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5020278 No.5020278 [Reply] [Original]

>falling in love with qt at work

It just keeps happening

>what do

>> No.5020291

kill her

>> No.5020296


>> No.5020305
File: 27 KB, 402x402, 1511346003999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use a service on the dark web to kidnap her /s

>> No.5020309

dont listen to these faggots who don't make money

ask her out

>> No.5020320

do what I did: quit and trade crypto full time

Work qties are just a tease man. It's an artificial environment. As soon as she leaves you don't exist. It is a great opportunity to get comfortable around girls out of your league though.

>> No.5020322

Realize that she has had multiple Chads creampie her and has swallowed his loads as well.

>> No.5020324

Suffer the fate of the most people on this site.

Internalize or be taken advantage of.

>> No.5020327

Marry her with no prenup. It's true love!

>> No.5020342

talk to her and build a relationship.
dont act retarded

>> No.5020354

post this shit on r9k. sage hide report

>> No.5020362
File: 34 KB, 1235x617, Qt_logostrap_CMYK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cross platform application framework.

who would not?

>> No.5020377

holy shit

>> No.5020386
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Panic sell

>> No.5020389

you know where to go

>> No.5020394


>> No.5020409

Kick her in the shins or pull her hair.

>> No.5020416

Fuck man

>> No.5020422

>girl flirts with me every time we have a shift together
>I am too beta to ask her for her number
>she ends up randomly quitting


>> No.5020458

She would have cucked you anyway

>> No.5020478
File: 88 KB, 640x850, 1510342734901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become a neet
fall in love with the only women that matter

>> No.5020484

>implying I wouldnt have blown it on the first date

>> No.5020491

Never eat where you shit

>> No.5020515

tell her you invest in bitcoin on normiebase

>> No.5020524


They are all right though, to be honest with you Anon-kun.

So go up to her and tell her...
>I am attracted to you so much
>that I would like to rape and kill you,
>but I wont.
>I will settle for dinner.
>How's Friday night at 8. (Not really a question)
>Cool! See you then. (Don't let her finish saying yes)
Do yourself a favor and show up 25 mins after said time.
Makes em nervous and wet.
That maybe you stood her up.
Because you actually showed up, and your unpredictable.

Chicks dig this shit now-a-days.

Take it from me,


>> No.5020565
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i dont want to appear on some list anon

>> No.5020587

>girls gives me attention
>imagine a life together

>> No.5020737

>implying she would have deserved you in the first place