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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50213451 No.50213451 [Reply] [Original]

>apply for a new job
>my current job is WFH
>stacy at new company says that their policy is hybrid WFH and I must show up twice a week
>imediatly shut my face and thank her for the interview

Fuck that, Im not going back to office waging, even if it means earning less money

>> No.50213667

you have upheld the resistance, comrade

together we can do this, brother

>> No.50213688

Should try killing yourself it's wildly good income.

>> No.50213691

holy... BASED

>> No.50213710

>t. Larry Noseberg's 'Goodest Goy of the Year'

>> No.50213719

a friend of mine was WFH with a 3K per month job
he accepted a RTO job earning 2K5 because he couldn't stand WFH anymore
I blocked him on Whatsapp

>> No.50213722

how is this good for bitcoin

>> No.50213761


>> No.50213799

good move. You shouldnt associate with such unhinged and deranged people

>> No.50213871

What an absolute maniac

>> No.50213889

he is also a massive incel and blames "millenials" for not wanting to go out (with him) anymore

work is the only way for him to have a social life

>> No.50213946

coworkers are not your friends. it's like calling a stripper your new girlfriend. They are all there for the money like you are.

>> No.50214032

I know, I always cancel the "team building" events personnally

>> No.50214086

In the end it's, it's more money anyway. The savings from not commuting (both from transit costs and health) make up for it if you're not getting insanely lowballed on the wfh dealie.

>> No.50214104
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Been WFH for a year and I'm pretty unhappy with it. Maybe because I'm very early in my career, but I feel like I'm getting fucked over from a development/growth standpoint. Sitting alone for 9 hours every day also gets old, and I'm a little envious of my friends who can actually develop relationships with their co-workers and do shit with them outside of work. I've always considered myself to be pretty introverted but I don't understand how /biz/ is full of people who absolutely abhor the thought of working in an office.

>> No.50214165
File: 32 KB, 612x406, istockphoto-1170679242-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working 9 hours per day

do mutts really?

>> No.50214172

>I feel like I'm getting fucked over from a development/growth standpoint.
Getting pigeonholed and needing to job-hop to secure promotions was the norm long before the coof.

>> No.50214214

>only 9 hours per day
those are rookie numbers

>> No.50214234

There are literally dozens of meetups every month for pretty much all industries, both in-person and online. Even if it's as simple as joining a Slack and DMing people you find interesting, listening in on livestreams (Twitter Spaces, Instagram Live, w/e). Find people nearby and meet up.

Offices are nice in that you have built-in buddies, but without them you're also not forced to spend time with people you dislike. Go out and find people you like.

>> No.50214247
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unironically meme coins saved me from wagging. this one pumps pretty good every few weeks or so. i dont know what kind of money laundering scheme is going on behind the scenes but yeah, im pretty happy with it.

also into shib and shit like that. swinging DOG coins exclusively is a pretty solid way of avoiding irl werking. that's me at least maybe im gifted.

>> No.50214269

mutts are slaves

>> No.50214268
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I guess it's more like 8, but I usually will do work during my "lunch" and just opt to space my hour break out with multiple cigarettes. That's a bad habit I've picked up to cope with this shit as well.

>> No.50214273

What's so bad with physical wagging its fun and you can socialize and touch grass a bit

stop being hyperbolic only poor people in shitt positions work 9 hours a day

>> No.50214315

I don't mean career development, I mean actually learning the nature of the business/role. When you have a ton of people on different timezones, it can be hard to get feedback/advice in a timely fashion.

>> No.50214391

Getting silo'd in your pigeonhole and not really knowing about the whole business at all was also the norm. Your employer just sucks, my man.

>> No.50214536

>>>50213688 (You)
>Samefag bumps his terrible inorganic thread

>> No.50214758

The trick is you can work for a few hours and do what you want for the rest. Study for the remaining 4 if you want to grow

>> No.50216795

The IRS gets the rope

>> No.50216911

Bro, you can go out more working from home. I slack off so much. If you aren't working sub-8 from home what are you doing?
I do feel the networking aspect alittle. Thats why I think Im going to try and join some chamber/business orgs in my city to network a bit more
Same. I will never go into an office again unless the pay is that good and/or the work that light

>> No.50217692
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> your current job is WFH
> rachel from accounting realizes that she can pay pajeets and europoors 10x less to do the same job
> job outsourced overseas
> now you don't have a job

>> No.50217840

>pajeets run the company into the ground over a couple of years
>Rachel doesn't have a job

>> No.50217841

>Get a job at another company that just gave up on outsourcing because nothing was being done right
Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.50218064

Respectable move my fren

>> No.50218387

This. (((WFH))) is just ushering in the great replacement of knowledge workers.

>> No.50219126

>apply for new job
>roastie interviewer
>close app