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50211061 No.50211061 [Reply] [Original]

There must be more to life than this

>> No.50211079
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>> No.50211088

there is a large world out side of the cage fren

>> No.50211108

There isn't, not anymore, you are slave to a machine, tha doesn't even know you exist.

>> No.50211111
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>> No.50211120

maybe try some drugs?

>> No.50211135

Based. Fpbp. Do it for her, anon

>> No.50211139


>> No.50211142

Is there though? I tried travelling, but it doesn't feel real. Just an escapist hobby, like more expensive alternative to video games

>> No.50211172

Did you travel to Thailand? More specifically Phuket and Pattaya?

>> No.50211180

there must be more. sometimes i dont think so. maybe im right. maybe theres no such thing as brighter side...

>> No.50211240
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Pleasures of the body, pleasures of the mind. In the end, all is pointless. We all sink into oblivion in the end. Forgotten or remembered it matters not. Why bother? Why suffer? Why sink to hedonism? God is the only answer.

>> No.50211246
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>Quit job to NEET it up (Am 7 fig)
>Was supposed to do something productive with my time
>Schedule is sleep as long as I want
>Lift (Go hiking on rest days)
>Never felt better mentally
I don't even desire anything anymore, I'm a bubble boy.

>> No.50211277

I'm in low cost of living area in burgerland. could hit 7 fig soon. did your stack start with a 1 or 2 when you backed out to NEET? feel like I need a 2 or 3

>> No.50211301

Spiritual enlightenment is quite the fun journey

>> No.50211326

1.x, you just need 100-300k to live off until next bull cycle and we'll both hit much higher.

>> No.50211348

not wasted, based quote for based digits. poetic.

>> No.50211370

How can I find God as an atheist?

>> No.50211438

god doesn't exist, you've already got it right as an atheist

>> No.50211485

Life is what you make of it, faggot

>> No.50211489

have a near death experience.

>> No.50211498

do you plan to go back to workforce?
low 7 figs is plenty if you handle your money well. Even better if you free yourself to find other ways to make a bit of money, then you never need to touch your principle.

>> No.50211524

Start surfing

>> No.50211527

With that mindset literally everything you fun you do becomes a form of escapism

>> No.50211528

I was just miserable and mentally unwell as a wagie, so no.

>> No.50211562

There is. Trust God's plan.

>> No.50211570

based hope to get there sooner than later.

>> No.50211594

Strap yourself to a bed and do a copious amount of DMT or acid

>> No.50211675

doing shrooms as a young lad didn’t make me believe in god, but i began to understand why a lot of people do

>> No.50212001

You can't. God is the truth and you won't find the truth whilst blinded by your belief in atheism.

>> No.50213013

Meditation, mindfulness, and being in the present moment is similar to believing in/praying to God.

>> No.50213090
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>unironically still trying to make it with stupid fucking memecoins
>still get excited for shit like pic rel
there must be more but i dont know what it is or how to get it, fellas.

>> No.50213107

May god have mercy on your soul.

>> No.50213113

You don't, you are too intelligent for the sky daddy scam

>> No.50215602

there isn't really. you can try hobbies, traveling, politics, religion, philosophy, drugs, consooming, socializing, whatever, you'll eventually realize you were better off just working.

>> No.50216347

I do the same thing with 6 :)

>> No.50216378

It's too late

>> No.50216485
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It's over bros. We will never live a meaningful life with loving relationships and meaningful experiences.

>> No.50216977

>With that mindset literally everything you fun you do becomes a form of escapism
That's actually exactly right anon. The wage cage is inevitable, constant, endless. Anything you do to briefly escape it is just that - escapism. Because you will come back. You will work until the day you die. Your will be described as a 'good worker', and your coworkers will miss you.

>> No.50217005

life is what you make it anon

>> No.50217068

Not if you need money. Then your life is wageslavery. Simple as. There is no escape for anyone.

>> No.50217097


>> No.50217941 [DELETED] 

Yes, there is

It's true
What's the difference between traveling (read: pretending to be rich) to a beautiful or exotic place and playing a video game for a beautiful or exotic experience?
Nothing fundamentally
That's because the human was not meant to explore the infinite permutations of aesthetics

Humans were meant to work a certain amount, running and doing hard exercise or otherwise doing work which directly and obviously benefited their situation -not which is abstracted or where gratification is drawn out far beyond their attention span- and hanging out with friends and family the whole time
In the middle ages friends were held in such high regard and were together with such frequency they wouldn't even believe our situation today

This is something we could still have if we choose these things instead of cheap plastic crap

This is the fundamental divide between people today, it's not right and left, it's accelerationism vs reaction
Between those who want to get into the VR pod and never get out, and those who choose dignity

I really want to build the Citadel with you guys but everyone's too comfortable with their doordashed McDonald's and makework jobs or thinking everyone's a fed that they don't want to come together and do it
I'm hopeful some of us will though

>> No.50219429 [DELETED] 
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>live is boring and meaningless
the absolute state of goyim

>> No.50219453 [DELETED] 

All is vanity. What have all of mans labors profited him?

>> No.50219509 [DELETED] 

Once you make it and leave the slave class you'll see what life can actually be like

>> No.50219776

>you'll eventually realize you were better off just working
yeah sure

>> No.50219867

I can't believe my life is just working 8 hours a day and spending the rest of the day trying to cope with the fact that I will have to work AGAIN tomorrow
this sucks so much, nothing to look forward to

>> No.50219907

bear market getting you down eh?

>> No.50220083

What does he mean by this

>> No.50220118

He that seeketh findeth. Pray and tell him you want to believe in him.

