you were smarter than them, or b) used to own link, lost it attempting to swing/playing with leverage/using cefi or all of the above, and bitter that newfags can now accumulate more than you lost over the years.

Either way you're incredibly transparent and haven't brought anything interesting to the table, so your post clearly isn't targeted at me anyways, but at newfags browsing during a bear market. To which I'd say, they'll have to figure it out for themselves, but if they lurk enough, its plainly obvious.

>> No.50218042

token not sneeded

>> No.50218146
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Just for the benefit of newfags though

>empty promises for years, almost half a decade now
Literally the most consistent team in crypto, they rarely ever give a timetable on something, and when they do its because its ready
>every single "use case" or "enterprise adoption case" has turned out to be false
Its the exact opposite, now a lot of things have yet to be implemented yet but if you understood anything, the primary limitation is gas/scaling issues, which is outside of the control of chainlink, and the entire reason arbitrum was pushed so heavily.
>So far from what I have seen, legacy finance has shown zero interest in link whatsoever
First of all, compared to the entire crypto asset class this isn't a link only thing. Second, citi bank has already published a report that predicted link could be valued higher than bitcoin in the future, while bank of america put out a report that link was the primary cause for the boom in defi. So this statement is at best misleading, if not outright lying.
>>it exsists as a token on ETH, meaning its a contract that can never ever be updatded, and is also running on arguably the worst L1 smart contract chain
It is blockchain agnostic
>it is a WEF Kike coin if what they promise ever does even happen
"muh /pol/ talking points" I hate niggers and jews but if you let that shit influence your investment decisions you'll die a poor loser.
>so far, every single thing I have seen link be used for (price feeds) could be done without link in a more efficient way.
Except when others have tried it blew up in their face (hi maker) and they ended up having to use link.

Honestly this fud is so piss poor you have to be shitposting, this is bottom of the barrel type shit that effort posters would have been on like flies on shit back in 2019, its just now there's enough newfags that you can get away with posting this and only get the surface level "what language do you speak at home" responses.

>> No.50218239

Why would you want to spoonfeed commie redditors you dumb nigger? Shut the fuck up and kill yourself. Imagine effort posting for ”people” who hate you and have turned this board into complete shit.

>> No.50218293


insert "4chan buzz words" then 1k blah blah.

Newfags disgust me.

>> No.50218330

Racist cunts also disgust me kys ASAP.

>> No.50218613

Dollars always go before the number. Euros go after. That doesn't change.