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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50205266 No.50205266 [Reply] [Original]

So what happens when normies realize the power of NEETdom and 'being alone'.

>> No.50205351

How alone do you have to be? Like don't see anyone for months at a time?

>> No.50205400

They have all been married, I think. Two have children, I think.

>> No.50205447

Be a rich Jew!

>> No.50205617

All of them have
A) a shit ton of money to start off
B) connections from their parents
C) more free time to do whatever, since their well off
Most of you poor fags trade your time for money, cause ultimately you have no other option other than to work or die. These guys don't have to worry about that, as they have all their basic needs met and can fully devote themselves to a craft. Also these pseudo Jews have fucked over so many people.
Berg, stole Facebook
Jeff, cutthroat ceo and exploits people
Elon, stole PayPal, stole Tesla .
If you guys arent getting the picture. financial might makes right.

>> No.50206265

You can't just be alone. You have to be around intelligent people to bounce ideas off of and then spend some time on your own teasing out the details. You'll never be as successful as them because A you're not smart enough B everyone you know is probably dumber than you C you need to separate the place you work from the place you play and you clearly can't do that since you live in your mother's basement.

>> No.50206314

Pretty sure bezos wife was there from the beginning, hence the large payout

>> No.50206324

Is Elon smoking a joint?

>> No.50206348

You think?

>> No.50206372

These guys were never lonely, socially inept losers. They were extremely smart and had good connections. Stop trying to make yourself feel better about being an autistic NEET.

>> No.50206374

the bezos stuff just seems like cope. he actually built the company. the others yeah.

>> No.50206554

bezos was already married when he came up with the online book selling idea

>> No.50206605

musk was a real cutie

>> No.50206616

Is this satire or meant to be taken seriously?

I mean... of course the best businesses are created in absolute isolation, right? Just be your own customer, c it's easy.

>> No.50206702
File: 72 KB, 394x458, 1645157726808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeffie boy is a hedgie and he has connections in wallstreet help him that help him run down buy out competition for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.50206714


>> No.50207015
File: 616 KB, 1284x1187, D78AED2E-4F08-480A-B385-D87691EA396A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called autism

>> No.50207026

which book is Bezos holding?

>> No.50207110
File: 203 KB, 950x950, 41342143241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isolate yourself goyim

>> No.50207998

Bezos was married when he founded Amazon though.

>> No.50208016

Abandon morals

Steal, lie, cheat to win

>> No.50208593

this is mostly true if your basic needs are met ie your rich mummy and daddy parents earn enough to support your existence then it gives these guys plenty of time to come up with whatever ideas they can create. now if everyone has a UBI and not have to work imagine what people could come up with

>> No.50208606

>Guys with rich parents.

>> No.50208615

>other than to work or die.
You can live out in the woods, it's hard to do but it's doable.

>> No.50208625

>A you're not smart enough
You're supposed to type A) as a bulletin point.

>> No.50208632
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>> No.50209076

I miss him

>> No.50209392
File: 141 KB, 803x688, pepe_meme'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now if everyone has a UBI and not have to work imagine what people could come up with
hehehe, haaa hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.50211053

All 3 had wives (or girlfriend) at the time of their startup periods for their companies, and went out regularly.
Whoever made this picture, has literally no idea what they're talking about.
And I mean that in the most literal sense possible.