>> No.50220172

On my lunch breaks I video chat with my GF and look at houses near my work we can't afford.

>> No.50220473

sleeping as much as u want is the key to happiness. OP u can also try love with a femoid but it never last

>> No.50220544


>> No.50220558

I do this everyday. I live in the shit hole that is west texas. So i look at houses away from here that I will never be able to afford in locations I will never be able to move to while occasionally glancing out my window at my horrid surroundings. It gives me anxiety desu

>> No.50220684

This anon is right

>> No.50220720
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This nigga knows whats good.

Debt max in your country, scrape every dollar you can and buy a condo in Thailand OP.

>$100,000 - $150,000
>Can retire and live like an absolute king. Get into drop shipping and work remotely without paying taxes.


Just an example, but there are so many available.

>> No.50220994

>just abandon your family and friends, learn a new language and get used to a completely different culture bro

>> No.50221076
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the rope looking mighty appealing lately

>> No.50221299

Anon getting shot and getting diabetes isn't a culture

>> No.50221448

Consider existence. Like a word pronounced too often if becomes more and more bizarre.

>> No.50221529

Pretty sure it's not easy to buy property in Thailand unless you marry a Thai buglady

>> No.50222545


That's land , you still can buy a house and condo

>> No.50222904

......There's gotta be more to everything I thought exists

>> No.50223100

This was the case even in the bull market. Most people cannot make it or else the world collapses due to a lack of wagies. You and I are those people. Our lives will be nothing for the sake of our countries.

>> No.50223129

Love ya, scruffy

>> No.50223362

Family and friends are the best parts of life. Choosing your own goals and seeing if you are smart enough and disciplined enough to achieve them helps your self esteem. Work that is creative can give you dopamine hits compared to work that is routine and dull. Religion is a scam to scare people into giving churches money. Find your own spiritualism. Find your own purpose.

>> No.50223541

i hate weebs so much its un-fucking-real

>> No.50223598

Are you just spouting socialist values?

>> No.50223635

i'm deeply convinced that anyone who still has any form of hope is either actively delusional or simply hasn't yet tasted enough shit to know how fucked shit is and how truly limited the human experience is altogether

>> No.50223670

That listing seems to be for some sort of bizarre timeshare or something. You're buying rights to use that cottage like 4 weeks of the year it seems.

>> No.50224103

Its gonna be worse off if your wallet gets fucking hacked, I dont just focus on on making it in the bull cycle but safeguarding my bag by connecting to a privacy platform till that time so I dont get burned in the bull season

>> No.50224240

Do 5-meo-dmt.

>> No.50224260

>You will work until the day you die. Your will be described as a 'good worker', and your coworkers will miss you.
many such cases

>> No.50224988

This might seem like a joke to most, but the truth is that plenty of atheists had a change of mind after having a chemically induced spiritual experience. There are other-worldly things you just can't see while sober.
>Debt max in your country, scrape every dollar you can and buy a condo in Thailand
I am actually planning on trying the digital nomad lifestyle later this year but I was planning on going to Bali instead. Should I change to some place in Thailand instead?
Better to do it temporarily, or live that lifestyle until your investments really take off and you can afford to buy a nice house back where you came from.

>> No.50225045

go back

>> No.50225131

Most of the world doesn't even have fucking electricity or running water, and you're mad that you can only take 2 or 3 vacations PER YEAR kys

>> No.50225176

I enjoy being an office wage slave.

It sure as fuck beats the industrial bakery, spice factory, the amazon warehouse minimum wage shift I used to endure in my teens and early 20's

>> No.50225188

I feel sorry for people that don’t have a career they love. I have thoroughly enjoyed mine and will continue to do so.

>> No.50225241

Embrace discord. Stop trying to ascribe meaning to reality and thinking you are capable of controlling it. God is a cope, science too is a sophisticated cope. Things just are

>> No.50225980
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>> No.50227966

this. its over

>> No.50228051

those are memes that put the individual as the ultimate being, which leads to selfish thought. live for something higher, bro. you're better than that. meditation can be good for developing discipline, but it is not that similar as belief in God and getting your meaning from something better than you.

>> No.50228097

>Things just are

>> No.50228110

Nope, fuck sleep eat shit die.

>> No.50228229
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Anons you can leave this world any day. Live your best life and if your life is shit and controlled by economical social circumstances do anything and everything to make it. Or at least get half way there to live a decent life.

>> No.50228370
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>There must be more to life than this

First Anon: Responds with a post of a picture of a cartoon sexualized prepubecent

>> No.50228401
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>> No.50228463

Actually yes, this exactly

>> No.50228514
File: 302 KB, 220x220, 1653532116189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK the absolute state of /biz/ in 2022

>> No.50228523

Look at your thumb and now create it with a random number generator
(pro tip: the mere existence of a random number generator is infinitely more complex than what entropy would allow)

>> No.50228546

You don't have to actually believe in God... just believe in God.

>> No.50228574

Everything you do in life is either goal achieving or stress relieving. Examine how you spend your life now and determine how you want to spend it in the future.

>> No.50228652

Ive found meaning in making a positive impact on other people. People who you believe you may never see you again to one day see years later and they tell you what impact you had on them. Thats what I saw happen with my dad(former probation officer) and thats what happened with me a few times with some former students. You dont need to have a giant funeral, just make sure after youre long gone someone might think about what youve done for them to help them out in the past, even if its small, to get them to where they are or if youve given them an unforgettable experience that theyll treasure.
The best part about this is that its absolutely free.